domingo, 30 de outubro de 2016

Cannelloni Peru Smoked breast - III Rectified Options

Cannelloni Peru Smoked breast - III Rectified Options
500 g. smoked turkey breast
Mashed apples
4 large apples, chopped into small cubes
l cup (tea) cold water
l teaspoon (tsp) sugar or ½ teaspoon powdered sweetener, suitable for oven and hob
1 pinch of salt
l tablespoon (soup) of colorless unflavored gelatin

Prepare the gelatin mode:

l tablespoon (soup) of colorless unflavored gelatin
6 tablespoons (soup) of cold water to hydrate gelatin
½ cup (tea) of cold water to dissolve the gelatin
Way of doing:
Cut the apples into small cubes without shells.
Light the fire with a cup of cold water salt sugar, to cook well.
Allow to cool, beat the apples in a blender. To reserve.
Separately, hydrate the gelatin with six tablespoons of cold water, allowing to stand for 10 minutes.
Then add half a cup of cold water, dissolve in a water bath or in the microwave for 30 seconds.
In a deep bowl, add the mashed apples, gelatin already dissolved and hot.
Gelatine must be hot to be able to incorporate into applesauce.
Otherwise, the gelatin is separated into two layers.

Mix well and refrigerate for four hours or until firm.

Way of preparing:
I - Option:
Cut the smoked turkey breast into thin slices.
Put the stuffing (applesauce) in slices of turkey wrap as cannelloni.
II - Option:
chicken pates or pates Ham:
Place each turkey breast slice on the board add the filling a spoon (soup) shallow filling .Enrole type cannelloni and around the mashed apple See below the filling
Arrange on a large platter of lettuce leaves
Stuffing Chicken paté or ham
l cup (tea) industrialized ham pâté

Chicken pate:
2 cups (tea) of cooked chicken and ground
l pinch of grated nutmeg
l cup (tea) of dark raisins or
l cup (tea) of black plums in syrup, drained
l cup (tea) of grated onion, squeeze the juice despise
l cup (tea) of chopped green olives
2 tablespoons (soup) of chopped parsley
2 tablespoons (soup) of cream cheese cheese (optional)
Way of preparing:
Mix all the ingredients
Open the turkey breast slices, place a spoon (soup) shallow stuffing
Make the stuffed rolls.
Arrange the rolls of turkey breast on a platter and around lettuce leaves thinly chopped up and cherry tomatoes.
Smoked turkey breast
stuffing III
l large smoked turkey breast
Icing for Grapes:
l kilogram of white grapes Italy
4 scalded clear without knocking
l cup powdered sugar or refined sugar in the blender
grapes Glaçadas
Wash the grapes dry on paper towels
Skip the grapes in the clear without knocking, then the sugar, let dry
To serve:
Place a dessert plate
two or three slices of smoked turkey breast
l bunch of grapes in the center glaçada some sweet streusel
Distribute well the three ingredients in a small dish
Serve as input

Espetinhos de Ameixas Prtetas - Guarnição para Lombo de Natal

Espetinhos de Ameixas Pretas

Estou publicando em português para o brasileiros que estão com dificuldade na minha tradução.

Guarnição Para Lombo de Natal da Nonna Antonieta

Para Que Serve os Espetinhos:

Acompanhamento para lombo, pato, peru, chester, marreco,  faisão, vitela, etc. 


30 ameixas-pretas em calda escorridas, e sem os caroços
30 pedacinhos de queijo prato (quadradinhos) de 1,5 cm
30 tiras de presunto fatiado grosso
30 palitos (opcional)

Modo de Preparar:

Recheie as ameixas com o  quadradinho  de queijo e enrole cada uma com uma tira de presunto.
Se quiser prenda com palito .

Para ficar o prato mais fino (chic)   não coloque palitos, nos espetinhos de ameixa.

Purê de  Maçã da Antonieta:


3 maçãs grandes ou 6 pequenas,
escavadas com o auxílio de uma colher de (sopa)
1 xícara de (chá) de água fria
1 pitada de açúcar, ou a gosto
1 colher de (sopa) de gelatina  incolor sem sabor

Modo de  Preparar a Gelatina:

Coloque a gelatina incolor sem sabor numa tigelinha.
Adicionar 6 colheres de (sopa) de água fria  serve para hidratar a gelatina
½ xícara de (chá) de água fria para dissolver em banho-maria ou no micro-ondas.

Modo de Preparar:

Corte as maçãs em cubinhos.
Leve ao fogo, com uma xícara de água fria e o  açúcar, até cozinhar se precisar junte mais água .

A parte, hidrate a gelatina com  água fria, deixar em repouso  por 10 minutos.

Depois acrescente meia xícara de água fria e dissolva a gelatina em banho-maria ou no micro ondas por  (30 segundos) aproximadamente. “NÃO É MINUTO”.

Bata no liquidificador as maçãs cozidas.
Coloque em uma vasilha e junte a gelatina já dissolvida e  quente.
A gelatina tem que estar quente para incorporar na massa.

Misture bem  e  leve à geladeira por 4 horas ou até ficar firme.

Recheie as 6 (seis) maças escavadas com o purê de maçã.

Antes de colocar o recheio, deixe as maçãs com   água e sal, ou suco de limão.
Retire da água secar bem, antes de colocar o recheio.


Coloque o lombo recheado  no centro da travessa grande, e nas laterais  as 6 maçãs recheadas com purê de maçã 

São 3 de cada lado) e nas beiradas um belo cacho de uva   de cor vermelha, ou cenourinhas de ricota.

Do outro lado os espetinhos de ameixas, enrole os palitos com papel de alumínio.

