quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013

Artichoke Fund - Jewish

Artichoke Fund - Jewish
10 - Canned artichoke hearts - can use fresh artichokes cook with water and lemon juice½ cup (tea ) of cold water½ limes
300 grs . raw meat without fat ox , ground twice
seasoning :
1 large onion , grated1 large whole egg3 tablespoons corn oil3 tablespoons pinholes , or cashew nuts2 tablespoons chopped parsley1 pinch of nutmeg1 pinch of cinnamon powder1 pinch of pepper sauce
How to Prepare :
Saute onion in oil until wilted , add the salt and pinholes even get a golden brown . Book .
Place the meat in a bowl, add the beaten egg , nutmeg , cinnamon , parsley , pepper and sauté the pot already cold.
Mix all ingredients well , make 10 balls of equal size.Put a ball of meat on the funds of each artichoke.Arrange the artichokes in a refractory , throw a half cup of water with lemon .
Place in the oven to bake in moderate oven 180 º C until golden brown .
Do not cover with paper or refractory cover, which will bring together a lot of water , making the cooking .
Note :
A half cup of tea and lemon water serves not to oxidize the artichoke .

quarta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2013

Funds Tomatoes Stuffed Artichokes - - Entry

Funds Tomatoes Stuffed Artichokes - - Entry
24 artichoke hearts canned or raw2 cans of anchovies in oil4 tablespoons of olive oil or corn oil4 tomatoes cut into slivershot sauce to taste

How to Prepare :
If funds are raw artichokes , aferventar with water and a pinch of salt , until beginning to soften .
Wash and cut tomatoes into thin slices
In refractory place alternate layers of artichoke hearts , anchovies , complete with sliced ​​tomatoes sprinkled with oregano and pepper.
Drizzle with olive oil , cover with breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan cheese , equal parts
Lead to pre heated oven 180 C medium for 30 minutesCheck serve hot artichoke
Note :
If you want to serve cold Entry . replace the grated Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs will put mayonnaise .

tomatoes Stuffed
6 large tomatoes and almost mature
1 small glass of mayonnaise1 can of tuna without oil, or anchovies or anchovies12 green olives chopped fine drizzling2 tablespoons chopped parsley and midinha½ can of drained peas1 red pepper, chopped fine choosy1 stalk finely chopped celery or leeks

How to Prepare :

Wash the tomatoes , remove a very thin cover, then with the aid of a spoon , remove the seeds carefully to split themPlace the filling to the brim , put the lid and refrigerate until ready to serveServe the stuffed tomatoes in a round stainless steel plate with lettuce leaves around

Melon, avocado, plums,pineapple, olive

Melon , Avocado , plums , pineapple , Olive( Input)
1 - Option - Melon
1 large melon cut into thick slices300 grs . of sliced ​​cooked ham

Cut the melon shell at various cut after peaking every piece in 8 small portions , cut down , not taking place , then merge one for another front to back, so that the ladder be interleaved.
Serve in a shallow dish with two rolls of ham without filling.
II - Option :
1 can of black plums in syrup , pitted
250 grs . Minas cheese grated half healing2 hard boiled eggs and minced very choosy or processed.4 tablespoons ( soup) of raw red bell pepper , chopped fine choosy .4 tablespoons (tablespoons) chopped parsley2 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped pickles and capers1 pinch of salt2 to 4 tablespoons (soup ) of mayonnaise1 spoon (soup ) of oregano
Other Ingredients:
1 foot wide and lettuce
How to Prepare :
Mix all filling ingredients , wrap in aluminum foil .
Make a tight roll and place in refrigerator for two hours .
Then make far greater than the plums balls .Place the filling in place the core of plum.
Serve a round stainless steel plate and round lettuce leaves , washed and well dried , unseasoned
III - Option :
Stuffed avocados

