quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2015

Couscous pot of couscous Traditional Fast and -II Options

Couscous pot of couscous Traditional Fast and -II Options

I - Option:


1 kilo of cooked and braised chicken without bones
2 cans of cooking, without the fat or meat broth 2 cups
3 large onions grated
1 cup oil, 1 tablespoon (soup) salt
1 can tomato sauce, or
4 chopped tomatoes, can replace with:
1 tablespoon (soup) shallow paprika or (turmeric root of Brazil) is yellowish.
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger (optional)
1 pepper finger girl without seeds, chopped, or hot sauce to taste
1 large glass of palm, drained and rinsed, chopped into thin slices.
Separate half of the palm for decoration, or background artichokes or asparagus.
2 cans of sardines in oil drained for decoration.
1 small can of sardines in oil to put on weight without oil.
300 grams. frozen peas, then give a scare, throw the boiling water, boiled so let 1 'minute, drain, throw ice water to stop the cooking.
3-4 boiled eggs and chopped
1 can of corn drained and washed (optional)
2 medium carrots cut into small cubes as well (optional)
(beware of cooked carrots, sour she was getting out of the refrigerator) Durability is maximum for a day.
1 cup (green tea olives cut into thin rodelinhas
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems and niggling
1 cup (tea) cooked green beans cut into pieces (optional)
1 tablespoon (soup) of capers. Finely chopped (optional)

For decoration:

Separate a little pea to put in the background
2 boiled eggs cut into slices to put on the bottom and sides
3 tomatoes cut into slices, not too thin to put on the bottom and sides.
1 Raw red peppers in strips for decoration
1 cup (tea) of black olives without stones to decorate the background.
Way of preparing:

After the chicken has cooked, remove the bones
Sauté with onion, tomato, or tomato sauce pepper to ginger, add the water from cooking the chicken, leave the fire until it cook well, and the tomato is cooked.

Add all other ingredients.

"Remember to separate the decoration ingredients".

Finally add the corn flour gradually and slowly.

Let the fire stirring constantly until cooked corn flour, if it is dry put a little oil or water to moisten
Once removed from heat add the chopped parsley to the stem.

Greased ring shape with oil.

Decorate the bottom and sides with palm, sardines, peppers tomato, olives, eggs etc.

Then unmold, place a large plate with turned bottom up, capsized.
Around lettuce and chicory raw thinly chopped.
Or steamed cabbage.
For June Festival and others put in molds patty, oiled.
Make only decoration in the background with little piece of parsley branch of tomato and a rodelinha olive green.
If you prefer you can change the way big for small molds, unmold before serving.


Can do with cod, shrimp, fish. or only with vegetables.

Beware the shrimp, cooking 3 'to 5' minutes.
"Do not forget to take the shrimp gut with a toothpick then wash well."

Enjoy the water that cooked shrimp, or fish to put on mass.
Option II:

If you can cook in cuscuzeira to cook in a water bath.
The real couscous is cooked in cuscuzeira

When the water starts boiling tell 30 'minutes.

Allow to cool in the pan.

Do not forget the decoration that is the same for all types of couscous.

In cuscuzeira the flour is uncooked.

After the sautéed ingredients, turn off the heat and let cool, add the raw corn flour, mix well.
Place in cuscuzeira.

Cuscuzeira on the bottom line with a white dishcloth without using, well cleaned, pour the dough.
Do not forget to do the decorating.

The filling and decoration are equal

E Chip bottarga di muggine + Foto

E Chip bottarga di muggine + Foto

1 o 2 triglie tagliati in pezzi di 3 dita.
1 piastra Farina di frumento sfondo
1 cucchiaio (zuppa) sale superficiale
Olio per friggere

Uova di muggine:

2 uova unità tagliate a piccoli pezzi
Sale qb
1 tazza (tè) di farina di frumento
Olio per friggere

Come preparare:

Pulite e lavate le triglie, cefali tagliata in pezzi di tre dita, condire con solo sale.
Asciugare i pezzi di triglie con carta assorbente.
Salta i pezzi di pesce nella farina, toccare per rimuovere l'eccesso.
Mettete una padella sul fuoco con olio, sufficiente a coprire la metà della put.
Friggere bene fino a doratura, girare e fare la stessa procedura sul lato opposto.
Posto su carta assorbente per sgrassare.
Passare a un piatto foderato con lattuga.

Come preparare la bottarga di muggine di:

Lavaggio, sale, asciugare con carta assorbente, tagliata in piccoli pezzi.
Salta la farina, mescolando bene per rimuovere l'eccesso.
Friggere in olio bollente fino a doratura.
Mettere su un piatto da portata e guarnire con pepe Cambuci e al centro di un dito di pepe ragazza.
Servire le uova insieme o separatamente.
Insalata verde Accompagnamento a proprio piacimento, e pomodorini, carote grattugiate nella grande fuga, o insalata cortadinho cavolo crudo.
Si può servire con polenta di pesce fatto con la testa e le loro falde.
Il cambiamento può triglie altri pesci a proprio piacimento.

And mullet roe Chips + Photos

And mullet roe Chips + Photos

1 or 2 mullet cut into pieces of 3 fingers.
1 plate Wheat flour background
1 tablespoon (soup) shallow salt
Frying oil
Mullet roe:
2 eggs units cut into small pieces
Salt to taste
1 cup (tea) of wheat flour
Frying oil
Way of preparing:
Clean and wash the mullet, cut mullet into pieces of three fingers, to season with salt only.
Dry the pieces of mullet with paper towels.
Skip the pieces of fish in flour, tap to remove excess.
Put a frying pan on fire with oil, enough to cover half of the put.
Fry well until golden brown, turn and do the same procedure on the other side.
Place on paper towel to degrease.
Switch to a platter lined with lettuce.

How to prepare the roe of mullet:
Wash, salt, dry with paper towels, cut into small pieces.
Skip the flour, beating well to remove excess.
Fry in hot oil until golden brown.
Place on a platter and garnish with pepper Cambuci and at the center of one finger pepper girl.
Serve the eggs together or separately.
Accompanying green salad to your liking, and cherry tomatoes, grated carrots in the large drain, or salad cortadinho raw cabbage.
You can serve with fish mush made with their heads and their flaps.

Change can mullet other fish to your liking

terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2015

Potato gnocchi or Other Vegetable Baking Sheet Stuffed

Potato gnocchi or Other Vegetable Baking Sheet Stuffed
With Options II and V fillings

 Option I:


1 kilo of potatoes asterix (pink) or fine steamed and pressed
Can trade potatoes for cassava, cassava, yams or sweet potatoes
4 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour, or necessary
2 tablespoons (soup) of cornstarch or flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of margarine
1 cup (tea) of warm milk (optional)
1 cup (tea) or grated cheese saucer


250 g. sliced ​​or grated cheese musarela in the large drain
250 g. sliced ​​or minced ham

Prepare the gnocchi so:

Place in a bowl and squeezed the cooked potatoes, add the flour, corn starch (cornstarch), margarine, grated cheese and milk gradually and slowly to give point to roll.

With the mass of gnocchi above, make ball size of the balls about the size of a small egg.
Open the dough in the palm hands put the stuffing of your choice, close bolear.

A large refractory put in deep enough tomato sauce over the stuffed gnocchi.
Which can be ball or another format, provided they do not run away size up.


A square of cheese plate with ham or musarela.
Can put braised chicken with cream cheese or spiced ground beef, cottage cheese with ham processed among others.

Way of preparing:

Grease with butter a rectangular terrine of 20 X 25 cm, with butter, lightly sprinkle flour or place a thin layer of tomato sauce.
The best option is to put a thick layer of tomato sauce.

II - Option:

Gnocchi pan:

Extend half the batter into the pan, with a one or two ladles of tomato sauce.
Distribute over ham and musarela sliced ​​or grated in the large drain (can be processed) or other filling your liking.
For the filling up the other half of the dough.
And a shell over tomato sauce, butter or brush
Before serving sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese


1.Frango + curd stew over
2.Carne ground with tomato sauce
3.Carne ground with vegetables carrots, peas, beans etc,
4.Bacalhau shredded with mushrooms and cheese
5.Ricota with spinach and cream

Place over the other half of the dough, flatten well, brush with butter.

Bring to medium oven to bake 180 ° C for 20'ou 25'minutos, or even blush.

Tablet or Candy, Cashew and rice flakes

Tablet or Candy, Cashew and rice flakes



2 cans of condensed milk
1 cup chopped cashew nut
1 cup sugar

Other ingredients:

200 g. molten chocolate milk
200 g. rice flakes

Way of preparing:

In a saucepan mix together the condensed milk with cashew nuts and sugar, bring to fire up to the point of brigadier.
Remove from heat, let cool and make the chocolates, pass the rice flake and then the melted chocolate.
The tablet is a rectangular candy of 8 X 2 cm, can also be done at own molds.
To make the Tablet in molds, first make a shell by placing a layer of melted chocolate, lead to the refrigerator for 2'minutos, then make a second layer with melted chocolate, take the refrigerator again.
Make a roll with stuffing, cut and place in muffin cups, pressing to take shape, then take a bath of melted chocolate, lead to the refrigerator for 2'minutos.
Once ready release of molds and wrap with colored cellophane on your taste.

