domingo, 31 de maio de 2015

Corn Cake For June Festivals

Corn Cake For June Festivals

Corn Pudding Cake


Corn cake:

3 cups (tea) of wheat flour
1 cup (tea) sugar
1 cup (tea) of milk
200 grams of butter or margarine
6 egg whites large- eggs in snow
1 tablespoon (soup) full of chemical baking powder

Corn pudding:

2 cans of corn or
4 ears of corn boiled with water and straw
4 large whole eggs
1 cup (tea) sugar
l can of condensed milk or
1 cup (tea) cow's milk
2 tablespoons (packed) cornstarch

How to prepare the cake:

Beat all the cake ingredients in a blender, the clear exception to that are beaten stiff and then slowly mixed with the other ingredients. Reserve.

Mode Prepare the pudding:

Blend all ingredients in a blender pudding.
Grease a rather large round shape with butter and then with caramel sauce.
Pour the pudding and beaten over the cake. i.e., the cake is above the pudding mass.
Bake in preheated oven medium, in a water bath for 30 to 40 minutes or
until the cake and pudding are baked


If you want can make the corn pudding and separate the corn cake.
You can make half the recipe.


You can replace corn by half grated cheese healing

sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2015

Q u e n t ã the A n t i n T E

Q u e n t ã the A n t i n T E

For June Festivals


1 liter of good quality cachaça


5 gallons of cold water
1 whole large root ginger cut into slices or 300-500 grams.
8 sheets orange or lemon leaves
100 g. cinnamon sticks
50 grams. Clove whole of India
2 bay leaves
1 whole rind of a lemon Tahiti
1 kilo of refined sugar, or to taste, or sweetener

Way of preparing:

Place the sugar in a large saucepan, bring to fire caramelar without leaving burn over low heat.

Then add half a liter of water and simmer until all the sugar melt.

Add the remaining ingredients except the rum.

After well mixed all the ingredients except the rum, leaving the low heat put one hour, add more hot water gradually, until it forms a thick syrup.

Place any remaining hot water boil until reduced to water by half.

Once ready, turn off the heat, add the rum out of the fire.

Thoroughly mix the rum and cook for another ten minutes with the pan


Serve hot in winter.

In Juninas Party serve in cups or earthenware mugs with saucers.

For children only serve the syrup is good for cough, cold, flu


Never serve alcoholic beverages to children, to avoid the risk of them becoming addicted.

Important information + Secret Gnocchi

Important information + Secret Gnocchi

Today is the 29th day of eating gnocchi Lucky.
"Every day 29 of each month is Lucky Gnocchi Day"
See recipes for gnocchi simple, practical, easy and also modern updated revenue at the address below, which is my daughter.
See also Friendliness of gnocchi.
My daughter learned from me all my secrets of cooking and also with the collaboration, grandparents, great-grandparents, relatives, friends, besides the University course.

Facebook Bau Breast

In blogs:


I do not know how long I have to life, despite being in good health, I'm running out of time, due to my age.
Then who will replace me is my daughter, the Chest Breast.
Tale from now, with the collaboration of all who have accessed my family recipes. Is having a great access, I'm in over 100 countries
Thank you all from the heart, for having achieved so much success.
I hope my daughter has the same success.

quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2015

P a O c and the F r n a n d

Bagels for June Festival - III - Options

P a O c and the F r n a n d


1 cup roasted and ground peanuts or cashews
½ cup toasted manioc flour
2 cups sugar large (250 ml) or
1 glass of 200 ml or fructose sweetener in own powder oven and hob
2 tablespoons (coffee) salt
3 tablespoons (soup) is cold margarine (optional)

Way of doing:

Chopped in processor or blender peanuts or roasted cashew nuts.

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Cut a paper into rectangles and wrap to the cartridges to put the tack. Make as needed.

June Festival to put color cartridges

II - Option:

Modeled Bagels:

If you want Bagels modeled moisten the dough with milk or water.
If you can not give alloy add l tablespoon glucose soup.
Place in a way, cut the squares, or frame type stopper.
Allow to dry for 18 hours in a dry place and screen in the closet.
You can change the peanuts for cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamia roasted and ground accordingly.

Bagels The above is my father's revenue.

 III - Option:

Ingredient replacement:

You can swap the flour cornmeal for manioc, crushed in a blender, sieved or
Salty or sweet ground and sieved cookie.

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015

Cornmeal Cake Baked Rectified

Cornmeal Cake Baked Rectified

2 cups (tea) of corn meal mimoso
1 ½ cups (tea) sugar
2 cups (tea) of cow's milk to cook cornmeal
1 cup (tea) of cow's milk (reserve)
2 tablespoons margarine
50 or 100 g. grated cheese half healing
1 tablespoon (soup) full of fennel
1 tablespoon (coffee) grated ginger (optional)
1 tablespoon (soup) full of yeast
1 tablespoon (coffee) of essence of coconut (optional)
4 eggs large- egg whites

Prepare the way of the Cooking Cornmeal:

Place in a bowl two cups of cornmeal with 1 ½ cups of sugar and two cups of milk and two tablespoons of margarine, lead to fire for twenty minutes before cooking is a firm mush.

Continuation of cake preparation:

Remove the pan from the heat once cooked cornmeal cool. Once the dough has cooled, add the beaten egg yolks, or one at a time, the grated cheese, mix well, add the fennel and the grated ginger and baking powder, dissolved in the reserved milk and finally the egg whites, stirring under up until getting a homogeneous mass
Oven pre aqueico average l80 ° C for 40 minutes, or until it is flushed
After the roast and cold cake, sprinkle over icing sugar or refined sugar, beaten in a blender.


Sugar is beaten in a blender to become thin.

Homemade Bun - Delicious

Homemade Bun - Delicious

The recipe below can do in the bread machine, do not change anything, she's right.

720 grams. whole wheat flour (are 3 cups (240 grams).
3 tablespoons (soup) of whole milk powder
2. tablespoons (soup) of sugar
3 tablespoons (soup) and full of serum-free sour cream, or box
1. tablespoon (soup) of corn oil
2 egg yolks (not put clear that hardens the mass)
2 tablespoons (tea) shallow salt
1 tablespoon (soup) shallow active dry yeast or 30 grams. fresh yeast
If you use the bread machine reduce the fresh yeast in half 15 grams.

Ingredients sponge:
I - Step:

50 ml of warm milk
1 tablespoon (soup) shallow dry yeast (granulated) or 30 grams. fresh yeast
1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar
½ cup (tea) of wheat flour
Making the sponge mode:
"Wear disposable gloves"
Place in a medium bowl yeast, then the water
warm, mix well with the fingertips (with gloves).

Then add the sugar and the flour, mix well,
until a homogeneous mass.

Wrap the bowl inside a clear plastic bag
thick so that it is tightly closed.

Place in oven "OFF", or elsewhere where there passes a stream of air.

Leave to rest for 30 'warm weather and 60 minutes to cold weather until it becomes a sponge.
Prepare for Mass mode:

Wear disposable gloves

In a large bowl or on a bench place the flour, make a hole in the center and add the sponge and then the ingredients below:
3 tablespoons (soup) powdered milk 1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar, 1 tablespoon oil, 2-4 heaped tablespoons of serum milk cream, 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of (tea) shallow salt and 100 ml of warm cow's milk.
Mix well until a homogeneous mass, see how to knead the dough.

Knead in order to Mass:

After kneading the dough as well. For 10 'to 20' minutes.
The more kneading, fastest growing.

If you want you can hit the mixer for 15 'or 20' minutes.
Then throw the batter into well clean table, to tear.
Put on gloves before tinkering with the dough.
Tear so the dough:

Play dough in a bench, pull the dough up and down with a spatula or tearing with your fingers, for at least 10 'minutes.

II - Stage
Then add all the dough with a spatula let rise until doubled in size.

Put the dough in the bowl into the plastic bag.
Tie the mouth of the bag not to enter air.

Let rise until doubled in volume.
Play grown mass on the table.