Para ficar o prato mais fino (chic)  fino não coloque palitos, nos espetinhos de ameixa.

Skewers Black Plums Trim Christmas Loin Nonna Antonietta

Skewers Black Plums

Trim Christmas Loin Nonna Antonietta

Serving for the Espetinhos:

Monitoring for loin, duck, Peru, chester, mallard, pheasant, veal, etc.


30-black plums in syrup drained and pitted
30 pieces of cheese plate (squares) of 1.5 cm
30 thick sliced ​​ham strips
30 sticks (optional)

Way of preparing:

Stuff the prunes with the square of cheese and wrap each with a ham strip.
If you want to secure with toothpick.

To get the finest dish (chic) ​​do not put sticks in plum skewers.

Puree apple Antoinette:


3 large apples or 6 small,
excavated with the aid of a spoon (soup)
1 cup (tea) cold water
1 pinch of sugar, or to taste
1 tablespoon (soup) of colorless unflavored gelatin

Prepare the gelatin mode:

Place the colorless unflavored gelatin in a small bowl.
Add 6 tablespoons (soup) of cold water used to hydrate the gelatin
½ cup (tea) of cold water to dissolve in a water bath or in the microwave.

Way of preparing:

Cut the apples into small cubes.
Light the fire with a cup of cold water and sugar, to cook if you need to add more water.

The part, hydrate the gelatin in cold water, let stand for 10 minutes.

Then add half a cup of cold water and dissolve the gelatin in water bath or in the microwave for (30/2) approx. "NOT MINUTE".

Blend together the cooked apples.
Place in a bowl and add the gelatin already dissolved and hot.
Gelatine must be hot to incorporate the mass.

Mix well and refrigerate for 4 hours or until firm.

Fill the six (6) maces carved with applesauce.

Before placing the filling, let the apples with water and salt or lemon juice.
Remove from water to dry thoroughly before placing the filling.


Place the tenderloin stuffed in the center of large platter, and on the sides the 6 apples stuffed with apple puree

They are each 3 side) and edges in a beautiful red grape bunch or baby carrots ricotta.

Across the skewers plums, wrap the sticks with aluminum foil.

To get the finest dish (chic) ​​fine not put sticks in plum skewers.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2016

Stuffed Apples With Puree Apple + Carrot Ricotta

Stuffed Apples With Puree Apple + Carrot Ricotta


6 very large apples (fat) greater than find

Way of preparing:

Wash the apples, dig can put the filling see below.

Mashed Apples:

3 to 4 large apples cubed
And 1 cup (tea) of water
1 tablespoon (dessert) or sugar (tea) sweetener own powder oven and hob
1 pinch of salt
1 tablespoon (soup) of colorless gelatin powder unflavored
½ cup cold water to hydrate gelatin

How to Prepare the Puree

Cut the apples into small cubes and add the pulp of the other 6, cook eat water sugar and salt until soft and

Wetting gelatin with cold water, soaking for five minutes, after dissolving in a water bath or in microwave for 30 seconds at high power.

Blend the apples. To reserve.
Join a bowl beats apples with gelatin already dissolved and "hot" Gelatin is hot mixed to be able to incorporate the bulk (filling)
Take curdling put fifteen.
Then put the stuffing in 6 large apples. Take the refrigerator until ready to serve
How to prepare the apples:
Wash 6 apples. Dig well and join with the other three clubs to make the puree
Do not forget to see the photo as is the filling of apples.

Baby carrots Ricotta To Track Christmas Loin

½ kilo of fresh ricotta
250 g. raw grated carrot thin
l teaspoon (tsp) salt
l tablespoon (coffee) Worcestershire sauce
l pinch of pepper sauce
l pinch of nutmeg
1 pinch of grated ginger
1 cream canister only if necessary to be able to roll up the Baby Carrot.
The pepper, nutmeg, and ginger can put your taste
Way of preparing:

Knead the ricotta with a fork, add the carrot gradually salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, nutmeg, and grated ginger.
Mix all ingredients well, model the very small baby carrots 5 cm, put parsley to mimic a real carrot.
When mixing carrots with ricotta go putting grated carrots very slowly until you get the point roll, if you need to add a little cream.
To serve:
To follow Christmas loin Nonna Antonietta, put the other side of kabobs replacing the grapes
Option II
Place the bottom of a platter of lettuce leaves crumb.
And over the baby carrots.

Serve as a garnish for roast loin

The stuffed plum skewers with cheese and ham follow in the next publication

Christmas Stuffed Loin of Nonna Antonietta + Photo

Christmas Stuffed Loin of Nonna Antonietta + Photo

 1 fresh pork loin whole (pig) at least two kilos


6 large cloves of crushed garlic if old remove the green core that gives some people heartburn
1 large onion finely chopped
1 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon (soup) spicy paprika or pepper, you can exchange for a full finger pepper chopped seedless girl
1 ½ tablespoon (soup) salt or necessary
1 tablespoon (soup) of grated fresh grated ginger or a teaspoon (tsp) ground ginger.
2 bay leaves or a teaspoon (bay coffee powder
You can put some herbs rosemary, mint, basil, parsley and chives, sage among others or to taste
You can put 1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cinnamon
1 pinch of ground cloves

400 grams. thin sliced ​​ham
400 grams. sliced ​​mozzarella not too thick
1 cup (tea) chopped onion
1 cup (tea) drained canned mushrooms washed and sliced ​​thin
1 cup (tea) of green olives without the seed, chopped
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley, chives to taste
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of capers

Way of preparing:

Wash the pork, water with lemon juice, remove the fat that surrounds the piece, it serves to give moisture and do not dry out.
After cutting the fillet in half lengthwise, without separating the two halves.
Make opening each in half, also without separate parts, so that the fillet becomes a large blanket.
If you want to ask the butcher to do this for you, he has more practice is well cut.