2 ripe medium avocados , however not soft1 lemon juice only to trickle in avocados not to darken1 cup of spiced mayonnaise8 large lettuce leaves16 stuffed olives16 capers1 can of tuna , take the oil or1 cup minced ham or salami tea2 medium ripe tomatoes , cut into slices1 large onion sliced ​​, seasoned with salt, oil and lemon1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
Replace the tuna can , by:
Cooked shrimp , chicken , turkey, fish , baked goods and more.
Other Ingredients:
Place in each saucer Avocado Temperate and more ingredients below.
4 whole cherry tomatoes without seasoning4 orange sections without skin and seedsSmall lettuce leaves 4 and tender4 stuffed black olives4 whole capers

How to Prepare :
Cut the avocados into cubes dripping lemon juice ( used to not dim ) mix salami and mayonnaise Reserve.
Write individual , small plates lined with two lettuce leaves , place the pieces of avocado put up already seasoned with mayonnaise and put up four large black olives , pitted or stuffed with pickles or caperssome tomatoes cherries, orange segments around without the skins , s / seeds
IV - Option :
Stuffed olives
1 cup of green or black olives , graúdas , pitted

1 can of anchovies, anchovies or without saltpickles : carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, chopped into very small pieces .Red chili without spices , pepperoni .
How to Prepare Olives
Remove the olive pits with ginPlace the filling in each olive chosen , ie one of eachIf you want you can spray with olive oil and sprinkle oregano
V - Option :fake Pineapple
Four Cheese Pate
500 grs . Fresh ricotta mashed with a fork300 grs . grated provolone100 grs . grated parmesan cheese1 cup cream cheese or1 box of cream cheese and half cheese ( small )
seasoning :
1 cup ( tea) of grated onion and squeezed1 teaspoon ( tsp) black pepper or hot paprika2 tbsp (tablespoons) finely chopped parsley1 pinch of salt
Other Ingredients:
½ cup ( tea) of chopped green olives and drizzling2 spoons ( soup) of crushed nuts (optional )2 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped salted pistachios good kid (optional )1 large whole pineapple crown
How to Prepare the pate :
Mix the mashed ricotta , provolone cheese with grated Parmesan cheese and add the curd gradually give up league pate .
After all thoroughly mixed , add the spices , onion and chopped parsley , salt, paprika spice , and lastly the little girl chopped olives , ground nuts and the chopped pistachios and kid .
Riding Mode pineapple :
With the mass of pate , imitating a pineapple , check shaping with hands , a round stainless steel plate , or crockery, until the shape of the fruit .
The base should be wide and then go tuning .
Cut out several balls of the pineapple peel ( nodes or Eye of pineapple ) .
Place the balls of pineapple in pate , imitating the pineapple , with a distance of 3 inches apart ball .
Once ready , stick a crown on top of pineapple, shake a little to be very stiff , not out of place .
If you want you can put on each end of the crown leaves of pineapple , one tomato .

Place lettuce leaves around the entire pate .And on top of lettuce , grated carrot.
Spread black olive halves , ie ( pitted ) , overturned , face down .
Serve as a first course , with salt round wafer or very small toastie .

Melão, Abacate, Ameixas, Abacaxi, Azeitona- Entrada

  Melão, Abacate, Ameixas, Abacaxi, Azeitona


1- Opção - Melão


1 melão grande cortado em  fatias grossas

300 grs. de presunto  cozido fatiado



Cortar  o melão com casca  em várias talhadas, depois repicar cada pedaço em 8 porções  pequenas,  cortar embaixo, sem tirar do lugar, depois intercale um para frente outro para atrás, de forma que a escadinha fique  intercalada.

Servir num prato raso com dois rolinhos de presunto, sem  recheio.


II -  Opção :


Ameixas pretas


1 lata de ameixas  pretas em calda,  sem os caroços




250 grs. de queijo de Minas meia cura ralado

2 ovos cozidos bem duros, picado bem miudinho ou processado.

4 colheres de (sopa) de pimentão vermelho cru, picado bem miudinho.