Homemade sauce to Sugo

Homemade sauce to Sugo

1 or 2 kilos of tomatoes peeled and chopped without seeds or
1 can of peeled tomatoes sauce or the traditional concentrated dilute with 3 can of water, or more if necessary, boil until halve.
½ kilo or even a kilo of onion
1 bay leaf, or ¼ tablespoon (coffee) powder bay
1 tablespoon (soup) dried oregano or 1 fresh branch
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of Industrialized Onion Soup or
2 bouillon tablets (optional).
1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar or a medium carrot peeled cooked in sauce (serves to remove the acidity) or
1 teaspoon (tsp) of sodium bicarbonate (see below)
1 tablespoon (soup) of tomato paste (optional)
1 piece of cinnamon stick, aids in digestion (optional)
2 to 3 ginger slices (optional), remove it before serving.
The way to Prepare the sauce Sugo:
In a large saucepan put the oil with the onion, leave the fire until wilted, add the tomatoes and simmer until they come apart.
Add the ginger to Onion Soup carrots or sugar, leave the fire for 20 to 30 'minutes.
When missing 5 'minutes to turn off the fire place and cinnamon stick before removing from heat add the oregano.

Prepare so the Industrialized Sauce:
In a large saucepan put the oil with the onion, leave the fire until wilted, add the can of industrialized tomato sauce with 3 cans of cold water and simmer until reduced by half.
Add the ginger to Onion Soup carrots or sugar, leave the fire for 60 'minutes.
When missing 5 'minutes to turn off the fire place and cinnamon stick before removing from heat add the oregano.
If you can put some tomato paste to be as dark sauce, add half a cup of hot water at a time, until a thick, well-cooked sauce.
Do not forget to try (taste) before taking the fire.
Use industrialized sauce can add:
2 tablespoons (soup) of tomato paste is (optional)
To take the acidity can trade sugar and carrots for 1 tablespoon (of baking soda, mix well.
** You can not put baking soda in the pressure cooker it much foam and accident can occur. **

Gnocchi grain spout With Sauce to Sugo

Gnocchi grain spout With Sauce to Sugo

1 cup cooked chickpeas
1 medium potato baked
Wheat flour ½ or a little less
2 tablespoons (soup) generous grated cheese or necessary
2 tablespoons (soup) shallow butter does not serve margarine
1 tablespoon (soup) of corn oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) packed salt
1 egg

Way of preparing:
Place the sauce with chickpeas eve of water, for 12 hours, drain, put water again.
Another option is to put the chickpeas in a pressure cooker with water boil, lower the pin, count 3 'minutes, turn off the heat, let rest for an hour without opening the pot.
After cooking the chickpeas with water in a pressure cooker for about 20 '30' minutes or 1 hour in ordinary pot.
Once cooked remove the skins is (optional).
Removing the skin it gets better.
Cook the potatoes, peel.
Beat the chickpeas with a potato processor or crush with a fork, then pass through a sieve.
Chef's secret:
Place in a bowl the chickpeas with the processed potatoes, add butter and oil, take the refrigerator for one (1) hour.
Then remove the bowl from the refrigerator and add the egg, grated cheese, salt, and flour gradually to give the point of curl.
Do not put too much flour, beyond measure of income that is hard, if you need to add more grated cheese.
How to prepare the Gnocchi:
Sprinkle Lightly flour a desk, make the rolls of two (2) centimeters in diameter, 1 cm long.
Place a pot with enough water on fire with a pinch of salt and oil wire, so boil, pour some gnocchi at most ten (10) at a time, so climb count plus one (1) minute, remove with the skimmer, go to a bowl pour cold water to stop the cooking, go to a well separate pan and over a strand of corn oil.
Do this until finish all the gnocchi.
Serve with tomato sauce.
Homemade sauce to Sugo
1 or 2 kilos of tomatoes peeled and chopped without seeds or
1 can of peeled tomatoes sauce or the traditional concentrated dilute with 3 can of water, or more if necessary, boil until halve.
½ kilo or even a kilo of onion
1 bay leaf, or ¼ tablespoon (coffee) powder bay
1 tablespoon (soup) dried oregano or 1 fresh branch
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of Industrialized Onion Soup or
2 bouillon tablets (optional).
1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar or a medium carrot peeled cooked in sauce (serves to remove the acidity) or
1 teaspoon (tsp) of sodium bicarbonate (see below)
1 tablespoon (soup) of tomato paste (optional)
1 piece of cinnamon stick, aids in digestion (optional)
2 to 3 ginger slices (optional), remove it before serving.
The way to Prepare the sauce Sugo:
In a large saucepan put the oil with the onion, leave the fire until wilted, add the tomatoes and simmer until they come apart.
Add the ginger broth or Onion Soup carrots or sugar, leave the fire for 20 to 30 'minutes.
When missing 5 'minutes to turn off the fire place and cinnamon stick before removing from heat add the oregano.
If you can put over basil leaves

To take the acidity can use 1 teaspoon (tsp) baking soda while you're cooking.
Caution can not put baking soda in the pressure cooker that much foam and clog the valve cover.

segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

GNOCCHI -Simpatia the Gnocchi + gnocchi Baking Sheet

GNOCCHI -Simpatia the Gnocchi + gnocchi Baking Sheet

Every day 29 of each month is the day of eating gnocchi of luck.


Sympathy - "29th of each month" at lunch, put down your plate a note (money), ask for a free, do not tell anyone what you asked.
Save that money until the 29th of next month, into the bag or pocket without commenting to anyone.
Then take the money (notes) in the church of his devotion, thanking, even if you have not received grace.
If you have faith his grace is already under way.

Gnocchi Baking Sheet:

 Option I:

1 kilo of potatoes asterix (pink) or fine steamed and pressed
4 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour, or necessary
2 tablespoons (soup) of cornstarch or flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of margarine
1 cup (tea) of warm milk (optional)
1 cup (tea) or grated cheese saucer


250 g. sliced ​​or grated cheese musarela in the large drain
250 g. sliced ​​or minced ham

Prepare the gnocchi so:

Place in a bowl and squeezed the cooked potatoes, add the flour, corn starch (cornstarch), margarine, grated cheese and milk gradually and slowly to give point to roll.

With the mass of gnocchi above, make ball size of the balls about the size of a small egg.
Open the dough in the palm hands put the stuffing of your choice, close bolear.

A large refractory put in deep enough tomato sauce over the stuffed gnocchi.
Which can be ball or another format, provided they do not run away size up.


A square of cheese plate with ham or musarela.
Can put braised chicken with cream cheese or spiced ground beef, cottage cheese with ham processed among others.

Way of preparing:

Grease with butter a rectangular terrine of 20 X 25 cm, with butter, lightly sprinkle flour or place a thin layer of tomato sauce.
The best option is to put a thick layer of tomato sauce.

II - Option:

Nhocão baking sheet:

Extend half the batter into the pan, greased and floured or tomato sauce.
Distribute over ham and musarela sliced ​​or grated in the large drain (can be processed) or other filling your liking.


Braised chicken + cheese on top, ground beef, ground beef with vegetables (carrots, peas, green beans, onion, steamed cod, ricotta cheese with ham, and other filling to taste.

Place over the other half of the dough, flatten well, brush with butter.

Bring to medium oven to bake 180 ° C for 20'ou 25'minutos, or even blush.

Remove from the oven and still warm, pour tomato sauce with hot cooked meat, sprinkle grated cheese is (optional).


Previously people used the drizzling potatoes to make gnocchi, and so they wrote (gnocchi).

Why they claimed that smaller potatoes had smaller amount of water, wore little flour and was not hard.

Today with so much research, we have the special potatoes to make gnocchi, which is pink to (asterix) do not know the trade name right.
When you are reading may be that already has a more current potato own to make gnocchi (drier).