Season with salt, paprika, garlic, onion, herbs various paprika and white wine and remaining seasoning.
If you prefer you can beat in a blender the garlic onion and herbs do not strain.
Let seasoning for 6 to 12 hours in a tightly closed plastic bag in the refrigerator
Place the plastic bag in a large bowl.

Before placing the filling, remove the spices, dry the meat well with paper towels.
straighten the tenderloin in a large cutting board meat.
Put on layers:
First layer of ham, mozzarella Monday,
third onion
Fourth mushrooms
Fifth salsa, olives and capers.

Roll up lengthwise and sew with cotton string and thick needle is optional.
Then tie firmly with string, to the loin does not lose shape.
Rub the tenderloin with butter, or put bacon strips
Put half a cup (tea) of cold water or with the strained broth in a rectangular shape with high edges. Line form on the inside with aluminum foil.
Place the tenderloin and cover the form with foil, taking care not to stick to the meat.
Bake in moderate oven 160 ° C weak for one hour for each kilo of meat, or 180 ° for 40 minutes per kilo of meat
When missing 30 minutes, remove the foil, increase the oven to 180 ° C, to blush slightly
CAUTION not to let too bake it dries.
Once roasted, place the fillet in the center of a large platter (silver or stainless steel) or dishwasher ..
Decorate a side with big bunch of red grapes, and the other side skewers black plum (pitted) with a piece of cheese and ham.
Complete the dish, decorating sirloin side with the 6 raw apples, stuffed with mashed fruit (apple).
Follows the part, how to make kabobs and mashed apples.

Instead of grapes can exchange for carrot ricotta with parsley branches
You can brush the pork with oil or honey and spicy paprika.


quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

Sirloin Braided thread With Dry and Fresh Fruits

Sirloin Braided thread With Dry and Fresh Fruits


2 to 3 kg of pork loin cut into three equal strips lengthwise


2 tablespoons (soup) shallow salt or to taste
1 chili finger lady, or finely chopped
1 teaspoon (tsp) black pepper or the spicy paprika
1 head cut or crushed garlic (if it is old remove green core) Some people give heartburn and indigestion
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of grated fresh ginger, if using dry replace the spoon (soup) for coffee)
2 glasses of white wine,
Fresh herbs to taste:
(Parsley sage, mint, basil, rosemary) and other herbs taste.
Before baking remove the herbs retain white wine.

Way of preparing:
If the fillet strips are very thick, lightly beat with
the meat batter is not to thin too.

Twisting so the Loins:

If you do not practice, you do not have to hit the back of strips.
Go braiding and in between put the filling fruit, ginned black plum, raisins, apricot, apple, piece of pineapple. Fruits distribute one here, one there, see the picture as it was, or do the decor of your taste, use your creativity.
You can put dried fruit after
After the braided loin make a crown, bake, see below.

Roasting so the Loins:
Place the tenderloin crown in a roasting pan with white wine. Bake in preheated oven 180 ° C covered with aluminum foil, for 40 'minutes for each kilo
If you can bake 160 ° C for one hour for each kilo.
CAUTION not to let too much baking that is dry and not bake unless is raw.
Can not eat pork (pig) raw.

Just before the oven sirloin strips.
Remove the foil, leaving blush lightly to not harden.
Serve mode:
Place the tenderloin crown in a round bowl of stainless steel or silver or decorated white china.
Make decoration above the loin and round it with fruits, fresh or in jams.
If you prefer to use your creativity.
The decor is just above suggestion.

The pork can be served at Christmas or New Year.
Here in Brazil superstition is that birds can not eat in the New Year, she cisca back.
It is for this reason that in the New Year in Brazil, pork is served, sheep, and other mammals meat.

Trança de Lombo Com Fios de Cenoura

Trança de Lombo Com Fios de Cenoura


2 quilos de lombo de porco cortado em três tiras iguais, no sentido do  comprimento.


3 maçãs descascadas, cortadas em cubos cozidas
1 xícara de (chá) de ameixas pretas sem caroços, cortadas ao meio
rodelas de abacaxi em calda (escorrido) para decorar.

2 colheres de (sopa) rasa de sal  
2 copos de  vinho branco
Ervas frescas, (sálvia, hortelã, salsa, manjericão)  entre  outras a quantidade é um galhinho ou gosto, pode colocar somente uma ou várias depende do seu gosto

Retiras as ervas antes de rechear.

Modo de Preparar:

Com o batedor de carnes, bata as tiras de lombo para que fiquem bem finas.

Misture as maçãs com as ameixas, coloque no centro e ao longo de cada tira e dobre cada uma ao meio.

Com as tiras já recheadas, faça, a trança e regue-a com um pouco de calda de abacaxi.

Leve ao forno preaquecido (160 º  C) coberto com papel de alumínio, por   quarenta minutos para cada quilo, meia hora antes de tirar do forno, retire o papel de alumínio para deixar corar.

Um pouco antes de tiras o lombo do forno.
Tire o papel de alumínio,  e deixe corar o suficiente.
Não deixar  passar do ponto  que endurece
Sirva com  fios de cenoura (tipo fios de ovos).

Fios  de Ovos de Cenoura

200 grs. de cenoura ralada, num ralinho especial para fazer fios compridos
( é vendido no mercado Central ou  da Lapa SP - Brasil)
1 xícara de (chá)  de açúcar refinado
½ xícara de (chá)  de água fria
5 cravos
2  ramas de canelas em pau
1 rodelas de gengibre fresca (opcional)
Se quiser pode dobrar a calda.