4 colheres de (sopa)  de salsa picadinha

2 colheres de (sopa) de pickes picado ou alcaparras

1 pitada de sal

2 a 4 colheres de (sopa)  de  maionese

1 colher de (sopa) de orégano


Outros Ingredientes:


1 pé de alface bem grande


Modo de Preparar:


Misture todos os ingredientes do recheio, envolva em papel de alumínio.

Faça um rolo bem apertado e coloque na geladeira, por duas horas.


Depois  faça bolinhas bem maior do que as ameixas.

Coloque o recheio no lugar do caroço da ameixa.

Servir num prato redondo de inox, e em volta folhas de alface, bem lavadas e bem secas, sem tempero      


III - Opção:

Abacates Recheados





2 abacates médios maduros, porem não moles

1 limão somente o suco para pingar no abacate para não escurecer

1 xícara de maionese temperada

8 folhas de alface grande

16 azeitonas recheadas

16  alcaparras    

1 lata de atum, tirar o óleo ou

1 xícara de chá de salaminho ou presunto triturado

2 tomates meio maduro, cortado em rodelas

1 cebola grande cortada em rodelas, temperada, com sal, óleo e limão

1 xícara de nozes cortadas grosseiramente


Pode Trocar o atum, por:


Camarão cozido,  galinha, peru,  peixe, assados  e outros.


Outros Ingredientes :


Colocar em  cada pratinho o Abacate Temperado e mais os ingredientes abaixo.


4 tomates cerejas inteiros sem temperos

4 gomos de laranja sem pele e sem sementes

4 folhas de alface pequenas, bem tenras

4 azeitonas pretas recheadas

4 alcaparras inteiras



Modo de Preparar:


Corte os abacates em cubos pingar suco de limão, (serve para não escurecer) misture o salaminho e a maionese, Reserve.


Faça pratinhos individuais, forrados com duas folhas de alface, coloque  os pedaços de abacate pôr cima já temperado com a maionese e pôr cima quatro azeitonas pretas grandes, sem os caroços,  ou recheadas com picles, ou com alcaparras

alguns  tomates cerejas, em volta gomos de laranja sem as peles, s/ sementes


IV – Opção:


Azeitonas Recheadas 


1 xícara de azeitonas verdes ou pretas,  graúdas, sem os caroços




1 lata de anchovas, ou aliche sem o sal

picles : cenoura, pepino, couve-flor, picado em  pedaços bem pequenos.

Pimentão  vermelho  sem tempero, salaminho.


Modo de Preparar as Azeitonas


Retire os caroços das azeitonas com o descaroçador

Coloque em cada azeitona o recheio escolhido, isto é, um de cada

Se quiser pode molhar com azeite  e salpicar orégano

V – Opção:

Falso Abacaxi




Patê quatro queijos


500 grs. de ricota fresca amassada com garfo

300 grs. de provolone ralado

100 grs. de queijo parmesão ralado

1 copo de requeijão cremoso ou

1 caixa e meia de queijo catupiry (pequena)




1 xícara de  (chá) de cebola ralada e espremida

1 colher de (chá) de pimenta do reino ou páprica picante

2 colheres de (sopa) de salsa bem picadinha

1 pitada de sal


Outros Ingredientes:


½ xícara de (chá) de azeitonas verdes picadas bem miudinha

2 colheres de (sopa) de  nozes moídas (opcional)

2 colheres de (sopa) de pistache salgado picado bem miúdo (opcional)

1 coroa grande de abacaxi inteira

Modo de Preparar o Patê:


Misture  a ricota amassada, com o queijo provolone  o queijo parmesão ralados e junte o requeijão aos poucos, até dar liga  de  patê.

Depois de tudo bem misturados, acrescente os temperos, a cebola  e a salsa  picadas, o sal, a páprica picante, por último as azeitonas picadas bem miudinha, as nozes moídas e o pistache picado bem miúdo.


Modo de Montar o abacaxi:


Com a massa do patê,  imitar  um  abacaxi,  vá moldando com as mãos, num prato redondo de inox, ou  de louça,    até ficar  do formato da fruta.

A base deverá ser larga e depois vá afinando.