Menu Gnocchi

Menu Gnocchi

01.Aperitivo of Different Potato Gnocchi
02.Curiosidade About Gnocchi Lucky
03.Nhoque Simple Potato
04.Nhoque Stuffed Potato With Catupiry
05.Nhoque With Ricotta Pasta - II + options Sauce
Economic 06.Nhoque made with Wheat Flour
07.Nhoque Polish
08.Nhoque oven Stuffed (III fillings)
09.Nhoque Stuffed Different
10, gnocchi Joker Massa
11.Nhoque Freezing, What Kind You Can Freeze
12.Nhoque Freezing In Open
13.Modo of Pack the Frozen Gnocchi
14.Nhocão -Same Potato Gnocchi pasta
15.Nhocão Stuffed with ground beef and cheese
16.Nhocão Stuffed With Ham and Mozzarella
17.Molho White For gnocchi Ricotta
18.Nhoque With Tomato Sauce to Sugo
19.Nhoque With Sauce Bolognese
Traditional 20.Nhoque With Two Sauces
21.Nhoque Potato Different
22.Nhoque Yam
23.Nhoque Yam and Other
24.Nhoque Ricotta With Several Different Sauces
25.Nhoque Ricotta With Spinach
26.Nhoques Ricotta Cheese With Various Special
27.Nhoque Ricotta Special
28 Piroques Gnocchi for Soup
29.Sopa With Gnocchi Polish
30.Nhoque Loaf

Economic gnocchi - Joker Massa and Freezing

Economic gnocchi - Joker Massa and Freezing


750 ml of water (3 cups 250 mL each)
750 grams. of wheat flour
150 grams. butter or margarine
1 cup cow milk
1 tablespoon (soup) shallow salt or the like
2 tablespoons (soup) full of margarine,
(put after the cooked pasta)
2 large whole eggs

Way of preparing:

Lead to fire the water with milk and 150 grams. butter when it boils, add the flour all at once, mix well let the fire stirring constantly with a high cable spoon until a homogeneous mass and loosen the bottom of the pan getting a ball

Remove from heat and add the remaining two tablespoons margarine eggs one by one, mix well.

Return to heat and cook until the eggs.

How to prepare the Gnocchi:

Place the hot pasta on the floured table.
With a spatula without cable, stir the dough to cool and become uniform.
Be careful not to burn your hands.
After the well mixed dough, make thin rolls, cut the gnocchi the size of one (1) centimeter.

Put to cook in a large pot with 5 liters of water and a tablespoon of oil.

When you go up to the surface are cooked, leave more 3 'minutes in the fire, then drain

When taking the gnocchi the cauldron, already cooked, allow to drain and pour over ice water to stop the cooking and cool well.

To freeze Remaining:

Grease a form with oil, and spread the gnocchi from sticking to each other, cover with aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

Bring to freezer until frozen.

Once frozen, store in transparent bags.

To defrost, throw hot water or heat in microwave


The mass of the cooked gnocchi, serves to rissoles, drumsticks,
cheese dumplings, and others.

The Joker mass frozen up in bandejinhas serves to sell.

Potato gnocchi dough + Catupiry - Stuffed - III Options

Potato gnocchi dough + Catupiry - Stuffed - III Options

1 kilo of rose asterix potatoes steamed and pressed
200 g. catupiry of cheese

Tomato sauce

½ liter of homemade tomato sauce and thick
2 bouillon tablets, or 2 tablespoons (soup) Onion Soup
1 large onion, grated
1 tablespoons (soup) dried oregano finally
 ½ pepper lady finger chopped without seeds
1 tablespoon (soup) of corn oil

Mode Prepare the sauce:

Saute onion in oil, add the tomato sauce, broth pepper, leave the fire until the not too thick sauce.
If you need to add some water to finish cooking the sauce.
Finally add the oregano.

B and C r t u r a

½ cup cream cheese

I - Filling:

1 ground raw chicken breast or chopped
1 large onion, grated
2 tablespoons (soup) of chopped parsley to the stem
2 tablespoons (soup) of chopped mint
2 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil
1 cup chopped green olives
2 tomatoes peeled seeded bites of
½ cup cottage cheese to thicken the filling
1 tablet of broth

How to prepare the filling:

Fry the onion and tomatoes in oil, add the chicken breast, beef stock go sautéing and boiling water slowly dripping to cook the chicken, add the olives, parsley mint finally curd .. Leave the filling cool to fill the gnocchi.

II - Filling:

½ kilo of crushed fresh ricotta
1 cup (tea) of spinach, stuffy and squeezed
50 grams. of grated Parmesan cheese or need to bind
2 egg yolks

Mode Prepare the filling:

Place in a bowl the crumbled ricotta, chopped spinach, egg yolks and finally the grated cheese.
Mix well until a uniform mass,
Make small balls to fill the gnocchi.

III - Filling:

200 g. milled Ham
200 g. crushed mozzarella

Mode Prepare the filling:

Mix the ham with mozzarella and fill the the gnocchi.

How to prepare the mass of Gnocchi:

Mix the cooked and squeezed potatoes with cream cheese, if you need to put some grated cheese and 1 tablespoon (soup) of wheat flour in the dough to bind and wind power.

Make small balls, open hands and add the chosen filling, closing and not to leave the filling

Place the bottom of a rectangular refractory a little tomato sauce, as with oregano and over the stuffed gnocchi cover with tomato sauce.

Cover the gnocchi with a thin layer of cream cheese. Or
Sliced ​​ham and grated mozzarella over the large drain, or sliced
If you can cover the gnocchi stuffed with bechamel (white sauce) see recipe on my blogs ..

Bring to a preheated moderate oven 180 ° C, (20 ') for twenty minutes, or until hot. .

Serve with roast beef and lettuce salad, grated carrots and cherry tomatoes.

Nhocão Stuffed with Ham and Mozzarella Delicious

Nhocão Stuffed with Ham and Mozzarella Delicious
More Homemade Tomato Sauce


1 kilo of pink potatoes (Asterix) with boiled bark steamed, or roasted.

Other ingredients:

4 tablespoons (soup) shallow wheat flour 200 grams. (20% of flour) necessary up to the point of winding
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
1 tablespoon (soup) and full butter or margarine
2 large eggs
50 grams. grated Parmesan cheese

Mode To Cook the potatoes:

Wash the potatoes unpeeled to take all the land, cut slightly in half the circumference to score, to facilitate the removal of the skin, after cooking, which is just pull on both sides.
Cook the potatoes covered with water or
steamed to look good sequinha.
Can use very small potatoes that are drier or own potato gnocchi, which is Asterix,

You can use the aluminum rice colander to cook the potatoes, that is, if you do not own pot for pasta (pasta).

After boiled or baked potatoes, remove the peel while warm pulling the skin on the sides, stop by the potato masher or processor, or crush with a fork.

If you can pass quickly, each baked potato in running water to cool slightly.

Prepare the dough mode:

Chef's secret:
Not for Massa Staying lasts:

Place in a bowl the squeezed potatoes, add butter, mix well, take the fridge to cool for about 30 'minutes

Once cooled potatoes that already squeezed add the other ingredients are:
The eggs (one at a time), salt, grated cheese, flour gradually and slowly to hold the hands.
Knead well, open the roulade on a floured napkin, see below other information.
How to Prepare the Rocambole (nhocão)

A floured napkin, extend the mass of very fine gnocchi, (one centimeter thick and 60 cm long) put the filling and roll as if it were roulade, tie the ends with thick cotton twine.

Put to cook in a large pot with enough water when boiling, put the nhocão "carefully", let cook for 20'a 30'minutos.
If the nhocão is too great place to cook round the pan.

Once cooked, allow to cool slightly. Remove from heat with the help of two napkin, one in each hand.
Spending nhocão for a cutting board, let cool slightly. remove the napkin and pass to a china plate or stainless steel.
Cover with enough tomato sauce, sprinkle on top Parmesan cheese, grated in the large drain.

Bake for 10'a 15'minutos, or to heat through, ie if necessary.
Serve hot.

I Filling:

300 grams. mozzarella sliced
300 grams. finely sliced ​​ham or

II - Filling:

Ground beef braised with spices, olives, leeks, celery and carrots or ground meat into cubes.
You can put stuffing to taste.
Do not put in tomato sauce filling, which will drain the wings


Nhocão serve with ham stuffing and mozzarella with sauce to suck, grated Parmesan on top.
Accompanies roast beef pot and salad.
Salad of green vegetables.

Homemade sauce to Sugo
1 or 2 kilos of tomatoes peeled and chopped without seeds or
1 can of peeled tomatoes sauce or the traditional concentrated dilute with 3 can of water, or more if necessary, boil until halve, or half and half.
1 liter of cold water
½ kilo or even a kilo of onion
1 bay leaf, or ¼ tablespoon (coffee) powder bay
1 tablespoon (soup) dried oregano or 1 fresh branch
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of Industrialized Onion Soup or
2 bouillon tablets (optional).
1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar or a medium carrot peeled cooked in sauce (serves to remove the acidity) or
1 teaspoon (tsp) of sodium bicarbonate (see below)
1 tablespoon (soup) of tomato paste (optional)
1 piece of cinnamon stick, aids in digestion (optional)
2 to 3 ginger slices (optional), remove before serving

The sauce to Sugo:

Way of preparing

In a large saucepan put the oil with the onion, leave the fire until wilted, add the tomatoes and water, let cook until they come apart.
Add the ginger to Onion Soup carrots or sugar, leave the fire for 20 to 30 'minutes.
When missing 5 'minutes to turn off the fire place and cinnamon stick before removing from heat add the oregano.

