segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018

Brazil 26 States and 1 Territory See Lower Saxony

Brazil 26 States and 1 Territory See Lower Saxony

Brazil 26 States and one Territory Acre
AC Rio Branco

AL Maceió

AP Macapá

AM Manaus

BA Salvador

CE Fortaleza

 Federal District
DF Brasília

 Holy Spirit
ES Vitoria

GO Goiânia

Create alert

 Mato Grosso
MT Cuiabá

 Mato Grosso do Sul
MS Campo Grande

 Minas Gerais
MG Belo Horizonte

PA Belém

PB João Pessoa

PR Curitiba

PE Recife

PI Teresina

 Rio de Janeiro
RJ Rio de Janeiro

 large northern river
RN Natal

 Rio Grande do Sul
RS Porto Alegre


RR Boa Vista

 Santa Catarina
SC Florianópolis

 Sao Paulo
SP São Paulo

SE Aracaju

I'm going to Palmas

Learn more about the Brazilian states
Above we provide a table with information about the states and capitals of Brazil, the acronym of each state, its capital, which region it belongs to and a thumbnail of its flag. For more information about just click on the links in the table. How many states does Brazil have? Brazil is a federation composed of 26 states, one Federal District (containing the capital of the country: Brasilia) and municipalities. The states have autonomous administrations, collect their own taxes and receive a portion of the taxes collected by the Federal government. They have a governor and a legislative body elected directly by the population. The states and the Federal District can be grouped into regions: North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South. Brazilian regions are merely geographic and not political or administrative divisions. Although defined by law, the Brazilian regions are useful, mainly for statistical purposes, and also to define the application of federal resources in development projects. Check out the States and Capitals page on Google+, Twitter and Facebook;

sábado, 19 de maio de 2018

Sagu With Cow Milk And Cococ + Diet And Sweet

Sagu With Cow Milk And Cococ + Diet And Sweet


Half a pound of white sago, the colored
1 liters of cold water to soak for 6 hours, or as needed

Other Ingredients:
1 liter whole cow's milk cow
1 glass of coconut milk 200 ml
2 cinnamon sticks, break to stay in smaller pieces
1 tablespoon of clove of India
4 tablespoons of powdered sweetener suitable for oven and cooker
2 star anise (optional)

Moo to prepare:
Place the sago in a sieve to wash under running water. Transfer to a bowl. cover with plenty of water, leave to stand for 6 hours, that is until growing and doubling of volume,
"If you let it soak for an hour, it does not grow right, it's just a bough smash."
Do not drain the water from the sago (it's the gelatinous part).
Put the sago in the water of the remaining sauce, the cow's milk, the coconut milk, the sweetener, the cinnamon, the clove, the anise and the sweetener, mix well ..
To the fire stirring always until the balls become transparent.
Let it cool down a bit and pour into bowls, or pudding way.
Bring the refrigerator to cool.
The sago can eat hot, cold or cold.
Before serving, remove the spices;
If you want you can sprinkle cinnamon powder.
II Option:
Make the same as the previous recipe, exchanging the sweetener for sugar or condensed milk.

The origin of the sago is cassava.
Strips of dehydrated orange.

quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2018

Ravioli with Tomato Sauce and Vegetable Grilled

Ravioli with Tomato Sauce and Vegetable Grilled

½ pound fresh Ravioli stuffed with cheese

1 liter of homemade tomato sauce, or 1 kilo of very ripe tomatoes without skins and seeds
Other Ingredients:
1 carrot cut into small cubes
2 celery stalks without leaves cut into thin slices
1 garlic, only white part chopped into thin slices
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup (tea) parsley with the chopped stem put after the sauce ready.
½ cup (tea) corn oil
10 chopped purple olives put to boil along with the tomatoes.
1 sprig of cinnamon stick
2 bay leaves or
½ teaspoon of ground bay leaf.
1 plate of shimeji sautéed with butter and onion sauté the part
Place the shimeji mushroom in the dish over the tomato sauce of the ravioli.
1 tablespoon (grated) or grated ginger
1 tablespoon of sugar.
1 tablespoon oregano (put after the sauce is ready
Way of preparing:
Put a large pan on the fire with oil, onion, garlic, pork, celery and ginger sugar carrots, saute well, add the chopped tomatoes leave on the fire until they shrivel, or use the homemade ready sauce.
If you want to use industrialized sauce put 3 cans of water to dilute the sauce, leave on the fire until reduce by half.
Make this procedure separate, then add the pan of the vegetables.
Leave on the fire until all the ingredients are cooked and the sauce thick.
Fifteen minutes before finishing, add the cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
After you have it, add the parsley and the oregano.
Rub the oregano in your hands to release the aroma.
When the sauce is in the middle of the cooking, place the ravioli to cook with 5 liters of water and a strand of oil, after cooked, pass to the dishes.
Serving Mode:
Above the tomato sauce add the shimeji. Sauteed in butter ..
Accompany vegetable salad and others.
Follows Brajolas with Italian filling follows in the next publication