Modo de Prepara:

Levar uma panela  ao fogo com  a água e o açúcar a canela, o cravo a gengibre, misture bem, não mexer  enquanto estiver no fogo.

Deixar apurar até ficar uma calda grossa.

Coloque  a cenoura ralada, para cozinhar nessa calda

Quando a cenoura estiver cozida, coe  em uma peneira , enquanto estiver quente, use  para decorar toda a volta do lombo.

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2016

For Christmas Sirloin -Trança With Carrot wires

For Christmas Sirloin -Trança With Carrot wires


2 kg of pork loin cut into three equal strips lengthwise.


3 peeled apples, cut into cubes cooked
1 cup (tea) of black plums without stones, cut in half
pineapple slices in syrup (drained) to decorate.

2 tablespoons (soup) shallow salt
2 glasses of white wine
Fresh herbs (sage, mint, parsley, basil) among others the amount is a twig or taste, can only put one or more it depends on your taste

Withdrawest herbs before filling.

Way of preparing:

With the meat beater, beat the sirloin strips so they are very thin.

Mix the apples with plums, place in the center and along each strip and fold each one in half.

With the already stuffed strips, make the braid and sprinkle it with a little pineapple syrup.

Bake in preheated oven (160 ° C) covered with aluminum foil, for forty minutes for each kilogram, half an hour before taking the oven, remove the foil to make her blush.

Just before the oven sirloin strips.
Remove the aluminum foil, and let it brown enough.
Do not pass the point that hardens
Serve with carrot threads (type egg threads).

Carrot eggs wires

200 g. grated carrot, a special ralinho to long wires
(It is sold at the Central Market or the Lapa SP - Brazil)
1 cup (tea) caster sugar
½ cup (tea) cold water
5 cloves
2 branches of shins sticks
1 slices of fresh ginger (optional)
If you can double the syrup.

Prepare mode:

Bring a pan fire with water and sugar cinnamon, cloves to ginger, mix well, do not move while you are on fire.

Leave determine until a thick syrup.

Place the grated carrots to cook this syrup

When the carrot is cooked, strain into a sieve, while hot, use to decorate all around the loin.

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2016

Peru Com Recheio de Ricota e Maçãs

Peru Com  Recheio Ricota e Maçãs


1 peru de bom tamanho de ( dez quilos), pode ser menor também.

2% do peso da carne de sal
1 cabeça de alho novo  amassado
1 cebola  grande picada
1 pitada de noz-moscada ou cominho  (opcional)
1 colher de (chá) ou de (sopa)   de gengibre ralada
1 colher  de (chá)  pimenta ou
1colher  (sopa)   molho de pimenta
1 colher de (chá)  de canela em pó
1 pitada de cravo  em pó
½ copo de vinho branco seco ou uísque para  cada quilo de carne
½  copo de cerveja ou de cidra pôr cada quilo de carne ou suco de laranja,
“Nunca usar  suco de abacaxi natural”
2 folhas de louro
1 maço de salsa e cebolinha

Outros ingredientes:

250 grs. de manteiga


½ quilo de ricota amassada
1  quilo de maçãs   vermelhas sem casca  raladas
½  xícara de salsa picada
2   colheres de hortelã picada (opcional)
1   pitada de noz-moscada, ou cominho
2 colheres de queijo parmesão ralado ou  queijo cremoso catupiry

Modo de Preparar a Ave:

Tire o peru  da embalagens,  retire  os miúdos corte o  curanchim, retire  a garganta e outros resíduos que estiver dentro (  pulmão etc.).
Solte a pele do peito e das coxas do peru com cuidado, para não rasgar a pele. Nunca fure a pele das aves.
Retire  o excesso de gordura que estiver dentro da Ave
Tempere o peru, com sal, pimenta, noz-moscada, gengibre, alho, cebola, cheiro verde, pimenta, canela, cravo,  cerveja, vinho branco seco, louro, esfregue bem os temperos  pôr dentro e pôr fora
Deixar em repouso pôr 12 horas dentro da geladeira coberto com um guardanapo ou papel filme,
Antes de assar , retire os temperos, untar fartamente  o peito e as coxas com manteiga e costure com agulha e linha grossa, ou prenda com palitos a cavidade aberta.
Prenda (amarre)  as  pernas do peru  com barbante de algodão, retire antes de servir.
Coloque o peru numa assadeira  forrada com papel de alumínio, cobrir com  papel de alumínio   com cuidado para não deixar muito junto que gruda na pele e rasga.
Junte na assadeira  dois copos do molho do tempero coado
Assar em forno preaquecido médio a 150  º  C  quarenta minutos ou até  uma hora para cada quilo de carne, dependendo da idade da ave.
Quanto mais velho for o peru mais demora para assar.
Quando faltar quarenta minutos para  terminar  de assar, retire o papel de alumínio, aumente a temperatura do forno para 180 º C e deixe corar bem ,regando com o molho da assadeira, até ficar assado e corado.
O recheio pode colocar antes ou depois de assado .
Sirva o Peru numa  assadeira de inox e em volta coloque frutas ou compota de frutas: pêssegos, cerejas, figos, abacaxi, ameixas pretas recheadas, nozes, damasco etc.
Pode colocar mini peras  inteiras com o cabinho cozidas sem casca na groselha, fica muito bom.
II Opção:
Maçã  crua  recheada com purê de maçã ou gelatina vermelha, no centro colocar uma vela de castanha do Pará apontada como fosse um  lápis para poder acender. Acender somente na hora da ceia de Natal.


Peru With Ricotta Filling and Apples

Peru With Ricotta Filling and Apples


1 turkey good size (ten kilograms), can be smaller too.