Prepare so the Industrialized Sauce:

In a large saucepan put the oil with the onion, leave the fire until wilted, add the can of industrialized tomato sauce with 3 cans of cold water and simmer until reduced by half.
Do the same as the previous recipe sauce with tomatoes

Use industrialized sauce can add:
2 tablespoons (soup) of tomato paste is (optional)
To take the acidity can trade sugar and carrots for 1 tablespoon (of baking soda, mix well.
** You can not put baking soda in the pressure cooker it much foam and accident can occur. **

With double potato and carrot II Options + Foto

With double potato and carrot II Options + Foto

2 kilos of tripe (beef tripe) Fresh cortadinho
5-centimeter long (1 X 5)
3 liters of cold water or enough to cover the double
Other ingredients:
6 medium potatoes cut into cubes
2 medium carrots cut into cubes
1 cabbage soup plate into strips one centimeter (optional)
1 red pepper or yellow. (optional)
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems and green onions to taste
50 to 100 grs. grated cheese
2 stalks of celery without leaves cut into rodelinhas
1 leek white part only cut into rodelinhas
½ kilo of ripe tomatoes, heavy without the skins and seeds removed, or 500 ml of homemade tomato sauce or
Can replace by 300 ml of processed sauce, 3 cans of cold water.
2 onions, chopped or grated. in the large drain
2 tablespoons (soup) of oil
2 bouillon tablets or 1 teaspoon (soup) shallow salt.

Option II:
Optional ingredients:
4 to 6 buds of raw sausage
8 thighs of the chicken wing
Way of preparing. The Sausage and thigh Wing

Cook the sausage in the water, drain when cooked, remove the skin and cut the buds into 4 equal pieces
Cook the wing with water, then cooked, drain.
Ten to fifteen minutes before removing the double, add the sausage and cooked chicken wing.

Prepare so Tripe:
Remove all the fat that is on the double, then rinse under running water.
To get the stench:

Use one (1) glass of 250 ml of rum or red wine vinegar 1 cup, if you can put a little more.
Wash the tripe (stomach) under running water, use the colander to facilitate their work.

After the double pass for a bowl, pour a glass of rum, or vinegar.
Allow to stand for one or two hours in the refrigerator.
Then set the wash.
Put for cooking in a pressure cooker, covered with cold water, with 1 cup vinegar, lemon juice or 30 'or up to 40' minutes, will depend on the animal.
If the animal is new leads 30 'minutes if Old 40' minutes or more, so do the test.

Cook for 30 'minutes, let cool in the pan, unopened. Take the test.

If you have hard return pan to heat let some more, do the same procedure.

After the double cooked, drain well and toss warm water on top. If it is cold use cold water.
How to prepare the sauce with the double:
In a large saucepan place the oil, add the celery leek, onion, leave the fire until wilted.
Add tomatoes and homemade or processed tomato sauce, or half and half.
Place cooked and drained double, and the broth of crumbled meat, go adding hot water gradually leave the fire until it is very soft.
Then add the potatoes and raw carrots into cubes.
If you can cook the carrots into cubes in a pressure cooker, so tell the boil for 5 'minutes, let cool in the pan.
You can cook the diced potatoes in a pressure cooker after the boil count 1 'minutes, let cool in the pan.
To recap

Leave the double in the fire, putting hot water until the double and the sauce are cooked.
Cabbage cut kitchen 8 'minutes.
If the sauce becomes thin, add a tablespoon) cornstarch, dissolved in half a cup of (tea) of cold water, mix well and cook for 5 'minutes, or until thickened.
Before serving add the parsley and chives chopped

Serve to put in a clay or stainless platter
With white rice and raw salad to taste.
The grated cheese is to put in the dish before serving.
Each one puts what you want. Optional.

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015

For guidance Whoever Start in confectionery branch

For guidance Whoever Start in confectionery branch
Chapter I
Cake is not only to be beautiful and tasty, see below.
When baking a cake or other sweet or savory dish always buy good quality products
 (1st quality), do not skimp thinking they are making a profit.
** And just the opposite, his work will stop the drain **.
The advertisement of your cake (it's your business card) not only the beauty but is also quality, hygiene and common sense.

Always read the label of any product packaging you're using.
Look out if the person you're buying your cake has no problem with dyes (allergy), or restriction of any product.
The achiote (annatto) some people have allergies to red and yellow also.
If You Can search and inquire about their origin, do not buy products that come out of the packaging, or on the street along with pollution.
Do not use flour remains to cake, i.e., use only the flour was stored in glass with screw cap. Always try to open the package at the time. Do not skimp, may have entered insects in flour package.
Each region is different, there are places that flour is moist place and may even create up to fungi.
If you have opportunity to research your product to see origin, validity aspect example among others: (wheat flour), which the mixture she has, even if you buy good quality, will always have some mixture.
For lack of wheat in place our roll was allowed to put together a small percentage of cassava flour (wheat flour + cassava flour) that is, in some regions, for lack of the product and also to lower the purchasing of local government .
Always see the percentage allowed by law. Get Smart.
You have the right to demand, scream and want, that is separate from the pure packaging.
Those working at home is likely to sell "rabbit by cat". Caution always ask for information "several people" about his doubts, or see Culinary ** of ** Questions, need not identify.
Is it legal to make a small percentage (mixture) percentage always see the pack and try to find out what the right percentage.
Eggs should also be researched, there is dye in the feed, paprika kind (annatto seed) eggs are redder, (placed by the manufacturer) that is, the gems are color type color of pumpkin.
Always prefer egg farm that gems are "egg color"
(light yellow), no color of pumpkin.
Who does quindim to sell to the trade knows this problem, people do not buy different color quindim.
I see people quoting redneck egg.
"There are no egg hillbilly"
The rustic egg name came about by ignorance (lack of information and also knowledge) the name of the breed of chickens that came from around the world.
The eggs are farm (white birds or Color) or particular creation.
White birds) or colored race of birds (various) are created with corn, which is why the bark is dark.
Some creations on a small scale, are created with some corn and part of worms of the earth type worm, they are scratching for food.
The meat of these "free bird" are tougher, the exercise they do, like zebu meat is tougher.
Take care that the yolk is not color of pumpkin, egg yolk should be a little darker, not color of pumpkin.

On the other hand (formerly) fair-skinned people put annatto (paprika) in food or doing a fusion with water and a few grains, taking in the morning, which was good for the circulation.
True annatto is great for blood circulation.
As some people are yellow skin, they were darker and decided to stay.


Do not use packaging mustard, ketchup and others to put your melted chocolate, you do not know the danger you are running.
The above packages (mustard, ketchup) were not made for this purpose, there is the contamination has already been used, was exposed, sometimes out of the fridge for too long in your home. The (street) food vendors ready in the street) does not sterilize the packaging.
Use your own sleeves to icing that is disposable.
Only glass containers is that you can take advantage of, that is, if well "washed and sterilized," (boil the glass).
See sterilization technique.
If you want more information search or ask "question of" Cooking.!
    Here I put only two ingredients, not to be
    tiring, generally people have no habit of reading for lack
    of interest or time.
    Facebook Bau Nonna Antoinette

Weight table and Measures solids and liquids

Weight table and Measures solids and liquids

See under observation at the end of the page

* Pay attention that a wheat flour cup is not the same sugar or other ingredients *

Weight and Measures -
1 liter are 4 glasses of 250 ml each
1 cup (tea) are 16 tablespoons (soup) Normal
¾ cup (tea) 12 tablespoons (soup)
2/3 cup (tea) 10 tablespoons (soup)
½ cup (tea) 08 tablespoons (soup)
1/3 cup (tea) 05 tablespoons (soup)
¼ cup (tea) 04 tablespoons (soup)
1/8 cup (tea) 02 tablespoons (soup)
1 tablespoon (soup) Normal is 3 tablespoons (tea)
1 cup curd 240 or 250 ml
1 cup (coffee) is 50 ml

In measures Liquids

1 cup (tea) of liquid is 240 ml of liquid
½ cup (tea) are 120 ml of liquid
1/3 cup (tea) 80 ml of liquid
¼ cup (tea) is 60 ml of liquid
1 tablespoon (soup) is 15 ml of liquid
1 teaspoon (tsp) are 5 ml of liquid
1 standard glass 250 ml of liquid
1 American cup 200ml of liquid

Vegetable fat, butter and margarine

1 cup (tea) butter are 200 grams.
½ cup (tea) butter are 100 grams.
1/3 cup (tea) of butter is 65 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) of butter is 12 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) butter is 04 grams.
1 cup butter are 200 grams.


1 cup (tea) Wheat flour is 120 grams.
½ cup (tea) of wheat flour are 60 grams.
1/3 cup (tea) of wheat flour are 40 grams.
¼ cup (tea) Wheat Flour is 30 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) Wheat flour is 7.5 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) Wheat flour is 2.5 grams.
American 1 cup Wheat Flour is 120 grams.


1 cup (tea) of sugar is 160 grams.
½ cup (tea) of sugar is 90 grams.
1/3 cup (tea) of sugar is 60 grams.
¼ cup (tea) of sugar is 45 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar is 10 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) sugar is 35 grams.
American 1 cup sugar 160 grams.