Make balls the size of an egg or even smaller, boleando to stay even.
Before bolear, open the ball in hand (with gloves), then fold the edges from the outside.
The top is flat and below the bend.
Make several balls.

Way to put in the form:

Grease and sprinkle a shape with hole in the center.
Distribute the ball in fashion background, stuck in the other. To grow up.

The second layer put the balls in the middle, not on the ball until you close all round.
If you want you can do in rectangular baking dish, making the same
Place the balls glued to one another, to grow up. "Type Bakery bread."

If you prefer you can model the bread all the same size, make or braid (give 2 medium braids).

Braid so Massa:
Divide the dough in half.
With the first mass, do 3 rolls all the same size after braiding.
Once grown, brush with beaten egg yolk.
With the other half of the dough make the same manner as the above. You can braid with 2 rolls.
Step III:
Place the medium within the furnace "OFF" until doubled in size, or in a thick plastic bag.

Once the dough has doubled in size take off the oven brush with egg yolk.

Bring to a preheated oven 180 ° C.
For more bread after 10 'minutes in the oven lower the heat to 160 ° C, to bake good inside.

Place the bread to bake, to blush. by 40 'to 60' minutes depending on the size of it, see above.
The ingredients of the sponge is taken out of own recipe,

** Not to put extra ingredients, which spoils
Bread measured *
The recipe above is right. "Do not change anything.", That is, if you want to make my revenue. Bun

Then I will spend a recipe with fresh fruit,
raisins, cinnamon, cassava, potatoes and other
It is also an excellent bread.

If you want you can use fresh yeast are 2 tablets
15 grs. each. (Total 30 gr.), However I prefer the dry.

** It is the yeast of exaggeration growing **. It mode
knead, knead, tear, mass and wait for the slow growth of bread.

Here in Brazil the climate is tropical, therefore the mass of
bread grows faster.
"Take your time to make bread" does not anticipate growth putting more yeast.
Yeast has a certain time, excess yeast many people get heartburn and indigestion.
Remember to discard the gloves, (throw away).

The above recipe can make the bread machine, do not change anything, she's right.

Pão de Leite Caseiro - Deliciosso

Pão  de Leite Caseiro – Delicioso

A receita abaixo pode fazer na máquina de pão, não mude nada, ela está certa.

720 grs. de farinha de trigo integral (são 3 copos (240 grs.)
3. colheres de (sopa) de leite em pó integral
2 . colheres de (sopa) de açúcar
3.  colheres de (sopa) bem cheia de creme de leite sem soro, ou de caixinha
1 . colher de (sopa) de óleo de milho
2 gemas (não colocar clara que endurece a massa)
2 colheres de (chá) rasa de sal
1 colher de (sopa) rasa de fermento biológico seco, ou  30 grs. de fermento biológico fresco
Se usar a máquina de pão reduzir o fermento fresco pela metade 15 grs.

Ingredientes da  Esponja:
I - Etapa:

50 ml de leite morno
1 colher de (sopa)  rasa fermento biológico seco (granulado) ou 30 grs. de fermento biológico fresco
1 colher de (sopa) de  açúcar
½ xícara de (chá) de farinha de trigo
Modo de Fazer a Esponja:
“Usar luvas descartáveis”
Coloque numa tigela média o fermento, depois a água
morna, misture bem com as pontas dos dedos (com luvas).

Depois acrescente o açúcar e a farinha de trigo, misture bem,
até ficar uma massa  homogênea.

Embrulhe a tigela dentro de um saco plástico  transparente
grosso  de modo que fique bem fechado.

Coloque  no forno” DESLIGADO”, ou em outro lugar onde não passa  corrente de ar.

Deixar em repouso por 30’ para clima quente  e  60’ minutos, Para clima frio até virar  uma esponja.
Modo de Preparar a Massa:

Usar luvas  descartáveis

Numa tigela grande ou numa bancada  coloque a farinha trigo, faça uma cova no centro  e acrescente a esponja e depois os ingredientes abaixo:
3 colheres de  (sopa)  leite em pó 1 colher de (sopa)  de açúcar, 1 colher de óleo, 2  a 4 colheres  bem cheia de creme de leite sem soro, as 2 gemas, as 2 colheres de (chá) rasa de sal e 100 ml de leite de vaca morno.
Misture bem até ficar uma massa homogênea, veja o modo de sovar a massa.

Modo de Sovar a  Massa:

Depois sovar bem a massa., por   10’ a 20’ minutos.
Quanto mais sovar , mais cresce.

Se quiser pode  bater na  batedeira por 15’ ou 20’ minutos.
Depois jogue a massa na mesa bem limpa, para rasgar.
Coloque luvas, antes de mexer com a massa .
Modo de Rasgar a massa:

Jogue a massa numa bancada , puxar a massa  para baixo e para cima com uma espátula ou  rasgando com os dedos, por  no mínimo  10’ minutos.

II - Etapa
Depois junte toda a massa com uma espátula deixar crescer até dobrar de tamanho.

Coloque  novamente a massa na  tigela dentro do saco plástico.
Amarrar  a boca do saco para não entrar ar.

Deixar crescer até dobrar de volume.
Jogar a massa crescida na mesa.

Faça bolinhas do tamanho de um ovo ou até menor,  boleando para ficar uniforme.
Antes de bolear, abra a bolinha na mão ( com luvas),  depois dobre as beiradas  de fora para dentro.
A parte  de cima fica lisa e embaixo a dobra.
Faça várias bolinhas.

Modo de colocar na forma:

Untar e polvilhar  uma forma com buraco no centro.
Distribuir as bolinha no fundo da  forma, uma grudada na outra. Para crescer para cima.

A segunda camada colocar as bolinhas no meio, não em cima da bolinha    até fechar  todo o círculo.
Se quiser pode fazer em assadeira retangular, fazendo do mesmo
Colocar as bolinhas uma grudada na outra, para crescer para cima. “Tipo pão de Padaria”.

Se preferir pode  modelar os pães todos do mesmo tamanho, ou faça trança  (dão 2 tranças médias ).

Modo de Trançar a Massa:
Dividir a massa ao meio.
Com a primeira  massa, faça  3 rolos todos do mesmo tamanho depois trançar.
Depois de  crescido, pincelar com gema batida.
Com a outra metade da massa faça do mesmo modo que a anterior.   Pode fazer trança com 2 rolos.
III Etapa:
Coloque  a forma dentro do forno  “DESLIGADO” até dobrar de tamanho, ou  dentro de um saco  de plástico grosso .

Depois que a massa  dobrou de tamanho  tire do forno desligado  pincele com gema.

Levar ao forno  pré-aquecido  180 ° C .
Para pães maiores depois de 10’  minutos  no forno abaixar o fogo para 160 º C , para que asse bem por dentro.

Coloque o pão para assar , até corar. por 40’ a 60’ minutos dependendo do tamanho dele, veja acima.
Os ingredientes da esponja é tirado  da própria receita,

**Não é para colocar ingredientes extras, que estraga  o
as medidas do pão*
A receita acima está certa . “Não mudar  nada”., isto é, se quiser fazer a receita do meu. Pão de Leite

Depois vou passar  uma  receita  com frutas frescas,
passas , canela,  mandioquinha, batata e outros
Que também é um pão  excelente .

Se quiser pode usar o fermento biológico fresco são 2 tabletes
de 15 grs. cada. (total  30 grs.), no entanto eu prefiro o  seco .

**Não é o exagero de fermento que cresce**.  É o modo de
amassar,  sovar,  rasgar,  a massa   e esperar o crescimento lento do pão.

Aqui no Brasil o clima é tropical,  por esse motivo a massa do 
pão cresce mais rápido.
“Não tenha pressa para fazer o pão”, não antecipe o crescimento  colocando mais fermento.
O fermento tem um tempo certo, o excesso de fermento muitas pessoas ficam com azia e má digestão.
Não esquecer de descartar as luvas, (jogar no lixo).

A receita acima  pode fazer na máquina de pão, não mude nada, ela está certa.