2% by weight of salt meat
1 head of garlic crushed again
1 large onion, chopped
1 pinch of nutmeg or cumin (optional)
1 teaspoon (tsp) or (soup) of grated ginger
1 teaspoon (tsp) pepper or
1colher (soup) pepper sauce
1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cinnamon
1 pinch of clove powder
½ cup dry white wine or whiskey for each kilo of meat
½ glass of beer or cider put every kilogram of meat or orange juice,
"Never use natural pineapple juice"
2 bay leaves
1 packet of parsley and chives

Other ingredients:

250 g. of butter


½ kilo of mashed ricotta
1 kilo of red apples without grated peel
½ cup chopped parsley
2 tablespoons chopped mint (optional)
1 pinch of nutmeg or cumin
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese or cream cheese creamy cheese

Prepare Ave mode:

Take the turkey packaging, remove the kids cut curanchim, remove the neck and other waste which is inside (lung etc.).
Loosen the skin of the breast and turkey thighs with care not to tear the skin. Never pierce the skin from poultry.
Remove excess fat that is within the Ave
Season the turkey with salt, pepper, nutmeg, ginger, garlic, onion, parsley, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, beer, dry, blond white wine and rub the seasoning inside and out
Allow to stand for 12 hours in the refrigerator covered with a napkin or paper film,
Before baking, remove the spices, liberally grease the chest and thighs with butter and sew with needle and thick thread or secure with toothpicks open cavity.
Gift (tie) the legs of the turkey with cotton string, remove before serving.
Place the turkey in a roasting pan lined with aluminum foil, cover with aluminum foil being careful not to leave much together that sticks to the skin and tears.
Stir in baking two cups of sauce seasoning strained
Bake in preheated medium to 150oC forty minutes or up to an hour for each kilo of meat oven, depending on the age of the bird.
The older the turkey takes longer to bake.
When missing forty minutes to finish baking, remove the foil, increase the oven temperature to 180 ° C and let it brown well, basting with the sauce from the pan, until roast and stained.
The filling can place before or after cooking.
Serve Peru on a baking sheet and stainless round put fruit or fruit compote: peaches, cherries, figs, pineapple, stuffed prunes, walnuts, apricots etc.
You can put mini whole pears with cooked stalk shelled in blackcurrant, it is very good.
Option II:
stuffed raw apple with apple sauce or red gelatin in the center put a Brazil nut candle was singled out as a pencil to be able to light up. Light only at the time of Christmas dinner.

Peru da Antonieta Com Acompanhamento + Foto

Peru  da Antonieta  Com Acompanhamento + Foto  

Estou publicando esta receita em português para os Brasileiros que estão com dificuldade na minha tradução.
Se houver bastante acesso todas as receitas de Natal vou colocar também em português.
Se quiserem as outras receitas em português mande pedir.
Coloco em dois idiomas.

1 peru de tamanho médio (serve  outros tamanhos)
Todos os ingredientes abaixo é para cada um (3)  quilos de carne do peru.

½  copo de cerveja por cada quilo de carne
½  copo de vinho branco seco para cada quilo de carne
½ copo   de vinagre de vinho para cada quilo de carne
1 cabeça  de alho amassado  (se for velho) retire  o miolo
1 cebola picada  para cada quilo de carne
1 pitada de noz moscada ralada (opcional) 
1 colher de (chá) de gengibre fresca ralada ou ½  colher de (café) gengibre em pó
1 colher de (chá)  ou de (café) de páprica picante, ou
½ pimenta dedo de moça sem sementes  ou a gosto, com (moderação)
1 colher de (chá) de louro moído, ou 2 folhas de louro
1 colher de (chá) de canela em pó
½  colher de (chá) ou (café)  de cravo moído
1 maço de salsa e cebolinha picadas
1 galhos de alecrim desfolhar
1 galho de hortelã
1 galho  de manjericão picado
Folhas de sálvia 1 ou 2
Sal a gosto:
Calcular ½  colher de (sopa) de sal para cada quilo de carne
Os ingredientes do tempero acima  refere-se para   cada três (3) quilo da carne do peru.
As ervas frescas, retire o galho  somente as folhas frescas desfolhar.
Modo de Preparar:

Tempere o peru na véspera.
(NÃO FURE  A PELE DO PERU). Desprender a pele do peito e das coxas com cuidado  esfregue bem os temperos e deixe de molho na mistura da cerveja branca, o vinho branco e o vinagre, e  os outros  temperos.
No dia 24.12.12 (na véspera de Natal) coloque o peru num  caldeirão grande com a vinha d'alho.
Leve ao fogo, assim que levantar fervura  deixe por meia hora (30 minutos) para dar uma fervura com a panela tampada, virando com cuidado  com o auxílio de luvas próprias  ou pano de prato limpo.
Depois de frio tire todos os temperos, secar por dentro e por fora, com papel toalha ou com ( um pano branco bem limpo).
Passe bastante  manteiga por baixo da pele do  peito  e das coxas .
Untar o peru inteiro com manteiga.
A quantidade da manteiga no peito e nas coxas e uma grande porção e também   por cima.
Besuntar o peru inteiro, isto é, além do peito e das coxas 
Unte bem todo o peru, por dentro e por fora.
Coloque-o numa forma funda com um pouco do caldo  coado do cozimento.  A medida que for secando, coloque mais uma concha do caldo coado de cada vez, só que agora o caldo e morno ou quente, de acordo com a temperatura da peru.
Cubra com papel de alumínio
Deixar espaço para não grudar na pele.

Levar ao forno pré-aquecido (fogo baixo) 160 ° C
Deixe assar contando 40’ minutos  (para  quilo de carne), isto é (fogo baixo). .