If someone in your family has high blood pressure, exclude ginger.
The stem of the parsley is rich in iron and vitamins more than the leaves.
To get the acidity out of the sauce some people use 1 teaspoon and baking soda

Brazilian Fruit Dessert

Italian Fashion Stuffed Brajoles + Photos

Italian Fashion Stuffed Brajoles + Photos

See Boss Tips and Secrets

1 kilo soft slice cut into two thin steaks, or one
cut, then open in the middle without separating the parts
ask the butcher to do this.
You can use the meat skirt or goldfish, open like a blanket.


2% by weight of the meat of salt, or to taste, or
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon of pepper sauce or
½ fingered seedless pepper and without the white ribs finely chopped
4 tablespoons corn oil


100 grs. dark raisins, seedless
1 tablespoon whole capers
1 cup of grated onion
1 cup chopped parsley, or whatever it takes
1 cup chopped green olives
4 to 6 boiled eggs cut into slices or place the whole boiled egg
I - Sauce:

2 kg of tomatoes without seed skins
1 kilo grated onion (it's a kilo even)
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger (optional)
1 tablespoon of sugar or a medium carrot, Some people use 1 teaspoon of baking soda instead of sugar or carrot
4 whole bundles of parsley
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 pinch of cumin
½ fingered unpeeled finger pepper, or pepper sauce
1 piece of cinnamon stick

II - Sauce:

1 liter of homemade tomato sauce or
2 cans of ready concentrated sauce, dilute with 6 cans of water, use the measure of the sauce can.
If using sauce just leave on the fire until reduce to one liter.

Meat Tempering Mode:

Season the meat with salt, garlic, pepper
Leave the meat seasoned for 4 to 6 hours, inside the refrigerator.

 Open the blanket on the meat board and distribute the filling.

The filling is placed as follows;

A layer of chopped parsley, over the onion the olives the capers and the eggs cooked and cut into slices or whole.

The raisins are placed between the slices of the eggs, so that it is tucked in the middle of the gems.

Wrap the meat, tie it with a tight cotton string, so as not to lose its shape, or sew with a thick line of cotton.

Place the two brajolas in a large saucepan, fry on all sides, until golden brown, cook in a standard saucepan.

Then add the tomato sauce already prepared, see below.
Leave on the fire until the meat is cooked and the sauce very thick.

How to prepare the sauce:

Fry the onion, add the ready-made homemade tomato sauce and the rest of the ingredients.
Bring to a thick sauce.

See explanation of sauce below.

Place the cooking dish (s) to cook in the sauce, after frying on all sides.

Important Note:
* You can not cook the braids in the pressure cooker, which changes the taste of the meat.

Drip water little by little until cooking, the meat gets tastier.
Take the parsley and bay leaf before serving.

Remove the string by cutting with kitchen scissors. Bring to the freezer to be firm and cut without undoing and loosen the filling.

Transfer to a refractory, lined with tomato sauce, take to the oven already heated until it gets very hot.
Part make the salad with lettuce leaves, and cherry tomatoes and raw carrots grated in the thicker drain, or in the apperance proper for thin strands. .
Tomatoes and carrots are placed over lettuce leaves.
Garnish over the meat with whole mint leaves.

Cut the meat with electric knife, in slices of 2 centimeters, never cut too thin, which crushed.

Serve with ravioli or with vegetable pie and green salad

You can serve the brajola with mashed potatoes, or mandioquinha, or peas, or yams.

How to prepare the Tomato Sauce:

Thoroughly wash the tomatoes cut into four, beat the blender with a little water, until thoroughly crushed, then strain into a fine, well-covered plastic sieve,

Fry the onion until wilted Add tomato juice with 3 quarts of cold water, bring to medium heat for about 4 to 6 hours, gradually add hot water until thick and dark.
True Ialiano sauce takes at least 5 hours to cook


For homemade sauce and industrialized sauce.

The remaining tomato sauce Freeze in small pots with screw cap with a little oil on top.
Chef Tips:

Do not leave in the refrigerator any tomato sauce that is dangerous, it creates a deadly bacterium.
Always keep in the freezer until use.

Do not use industrialized tomato sauce. when it is black around or the swollen can. Discard.