1 cup (tea) of chocolate are 90 grams.
½ cup (tea) of chocolate are 45 grams.
1/3 cup (tea) of chocolate are 30 grams.
¼ cup (tea) of chocolate are 20 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) of chocolate is 6 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) of chocolate are 2 grams.
1 cup chocolate are 90 grams.


1 cup (tea) Oats are 90 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) Oats are 5 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) Oats are 15 grams

Biological Fresh yeast
2 tablespoons (soup) Normal fresh yeast is 50 grams.
10 grams. active dry yeast equivalent to 30 grs.de fresh yeast.

Yeast Chemical Powder
1 teaspoon (tsp) full of baking powder 10 grams powder.


1 tablespoon (soup) of salt is 20 grams.
1 tablespoon (coffee) of salt are 5 grams.

Dry fruits

1 cup (tea) candied fruit is 150 grams.
1 cup (tea) raisins are 120 grams.
1 cup (tea) 140 g dried fruit.

Grated coconut

1 cup (tea) of grated coconut are 80 grams.
1 tablespoon (packed) shredded coconut 5 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated coconut 1.5 grams.
Cassava flour

1 cup (tea) of 150 grams cassava flour.
1 tablespoon (soup) of cassava flour 9 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) 2 grams cassava flour.


1 cup (tea) breadcrumbs are 80 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) breadcrumbs are 5 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) breadcrumbs are 1.5 grams.

Corn meal

1 cup (tea) of corn meal are 120 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) of corn meal are 7.5 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp \ 0 d cornmeal are 2.5 grams.

Corn starch (cornstarch)
1 cup (tea) of corn starch are 150 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) of corn starch are 9 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) corn starch are 3 grs.


1 cup (tea) of honey are 300 grams.
1 tablespoon) of honey are 18 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) honey are 6 grams.


1 cup (tea) flour are 150 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) of flour are 9 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) flour are 3 grams.

Grated cheese

1 cup (tea) of grated cheese is 80 grams.
1 tablespoon (soup) of grated cheese are 5 grams.
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated cheese are 1.5 grams.

I found the list of weight and measures on the Internet, I decided to publish for those who do not know or have any doubts.
Important note:
When your withered cake is excess sugar.
Never flour and sugar are equal, sugar is always less.
For 2 cups of flour are 1 ½ cup sugar.

Tip Candy Cakes For Children's Day

Tip Candy Cakes For Children's Day

01.Ambrosia True Homemade
Simple 02.Ambrosia IV Options
03.Broas and scones of cornmeal II Options
04.Baba Maiden
05.Bala Coco Single or Wedding Bala IV options
06.Bolo of cornmeal stew Rectified
07.Bolo Chocolate, With Honey and Orange Juice
08.Bolo Traditional Carrot With Coverage
09.Bolo Carrot With Different Coverage
10.Bolo Heart For Valentine's or Mother's Day (chocolate
11.Bolo Corn For June Festivals
12.Bolo Corn Type Pamonha
13.Bolo of Easter Eggs With Wire Nest
14.Bolo Decorated With Easter Egg Stuffed
15.Brigadeiro Simple Industrial
16.Brigadeiro Common
17.Brigadeiro Rosa
18.Brigadeiro With White Chocolate
19.Brigadeiro With Dark Chocolate
20.Brigadeiro Ginger
21.Brigadeiro domesticated
22.Bombons or truffles With Pepper Jelly and Banana
23.Chocolate With Cashew -Tablete
24.Churros Homemade For June Festivals
25.Compota Figo domesticated Rectified
Crystallized from Figs 26.Doce
27.Compota Fruit With Syrup Diet
28.Creme Special Chocolate for Children and Elderly
29.Creme eggs.
30.Creme Coco
31.Creme Vanilla Filling To Serve
32.Crepes Gluten Free IV Filling
33.Doce Site Green Figo Rectified
34.Doce Site of Homemade Orange Peel
34. Sweet Farm Milk
35.Doce milk in Quadradinhos
36.Doce milk in Quadradinhos Another Option
37.Doce milk Pasty III | Options
38.Doce of Condensed Milk
39.Doce Papaya Aunt Jandira V Options
40.Doce Papaya Grated
41.Docinho Sweet Potato For June Festivals
42.Docinho Sweet Potato With Icing Fondant III Options
43.Docinho Nuts (cameo)
44.Docinho Peanut - cajuzinho
45.Docinho Portuguese Chestnut
46.Docinho Banana
47.Empada of Queijadinha
48.Mousse Strawberry
49.Gelatina Three colors with Strawberry Mousse
Easter 50.Ovo Simple For Beginner
51 Easter egg Lacy
52.Ovo of Easter With or Without Filling
53.Pamonha Traditional Corn
54.Pamonha Sweet Corn
55.Pamonha of Salt Corn
56.Massa Wolffe With Filling
57.Pudim cheese
58.Pudim Coco
59.Pudim Traditional condensed milk
60. Mashed Portuguese Chestnut
61.Purê apple
62.Queijadinha Delicious Valeria Tray
63.Quidão Coco
64.Quindão almonds
Chocolate 65.Quidão
Coconut 66.Quindins
67.Fios eggs - Secret of Icing
68.Sorvete Basic Massa
69.Sorvete Diet Basic Massa To
70.Sorvete Passion Fruit With X Options
71.Tablete Chocolate With Milk Powder
72.Tablete or Candy, Coco
73.Sinhá Benta type DanTop Commercial
74.Torta Mass Lean Diet, Salt and Sweet
75.Torta of Italian Special Mass For Parties \
76.Torta Mass Switzerland Salt and Sweet
77.Torta With Ricotta Pasta II + II fillings
78.Torta Lazy Banana
79.Torta Lazy Apple
80.Torta Lazy strawberry
81.Torta of Puff Pastry Savory and Sweet
82.Torta Mass Biscuit Maria
83.Torta English Cookie Dough
84.Torta Stuffed Biscuit
85.Charlote With biscoite English and vanilla cream and dried fruit
Chocolate 86.Charlote
87.Charlote of nutela
88.Cheesecke fig
89.Cinco Caldas
90.Doce of abobra

List II Candy Continued

01.Ameixa sweet coconut Stuffed -Olho of Sogra
02.Arroz Sweet Wedding (Portugal)
03.Arroz Sweet Simple With Condensed Milk
04.Arros Sweet Condensed Milk, Coco + grated
Sweet Milk = 05.Arroz with crushed peanuts
06.Arroz Candy Condensed Milk + Gems
07.Arroz Sweet Potinhos
08.Bala Coco Simple
09.Bananinha to June Festivals
10.Barrinha Peanut
11.Bolo of cornmeal With Creamy cheese or Coco
12.Bolo of cornmeal Romeo and Juliet
13.Bolo corn in tins For Junina Parties
00.Bolo Simple and Other Flavors
14.Castanha feigned For June Festivals
15.Churros Homemade For June Festivals
16.Creme chocolate with Yogurt
17.Manjar White With Black plums and caramel syrup
18.Manjar White With Black grapes with wine sauce
19.Maria Mole Home cooking
20.Paçoquinha of June Festivals
21.Pé of domesticated Moleque
22.Sagu With Milk
23.Sagu With Red wine or blackcurrant
24.Cupacake Almonds and Chocolate
25.Bombons Choquito
26.Bombons nuts
27.Bombons Marshellow (Mother Bent)
Industrial 28.Chantilly
29.Chocolate chocolate - Manufacturing
Chocolate 30.Folhas
31.Lolo Candy

32.Crepes Chocolate With Walnuts
33.Tablete chocolate of Globo Rural magazine
34.Trufas Cake and Fruit
35.Trufas cake
Stuffed 36.Trufas
37.Bolo Tingling
38. Chocolate pumps
39. Carolina the same Mass Pump
40. Carolina Cake

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2015

Melon With Ham + Plums II Options - Garrison

Melon With Ham + Plums II Options
Option 1 - Melon

1 large melon cut into thick slices
300 grams of sliced ​​cooked ham

Cut the melon in shell at various cut after peaking each piece into 8 small pieces, cut down without taking the place after merge
one for the other front to back, so that the ladder becomes intercalated
Serve in a shallow dish with two ham rolls without filling

II - Option Black plums

1 can of black plums in syrup, pitted


250 grams of Minas cheese grated half cure
2 and hard boiled eggs, chopped and niggling or processed
4 tablespoons pepper raw red soup, chopped well niggling
4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
2 tablespoons chopped capers or pickes
1 pinch of salt
2-4 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon oregano

Other ingredients:

1 foot of very large lettuce

Mix all filling ingredients, wrap in aluminum foil
Make a tight roll and place in refrigerator for two hours
Then make much bigger balls than plums
Put the stuffing in place plum stone
Serving a round stainless plate and around lettuce leaves, washed and
well dry, unseasoned

