segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2013

Roasted Chicken with Sal Grosso

Roasted Chicken with Sal Grosso
1 l of whole chicken , 5 to 2.0 pounds
seasoning :
1 bay leaf , 1 sprig manjericão1 branch tomilho1 rosemary branch1 clove garlic, cored large1 tablespoon (coffee) freshly ground black pepper or spicy paprika1 teaspoon ( tsp) grated ginger1 pinch of grated nutmeg (optional )Do not put salt
Other Ingredients :
3 tablespoons oil for frying chicken2 pounds of coarse salt2 large egg whites
How to Prepare :
Clean the bird , remove the neck, curanchim and entrails , feet , discard .
Rinse the bird under running water , dry thoroughly with a paper towel .Fry the chicken without salt and without any seasoning, is (optional )Put a large pot on the fire with the oil , let it heat fry the chicken on all sides over low heat , until well colored .
Remove from heat, and let cool , rub the spices , do not put salt, then place inside the crushed garlic , and whole herbs .
Tie the chicken legs with cotton string
Pass the bird in a baking dish or platter of clay.
Separately beat the egg whites lightly , add salt , mix well with your hands until you have a firm dough , wet .
Cover the chicken with this mass, if missing , do a little more , keeping the ratio , a layer is very thick .
Place in oven preheated medium 180 º C for 1 hour and a half .Cover the dough is very stiff .
To break the cover use a small hammer .
Cut the chicken into pieces , arrange on a platter garnished with broccoli, potatoes, carrots , hearts of palm , olives , mushrooms and other vegetables of your choice .
Note :
The salt does not pass in the flesh , is only to be softer andTasty .
II - Option :
Cut the chicken in the back open so that it is a blanket .No need to fry .Place the layer of salt with the egg white .Oven preheated to 160 ° C for 2 twice.If you want you can put a whole raw chicken .A whole chicken takes another half hour to bake .

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