Quarenta minutos antes de retirar o peru do forno, retire o papel de alumínio e deixe corar.
A farofa  é servida  separado ou em volta do peru.
Decore a gosto, veja a foto

Farofa  Para Festa:
2 maçãs ácidas, sem casca, picadas em cubinhos,
½ copo de óleo de milho
1 cebola grande  ralada
1 talo de salsão,  cortado em rodelas fininhas 
1 alho poro, somente parte branca picadinho
1 xícara de (chá) de biscoito  água e sal, moídas no processador, ou liquidificador, pode substituir por farinha de milho
A farinha de milho não fica igual.
100 grs. de nozes picadinha,
100 de passas sem sementes,
3 colheres de vinho branco seco, sal e pimenta dedo de moça (sem sementes) picadinha  a gosto ( com moderação)
2 colheres de (sopa)  bem cheia de queijo  parmesão ralado, ou a gosto.
1 colher de (sopa) de alcaparras (opcional)
1 colher de mel de abelha puro, não serve o falsificado..
**Se  sua Religião não permitir colocar queijo junto com a farofa  do  Peru ou outra ave, retire, não vai fazer falta.**

Modo de Preparar o Recheio:

Refogue a cebola  e o alho poro  no óleo, junte o  salsão picadinho, as maçãs , torne a refogar, até ficar  bem cozido. Acrescente as nozes, as passas, o vinho , o sal, a pimenta e por último os biscoitos triturados com o queijo ralado.
Se a farofa ficar seca adicione um pouco de óleo, ou água

Para Servir:
Coloque o peru  numa travessa de prata ou inox, e decore,    com castanhas portuguesa cozidas  com cascas, acrescente nozes, avelã, amêndoas tudo com cascas. Por cima do peru fatias de compota de abacaxi e no  centro  de cada fatia uma, cereja ou ameixa preta.


Pode fazer o peru  sem farofa e congelar.
Retire do freezer um dia antes e na  véspera do natal  2 a 4 horas antes, “dependendo do tamanho da ave”, coloque no forno preaquecido, depois  de quente abaixar o forno para  150 º C  para ir aquecendo devagar e não queimar e também para não ressecar.
Não esqueça de besuntar com bastante  manteiga ou fatias finas de bacon, cobrir com papel alumínio. .
Fique vigiando para não passar do ponto.
Não saia de perto do forno, para não esquecer.
Na época do Natal, as pessoas  ficam eufórica e perde a noção do tempo.
E ainda mais com o monte de gente e criança rodeando   dento da casa bisbilhotando.

Decoração de Mesa:
Flor de 3 pimentões de cores diferentes, e flor de repolho roxo
Alface com flor de pimenta dedo de moça.

Christmas With Peru Monitoring + Photo

Christmas With Peru Monitoring + Photo

1 medium size turkey (serves other sizes)
All ingredients below are for each (3) kg of turkey meat.

½ cup of beer per kilo of meat
½ cup dry white wine for each kilo of meat
½ cup wine vinegar for each kilo of meat
1 head garlic, crushed (if old) remove the kernels
1 onion for each kilo of meat
1 pinch of grated nutmeg (optional)
1 teaspoon (tsp) fresh ginger, grated or ½ tablespoon (coffee) ground ginger
1 teaspoon (tsp) or (coffee) of spicy paprika, or
½ pepper lady finger seedless or the like with (moderation)
1 teaspoon (tsp) ground bay, or 2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon (tsp) or (coffee) of ground cloves
1 packet of parsley and chives chopped
1 rosemary branches defoliate
1 mint branch
1 chopped basil branch
sage leaves 1 or 2
Salt to taste:
Calculate ½ tablespoon (soup) of salt for each kilo of meat
To recapitulate:
The seasoning ingredients above refers to three (3) kg of turkey meat.
Fresh herbs, remove the branch only fresh leaves defoliate.
Way of preparing:

Season the turkey the day before.
(NOT DRILL PERU FUR). Loosen the skin of the breast and thighs gently scrub the seasoning and leave to soak in the mixture of white beer, white wine and vinegar, and other seasonings.
On 24/12/12 (on Christmas Eve) put the turkey in a large pot with the vineyard d'garlic.
Light the fire, so let boil for half an hour (30 minutes) to give a boil with the pan covered, turning carefully with the aid of suitable gloves or clean dish towel.
After cold take all the spices, dry inside and out, with paper towels or (a very clean white cloth).
Spend plenty of butter under the skin of the chest and thighs.
Anoint the whole turkey with butter.
The amount of the butter in the breast and thighs and a wide portion and also over.
Smearing the whole turkey, i.e. beyond the breast and thighs
Grease and all the turkey, inside and out.
Put it in a form based on rather strained broth cooking. As for drying, put another shell strained broth at a time, only now the broth and warm or hot, according to the temperature turkey.
Cover with aluminum foil
Leave room for not sticking to the skin.

Bring to a preheated oven (low heat) 160 ° C
Bake counting 40 'minutes (for kilo of meat), ie (low heat). .