Cardapio of fish-

Cardapio of fish-

01 - Fish on the tile - haddock fillet with herbs verme- peppers chopped
lhos chopped onion, topped with breadcrumbs and grated cheese
02 - fried fish fillet with shrimp sauce
03 - Sole Roast, Stuffed with asparagus and leek
04 - fried hake fillet with white sauce and cheese
05 - canned tuna - tuna pie with stuffing, olives, tomato, onion
06 - Grouper soaked with tomato, onion, served pumpkin, hearts of palm,
07 - Alaska Fish - fried steak, sauce with grated cheese and mayonnaise
08 - Fish stew -cação or other boneless, tomato, onion,
celery, red and green peppers, pepper, and fresh herbs.
09 - Roasted Whole fish with fish mush
10 - piranha soup, carrots, potatoes, celery, parsnip, pods, and
fresh herbs
11 - Baked Fish topped with mayonnaise and radish Scale
12 - tion of escabeche - carrots, onions, red peppers, FTAA
parras parsley and chives chopped.
13 - fried haddock fillet with sauce, topped with mozzarella and balls
fruit, papaya, melon, mango, apple etc.
14 - Paella with Seafood and fish, peas, red peppers
15 - Mixed Paella with chicken, rabbit, pork tenderloin and shrimp
16 - Valencian Paella with clams, shrimp, squid, mussels, chicken
17 - Flounder - with a sauce of shrimp, Crawfish, squid etc.
18 - batch of Siri with Kani Kama Salad, potato, olives etc.
19 - Moqueca de Siri - with peppers, tomatoes, celery, coconut milk
20 - Pan Cod with potato, broccoli, chickpeas.
21 - Fish with green bananas, onions, tomatoes, fish stock
22 - cod sauce with mozzarella for lasagna in the oven
23 - Creamy Cod - With sauce of cheese and curd
24 - Cod with white cheese sauce, served on pumpkin
25 - abadejo layered with shrimps and tomato sauce
26 - Flounder stuffed with mango and asparagus and cashew nuts farofa
27 - fish soup or cod soup - onion tomato, thickened with
Wet bread
28 - Vatapá of fish-cation, coconut milk, cashew nuts, cod, to-
mate, onion, coriander, wet bread in milk.
29 - Kani Kama- salad lettuce. Watercress, arugula, endive, mango, slaughtered
cate, orange sections, red bell pepper, diced apples.
30 - Fish the Portuguese - With tomato sauce, onions, peppers, wine
dry white, fresh herbs, ginger, nutmeg, mashed potatoes
black olives..

31 - Mullet stewed with tomatoes, onions celery leek.
32 - Mullet stuffed with farofa kids chicken, bacon pork.
33 - fried mullet with mash or porridge plus outflows of greens and tomatoes.
34- roasted whole mullet on the grill without filling or in the common oven, Covered
         with aluminum foil.
35. Mullet stewed with tomato sauce with mush made with cassava flour

quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2015

Prunes Stuffed Entry Plate

Prunes Stuffed Entry Plate


1 kilo of black plums in syrup drained No lumps


½ kilo of crushed fresh ricotta
50 grams. provolone cheese
50 grams. gorgonzola cheese
50 grams. or 100 grams. grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons without whey cream, or necessary

Way of preparing:

Drain the plums, remove the stones, with the aid of small scissors kitchen. Book

Separately kneading the ricotta with a fork, add the grated provolone, gorgonzola then crumpled the grated Parmesan and cream gradually to give consistency to roll.

As Model:

Make more balls than plums
Fill plums, leaving appear half the filling
It is equal to the sweet Eye of Sogra
Celebratory serve on a tray in paper cups
To serve as an appetizer, place a large plate of glass not need to put in molds

quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2015

Suggestions For a Special Dinners III to VII

Dinner - No. III

01 - Peru on the barbecue milk crumbs or stuffing choose
02 - rabbit with mushroom sauce, carrots, peas
03 - Buffalo lizard stuffed with bacon and other trim
        cooked vegetables, potatoes, carrots, green beans, Brussels sprouts
04 - Stuffed baked Quail or manioc flour, or chester
05 - Chicken Mayonnaise with fresh and dried fruit
06 - Rice with vegetables, plain rice and rice with raisins
07 - Roast veal with pine nuts and chestnut
08 - nuts pudding, or ice cream with nuts coverage
09 - strudel with apples, walnuts, ricotta etc. (pie w / puff pastry)
10 - Partridge with roasted manioc flour banana and corn cream
11 - Painted with white sauce and almonds
12 - salty pie with chicken breast, cabbage, peas, carrots
13 - crepes with jam and orange juice
14 - Kid stew with red wine, trim vegetables
15 - Kura - large rectangular bread with candied fruit
        and dried fruit, raisins, apricots, walnuts etc.
16 - Quindim almond, coconut or chocolate
17 - A watermelon basket or eight melons, dug with fresh fruit
        seasoned with red currant and white wine
18 - Italian pasta pie, with chestnut stuffing garnished with
        dried fruits, nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, apricots, cherries, etc. with
        eggs yarn (Easter make nests with the threads of eggs and egg Mini
19 - Tray of various cold meats, smoked chester, ham, salami
        Parma, eating, etc. cheeses to choose chopped or sliced ​​garnish with large black olives
20 - shallow wicker basket with ribbon bow, branch of dried flowers, fresh fruit, green and red apples, large bunches of different grapes
Pear, peach, mango and others.

J a n t a r - No. IV

01 - Roast turkey with salt crumbs
02 - roast suckling pig stuffed with vegetable garnish
03 - Whole Lamb on the barbecue, milk seasoned with coarse salt
04 - cod Salpicão with grapes and fresh apples
05 - Tender baked with molasses, sliced. With baked apples, stuffed
       with strawberry jam, candied chestnuts and walnuts, raisins
06 - Chester sliced ​​breast with glaçadas grapes and sweet streusel
07 - Risotto with rice, chicken, peas, cabbage and other simple rice
08 - Chicken Soup, skinned and boned, with carrots, celery, rice
        parsley, tomato, basil, low salt
09 - shredded cod salad with parsley, onion, capers
10 - Sliced ​​Smoked salmon with white sauce, mushrooms
11 - Strudel, salt cake with chicken, ricotta and herbs
12 - Frogs will doré with trim of green vegetables, watercress, lettuce etc.
13 - mango mousse, garnished fruit, kiwi, cherry, etc.
14 - Mini cakes nuts with chocolate syrup
15 - crepes with jam and orange sauce
16 - English salad (dessert with vanilla custard, jelly, and fruit
        compote with whipped cream and cherries, nuts, raisins, eggs wires)
17 - Chicken D'Angola with coconut milk, or roasted with crumbs
18 - Roasted lamb, served with chili sauce of various colors
        green, red, orange, light yellow, dark yellow and purple, cor-
        tados into thin strips, celery into strips leaves, parsley at will
19 - Pacu (freshwater fish) Grilled
20 - simple sweet panettone, or stuffed in layers and balances Panetone

 J a n t a r - V

01 - whole roasted pheasant with trim leguemos
02 - mass tree nuts
03 - European bread with fruit fruit
04 - Stolen with dried fruit and ricotta
05 - Kura bread dried fruit or coconut, or thread fruit
05 - Chester stuffed baked with topping of carrot eggs wires
        decorated with nuts, raisins
06 - Thigh stuffed turkey with ham, ricotta and herbs
07 - Chicken D'Angola roast with apple or banana farofa
08 - roast rabbit pieces with salt, with bottom trim
        Canned artichokes and watercress
09 - Tender sliced ​​roast with jam of various fruits, peach, fig
        pineapple, cherry, etc.
10 - Pork Shank to pururuca with chili sauce, celery etc.
11 - roasted whole Peru, trim vegetables, farofa, or jam
12 - Quails baked with trim and small boiled potatoes
        soute or manioc flour
13 - sliced ​​pork loin with provolone and jam slices of slaughtered
        Caxi and black plums or cherries
14 - veal with Madeira sauce or gravy to choose
15 - mousse of cheese, gorgonzola, parmesan, and other
16 - Ridge Lamb with roasted manioc flour or cooked vegetables
17 - Salpicão tuna or chicken with grapes and fresh apples
18 - Stuffed Lobster, roasted
19 - Boar Rib roast with coarse salt
20 - sigh discs interspersed with whipped cream and fresh strawberries

J a n t a r - VI -

01 - Peru stuffed with nuts, raisins, apples, apricots, farofa
       wafer, onion, celery, grated Parmesan cheese, garnish
       brown caramel
02 - Roast duck with orange juice, jam trim
        peaches, pineapple, cherries in syrup
03 - Chester breast stuffed with apricot, pistachio unsalted
        cooked with juice jabuticaba
04 - Chicken in pieces or chicken breast with sauce tama-
05 - Sweet bread shape (round shape with cone in the center)
       stuffed with whole blackberries and wet with the same
       mo juice
06 - roast pheasant with cooked vegetables, artichokes fund
       or palm, big black olives, green beans, cabbage gross
       xelas preserved, and pea puree
07 - smoked chester breast with glaçadas grapes and sweet streusel
       fresh or dried fruit
08 - Chicken D'Angola roasted manioc flour with salt
09 - Chicken D'Angola into pieces with coconut milk or cream
10 - partridge roasted with apple puree
11 - dried fruit cake, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, damas-
        co, black plums etc.
12 - Pastelzinho ricotta with nuts
13 - Biscuit with pates beet and carrot
14 - soup, fruit, apple, pear, plum, peach, grape, spices
        mango, guava, banana, pineapple