 Brazilian Fruit Dessert

Rolinho  de Carne Individual – II Recheios + Fotos


1 quilo de patinho ou alcatra cortado em bifes finos


2% do peso da carne de sal,  aproximadamente 1 colher de (sopa rasa)
4 colheres de (sopa)  de óleo
4 dentes de alho (se for velho) sem o miolo  amassado
½ pimenta dedo de moça sem sementes picada ou
1 colher de molho de pimenta

Recheio  I:

2 cenouras médias cortadas em tiras finas  de quatro centímetro
2 pimentões cortado em tiras grossas
200 grs. de azeitonas  sem os caroços picada  
100 grs. de bacon picado em cubos  cru
300 grs. de lingüiça de porco cozida
2 cebolas grandes cortadas em rodelas ou picadinha

Recheio II

Para cada Rolinho

1 tira de cenoura
2 tiras de pimentão vermelho,
1 fatia de manga
1 ameixa preta sem o caroço 
1 tira de bacon (opcional) 

Molho de Tomate:

500 grs. de tomate maduro, sem peles sem  sementes
300 grs. de cebola ralada, ou picada
4 colheres de (sopa) de  óleo
2 colheres de (sopa) de orégano,
2 tabletes de caldo de carne
10 azeitonas verdes ou roxas colocar para cozinhar junto com o molho de tomate 9serve para dar sabor diferente)
1 ou 2 pimentões vermelho cortado em tiras ou picado
O orégano é para ser  colocado no final do cozimento

Outros Ingredientes:

100 grs. de queijo parmesão ralado (opcional)

Modo de Preparar:

Cortar a carne  em bifes  médios, temperar, deixar  em repouso pôr meia hora.
Depois coloque  o recheio I  em cada rolinho.
Uma tira de cenoura, um pedaço de lingüiça cozida sem a pele, uma azeitona  recheada , um pedaço de cebola e um cubinho de bacon cru
Enrole e prenda com palitos ou amarre com barbante de algodão.
O Segundo recheio faça do mesmo modo do anterior.

Modo de Preparar o Molho:

Faça o molho refogando no óleo, a cebola  os tomates sem peles sem sementes e as azeitonas , deixar cozinhar pingando água aos poucos e devagar  pôr duas horas, se precisar aumente a água quente. Reserve.

Modo de Cozinhar os Rolinhos:

I Opção:

Cozinhar  os roles na panela de pressão com meia  xícara de chá de água com  um tablete de caldo de carne, pôr 15’ minutos em fogo baixo, ou cozine os rolinhos com o molho de tomate

Para terminas coloque os roles no molho pronto de tomate,  deixar cozinhar pôr uns cinco minutos ou até ficar macio, por último junte   o orégano.

Antes de Servir, polvilhar  queijo ralado pôr cima


 Macarrão curto ( parafuso)  em alho e óleo.

Salada de folhas verdes, agrião, rúcula, almeirão, alface americana e outras.


II – Opção:

Se quiser frite os rolinhos  de todos os lados depois coloque para cozinhar no molho de tomate em panela comum.
Deixar no fogo até que fiquem bem cozidos, se precisar vá colocando água quente aos poucos e devagar, até que eles fiquem cozidos,

Sobremesa Frutas Brasilçeiras

Individual Meat Roll - II Fillings + Photos

Individual Meat Roll - II Fillings + Photos


1 pound duck or rump cut into thin steaks


2% of the weight of the meat of salt, approximately 1 spoon of (shallow soup)
4 tablespoons of oil
4 cloves garlic (if it is old) without crumbly crumb
½ fingered pepper of seeded minced or
1 tablespoon pepper sauce

Filling I:

2 medium carrots cut into thin strips of four centimeters
2 bell peppers cut into thick strips
200 grs. of olives without the pitted stones
100 grs. chopped bacon in raw cubes
300 grs. of cooked pork sausage
2 large onions, cut into slices or chopped

Recheio II

For each Rolinho

1 strip of carrot
2 strips of red pepper,
1 slice of mango
1 black plum without the core
1 strip of bacon (optional)

Tomato Sauce:

500 grs. ripe tomatoes, without seed skins
300 grs. of grated onion, or chopped
4 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons oregano,
2 tablespoons beef broth
10 green or purple olives put to cook along with 9serve tomato sauce to give different taste)
1 or 2 red peppers cut into strips or chopped
Oregano is to be placed at the end of cooking

Other Ingredients:

100 grs. of grated parmesan cheese (optional)

Way of preparing:

Cut the meat into medium steaks, season it, let it rest for half an hour.
Then place the filling I on each roll.
A strip of carrot, a piece of sausage cooked without the skin, a stuffed olive, a piece of onion and a cube of raw bacon
Wrap and fasten with sticks or tie with cotton string.
The second filling does the same as the previous one.