Forty minutes before removing the oven turkey, remove the aluminum foil and let it brown.
The streusel is served separately or around turkey.
Decorate to taste, see photo

Farofa To Party:
2 sour apples, peeled, chopped into small cubes,
½ cup corn oil
1 onion large grated
1 stalk celery, cut into slices thinly
1 leek, white part only mincemeat
1 cup (tea) biscuit and salt water, ground in processor or blender, you can substitute corn flour
Corn flour is not equal.
100 g. of chopped nuts,
100 seedless raisins,
3 tablespoons dry white wine, salt and pepper finger girl (seedless) chopped to taste (in moderation)
2 tablespoons (soup) and full of grated Parmesan cheese, or to taste.
1 tablespoon (soup) of capers (optional)
1 tablespoon pure honey, it does not serve the fake ..
** If your religion does not allow placing cheese along with the streusel Peru or other bird, remove, will not be missed. **

Mode Prepare the filling:

Saute the onion and leek in oil, add the chopped celery, apples, make the sauté, until thoroughly cooked. Add the walnuts, raisins, wine, salt, pepper and finally the crushed biscuits with grated cheese.
If the streusel is dry add a little oil or water

To serve:
Place the turkey on a silver plate or stainless steel, and garnish with nuts Portuguese cooked with shells, add walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds all with shells. Above the pineapple compote slices and turkey in the center of each slice one, cherry or plum.


You can make the turkey without crumbs and freeze.
Remove from freezer the day before and on Christmas Eve 2 to 4 hours before, "depending on the size of the bird," put in the preheated oven, then hot lower the oven to 150 ° C to go warming up slowly and do not burn and also to not dry out.
Do not forget to smear with butter or very thin slices of bacon, cover with foil. .
Keep watching to not overcook.
Not near out of the oven, not to forget.
At Christmas time, people are euphoric and lose track of time.
And even with lot of people and children surrounding dento of snooping home.

Table decoration:
Flower 3 peppers of different colors and purple cabbage flower
Lettuce with flower piemnta girl's finger.

quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2016

Sweet Orange domesticated II Rectified Options + Photos Delicious

Sweet Orange domesticated II Rectified Options + Photos Delicious


Already exists in some supermarket or sacolão already ready oranges to make sweet, do not need soaking.
Only make the syrup ..
If you want to know the name of the supermarket and just ask.
Sweet Orange Very Tasty With site tasting, easy to do.
24 sour oranges thick shell - orange cloves
It is popularly called orange- horse
The same weight is orange sugar
1 packet of cinnamon sticks (40 gr.)
1 packet of cloves (20 grs.)
1 large piece of ginger cut into slices (optional)
Way of doing:
Grate the orange peel in fine grater or take the very thin skin with a knife, like egg skin, clean the whole orange, that is, remove the pulp of the orange and throw in the trash, only is a part of peel without the skin.
As for removing the skin of oranges, go put in a pot with enough cold water.
After all the oranges, cleaned, cut into four pieces, without going to the end without separate parts, throw the pomace out, serves no purpose.
The cut should arrive a little less than half the orange.
Wash the oranges carefully not to break the pieces.
Place the sauce of oranges in a large bowl of white plastic, never color (gray, beige, brown or pumpkin) with water.
If you can add a little doll gray (is a small bag of cloth with 6 tablespoons of gray). Ash barbecue.
Soaking put 3 to 7 days, changing the water every day, several times a day.
Then wash each carefully not to break with plenty of water, to take the bitter.
How to prepare the Calda
Mix sugar with double the water, add the cloves cinnamon and ginger, make a light syrup.
After the syrup ready let it cool.
Place in a large pot with cold syrup with cloves cinnamon stick the ginger, add the washed and dried oranges, one next to each other.
Once it boils, lower the heat and simmer for two hours, remove from heat and let cool in the pan, sew need to put more hot Agau.
Do not remove the candy from the pan.
Cook the sweet put three days straight, put thirty minutes in the morning and thirty in the evening, if the syrup dry a little, add hot water gradually.
If the dessert is hot put hot water if the candy is cool put cold water.
Let the sweet cool, put in a terrine with lid, look compote in the refrigerator, or in small glasses of wide mouth and screw cap.
Sterilize the glasses if you leave out of the refrigerator
Cut orange sweet
After the ready and cold orange sweet grind in the grinding machine
meat, or go through the processor.
Lead to fire ground orange dough with a little sugar
to give sweet spot of orange cut.
Place the sweet orange in a wooden box or Tuperware lined compapel butter.
Allow to dry for a few days, then cut
in large or small pieces
To Junina party, serve the sweet dish in the small plates, or can serve orange juice cut into pieces, wrapped with colored cellophane.
Already exists in some Supermarket already ready oranges to make sweet, do not need soaking.
Only make the syrup ..
If you want to know the name of the supermarket and just ask.
If you want to know the name of the supermarket and just ask.

segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2016

Couscous Moroccan With Vegetables Serve with fish or chicken + Photos

Couscous Moroccan With Vegetables Serve with fish or chicken + Photos


500 flour Couscous Moroccan


3 eggplants lean medium peeled diced
3 small zucchinis without the stem, cut into small cubes
1 cup (tea) chopped onion and drizzling
1 ½ cup (tea) thick grated carrot
1 or ½ pepper finger girl deseeded and finely chopped .brancas without the ribs. Salt to taste with moderation.
½ cup (tea) of oil.
½ liter of boiling water.

How to prepare the vegetables:

Place in a saucepan an oil wire fry the eggplant and go dripping boiling water until it is transparent, cooked.
Do the same with the other ingredients.
Allow to cool the vegetables.

Mode Prepare Couscous Moroccan meal:

Place the couscous flour in a large baking dish, moisten with a few drops of cold water.
"Be careful with the amount of water" is just necessary. Only water to moisten, do not put salt, mix well.
Add the cooked vegetables and cold, eggplant, zucchini, onion, pepper, carrot, mix well. Test the salt.
Can serve crumbly type, or shaped.
Place in an aluminum (shape with hole in the middle), tighten.

Turn out onto a dish cake dish. In turn, lettuce leaves cut very thin and over cherry tomatoes.
cold serve. Do not place in the refrigerator before serving.
If he left to take the refrigerator and re-shaping.
Take the couscous one hour before serving.