Mush Green Sweetcorn or Diet

Mush Green Sweetcorn or Diet


I - Option:

24 ears of young corn
6 cups of tea cow's milk, not boiled
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
2 tablespoons powdered milk soup (optional)

Other Ingredients: (Optional)

1 cup (tea) sugar or
½ cup (tea) of powdered sweetener in own oven and hob

To cook the tamales:

Place in a wide pan 2 liters of cold water.
Place pamonhas standing one next to each other for cooking.
Lead to fire as soon as it boils, lower the heat.
Let cook for 20 'to 30' minutes.

Filling: (optional)

Fresh or semi-cured cheese, cut into slices finas.ou
Cooked sausage cut into slices.

Prepare the way of Pamonha:

Take the leaves and the hair of corn cobs.
Use a soft brush to remove the hairs that are trapped between the grains.
Wash your ears in water.
Place the spike standing on a board with a knife cut the grain of the hair very close to the corn cob, and scrape as much as possible to take all the starch.
Beat the grains of corn in a blender with the milk gradually.
After well beaten, strain through a fine sieve, add the salt mix well.
Place the broth of corn in the corn straw bags.
If you want to put a slice of cheese or sausage.

With leaves of corn, make bags sewing them to the machine and leaving an open side to put the mass of corn.
Some people know fold the sheets without sewing.

Pour a little of the corn mass in each of the bags and tie with a strip of corn husk itself, tighten, fold down the ear.

Fill only half of the corn straw bags.
To recap:
Put on the fire, a wide pot with 2 liters of cold water when it boils put the bags of mush standing simmer put approximately 30 minutes, or until firm
Drain and Serve hot

You can also cook in a double boiler

If you do not want to use the blender, grate the ears in fine drain or processor to continue the recipe the same way as the previous mode.

II - Option

Pancake cake
If you do not want to put the mass of mush teabags, pass the dough for a high fashion, bake in a water bath, until firm.

To market add the ingredients below
2 tablespoons milk powder
2 tablespoons cornmeal dainty soup or
2 tablespoons cornstarch soup, dissolved in milk


If you prefer you can make a sweet tamale with sugar or sweetener.
Remove 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt, and add only 1 pinch of salt,

Cornmeal Cake - Romeo and Juliet

Cornmeal Cake - Romeo and Juliet


2 cups (tea) of corn meal mimoso
2 cups (tea) sugar
1 cup (tea) of wheat flour
1 cup (tea) of milk
4 tablespoons (soup) full of butter, not margarine serves
4 eggs - egg whites
1 tablespoon (soup) and full of baking powder
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt


150 grams. crumpled fresh white cheese with a fork
150 grams. can of guava melted with water
¼ cup water tea

Method of Making the filling:

Knead the cheese, add the melted guava paste with a little water, mix well, gets a very creamy cream. Reserve.

How to prepare the cake:

Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and butter, then add the milk and the sifted dry ingredients together.
If the dough is too stiff, increase the milk.

Grease a pan with butter and sprinkle cornmeal, place half of the dough, then the filling, spread in very thin layer.

Place a thin layer of stuffing all around the cake, not in the center.
"Do not put the filling in the center of the cake which is heavy and the dough is raw,"
Then add the rest of the dough, put over the filling. "

L80 ° C preheated oven, bake put 30 'thirty minutes, or until it is flushed.

Festa Junina Cornmeal Cake Creamy II options

June Festival to:
Cornmeal Cake Creamy II options
I - Option:
With grated cheese
1 ½ cups (tea) of corn meal mimoso
3 cups (tea) sugar
½ liter of cow's milk
1 tablespoon (soup) of wheat flour
1 tablespoon (soup) of butter, not margarine serves
1 tablespoon (soup) of chemical baking powder
100 g. grated Parmesan cheese
4 large eggs
1 pinch of salt
II - Option:
With Shredded coconut
1 ½ cups (tea) of corn meal mimoso
3 cups (tea) sugar
½ liter of cow's milk
1 tablespoon (soup) of wheat flour
1 tablespoon (soup) of melted butter, not margarine serves
1 tablespoon (soup) of chemical baking powder
100 g. dried coconut, moisturize with cold water necessary to moisten
4 large eggs
1 pinch of salt

Way of preparing:

Place in a bowl the sifted dry ingredients, cornmeal, flour, baking powder, salt, sugar. Book.
Blend milk, butter, eggs, grated cheese.

Pour slowly and slowly the mixture in the blender bowl of dry ingredients, mix well until smooth.

Shape with hole in the center, greased with butter and sprinkled with flour or cornmeal.

Place only half the way, it grows very comes to cracking of both growing.
Oven 180 ° C for 40 'to 50' minutes.
Whether to have the cake this Roast:
To test that is baked put a toothpick if you leave wet is still raw leave another 10 'minutes to dry out the cake is baked.
Despite leaving 10 'minutes in the oven when the toothpick out wet test again.

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2015

Pé-de-domesticated Moleque

Pé-de-domesticated Moleque


1 cup of sugar
½ cup Karo or corn syrup
1 cup of whole roasted peanuts without skin
2 tablespoons (soup) of water
2 tablespoons (soup) of not cold butter
1 teaspoon (tsp) of sodium bicarbonate

Way of preparing:

In a large saucepan, bring the sugar and water the Karo.
bring to medium heat until the sugar is melted, stirring constantly.

Place the peanut butter and continue stirring, until cooked well.

Test the sweet spot:

Put a little dough in a saucer with cold water if they get hard and brittle separate wires, it is the point.

Remove the pan from the heat, add the butter mix well, then add baking soda, stir quickly for a few minutes.

When you add baking the dough begins to boil, beat to finish this process, ie, stirring constantly.

Pour the sweet a stone or marble in a large roasting pan greased with butter or with parchment paper., Or silicone mat.

Smooth well as help of two forks, to look good thin.

Cut into small squares, or select the sweet with a knife, then break his hands.


You can change the peanuts for cashews or Brazil nuts (Brazil nuts).

domingo, 24 de maio de 2015

Chicken Risotto With Vegetables + Photo

Chicken Risotto With Vegetables + Photo


10 chicken thighs skinned without fats
1 large onion or 2 small chopped
1 leek white part only cut into thin slices
3 celery stalks scraped without leaves cut into thin slices
2 tablespoons oil soup
1 cup chopped parsley tea, put before serving
50 to 100 grs. grated cheese

For rice:

2 cups Arborio rice washed raw
4 cups of cold water (defatted chicken broth)
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 tablespoon oil soup
1 teaspoon salt tea

Other Ingredients:

350 grams. homemade or processed tomato sauce
If you industrialized sauce, add 2 to 3 cups of water to dilute the sauce.
100-200 grams. of canned mushrooms washed drained and chopped
200 g. frozen peas
2 medium carrots cut into cubes

By Heart:
20 whole black olives
20 mini pickled onions drained, rinsed
1 bunch watercress leaves with only a bit of the stem

How to prepare the rice:

Make a defatted chicken stock or broth. Book
Fry onion, add the rice and salt and carrots put some hot chicken stock, stirring and go adding the broth gradually and slowly until the rice is almost cooked add the frozen peas, stir well.
Once finished cooking the rice, cover the pan and place in oven off for 10 'minutes.
The rice should be moist.

How to prepare the thighs:

In a separate pan (quite large), place the oil so heated place the onion, leek and celery, leave the fire until the onion is wilted and other ingredients "al dente".
Add the pieces of thighs, a side of another. leave frying until golden brown on the low side turn around and do the same procedure on the other side, go dripping water gradually and slowly.
Add the tomato sauce already diluted with half the water, let the fire until the thighs are cooked and with a little sauce, enough to wet rice.
If you need to put the rest of the water.
Once cooked the thighs, mix the already cooked rice with carrot and peas.
Mix all the ingredients until a risotto, add the mushrooms chopped parsley, grated cheese.
I left the pieces of whole thighs.
The right and take out the bone and leave large chunks of chicken.
Place the risotto in a small bowl greased with oil tighten, turn on the dish that will serve.
Place the watercress without seasoning side dish with cherry tomatoes olives and green onions pickled.