Recorte várias bolinhas da casca do abacaxi (os nós ou olho do abacaxi).

Coloque as bolinhas do abacaxi no patê , imitando o abacaxi, com distância de 3 centímetros  uma  da  outra bolinha .


Depois de pronto, enfiar  em cima  uma  coroa de abacaxi,  apertar um pouco para ficar bem  firme,  que não saia do lugar.


Se quiser pode colocar em cada   ponta  das folhas da coroa do abacaxi, um tomate cereja.


 Coloque  folhas de alface inteiras em volta do patê.

E  por cima da alface cenoura ralada.  

Espalhe metades de azeitonas pretas, isto é , (sem os caroços), emborcadas, virada para baixo.


Servir como prato de entrada, com  de bolacha  redonda salgada ou com torradinha bem  pequenas.








For the broth Révellon - III Generations

For the broth Révellon - III Generations

Broth Mocotóingredients:1 or 2 mocotós cow cut into piecesDiscard the hull3 to 5 liters of cold water2 spoons (soup ) of vinegar or lemon juiceHow to Prepare the Mocotó :Wash the pieces of calf's foot jelly , put in the pressure cooker .
If you make 1 unit , put in the pressure cooker 4.5 liters ,with 3 liters of cold water.
2 units to put in the pressure cooker 7 liter , 5 liters of water .
Cook for an hour, let it cool in the pan .Open the pot and see if it's cooked .
If you need to return to heat for 30 ' minutes , do not forget to put more water .
Strain through a fine sieve . Remove the pieces of calf's foot jelly season as a salad . Serve separately.

Bring the broth mocotó to the refrigerator until the next day .The next day , remove with the help of a spoon (soup ) yellow fat that was upon . Disposal .
Other Ingredients:ingredients:50 grs . lean bacon, diced (optional )2 spoons (soup ) of corn oil1 medium onion, grated or minced1 teaspoon ( tsp) grated fresh ginger2 bay leaves2 stalks celery integer (optional )1 bunch of parsley around , remove before servingHow to Prepare the broth :Remove fry bacon , fry the onion until wilted , add the broth mocotó with ginger and bay leaf , celery and parsley.Bring the broth to fire the mocotó degreased for 20 ' minutes . If you need to raise a little water .Before serving, remove the celery and parsley .Hot take before you go to révellon .The broth is strong mocotó the person gets enough energy .

terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013

Chocolate Mousse Pie Two Colors

Chocolate Mousse Pie Two Colors
Ingredients Dough:
3 packets of biscuits crushed Weffer flavor to chooseIt can be strawberry, chocolate , vanilla or dulce de leche200 grs . butter at room temperature,Does not serve margarine.
Dark Chocolate Mousse :
300 grs . semisweet chocolate chopped1 can cream without serum, or box1 spoon (soup ) of colorless shallow unflavored gelatin 12 grams .5 tablespoons of cold water to hydrate and dissolve the gelatin4 egg whites beaten stiff3 tablespoons sugar or icing sugar1 cup of cocoa liquor or chocolate liquor (optional )
White Chocolate Mousse :
400 grs . white chocolate, chopped1 can cream without serum
Other Ingredients:
Chocolate flakes to taste1 tea cup of cherries in syrup drained
How to Prepare the pasta :
Crush the biscuits in a blender or processor , then poured into a large bowl , add the butter in small pieces at room temperature.
Mix the butter with the flour wafer pressing with your fingertips until it is smooth.Line the bottom and sides of a form of false bottom , ie with removable rim.
Press the dough on the sides of the form , so that is not too thin , not break , put the rest in the center and go hit with the back of a spoon or shaking hands .
Place the gelatin in a small with 5 tablespoons of cold water pyrex , let rest for 5'minutos and dissolve in water bath .
Separately melt the chocolate in a double boiler with the cream , then add the dissolved gelatin and hot mix well , add the liqueur and then the breath slowly stirring rapidly .
Bring to chill for 4 hours until firm .
Dissolve in water bath white chocolate mixed with cream, let cool then take to freeze until firm cream.
Mode Assemble the pie :
After lining the way the cookie dough, take a chill 20'minutos .Take the form of the refrigerator turns dark mousse filling and spread with a spoon .
Above the dark mousse goes white mousse.
Decoration :
Over chocolate chips and cherries and mint leaves .
Note :
Lead to fire in a double boiler egg whites with sugar ,so heated .Beat in mixer until the egg whites . (do not leave much time in water bath cooking the egg whites . )Mix the egg whites with the other ingredients of the dark mousse.

segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013

Stuffed Flounder and Farofa

Stuffed Flounder and Farofa
ingredients:1.5 pound of sole in piecesseasoning :1 teaspoon ( tsp) grated ginger1 tablespoon ) shallow salt1 spoon ( soup) of hot sauce
filling:6 nanicas or silver bananas cut in halfcoverage:1 deep dish of grated stale bread in time1 spoon (soup ) of butter and fullFarofa :50 grs . chopped bacon into small cubes1 cup (tea ) of boiled and crushed pine nuts ( optional)1 cup (tea ) of leftover minced pork or1 cup ) shredded chicken liver or gizzard cooked may be half and half . (optional ) .1 cup ( tea) of chopped or grated onion1 cup ( tea) of chopped parsley and choosy½ cup ( tea) of thinly sliced ​​scallions1 plate of cornmealI handful of seedless raisins2 spoons (soup ) of corn oil1 spoon (soup ) shallow salt1 pepper chopped finger girl without seeds
How to Prepare the streusel :
Fry bacon , remove .Pour the onion in the same fat fried bacon, leave the fire until wilted , add the pork or chicken liver with crushed gizzards , make the braise , if you need to add a little hot water. or a bit of oil to continue cooking .Add the pine nuts corn flour gradually and slowly , up to the point of headlight . Finally pepper parsley and chives .Note :If you want you can put a plate of chopped raw cabbage , sauté the onion together . Serve on a separate platter.
How to Prepare Flounder :Wash the fish , season with ginger, salt, pepper , let stand for 1 hour .
Take the dry seasoning.
Place each piece of fish on a board over the bananas cover with another piece of fish .
Do the same procedure with the remaining fish.
Place the stuffed fish on a greased baking sheet with plenty of butter .Brush with plenty of butter , then sprinkle with breadcrumbs .
Bake 160 ° C for 20 ' to 30 ' minutes, or until lightly blushing .Once baked move to a lined platter with lettuce leaves .II - Option :filling:6 Raw bananas sliced ​​in half6 strips kami kana placed in the middle of the strips of banana.Accompanies cooked and seasoned only with salt whole potatoes . And raw salad of finely sliced ​​chicory .

sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

Pave chocolate - II Options

Pave chocolate - II Options
I - Option :
Pave Chocolate 3 Layers
I - Cream :
1 can sweetened condensed milk1 liter of cow's milk4 tablespoons (soup ) shallow cornstarch ( cornflour )2 large egg yolks1 spoon (soup ) of butter
II - Cream :
2 cups of milk5 tablespoons ( soup) of chocolate powder , chocolate does not serve½ teaspoon ( tablespoon) cornstarch ( cornflour )
III - Cream Coverage:
2 egg whites into firm snow4 tablespoons ( soup) of sugar1 can cream without serum
Other Ingredients:

1 package of English biscuit1 cup of cow's milk to wet the biscuits lightly without flooding .

How to Prepare :
First Cream :
Hit the blender, condensed milk , cow's milk , cornstarch , egg yolks and butter .Put the mixture in a saucepan the blender, take the fire until cooked , gets a thick cream . Book .
According Cream :
Mix the milk chocolate powder cornstarch , lead to heat until thickened . Book
Beat in the mixer the cream then add the sugar and the egg whites Reserve.
Pass the biscuits with milk quickly , leaving drains well .Place a terrine layered :First layer yellow cream.Second wet layer biscuits in milk.The third layer is chocolate cream .
Make alternate layers until all ingredients are finished .
After trifle ready, pour the topping , spreading well .
Bring to chill for 4-6 hours.