If you can add chopped parsley or coriander.

You can change the vegetables, add or see the list below:

List of vegetables:

Peppers of various colors cut into raw cubes
Frozen peas, or pre-cooked fresh peas or drained and rinsed can.

Accompany prawns with fried shell, put around couscous already uninformed.

You can serve with fish or roasted or grilled chicken, even with sardines or canned tuna.


You can put the vegetables cooked "al dente", that is, almost raw.

Pod cut into cubes precooked
Palm hearts, mushrooms, artichoke bottom, asparagus.
Enjoy your food.

Decoration photos

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2016

fig jam in Compote, Candied and Figada

fig jam in Compote, Candied and Figada

Sweet fig Green Crystallized -III Options + Photo

1quilo of whole fresh green figs

800 grams. crystal or refined sugar
1 liter of cold water
2 cinnamon sticks, 1 slices of ginger and 6 cloves of India

Way of preparing:
Place raw figs in a large bowl or bag of cloth with salt, sugar or rice straw. .
Rub salt in the figs or the other to remove the hairs from the bark until it is very smooth.
Rinse under running water, rub each to remove the salt and the hairs.

Make a cut crosswise at the bottom of each serves to spray the inside of Figs.
Place the figs to cook with 3 liters of water, ie up to two fingers Figs.
Leave on heat for 30 'minutes or until cooked but firm, let it cool in the pan.
"Be careful not to overcook"

Check point pricking with a fork.
Pour the cooking water, move to another pan with hot water, not boiling, leave for a few minutes then drain. To reserve.

Make A Calda Well Rala.

Pour the figs in the cold light syrup, leave cooking for 90 'minutes (half an hour) over low heat, or until they are cooked
At the end of cooking, the sauce is thin put another cup of sugar, or necessary, to stand a thickened syrup, not thick.
If it gets too thick place a glass of water and cook again for 5 'minutes.
I Option:
For Crystallized figs:
Remove the figs cooked in syrup with a slotted spoon and pass to a colander to drain finished, that is if you want to "candied figs."

Pass the figs in crystal or refined sugar put in a bamboo sieve lined with paper towel allow to dry.
Store the syrup for use at another time.
Option II:
Compote of figs:
If you prefer the figs with syrup, keep candy in cummerbund, glass or sterile screw cap, inside the refrigerator.

Sweet home has no preservative and should be stored always in the refrigerator.
Serve with a slice of fresh cheese.
Cut figs fresh:
III - Option:

After the cooked figs (fresh), switch to the processor until well crushed.
Place the figs crushed in a pan and add a cup or the necessary sugar, bring to high heat to boil, lower the heat, stirring constantly until smooth.
If you need to add a little of the sauce to bind.
It takes about 30 'minutes on low heat, stirring constantly.
To finish:
Once ready, pass the sweet for a vessel, or (thin wooden box) and hit (smooth) with a spatula.
After cutting into small pieces cooled wrap with cellophane, or pieces of half a kilo, or squares.

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

Pimentão Recheado Retificado + Fotos

Pimentão Recheado  Retificado + Fotos

8 pimentões vermelhos ou (amarelo e verde)  gordo e alto crus
½ quilo de músculo moído ou outra carne de sua preferência
½ xícara de (chá) de arroz cru lavado
Outros Ingredientes:
50 grs. de bacon picadinho  e frito (opcional)
1 cebola grande ralada ou picada
1 xícara de (chá) de salsa picada
½ xícara de (chá) de azeitonas  verdes picada (opcional)
½ xícara de (chá) de queijo ralado (opcional)
1 pitada de noz moscada, ou cominho (opcional)
1 colher de (chá) cheia  de sal ou
1 colher de “Sopa de Cebola” Industrializada
1 colher de hortelã  picada
1 colher de (chá)  ou de (sopa) de gengibre fresca ralada
1 pãozinho amanhecido, molhado e espremido
½ pimenta dedo de moça sem sementes picada

II- Opção:
O mesmo recheio acima  pode retirar  a   meia xícara de (chá) de arroz cru lavado.
Faça do mesmo modo do anterior
Com o arroz rende mais.
Quando for encher os pimentões com o recheio de carne e arroz , encher pela metade. O arroz cresce muito.

Modo de Preparar:

Numa tigela  junte a carne com o bacon frito, a cebola, a salsa, a hortelã, azeitona, a gengibre, noz moscada, pimenta, sal, e por último o queijo ralado.
Misture bem todos os ingredientes.
Corte a tampa dos pimentões,  retire as sementes e as nervuras   brancas, lavar bem.
Com o auxílio de uma colher  encha os pimentões, não muito apertado,  não esquecer que o arroz cresce.
Para fechar o pimentão  coloque um cubinho  de pão e por cima a tampa,  prender com palito.
Modo de Cozinhar os Pimentões
Coloque os pimentões recheados  um do lado do outro  numa panela larga.
Cobrir com molho de tomate caseiro, ou c om caldo de carne.
Levar ao fogo  alto até ferver, abaixe o fogo deixar cozinhando por 20 minutos ou  até que os pimentões estejam cozidos.
Servir com salada de batata, cenoura, palmito, vagem azeitona.
E também com salada de alface com cenoura ralada no ralo grosso e tomate em cubinhos.
Segue na próxima receita o molho de tomate caseiro
Com o mesmo recheio e temperos pode rechear folhas de uva , celga  ou de repolho,  abobrinhas, inteiras ou cortadas ao meio  pelo comprimento.
Para cozinhar pode ser com molho de tomate diluído ou caldo de carne.

A medida  é ¾ de carne  e ¼  arroz.
Orelha de manga (fruta)