The Risotto above yields a lot.
See photo chicken on the plate separately or together in risotto

Manjar Traditional White With Black Plums

Manjar Traditional White With Black Plums


1 liter of cow's milk
1 can of condensed milk
1 coconut milk glass
5 tablespoons (soup) of corn starch
100 g. freshly grated coconut

Other Ingredients:

300 grams. heavy pitted prunes
about 20 prunes
2 cups (tea) sugar
1 cup cold water
1 cinnamon stick, 3 cloves of India
1 fresh ginger slices

How to prepare the syrup;

Mix sugar with water, cinnamon, cloves, ginger the lead
fire, until a thin syrup.
Before putting the plums take cinnamon clove and ginger.
Place the plums, leave the fire for 10 'minutes, remove from heat let cool. Reserve.

Prepare the custard mode:
Place in a medium saucepan ¾ liter of cow's milk, condensed milk, coconut milk, shredded coconut.
Bring the pan to heat up to boil stirring constantly,
Then add the corn starch dissolved in the remaining milk (1/4 gallon), continue stirring until cooked corn starch, by 8 'minutes.

Place the custard in an aluminum form with hole in
center wet with water. Take the refrigerator until set.
Turn out and go for a glass dish, pour over the syrup with plums. Black.

Manjar blanco con ciruelas estudiante negro - Cold (no se dispara)

Manjar blanco con ciruelas estudiante negro - Cold (no se dispara)

1 lata de leche condensada
1 puede hervida y leche de vaca caliente (medida usando la leche condensada)
1 vaso pequeño de leche de coco
1 lata de crema (sin suero)
1 cucharada (sopa) de gelatina incolora poco profunda y sin sabor (12 gr.) Hidratado con 5 cucharadas de agua fría
Después de disolver la gelatina con 300 ml de agua fría del baño
caldera o en el microondas durante 30 segundos Precaución (no minutos)
Preparad el camino del Manjar:
Mezcla de leche, leche condensada, la leche de la vaca cálido
Después de bien batido, añadir la gelatina incolora disuelto y sin sabor "caliente" se convierten en un éxito para 5 'minutos.
Finalmente poner la crema y batir de nuevo hasta que
una masa homogénea.
Verter la mezcla de la licuadora, para formar un agujero en el centro, mojado con agua.
Tome la nevera hasta que cuaje.

Desmoldar el flan .passar para un gran plato de pastel, verter sobre el jarabe y alrededor de las ciruelas.
 Otros Ingredientes:
300 gramos. ciruelas pasas sin hueso pesados
aproximadamente 20 ciruelas pasas
2 tazas (té) de azúcar
1 taza de agua fría
1 ramita de canela, 3 dientes de la India
1 rodajas de jengibre fresco

¿Cómo se prepara el jarabe;
Mezclar el azúcar con el agua, la canela, el clavo, el jengibre la delantera
fuego, hasta que un jarabe ligero.
Antes de poner las ciruelas tienen clavo canela y jengibre.
Coloque las ciruelas, deje el fuego durante 10 'minutos, retirar del fuego dejar enfriar. Reserva.

sábado, 23 de maio de 2015

Sweet Wedding rice (Portugal)

Sweet Wedding rice


1 cup uncooked rice tea
2 cups of hot tea
1 ½ cup of sugar
1 whole lemon peel or orange, do not grate the part
that bitter white
2 cinnamon sticks
5 cloves of India
1 tablespoon (soup) of ginger cut into slices (optional)
1 pinch of salt

Other Ingredients:

4 eggs - egg whites until stiff
1 pinch of salt to beat the egg whites
1 liter of cow milk Boiled
2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder

By Heart:

A mold
1 lacy plastic washcloth or crocheted starched all furadinha

II - Option:

1 cup ground nuts
Mix the nuts after the sweet rice ready.

Way of preparing:

Wash the rice, drain, place in a saucepan with the sugar water and lemon peel cut into a single strip, and a pinch of salt.

After the cooked rice, add half the milk has boiled and then go putting the milk gradually, simmer for fifteen minutes.

Well beat the egg yolks with whisk and add the still warm rice pudding, mix well lead to the fire put 8 'to 10' minutes to cook the yolks.

Beat the egg whites, mix with the sweet rice still warm, take the fire put 2 or 3 minutes.

Rice is mousse type, put a round refractory, cool
Place on top of the rice mold of income washcloth, sprinkle
cinnamon powder.
Take the mold being careful not to break the design.


At the end of Year put a saucer of ground nuts, mix well.
In Portugal it is customary to serve rice pudding with name
guest made with cinnamon powder.

sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2015

Hominy interior of São Paulo Sweet and Diet II Options

Hominy interior of São Paulo Sweet and Diet II Options

½ kilo of white hominy (white corn)
2 liters of cold water or enough to soak
Other Ingredients:
1 liter of cow's milk
1 ½ cup (tea) or sugar (1 can of condensed milk) or
4 tablespoons (soup) shallow sweetener in own powder oven and hob
1 small glass coconut milk
100 g. freshly grated coconut, or dry hydrated
2 cinnamon sticks
6 cloves of India
4 ginger slices (optional)

Way of preparing:
Wash the hominy, let's Eve soak for
12 hours.

Dump the water from the sauce and re-wash the hominy.
Put to cook in a pressure cooker, cover with water four fingers above the hominy.
Leave the fire cooking for 20 'minutes.
Turn off the heat, without opening the pot.

Open the pot, only after cooled, the hominy is not already cooked, take the heat for another 10 'minutes and do the same before the procedure.

Once cooked, add the cinnamon, cloves, and ginger, cow's milk, coconut milk condensed milk, coconut, if you need to add a little more sugar.

Lead to fire up diminish the cow's milk in half.
You can eat hot, cold, not cold the grains become hard.
If you want a creamy hominy, hitting half of the revenue in the blender.
Place in bowls sprinkled with cinnamon and garnish to taste.
Hominy DIET
½ kilo of white hominy (white corn)
2 liters of cold water or enough to soak
Other Ingredients:
1 liter of cow's milk
1 can of condensed milk or diet
4 tablespoons (soup) shallow sweetener in own powder oven and hob
1 small glass coconut milk
100 g. freshly grated coconut, or dry hydrated with water
2 cinnamon sticks
6 cloves of India
4 ginger slices (optional)
If you do put condensed milk diet diet
Condensed Milk Diet:
1 cup of skimmed milk powder
½ cup (tea) of boiling water
½ cup (tea) of dietary sweetener powder, own
Oven and Stove
1 tablespoon (packed) light margarine
How to Prepare Condensed Milk Diet:

Beat all the condensed milk diet ingredients in a blender for 5 "minutes.
Store in the refrigerator, use the next day.

Make hominy just as the previous recipe, changing the sugar for sweetening, or condensed milk.

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2015

Berinjela Com Anchovas and Outros + Photo

Berinjela Com Anchovas and Outros + Photo
50 grs. de anchovas dessalgadas
2 berinjelas gordas cortadas em Rodelas de meio centimeter
2 pimentões vermelho cortado em Rodelas, ou tiras finas
1 cebola great cortada em Rodelas
1 xícara de (cha) de salsa picada
½ xícara de (cha) de cebolinha green cortada em rodelinhas
1 xícara de (cha) Azeitonas verdes de picada
1 large tomate (gordo) cortado em Rodelas
1 colher de (cha) cheia de orégano ou to gosto
2 colheres de (sopa) de óleo de milho
1 copo de agua fria
½ copo de vinho tinto de vinagre
Modo de Prepare:
Lavar todos os ingredientes. Reserve.
Tempera sal com todos os ingredientes
Numa form redonda com tampa, untar com or óleo.
Coloque em camadas alternadas:
1st Camada berinjela em Rodelas com falls
2nd Camada pimentão em Rodelas sem SEMENTES
3rd Camada cebola em Rodelas
4th Camada anchovas esfarelada with sauce and cebolinha
5th Camada Rodelas de tomates com orégano
Intercale em cada camada, Azeitonas, salsa, and cebolinha.
Por top azeite, despejar um copo de agua eo vinagre.
Pegue no cabo to form sacudir bem para misturar in água, or vinagre eo azeite.
Tampe shaped, coloque na boca do fogão em fogo high assim que Começou to ferver veja pela válvula, abaixe or fogo.
Deixar cozinhando por 15 'to 20' minutos, ou até que as berinjelas estejam cozidas.
If as berinjelas estão cozidas, todos os outros ingredientes também estão.