II - Option :
Pave Chocolate Nuts and Cherries

Ingredients for the cream :
200 grs . butter250 grs . of ground nuts , Brazil nuts or ground2 cans cream without serum, or 2 boxes1 cup (tea ) of sugar4 large egg yolks pasteurized

1 cup (tea ) milk3 tablespoons ( soup) of chocolate soluble powder , does not serve chocolate milk1 cup (coffee ) cocoa liquor
Other Ingredients:
2 packets of biscuit English
Decoration :
100 grs . the drained cherries in syrup100 grs . milk chocolate , melted in a double boiler200 grs . chantilly
Note :
The decor is optional
How to Prepare :

Beat butter in a mixer with the sugar and egg yolks , until a fluffy off-white and cream.
Add the ground nuts , then stir in the cream without serum and becomes a hit . Is a well Groso cream. Reserve .
How to Prepare the syrup :
In a saucepan place the milk and chocolate powder , leave the fire for about ten minutes , then let the syrup cool well .
Line a rectangular shape with aluminum foil , so that paper to cover all of the dessert .
English first layer of biscuit just wet the underside with chocolate syrup .
The second layer is very thick cream nuts.
The third layer is an English biscuit soaked in syrup.
There are three layers of biscuits .
Merge the layers until you finish the ingredients .
The last layer is the cookie .
Fold over the foil , then take the refrigerator for six hours .
Turn out by placing the melted chocolate cover .and spread the cherries put up around the cream of nuts .You can put whipped cream placed large cherry with chickpeas . , And over the drained cherries cut in half capsized ( facing down) .
Note :
Use pasteurized eggs.

sexta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2013

Several fruit - Stuffed Decoration

Several fruit - Stuffed Decoration
Stuffed black plums

30 black plums in syrup drained and pitted30 pieces of plate ( squares )30 strips of thick sliced ​​ham30 toothpicks (optional )
How to Prepare :
Stuff the prunes with cheese and wrap each with a strip of prosciutto.If you want to secure with toothpick.
Apples Stuffed with Apple Puree
6 large apples excavated ( raw )
Puree apples

3 large apples or 6 small ,Excavated with the aid of a spoon (soup )1 cup (tea ) of cold water1 pinch of sugar , or to taste1 spoon ( soup) of colorless unflavored gelatin
How to Prepare Gelatine :
Place the colorless unflavored gelatin in a bowl .Add 6 tablespoons ( soup) of cold water used to hydrate the gelatin½ cup (tea ) of cold water to dissolve the gelatin in a double boiler or in the microwave .

How to Prepare :
Cut the apples into small cubes .
Light the fire with a cup of cold water and sugar , stir until cooked if you need more water .
The part , hydrate gelatin in cold water , let stand for 10 minutes.
Then add half a cup of cold water and dissolve gelatin in water bath or in the microwave ( 3/2 ) approx . " NO MINUTE " .

Blend together the cooked apples .Place in a bowl and add the already dissolved gelatin and still hot .

Mix well and refrigerate for 4 hours or until firm .

Stuff the six (6 ) apples carved with fruit puree .