15 - Soup chicken breast with carrots, potatoes, rice, celery,
        parsley, mint, onion
16 - rabbit into pieces with white sauce and mushrooms
17 - Quail soaked with red sauce
18 - mass tree nuts
19 - Panettone sweet stuffed with ice cream
20 - Stuffed goose with salt crumbs
21 - English soup with vanilla cream, gelatin, strawberry in
        jam whipped cream, egg wires, nuts, raisins etc.
22 - Mango Mousse
23 - Chocolate Mousse
24 - Salpicão of vegetables with chicken and fruit
25 - stuffed lobster with white sauce
26 - Squid stuffed with shrimp and mushrooms
27 - Painted with baked chips with almonds
28 - Frogs will doré with cooked vegetables, lettuce, watercress
29 - Stroganoff with mushrooms file mingnon
30 - Tropical fruits in balls served in bowls with blackcurrant
31 - Mass rotten pie with chicken, cabbage, peas, carrots
32 - strawberry pie with cream
33 - artichokes funds with cooked carrots and olives, strips
34 - Veal Medallions
35 - crepes with jam and orange sauce
36 - chicken Galantine
37 - Duck with trim pieces of cooked vegetables, aspar-
        go, carrots, potatoes, etc.
38 - Stuffed raw apples with apple puree or mashed casta-
39 - cream pie with black plums with walnuts

J a n t a r - V I I

01 - Goose Stuffed with headlight trim cooked vegetables
02 - Rabbit in baked pieces with salt
03 - Frogs to parmegiana,
04 - Roast Partridge open the back, only with fine salt and
05 - boned chicken, stuffed with ham, mozzarella cogu-
       melo, onion, capers, watercress garnish, pepper see-
       Qu, onion
06 - Crepes with apricot jam and orange juice
07 - Pave candies
08 - sliced ​​smoked turkey breast with grapes and crumbly glaçadas
       with dried fruit
09 - Roast Beef kebabs with pea puree or potato
10 - leg of lamb roasted with only salt
11 - medallions of fillet mingnon
12 - Boar Ribs with salt crumbs
13 - Italian pasta pie with ham, mozzarella and other
14 - Salmon baked with trim balls of fruit, melon,
       papaya, apple and raspberry whole, with sour cream
15 - veal with red wine, trim, asparagus, carrots, potatoes
16 - Apple Strudel, nuts and ricotta
17 - coconut cream with Braid
18 - Roasted lamb with sauce pepper strips, celery,
19 - panettone, sweet or savory
20 - Cream pie with strawberries and whipped cream


01 pot meat with potatoes
02 Tomato sauce w / ground beef broccoli +
03 Beef With French Monitoring
04 pot meat with III fillings
05 pot Lizard stuffed with provolone
06 hard cushion pot stuffed with sausage carrot
07 Lizard stuffed with bacon green olives + carrot
08 Meat Rocambole ground and vegetables
Consume 09 (soup) of muscle + vegetables
Consume 10 (soup) of muscle with capelete
11 Stroganoff beef tenderloin
12 meat dumpling with sauce short pasta
13 meatballs with tomato sauce
14 pot meat with onion soup beer black + vegetables
15 BBQ ribs, tri-tip, goldfish picanha
16 Roast beef with polenta
17 Dry meat with quibebe and steamed cabbage
18 peppers stuffed with ground beef seasoning +
19 pot of beef with artichoke and palm Fund
20 Dry meat shredded braised with polenta or mashed
21 Meat in pieces with tomato sauce + long macaroni
22 Rocambole mixed meat (beef and swine) + roasted spices
23 Steak ground beef
24 Kebab meat with wheat, mint, onion, spices
25 Paçoca pinion with meat and ribs RS
26 Steak from simple fillet
27 steak from tenderloin with onion sauce vinaigrette
28 ox steak with onions and tomatoes
29 regular steak with onions
30 medallion of beef tenderloin in bacon back
31 individual role of beef with pepper bacon carrot,
32 Brajola boiled eggs, raisins onion parsley and capers
33 crazy beef Nonna
34 Ground beef stuffed eggplant for

Birds Several menu

Birds Several menu

01 dietary Chester - we roasted with dietary jam and other ingredients
02 Chester, roasted, stewed with accompanying fruit or fresh fruit, or dried, or various vegetables, asparagus, artichoke background
03 Quail stuffed, baked in common oven with herbs
04 Quail on a spit, roasted on the grill with peppers, onions
05 whole quail in the pan with tomato sauce and vegetables
06 steaks, whole pheasant with sweet crumbs or salgada- various vegetables
07 steaks, whole pheasant with herbs, artichoke bottom with black olives, hearts of palm, asparagus
08 Pheasant in baked pieces of trim vegetables
09 Pheasant in pieces with tomato sauce or white sauce and mushrooms
10 pheasant with chestnut puree, or pur ~ and apple.
10 Farofão miner with large pieces of chicken with palm hearts, peas, carrots, corn, olives, bacon, parsley and cassava flour and corn
11 Chicken - Chicken with boiled vegetables
12 Chicken - with tamarind sauce
13 Chicken - with passion fruit or orange sauce
14 Chicken - Chicken mayonnaise with cooked vegetables and other
15 Chicken - chicken risotto with cabbage, boiled eggs, grated cheese etc.
16 Chicken - the squash with tomato sauce and cream cheese
17 Chicken - chicken thighs stuffed with mozzarella and ham and ricotta
18 Chicken - Judeo chicken breast with apricot and pestache, cooked in the juice of tangerine or mandarin, then roast
19 Chicken - chicken salami, celery, potatoes, carrots etc.
20 Chicken - special mayonnaise party with smoked chicken breast
21 Chicken - chicken pie with Italian rotten mass, with 4 filling fingers, chicken, cabbage, boiled eggs, olives, carrots, cheese
22 Chicken - boneless stuffed with ham, mozzarella and roasted manioc flour with salt white beer
23 Chicken D'Angola boiled in milk with white sauce and coconut milk
24 Goose - with savory stuffing or filling of fruit, nuts, plums, apples
25 Goose - in pieces with tomato sauce, peas, carrots, peppers
26 Goose - Vienna stuffed with chestnut, green apple, raisins
27 guan - the same way as goose
28 Macuco - the same way as goose
29 German fashion will mallards, salty crumbly stuffing with chicken kids bacon, eggs, baked, peas etc.
30 Partridge - the same way as chicken
31 Duck - the whole fashion Vitor Pascoal, with red wine or wood
32 pathogenic in pieces fashion Vera Helena with applesauce or chestnut
33 whole pathogenic Nonna stuffed with chestnut, apples, raisins, roasted in cerceja with white wine, sprinkled with almonds
34 pathogenic stuffed with ham, mozzarella bacon, olives, onion etc.
35 pathogenic roast with orange and orange strips cooked in syrup
36 Duck -New whole baked with fruit: jams of peaches, pineapple, figs, pear cooked in currants and nuts
3Pato -old cooked to pieces with Diveros vegetables: broccoli, carrots, potatoes. celery, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, artichokes fund
38 Old pathogenic cooked, then roasted with salt or fruit manioc flour with carrot ties and lettuce leaves
39 pathogenic to pieces with Jewish tamarindos- sauce u
40 Old Duck cooked in pieces with jabuticaba juice -
41 Peru - sliced ​​smoked turkey breast in half with prunes, cooked apples with jam or cherry in the center, chestnut caramel
42 Peru - Venice, all for Christmas, stuffed with walnuts, raisins, plums, celery, grated cheese, biscuit flour, onion etc.
43 Peru - all stuffed with crumbly salgada.com bacon, gizzard, liver, olives, grated cheese, boiled eggs
44 Peru - roasted turkey breast, sliced ​​with vegetables and fruit compote
45 Peru - turkey leg, cooked and baked, with no filling
46 Farofão miner with large pieces of chicken with palm hearts, peas, carrots, corn, olives, bacon, parsley and cassava flour and corn

Cardápio Camarão, Lagosta, Lula, Casquinha Siri, Escargots

Cardápio Camarão, Lagosta, Lula, Casquinha Siri, Escargots


01 camarão - na moranga, com Molho tomato and queijo catupiry
02 camarão - I recheado com catupiry
03 camarão - com com Molho de coberto tomato requeijão
04 espetinho camarão- of camarão com queijo pedaços of mussarela
05 camarão - largest oil fried em milho
06 camarão - camarão risotto, etc cogumelos com
07 camarão - stroganoff camarão
08 camarão - maionese of camarão e outros ingredients


01 Lagosta - salty lagosta com carcaça
02 Lagosta - four Queijos
03 Lagosta - com Molho court bouillon
04 Lagosta - lagosta recheada
05 Lagosta - pinholes com, com amêndoas moidas estate of alcachofras
06 Lagosta - na moranga com Molho tomato and queijo catupiry
06 lagostin - mesmo do so to lagosta


01 - Lulas - chips, snacks
02 - Lulas - pies
03 - Lulas - com Molho tomato and cogumelos
04 - Lulas - risotto com cogumelos
05 - Lulas - recheadas com camarão
06 - Lulas - four Queijos
07 - Lulas recheadas com farofa cozida not Molho tomato


01 - casquinha Siri recheada
02 - siri mole
03 - Kani Kama salt grape com manga itália, nozes, etc maionese
04 - Escargots à la Bourguignonne
05 - Espetinhos of Escargots

Menu Ox, Pig, Rabbit, Veal Goat, Sheep and Other

Menu Ox, Pig, Rabbit, Veal Goat, Sheep and Other.