Costelinha Porco do Mineiro Sabor do Brasil

Costelinha Porco do Mineiro Sabor do Brasil

2 pounds of chopped costelinha porco em pedaços 10 X2
1 colher of (soup) of rasa salt for each kilo of meat
1 cabeça of amassado alho, salt ou com alho socado
1 pimenta finger moça sementes e sem sem ribs
brancas cut miudinho bem, ou do kingdom pimenta
1 colher of (HCA) ralada ginger, ½ coffee colher
of moído louro
Outros Ingredients:
1 kilo of tomato and sementes heavy peles sem sem chopped
1 kilo of minced cebola ou ralada
1 pore alho somente part Branca chopped and refogado
1 xícara of (CHA) chopped salsa
1 xícara of (HCA) cebolinha picadinha
8 folhas couve washed and chopped bem em tirinhas fininhas
50 g. em bacon cut cubinhos one ralada cebola 1 colher
of (soup) of oil. 1 colher of (CHA) salt.
Preparing mode Couve:
Couve plays to cut fininha bem na água fervente, assim to raise no fogo fervura deixar 3 'minutes, depois escorrer and espremer bem.
Deixar to couve Não muito tempo na fying water hardens.
Numa fry bacon frigideira or remove, gather em cebola or oil and salt followed to couve eo. Com um turning Vá largest garfo tied to esteja prompt. Place numa travessa and for top or fried bacon.

Prepare costelinha mode:
Wash bem costelinhas as, temper, deixar em repouso by
4 to 6 hours, turning once quando em.
Place numa largest panela as uma do costelinhas cruas side gives outra, by Jogue top 1 liters ou or necessário, tied cobrir
to meat.
Levar cozinhar ao fogo for 40 'to 60' minutes, ou até to dry all water.
"Não frying as before cozinhar na costelinhas water."
Quando a secou água tomatoes acrescente you to cebola, to ginger, or louro Pimenta, Acerte or salt, continue mexendo tied to desmanche I tomatoes. Molho ficar tied um grosso.
Numa travessa serve ou louça mud, splatter sauce on top and cebolinha.
Serve separate couve.
Acompanha fried banana to Milan ou
Polenta inteiras ou batatas


terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2015

Eggplant With Anchovies and Other + Photo

Eggplant With Anchovies and Other + Photo

50 grams. dessalgadas of anchovies
2 fat eggplants cut into slices half a centimeter
2 red peppers cut into slices or thin strips
1 large onion, cut into slices
1 cup (tea) chopped parsley
½ cup (tea) green onions cut into rodelinhas
1 cup (tea) chopped green olives
1 large tomato (fat) cut into slices
1 teaspoon (tsp) full of oregano or to taste
2 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil
1 cup of cold water
½ cup red wine vinegar
Way of preparing:
Wash all ingredients. Reserve.
Season with salt all ingredients
In a round shape with a lid, with oil grease.
Place in alternate layers:
1st Layer eggplant into slices with peel
2nd pepper Layer sliced ​​seedless
3rd Layer onion, sliced
4th Layer crumbled anchovies with parsley and chives
5th Layer sliced ​​tomatoes with oregano
Merge into each layer, olives, parsley, and chives.
Over oil, pour a glass of water and vinegar.
Take the cable as shake well to mix water, vinegar and olive oil.
Cover the shape, place on the stove over high heat, so it began to boil see the valve, lower the heat.
Leave cooking for 15 'to 20' minutes, or until the eggplants are cooked.
If the eggplants are cooked, all other ingredients are also.

Rib cooker + Photo Cow

Rib cooker + Photo Cow

2 kg of non-fat cow's ribs, cut into small pieces.
½ cup corn oil
1 tablespoon (soup) full of fine salt or
1 onion soup package
Way of preparing:
Ask the butcher to cut in your rib into small pieces.
Remove all the fat from above and that is interwoven into the meat.
Wash the ribs in tap water
No temper.
Cooking mode:

Place a large pot on the fire with a little oil, so warmed go putting the pieces of rib and go flipping from one side and then the other, dripping boiling water gradually, when gilded add salt or onion soup, and continue frying and dripping water, until the rib is cooked.
Another option is when the rib was golden, continue to pressure cooker, pour a glass of boiling water, cover the pan and simmer over low heat for 20 'minutes.
Remove the meat is cooked when it is hard to fire back again for another for 10 'minutes or necessary until it is thoroughly cooked.
With the water remaining in the pressure cooker, strain and after cooled take the refrigerator, remove the fat to stay on top.
Use this broth to make soup or another dish of your choice.
Serve so Rib:

Serve with baked whole potato, chopped braised with garlic catolonha, or cabbage.
Option II:
Cooking raw ribs in a pressure cooker with salt.
With the broth remaining in the pot, do the same as the previous recipe.
Serve the same previous mode.
You can cook the ribs in the pressure cooker without spices.
Once cooked remove the meat season with onion, parsley finely chopped green onions, season with salt, pepper, vinegar and olive oil.

Kebab oven or fried + Photo

Kebab oven or fried + Photo


1 kilogram of topside, or duck, or rump
1 cup (tea) grated onion
2 tablespoons (soup) of chopped mint
1 teaspoon salt dessert, or to taste
1 teaspoon (tsp) black pepper or hot sauce
1 tablespoon (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of oil

Other Ingredients:

500 g. wheat for kibe
1 liter of cold water

R c and h and i o:

300 grams. of ground beef
1 onion, grated
1 pinch of pepper or hot sauce

How to Prepare the kebab

Place wheat for kebab in a bowl, add the water and let stand for 30 minutes. After runs well.

If you want to quickly put boiling water over the wheat, stirring with a spoon to moisten well, leaving no water left over, let rest for 5'minutos, or stick it cools.
Mix the meat with the moistened wheat, onion, mint, salt and pepper to taste. And some oil and wheat flour.


Revenues right to make kebab and move the mass of kebab in the meat grinder or processor twice.

If you can not do this operation up, mix well squeezing the mass of the kebab to get good taste for 10 'minutes.

Shaping the Quibe mode:

Shaping the kebab rolling on the index finger of his left hand, is a hole to put the filling.
Once filled, close the hole with the mass of kebab
Fry in hot oil, lower the heat to prevent burning.
Serve on platter garnished with watercress and cherry tomatoes.
Accompanies dry curd.

II - Option:

You can also make tray:

Grease oil with a round shape, place half of the dough, and flatten over the filling and finally another layer of pasta.
Cut out the meatballs into squares, or triangles on top put a little oil.
Bake 180 ° C for 10 'to 15' minutes. Do not let too much time in the oven that dries.

Serve mode:

Serve kebab with dry curd, and over olive oil and watercress salad with cherry tomatoes
You can replace the dry curd cottage cheese for ricotta.
See curd recipe on my Blogs.


Can do without filling, it is excellent

Sweet Green Fig Crystallized -III Options + Photo

Sweet Green Fig Crystallized -III Options + Photo

1quilo of whole fresh green figs

800 grams. crystal or refined sugar
1 liter of cold water
2 cinnamon sticks, 1 slices of ginger and 6 cloves of India

Way of preparing:
Place raw figs in a large bowl or cloth bag with salt, sugar or rice straw. .
Rub salt in the figs or the other ingredients to remove the hairs from the bark until it is pretty slick.
Rinse under running water, rub each, to remove the salt and the hairs.