Apples Stuffed With Ricotta

300 grs . fresh ricotta100 grs . seedless raisins200 grs . bites of apple pulp and drizzling2 tablespoons sugar or sweetener or honey2 tablespoons currant or necessaryOther Ingredients:100 grs . fresh cherries, apples for garnish½ cup of tea from fresh mint leavesHow to Prepare :Wash the apples , dry with paper towel , dig so that it is half a centimeter between the peel and pulp.Put lemon juice in the pulp and shell not to darken .How to Prepare the Filling:Separately knead the ricotta with a fork , add the pulp of chopped apples , raisins without seeds , sugar, currants, mix well .Place the filling in apples , garnish each with a cherry in the center , and side two leaves of fresh mint.** If you prefer to cook the apple pulp , let them cool to mix with the other ingredients . **Note :You can also put ground walnuts , apricots, prunes .Stuffed Peaches - Monitoring
6/2 large fleshy stewed peaches , drained, orFigs in drained ** jam. Remove the core of the figs and add to stuffing. ** , Or you can use fresh figs .If using fresh figs store in the refrigerator until serving time .
filling:1 cup ( tea) of fresh ricotta mixed with fork.1 cup ( tea) of ham pâté .1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley with stems .1 pinch of sweet paprika or red pepper sauceOther Ingredients:
Coarsely chopped walnuts (optional )How to Prepare :
In a medium bowl knead the fresh ricotta with a fork .Add the ham paté , chopped parsley , sweet or spicy paprika can substitute hot sauce .
Fill the halves of peaches , sprinkle over parsley or chopped nuts .If you want you can put on top of half a walnut .If you prefer you can put the filling into a pastry bag with a large nozzle cherry .
Serve in a bowl of white china covered with lettuce leaves , washed , do not forget to dry with paper towel .And over the stuffed peaches.
You can do the same procedure with figs compote , fresh tomato and So on .Use your creativity .Stuffed Peaches is a companion , poultry , pigs, sheep , and goats , and also to decorate the table .

quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

Mullet With Fruit Sauce and Mush

Mullet With Fruit Sauce and Mush

ingredientes:3 medium sized mullet cut into slices of 3 fingers each1 spoon (soup ) of shallow salt.fruits :3-4 very small apples6 bananas sliced ​​in half if small integersauce:8-10 ripe tomatoes peeled and seeded1 cup ( tea) of grated carrots in the large drain (optional )1 cup ( tea) of shaved celery cut into thin slices1 leek only part banking thinly sliced½ cup corn oil2 large onions, thinly sliced½ spoon (soup ) of lady finger pepper , seeds removed and finely chopped without the ribs .

For the bouillon Mush :3 fish heads cut in half remove the eyes3 tails and some scraps of fish2-3 tomatoes cut into slivers1 large onion , stick 8 cloves of India1 piece of cinnamon stick .2 sprigs of whole celery1 leek leftovers the dark part of the sauce1 bunch of parsley and chives washed whole1.5 liters of cold water1 spoon (soup ) shallow saltOther ingredients :Approximately 300 grams . cassava flour1 cup ( tea) of chopped parsley with stems½ cup green onions cut into rodelinhasHow to Prepare a Mullet :Wash the fish pieces in running water .Only seasoning with salt , let stand for one (1 ) hour in the refrigerator .In a large saucepan place the oil , celery , leek and the onion and fry for 5 ' minutes .
Add tomatoes peeled and chopped without seeds , apples and bananas and half a liter of hot water.
Once cooked apples and bananas , transfer to a platter. Bookcontinuing :Cook the sauce until the tomatoes come apart .Add grated carrots , if you need to add more hot water.
Spread the sauce on bottom of pan , distribute the mullet put one next to each other , cover with the sauce .Leave cooking on low heat for 15 ' minutes , then turn the slices carefully .Cook the other side for 15 ' minutes. Book .How to Prepare the broth of the Mush :
Put in a pan the water and the fish head pieces , tomatoes , celery, garlic, portion tomato , whole onion, parsley . and the cinnamon stick .Jab the onion several cloves of India .Let cook for 30 ' to 45 ' minutes or until all ingredients are cooked.
Strain through a fine sieve . Discard what was inside the sieve.
How to Prepare the Mush :To each cup fish broth quantity of manioc flour 1 teaspoon (soup ) shallow .
Will measure how many cups of broth mush .If you need to increase with a little water to complete .