How to prepare the sauce:

Make the sauce by braising the oil, the onion the tomatoes without seedless skins and the olives, let it cook dripping water slowly and put in two hours if you need to increase the hot water. Reserve.

How to Cook the Rolls:

I Option:

Cook the rolls in the pressure cooker with half a cup of water with a tablet of beef broth, put 15 minutes over low heat, or cook the rolls with the tomato sauce

To finish put the rolls in the sauce ready of tomato, to let cook for about five minutes or until soft, finally add the oregano.

Before serving, sprinkle grated cheese on top


 Short (bolt) pasta in garlic and oil.

Salad of green leaves, watercress, arugula, almeirão, lettuce and others.


II - Option:

If you want to fry the rolls on all sides then place to cook in the tomato sauce in ordinary saucepan.
Leave on the fire until well cooked, if necessary go putting hot water slowly and slowly, until they are cooked,

Brazilian Fruit Dessert

sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2018

Today's Lunch: Chicken and Other + Photo of many salads

Today's Lunch: Chicken and Other + Photo of many salads

Grilled Chicken With Salad + Dessert

6 chicken fillets not too thin
Salt, pepper to taste
Oregano (optional)
1 tablespoon of corn oil to grease the steaks.
Way of preparing:
Season the chicken fillets with salt, pepper and oregano, leave to rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Then dry well with paper towel, anoint with oil
Put a large grill or frying pan on the fire, when it is very hot, put the files, let it grill on one side and then the other side.
Do not let too much time get tough.
Enjoy the price of the chicken that is below the table.
Lettuce, cherry tomatoes cut in half, finely sliced cucumber.
1 Palmer sleeve cut into cubes.
Other Salads Photos
It comes with braised courgette or rice.

quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2018

Capelete with Tomato Sauce and Chicken + Vegetables + Photos

Capelete with Tomato Sauce and Chicken + Vegetables + Photos

800 grs. of chicken in small cubes or ground
1 kg of fresh caplet, filled with cheese or to taste
Homemade Tomato Sauce::
1 liter of homemade or industrialized tomato sauce
If using industrialized dilute with 1 ½ liter of water. to the fire with a medium carrot or with a spoon of (soup) of sugar, until reducing to ½ liter.
Some people use 1 teaspoon of baking soda instead of sugar or carrot.
I do not use. I do not like it.
300 grs. of white Shimeji mushrooms, stem prominence, not very small pieces, which it adds in the sauce
2 large chopped onions
2 stalks of celery scraped and thinly sliced
1 garlic only white portion cut into thin slices
1 cup (tea) parsley with minced stem
1 cup grated or finely chopped carrot (optional)
½ cup of soybean or corn oil
1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger
1or ½ fingered unpeeled finger pepper.
Other Ingredients:
100 grs. of cheese grated in thick drain
Way of preparing:
In a large saucepan, place the oil onion, the celery, the garlic, fry until the onion is transparent, add the chicken to pieces or ground, frying and stirring always.
Then pour the tomato sauce, leave on the fire until all the ingredients are cooked and the sauce thick, then add the shimeji, leave over 5'minutes ..
When finished, sprinkle the parsley with the minced stems.
Cooking Mode the Capelete:
In a large pot put five (5) liters of water with a wire of oil and a pinch of salt.
As soon as the water boiled, pour the caplets a little at a time, when it boiled again count from 5 'to 8 minutes. Try it, test to see if it is cooked, do not overcook it, which spoils the appearance and taste.
If you do not have the pot to cook noodles, carefully pour the caplets in a pasta rack.
If it passed the point immediately pour cold water to stop the cooking.
If you like you can use chopped or grated vegetables to taste.
If you do not have the shimeji, place the mushroom paris or until canned washed and chopped.
Can swap the mushrooms by artichokes, or asparagus, background can also put all together.
You can put frozen peas or peas.
If frozen, throw in boiling water until boiling again, count 1 'minutes, pour ice water over top to stop cooking.
Serving Mode:
Put the caplets in the sauce and bring to a boil.
Serve in a deep dish about 20 to 25 small capeletes per person, very hot with two sauce shells, on top sprinkle a lot of grated cheese, oregano and chopped parsley.
Side dish:
Roasted meat of panela with escarole salad chopped cherry tomatoes grated carrot, and chopped onion ..

You can serve other salads.
Sweet dessert of c ompota of fig,