Make a cut crosswise at the bottom of each serves for the syrup from within the figs.
Put figs for cooking with 3 liters of water, ie up to two fingers Figs.
Leave on heat for 30 'minutes or until cooked but firm, let it cool in the pan.
"Be careful not to overcook"

Check point pricking with a fork.
Pour the cooking water, move to another pan with hot water, not boiling, leave for a few minutes then drain. Book.
Make a very light syrup.
Dump the figs in the cold light syrup, let cook for 90 'minutes (half an hour) over low heat, or until they are cooked
At the end of cooking, the sauce is thin place over a cup of sugar, or necessary, to stay one thickened syrup, not thick.
If it gets too thick pour a glass of water and cook again for 5 'minutes.

For Crystallized figs:
Remove the figs cooked in syrup with a slotted spoon and pass to a colander to drain finished, that is if you want to "candied figs."

Pass the figs in crystal or refined sugar put in a bamboo sieve lined with paper towel allow to dry.
Store the syrup for use at another time.

Compote of figs:
If you prefer the figs with syrup, store the candy in cummerbund, glass or sterile screw cap, in the refrigerator.

Sweet home has no preservative and should always be kept in the refrigerator.
Serve with a slice of fresh cheese.
Cut figs fresh:

After the cooked sweet, go to the processor, until well crushed.
Place the figs crushed in a pot and add a cup or the necessary sugar, bring to high heat until boiling, lower the heat, stirring frequently until smooth.
If you need to add a little of the sauce to bind.
It takes about 30 'minutes on low heat, stirring constantly.

Once ready, the sweet pass for a container, or (thin wooden box) and hit (smooth) with a spatula.
Once cooled cut into small pieces wrap with cellophane, or pieces of half a kilogram.

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015













PLACE THE BRIDAL Fondue REGARDING A spirit lamp lighting-A AND WAIT




Ambrosia True Homemade

Ambrosia True Homemade

At the request am publishing again


1 liter of milk
6 eggs
6 egg yolks
2-4 cinnamon sticks
10 cloves of India
3 slices of fresh ginger (optional)
1 tablespoon (soup) full of vinegar or lemon juice
1 kilo of refined white sugar
2 cups (tea) cold water

Way of preparing:
Use a very thick bottom pot, to prevent burning.
Make a syrup with sugar, water, cinnamon, and cloves and ginger.
Thoroughly mix the sugar with water, cinnamon, cloves and ginger, bring to high heat for 15 'to 30' minutes, until a thick syrup that drips from the spoon.
Do not move while the fire that can sweeten.
Meanwhile, pass the eggs and egg yolks through a sieve, add milk and vinegar.

When the syrup is thick, add the egg mixture gradually and slowly until granular, about 15 'minutes with strong fire.
Bulinho can use to make yarn eggs.
Then lower the heat, stirring constantly with a high cable spoon, until cooked and full-bodied.
Stir well the bottom of the pot not to burn at low heat for about an hour, adding occasionally hot water gradually, not dry.
The appearance is grainy and sweet with syrup.


If you want golden syrup (darker), leave a little extra in the fire, however careful not to burn the syrup that bitter.
Save Ambrosia mode.
You can save on glasses with screw cap. or cummerbund.
You can also save in sterile glass and make the same manner as stewed fruit.

The function of the vinegar is to granulate.
When do the first time, make half the recipe.

Tartar sauce - II Options

Tartar sauce - II Options

I - Option:

½ kilo of ready mayonnaise
2 tablespoons mustard
½ cup of chopped or ground pickes tea
2 tablespoons chopped green olives
1 lemon, juice only
2 tablespoons brandy or dry white wine

sauce II

1 250 g of mayonnaise jar.
Mustard 2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4-6 tablespoons ketchup
2 tablespoons dry white wine

How to Prepare tartar sauce

And poke the pickes or go through the processor, along with the olives
then mix the mayonnaise and other ingredients
To serve place a bowl with high foot

How to Prepare the sauce II

Mix well with a spoon all the ingredients, then put a foot high glass

Steak With Sauce II student + Photo

Steak With Sauce II student + Photo

Horse Steak With Vinaigrette Dressing
300 grams. (2 or 3 steaks) against fillet without fat
1 tablespoon (soup) of corn oil for frying
A pinch of salt to each side of the steaks
Prepare the way of Simple Steak:
Put to fry in a pan with a thick bottom (type pressure cooker) or iron skillet.
Constant high heat all the time to seal the meat, leaving a surface crust
Preferably a steak fry at a time.
Place the oil in the pan, so heated place the steak not move, do not be turning the steak.
If you like rare, the steak itself shows the point, he comes off the bottom of the pan, turn around and do the same procedure on the other side.
If you prefer the more steak cooked leave a little more.

A fried egg to put over the steak.
The fried egg on top of the steak flame (the horse steak).

Sauce Vinaigrette:
1 large onion, cut into very thin slices
1 tablespoon (soup) of oil eyelet
2 tablespoons (soup) of red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons (soup) of warm water
1 tablespoon (coffee) shallow salt

Mode Prepare the sauce:
In a deep skillet, fry the onion in the oil until wilted, add the vinegar and water and salt, leave cooking until almost dry around the net. Reserve.
Serve mode:
Place the steak on the plate over a fried egg on the side the vinaigrette and garnish with red lettuce leaves.
With white rice or whole baked potato.

Before Serving, remember to heat the dish with hot water, then drain the water and dry.
Tournedos are round steaks of about two (2) centimeters tall 130-140 grams. taken from the thinnest part of the filet mignon.
Chateaubriand steak is 300-500 grams. (Larger than that weight, turn roast beef) cut into the widest part of filet mignon.
The T-bone steak is a steak cut to the bone in the middle, having a fillet part and the other counter fillet.
Small and thin escalope are used lean meats, rump, titty and topside.
Chop or Chuleta against bone steak.
Follows in the next publications, other sauces to put on steaks.

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

Carrot Loaf domesticated + Photo

Carrot Loaf domesticated + Photo

800 grams. wheat flour
30 grams. fresh yeast
2 tablespoons (soup) of sugar
2 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil or soybean
2 tablespoons (soup) and full milk powder
3 to 4 tablespoons of cream without serum or box
1 ½ medium grated carrots into thin drain
2 whole eggs
2 tablespoons (tea) shallow salt
1 cup of warm water or cow milk
Sweet Bread:
If you want to make sweet bread put a cup of (tea) sugar, or half a cup of (tea) of powdered sweetener, suitable for oven and hob, reduce salt to ¼ teaspoon (tsp).

Way of preparing:

Blend the chopped carrots with milk, then add the eggs, make the hit.
Place the bread machine and gradually add the ingredients, finally the flour.
Turn on the machine and let it beat until it stops, (kneading mode).
Remove the dough shape. Grease 2 large forms of pound cake.
Grease and floured forms.
If you want you can put shaped hole in the center.
The carrot bread is soft sticky dough.
Turns out the dough until half the way, grows much.

Be careful not to put too much mass that can fall out of fashion, and bringing disorder in the oven.
Preheat the oven let it stay warm then hang up, that is, if the weather is cold.
Place the trays in the oven off (warm), let rise until doubled in volume, it takes 30 'minutes at least.
Place under the grill to bake for a bowl of water.
Preheated 160 ° C oven, post baked for 40 'to 60' minutes, or until staining.
If you want you can brush yolk with a spoon (soup) of water is optional.
Option II:
Who has not for bread machine:
Write first sponge.

Place the yeast in a bowl with a spoon (soup) sugar kneading the two ingredients until yeast is diluted, add a little milk, half a cup of flour and mix the dough should be liquid.
Do not put salt in the sponge that slows growth.
Allow to stand for 30 'to 40' covered with plastic wrap or a cloth, until it becomes a sponge in a cool place out of the air stream.
Using Disposable Gloves:
A counter spread the remaining wheat flour, making a circle with a hole in percent, for placing the other ingredients.
Blend the carrot with a little warm milk or water and eggs or grate the carrots into thin drain
Pouring sponge, milk powder, oil, cream remaining sugar and salt.
Go mixing all ingredients until smooth.
Kneading enough, or tear the mass with a spatula on a workbench by pulling up and down 1q0 'minutes.
Gather the dough, put in the way by half (height), let rise until doubled in volume.
If you want to do the same procedure as the previous recipe.
Once grown, place in oven 160 C for 40 'to 60' minutes or until blush.
When taking the bread from the oven pass melted butter or brush with corn oil.
I - The bread is very yellow, it seems cornmeal cake can add the dough 1 tablespoon (soup) of fennel.
II- In mass can put 1 tablespoon (soup) zest of orange peel or lemon (do not put the bitter white part).