Put the broth in a pot ¾ of mush .(Three of the liquid ) .
With the remaining one fourth (¼ ) dissolving the cassava flour .Once lifted boil, add gradually and slowly cassava flour dissolved in broth mush , with the aid of a spoon high cable go stirring until cooked .
The point is equal to one mole polenta .If it gets too soft add more flour cassava dissolved in water , return to heat to finish cooking for another 10 ' minutes . Before serving stir in the chopped parsley .Serve on a separate platter.Once cooled the ** mush it gets harder **Note :The porridge has to be well done , if you can put a little pepper broth .
To Serve MulletPlace dish in one or two slices of mullet, over the sauce . Side the mush and the other side half cooked and half apple banana for each person .Serve with green salad at home .** Sorry photos did not turn out good * , I'm trying to shoot with amateur machine , or mobile .Try assure that this dish is very tasty and is for everyone's pocket.

quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2013

Bowl - Orange Mouse

Bowl - Orange Mouse
ingredientes:2 cans cream without serum, or 2 boxes1 can sweetened condensed milk1 spoon (soup ) shallow colorless unflavored gelatin5 tablespoons of cold water to hydrate the gelatin afterDissolve in ½ cup cold water shower in bath
Option I :1 envelope of orange juice powder ( 1 spoon ( soup filled ) or
II - Option :1 box of orange gelatindissolved in 250 ml of boiling water.Use hot gelatin in order to incorporate the mouse , the amount of water and half that the manufacturer suggests , is to be very stiff .
Option - III :
1 cup ( tea) of orange marmalade , or the requiredDecoration :6-8 peeled oranges without skin sliced ​​half inch or a little less .How to Prepare :Blend the cream with the milk tinand condensate ( option chosen) , then the colorless hydrated and without gelatin dissolved in water bath or in the microwave for 30 seconds flavor , pay attention (not minutes ) .

Note :
If you use the orange jelly , mix with a spatula finally the cream. Do not hit the jelly in a blender .
Build Mode :Take a bowl with his mouth 24 cm wide and 12.5 cm from the bottom .
Place the orange slices in the bottom all the way around the bowl .Pour the mousse orange.Take the refrigerator for 4-6 hours to firm .
To Serve :Turn the mousse on a large china plate garnish on top with slices of kiwi and cherries in syrup drained sliced ​​in half .

terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2013

Smoked Loin of Califórnia

Smoked Loin of Califórnia
1 whole smoked loinFruit Compote :10 slices of pineapple jam10/2 of stewed peaches10 prunes without pits drained10 figs in syrup drained2-4 apples peeled , cut into slices cooked or stewed1 glass of cherries in syrup , cut in half
For Christmas and New Year :
1 cup ( tea) of caramel brown1 cup (tea nut cut in half1 cup ( tea) of seedless raisins
Other Ingredients:2 spoons (soup ) of honey or karo , can also beBrown sugar dissolved in a little water .1 cup (tea ) of white wine1 cup of pineapple syrup1 cup orange juice
How to Prepare :Poke the cloves of India , the whole length of the loin .Put the smoked loin in a roasting pan , brush honey, karo , or brown sugar dissolved .Put back in the bottom white wine with orange juice and pineapple juice syrup into equal parts is a full glass of 200ml of liquid .Bake for 20 ' to 30 ' minutes for each pound of meat .Watering occasionally with the syrup form, carefully .Mode of Service :
Place the tenderloin in the center of a platter or stainless washer and back distribute the fruit compote .
Place in center of each slice of pineapple half cherry.Can serve candied chestnuts along with the loin or separately.chestnut candiedingredients:500 grs . of chestnut bark and cooked without skin , without the heavy shell.
To Caramelar syrup :2 cups (tea ) of sugar1 cup (tea ) of water2 spoons (soup ) of vinegar1 spoon (soup ) of butter (optional )Method of Preparing Nut :Cook the chestnuts with water until softened .Do not let it overcook cuttingSoak the chestnuts in syrup with the film .The slurry should not be too thick nor too thin.Leave the nuts into the syrup for 5 ' to '10 minutes .Then drain in a colander .Place on waxed paper or foil to dryHow to Prepare the syrup :Mix the sugar with the water and butter , bring the heat without stirring the syrup .When missing 5 ' minutes to complete add the vinegarThe point is when the syrup is the color of guarana .Note :You can serve the pork loin with fresh fruit.