Coxa e Sobrecoxas Assada Com Polenta + Foto

Coxa e Sobrecoxas  Assada Com Polenta + Foto  


2 quilos de coxas ou  sobrecoxas  juntas inteiras
com os ossos e com as peles, ou  somente sobre coxas ( não serve peito de frango)


Somente os dois ingredientes para temperar.

2 colheres de (sopa) rasa de sal
4 colheres de  (sopa) de orégano

Outros Ingredientes:

1  lata  de cerveja  branca em temperatura ambiente
½ Lata de água (usar a medida da lata de cerveja) ou 
300 ml de Caldo de carne.

Modo de Preparar:

Lavar bem o frango, não tire os ossos, nem a pele nem a gordura.
Temperar somente  com sal e orégano.

Coloque os pedaços de frango  numa assadeira grande, com a pele virada para baixo, regar com  uma cerveja, misturada com a água.
Não precisa cobrir com papel de alumínio.

Levar ao forno pré-aquecido médio  180 º C por  a 40’ 60’ minutos aproximadamente, na metade do cozimento,  vire as peças do frango com  pele para cima.

Quando terminou de assar, os pedaços de frango ficam levemente dourados, não deixe assar demais que resseca  e a assadeira com bastante gordura derretida.
Descartar  a gordura  que ficou na assadeira. 
Depois secar  as peças assadas com papel toalha, para eliminar toda a gordura

Modo de Servir:

Sirva numa travessa   o frango assado  numa cama de folhas de alface,   com a pele virada  para cima. Se quiser pode servir com  alface cortada bem fininha.
Cobrir o frango com molho de tomate caseiro.

Para ficar bem sequinho, secar os pedaços de frango  com papel toalha, antes de servir   

Acompanha  polenta ou  batatas inteiras cozidas.

Sirva com uma boa salada de agrião, tomate, pimentão vermelho, rodelas de cebola, e tomate cereja ou
Folhas de alface, cenoura ralada em fios e tomate cereja.
Se não tiver o aparelhinho para ralar com fios compridos, rale a cenoura no ralo grosso.
Se quiser pode servir  com legumes cozidos:      

Batatas, cenoura, boques brócolos couve-flor, passados na manteiga e sal.
Palmito,  ou cogumelos, aspargo   em conservar, escorrido, lavado e picado.

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2015

Cod Economic Student, Easy, Fast + Photo

Cod Economic Student, Easy, Fast + Photo

1 kg of cod thicker chips salted for 12 to 16 hours.
Continuation of ingredients:
8 medium potatoes peeled cut into slices not too thin
1 chili middle red seeded and without white ribs 1cm strips.
1 medium yellow bell pepper seeded and without the white ribs.
1 large onion cut into thin slices, washed and seasoned with a pinch of salt and vinegar.

Other Ingredients:
1 mushroom glass 200 grams. drained, washed, chopped
1 cup (tea) of purple olives or to taste
4 boiled eggs, cut in half
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley to the stem.
½ cup thinly sliced ​​scallions
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of capers, distribute between layers of cod and potato and onion.
1 cup of cold water to cook the ingredients.
Way of preparing:
How to prepare the cod:

Wash cod to remove excess salt.
Place the cod soak for 12 to 16 hours, changing the water every time.

Cook the eggs for 10 minutes, pour the water out, then put cold water leave for 5 'minutes at rest, to facilitate the work, then remove the peel cut in half, put in the center of the yolk a small piece of black olive.
The cod is not cooked before mounting the form.
Mode Mounting the cod:
A high round shape with cap, grease with plenty of olive oil, place in layers:
The first layer is raw potatoes, lining the entire bottom of the form with unseasoned potato.
The second layer is cod, capers spread sprinkle with oil or olive oil.
The third layer is drained slices onions, washed and slightly seasoned with salt and vinegar.
The fourth layer is sliced ​​mushrooms.
The fifth layer is thin strips of raw red peppers and yellow spiced with a pinch of salt.
The fifth layer cover slices of potatoes, pour half a glass of cold water. Cap shape.
Put the form on top of the stove's mouth, so boil, realizes the valve she's moving, lower the heat, let cook for 15 'minutes.
Open the form carefully that (is too hot) and add the remaining water, (half cup of hot water), close the form, leave cooking for another 10 'to 15' minutes.
Do not put all the water at once overflowing, if the shape is too full.
Once finished cooking, place the form in OFF oven and leave for 10 'minutes at rest, to finish cooking, that is, if necessary.

II - Cooking option:
If you have no way round cover, use another round or square high as 10 cm, put all the glass of water, cover with aluminum foil.
Leave cooking preheated oven for 20 'to 30' minutes over low heat.
Serve mode:
Before serving, pour over the eggs cooked without seasoning and a bit of purple olive in the center of the yolk and around the olives, some mushrooms.
The cod cooking is slow which is steamed.
Before serving sprinkle enough chopped parsley and green onions into thin slices.
Decorate to taste.
Option II:
If you do not have the round shape with a lid with hooks, use a common high fashion, cover with aluminum and lightweight paper in the oven for 30 'minutes.
Do not forget to put a glass of water on the last layer, so that the ingredients before cooking sprinkle with olive oil.

The first choice is made upon the stove is in the second oven.
The two options are the tastiest.
If you prefer you can do with cod a bit thicker the average, desalting is 24 hours.
Do not make too thick cod which is not good.
Do not cook the cod before placing the order, otherwise takes all the flavor of the cod.
You can change the mushrooms for asparagus or broccoli.
Should take the ribs chili that bitter and some people are allergic.
If cooking the egg in aluminum pan, put 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice, is to not let the pot go black.

sábado, 9 de maio de 2015

Stuffed Loin With Pâté Ham, Apple, Cheese.

Stuffed Loin With Pâté Ham, Apple, Cheese.


2 kilograms of fresh pork loin or frozen


2% of the weight of the meat or salt 1 tablespoon (soup) full
1 cup lemon juice tea
2 cups dry white wine
6 cloves of crushed garlic
1 pepper finger full girl without cutting
1 pinch of grated ginger
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 pinch of black pepper or spicy paprika
1 large branch of rosemary

Other Ingredients:

1 orange juice
to wet loin while baking
6-8 slices of bacon to put put up the loin, before baking

Pate Ham:

2 cans of ham pâté
3 large apples grated in the large drain
2 tablespoons cream cheese cheese
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup finely chopped parsley tea
1 teacup of grated onion
1 cup crushed crackers or grated stale bread

Way of preparing:

Wash the pork with water, then wash with lemon juice
Open the tenderloin at length, like a great steak, blanket
Beat with a meat beater to sharpen well, until a large blanket
Place the pork in a thick white plastic bowl, add all the spices, let stand put 6-12 hours in the refrigerator covered with aluminum foil or with napkin

Prepare the filling mode:

Mix the cream cheese pate with cheese, then the grated Parmesan cheese, grated apples, chopped parsley, chopped onion, butter and put the last cookie flour
After well mixed all filling ingredients make a ball go shaping forming a roll.
Wrap with foil, take the fridge to form.

Put the stuffing on the back and roll like a jelly roll, sew with needle and thick thread, then tie all the way around with cotton string, not lose shape
Place the tenderloin on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil, add a little broth seasoning strained
Set put up the loin bacon slices
Cover the pork with aluminum foil, being careful not to stick to the meat
Take to bake in preheated moderate oven 180 ° C for one hour for each kilogram of meat, or until it is cooked.
While baking, go watering with orange juice
After baked remove the string, cutting with scissors
Serve on a large platter of stainless
Accompanying mashed apples or chestnut puree
Garnish with slices of pineapple in syrup and prunes center. Stuffed Loin With Apple and Cheese Pate +


2 kilograms of fresh pork loin or frozen


2% of the weight of the meat or salt 1 tablespoon (soup) full
1 cup lemon juice tea
2 cups dry white wine
6 cloves of crushed garlic
1 pepper finger full girl without cutting
1 pinch of grated ginger
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 pinch of black pepper or spicy paprika
1 large branch of rosemary

Other Ingredients:

1 orange juice
to wet loin while baking
6-8 slices of bacon to put put up the loin, before baking

Pate Ham:

2 cans of ham pâté
3 large apples grated in the large drain
2 tablespoons cream cheese cheese
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup finely chopped parsley tea
1 teacup of grated onion
1 cup crushed crackers or grated stale bread

Way of preparing:

Wash the pork with water, then wash with lemon juice
Open the tenderloin at length, like a great steak, blanket
Beat with a meat beater to sharpen well, until a large blanket
Place the pork in a thick white plastic bowl, add all the spices, let stand put 6-12 hours in the refrigerator covered with aluminum foil or with napkin

Prepare the filling mode:

Mix the cream cheese pate with cheese, then the grated Parmesan cheese, grated apples, chopped parsley, chopped onion, butter and put the last cookie flour
After well mixed all filling ingredients make a ball go shaping forming a roll.
Wrap with foil, take the fridge to form.

Put the stuffing on the back and roll like a jelly roll, sew with needle and thick thread, then tie all the way around with cotton string, not lose shape
Place the tenderloin on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil, add a little broth seasoning strained
Set put up the loin bacon slices
Cover the pork with aluminum foil, being careful not to stick to the meat
Take to bake in preheated oven 180 ° CA high, set one hour per kilogram of meat, or until it is cooked.
While baking, go watering with orange juice.
After baked remove the string, cutting with scissors.
Serve on a large platter of stainless steel.
Accompanying mashed apples or chestnut puree.
Garnish with slices of pineapple in syrup and prunes center.

Quindao almonds

Quindao almonds


18 large egg yolks
3 large scoops of sugar, 350 grams.
250 ml of milk 1 cup
1 tbsp (tablespoons) butter
3 tablespoons (soup) of cocoa or chocolate does not serve chocolate (optional)
100 g. Almond without toast crushed processor skins
1 pinch of salt

Way of preparing:

Blend well-beaten egg yolks, add the milk and butter, make the hit.
Place the sugar chocolate almonds and salt.
After all well beaten, put in a greased with butter sprinkle sugar on top.

Allow to stand for 1 hour
Bake in 180 ° C oven in a water bath for 40 'to 50' minutes or until blush.
Can substitute for almond coconut, nuts, cashew macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, apricots or ground.

All ingredients are grated or ground.
If you want you can make small Quindins., In own molds for this purpose.

Bake on a baking sheet, then roast cut with the cutter, you can bake in muffin tins of Quindins in bath
After baked immerse in paper cups.

Quindao Coco + Photo

Quindao Coco + Photo


18 large egg yolks
250 g. grated fresh coconut, dry or hydrated with water
1 cup (tea) and cold boiled cow's milk
300-400 grams. refined sugar or to taste
1 tablespoon (soup) of melted butter, not margarine serves

Way of preparing:

Hit the blender put 5 five minutes egg yolks, then add the melted butter milk, sugar and put last grated fresh coconut.

Form of 25 cm in circumference and five centimeters in height
Grease shape with butter and dusted with sugar, or glucose, diluted with a little water. "Glucose is to shine".

For a cup of glucose, two tablespoons of cold water, bring to fire until dissolved well, is a thick syrup.
Place the Quindao in shape, allow to stand for an hour, to separate the liquid from the coconut.

Oven 180 ° C leave to blush.

Turn on the oven, place the boiling water into the pan where the shape of Quindao.
Bake in a water bath for about an hour, or until well browned on top.

Allow to cool in the furnace. Unmold while warm.
Durability 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator.
If you want you can freeze, uninformed.

To serve place the Quindao capsized in a glass dish, that is, with golden side down.

To serve a special party, garnish with mint leaf, cherries or kiwi slices and whipped cream balls


You can bake in muffin tins of Quindins, greased with butter and sprinkled with sugar, or glucose. I use glucose to stay bright.
For Freezing:

Once cooled the Quindins put in molds of paper.
Keep in a cardboard box with a lid.
Wrap with plastic wrap .. Bring to frezer for up to 2 months.

Smoked Loin With Fresh fruits Brazil

Smoked Loin With Fresh fruits Brazil

1 whole smoked loin
Other Ingredients:
1 orange juice
½ cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon (soup) of honey (optional)
2 tablespoons (soup) of shoyu
1 teaspoon (tsp) hot paprika
1 cup (tea) of cloves to stick on the back
Fresh Fruit:
6 to 10 washed whole peaches
6-10 whole fresh figs. open in time to serve
10 Pineapple slices
10 fresh cherries to put in the center of the pineapple slice
4 washed whole apples or
1 cup apple balls with lemon juice
4 small pears washed, peeled can cook with red dye, or beet juice.
Pears can be raw or cooked
If you want you can put 1 cup of mango cut into small cubes

For Mother's Day or Other Special Days:

1 cup shelled walnuts cut in half
1 cup chestnut baked crusts removed with the film.
1 cup seedless raisins, soak for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Way of preparing:
Jab the smoked loin Carnations, spaced 1 cm.

Place the tenderloin in a form already with the nails, brush with soy sauce mixed with spicy paprika,
in the fashion mix the orange juice with white wine.

Bake 180 ° C for 15 '20' minutes for each kilogram of meat.
Occasionally brush the fillet with the broth from the pan.

By Heart:

1 large walk of washed lettuce, dry with paper towels.
1 dish cherry tomato background.
Hearts of palm, sliced ​​(optional)
1 cup mango balls made with boleador (optional)

Serve mode:

Line a shallow dish with lettuce leaves, place the fillet into thin slices center.
Around the platter, lettuce leaves over palm slices with cherry tomatoes and mango alternating colors.

Rib Braid thread With Fruit Compote + Carrot + Wire Photo eggs

Rib Braid thread With Fruit Compote + Carrot + Wire Photo eggs

2 kg of pork loin cut into three equal strips lengthwise

3 peeled apples, cut into cubes cooked
1 cup (tea) of black plums pitted, halved
Pineapple slices in syrup (drained) to decorate.

2 tablespoons (soup) shallow salt
2 glasses of white wine
Herbs to taste, (sage, mint, parsley, rosemary and other to taste.
Withdrawest herbs before filling.

Way of preparing:

With the meat beater, it beats the sirloin strips so they are very thin.
Mix the apples with plums, put in the center and along each strip and fold each half.
Already stuffed with strips, make the braid and drizzle it with a little pineapple syrup, close the braid forming a thread (screw-type bread).
Bake in preheated oven 160 ° C covered with aluminum foil, for 40 'minutes per kilo.
Just before the oven sirloin strips, remove the foil, and let it brown.
Serve around with stewed peaches, figs, prunes pitted, slices of pineapple cored and center cherry or plum.

By Heart:
Carrot wires.

Serve carrot yarn (yarn type eggs), the loin side, with or without filling.

Wire (eggs) Carrot

200 g. grated carrots, a special device to make long wire (is sold in any market)
1 cup (tea) caster sugar
½ cup (tea) cold water
5 cloves
2 shins wool
4 slices ginger

Prepare mode:

Light, fire, water with sugar, cinnamon, clove the ginger, mix well out of the fire. Do not move while the fire.
Leave investigate until a thick syrup.
Place the grated carrots to cook this sauce.
When the carrot is cooked, strain it through a fine sieve while hot, use it to decorate all around the loin.
The recipe above is only ¼ of the recipe. carrot eggs wires.
The amount of carrot threads you choose how much to do.