01 Boar - rib roast on the grill with various vegetables
     carrots, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, palm
02 Wild boar - all cut into two halves, roasted manioc flour with salt
03 Piglet - roast will pururuca, manioc flour with salt, banana Milanese
      and other ingredients
04 Leitoa- baked, filled with salty crumbs, chicken and kids Fran-
     gos, bacon cooked eggs, or pork, garnished with pi- flower
     mint lady's finger, or pepper camari and lady's finger
05 Lombo- stuffed with savory or sweet fillings
     (fifteen different fillings), some of them below
06 Loin simple -assado with separate salt crumbs
07 Loin - stuffed with ham slices, mozzarella, capers, onion,
      olives, spinach, etc. Trim raw apples stuffed with mashed
      apples, prunes skewers stuffed with cheese and around
      Ham or bacon strips
08 Sirloin - cut, cooked in milk, roasted with bacon and then with slices
     pineapple compote and mozzarella or provolone and
00 Full loin cooked in coalhada- served with curd, chickpeas and
      Whole baked potatoes
09 Loin - filled with fruit: plums, apricots, walnuts, raisins, apples
10 Loin - braided with bacon, accompanied by mashed apples, or apples
      cooked, stewed pineapple, prunes, raisins, apricots
11 Loin - braided with carrot eggs wires and nuts
12 Loin - in pieces with peppers, celery, carrots, mushrooms, chard
13 Loin - Mixed Paella with tenderloin, chicken, seafood and vegetables
00 cooked pork Ham in curd with mint
14 Ham - roast pork, seasoned with white wine and herbs,
15 Pig - Pork Ribs with hominy and red chili sauce
     tomato, onion, celery, leek, (traditional mining dish)
16 Pork - pork knuckle with sauerkraut, potatoes, sausage, sausage
      white (German dish)
17 Pig - Pig Ridge (Carre) roasted on the barbecue
18 Pig - homemade pork sausage
19 Pork - pork meat Feijoada, pork sausage, sausage
20 Pig - ribs on the plate with salt crumbs and green salad
00 Pig - smoked pork with mashed fake brown
21 Tender - smoked, roasted with sugar cane molasses, sliced ​​in half
      with caramelized chestnut trim, yarn transferor eggs
      noura, prunes, cherry etc.
22 Tender - baked with Karo coverage, or guarapa, decorated with tiri-
      paigns of caramelized orange peel and orange slices
23 Tender - California will, with compote of various fruits
24 Tender - with salt crumbs with various vegetables

25 Tender -Canadense roast with orange juice, white wine, with cream
     corn, sprinkled with parsley and other ingredients
26 Tender - Nonna with Christmas fruits, chestnut, nuts etc.
27 Tender - Noble with Christmas ornament, cake candle etc.
28 Tender - Swiss with Portuguese Catanha, pineapple jam, apples,
      prunes, apricots, cherry etc.

Other Meat:

01 Kid - roast in half with crumbs
02 Kid - in pieces in the pan with red wine or wood, with vegetables
00 Kid - cooked leg of lamb with mint curd
03 Kid - pieces with tomato sauce and several of Claudia vegetables
04 Cabrito- roast leg of lamb with red wine sauce with sauce
      peppers, onions, tomatoes etc.

05 Sheep - in milk, roasted on barbecue seasoned only with salt
00 Carneiro- cooked leg of lamb with mint and curd in grãode beak
06 Sheep - Ridge Carré gully, roast with coarse salt
07 Sheep - leg of lamb cooked on the barbecue
08 Sheep - leg of lamb stuffed with provolone cheese
09 Sheep - smoked sheep manioc flour with salt and green salad
10 Sheep - smoked or roast lamb, only with coarse salt
11 Sheep - lamb to the Portuguese fashion
 12 Sheep - Sheep palette risotto
 13 Carneiro cooked in orange sauce


12 Rabbit stew in pieces with tomato, red pepper, celery
      carrots, potatoes, broccoli, bacon onion etc.
13 rabbit with white sauce and mushrooms
14 Rabbit cooked in curd with mint and chickpeas
15 Rabbit Boneless ham stuffed with mozzarella ground onion
      green olives, boiled eggs

Beef cow or ox and other parts

01 Mocotó - pieces of cooked braised mocotó with spices, peppers,
     onion, celery, leek etc.
02 Mocotó - cooked seasoned vinaigrette will
03 Mocotó - mocotó broth with vegetables (winter dish)
04 Mocotó - mocotó jelly - Special to rejuvenate, great for
      skin, bones, hair and also say it's an aphrodisiac

05 Fillet mignon with bacon twisted
06 Polpetone (Italian dish) (is a seasoned ground beef ball
      herbs, ginger, nutmeg, pepper etc. stuffed with cream cheese with
      over a tomato sauce
07 Brajolas - (Italian dish) topside stuffed with raisins or olives
      the black chopped, boiled eggs, capers, onion, parsley, cooked
      in tomato sauce
08 Lizard cooked with curd and water chickpea cooking
09 Lizard cooked in dark beer with tomato sauce
10 Veal stewed with mushrooms and other vegetables
11Vitela with orange sauce, garnished with orange slices
Calf 12 Nonna
13 Veal with bechamel sauce, mushrooms, grated cheese etc.
                 14 Stroganoff of beef tenderloin, mushrooms or artichoke background etc.
15 Oven Roast Beef pot roast beef .16

Dishes Different Regions

01 - Paella - (Spanish) with pork, franfo, seafood, vegetables
02 - Puchero (SPANISH) with chickpeas, pork, sausage, chicken,
       cabbage, carrots, potatoes etc.

03 - Italian tomato pasta cooking without conservante- 6 to 8 hours
       after freezing can prompt for 6 months
04 - pasta sauce (Italian) with peeled tomatoes without seeds
       mincemeat and pieces with spices and various herbs
05 - Stuffed eggplant (Italian) stuffed with ground beef, cheese
       grated and various spices
06 - Pasta Pasta (Italian)
07 - Gnocchi of ricotta (Italian) with white sauce or tomato sauce
08 - potato Inhocão (Italian) stuffed with ham and mozzarella with
       tomato sauce or tomato sauce with mincemeat
09 - Tropeiro- Beans ((mining dish) with sausage, dried meat etc
10 - carreteiro- Rice (mining dish), with dried meat, sausages etc
11 - Ravioli - (Italian) with pasta and stuffing (chicken stuffing, ham
        spinach, ricotta etc.
12 - shortcrust pastry pie - (Italian) stuffed with salami, palm,
       cheeses etc.
13 - shortcrust pastry pie - (Italian) filled with vanilla cream and
        over strawberries, jam and whipped cream gloss
14 - shortcrust pastry pie - (Switzerland) stuffed with four cheeses
15 - shortcrust pastry pie -, Switzerland) stuffed with cheese and guava

C a r d p i will o - A r r z

C a r d p i will o - A r r z

Arabic rice - with lentils - fried onions, came with lettuce, tomato ;.
Armenian - Rice with Angel pasta and chickpeas, chicory
Carne Seca rice and Cameroon - serve with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, hearts of palm.
Rice with various fruits - raisins, cashew nuts, ham, olives.
Coconut rice and coconut milk - came with baked or grilled fish.
Rice with lentil fruits and vegetables - accompanies roast beef and salad.
Rice with squid and tomato sauce - came with grilled fish, salad.
Rice with raisins and almonds - accompanies any roasted or grilled
Rice with raisins and mint, accompanies poultry, baked or grilled pork.
Rice with raisins and chopped parsley - accompanies any duck, baked peru
Rice with Pequi - Comes with chicken, duck, Peru baked into pieces.
Cuban rice - with eggs, fruit and salad crua- accompanies roast beef.
Baked rice - milk with eggs, grated cheese, peas, various vegetables.
Simple restaurant rice - serve with fish, meat, poultry
Moroccan rice - Snuba, almond, cashew nuts, ground beef, gizzard, chicken breast.
Rice with curd - accompanies kebab in the oven and watercress, lettuce, tomato.
Simple pressure rice cooker - accompanies any dish
Thai rice - cashew nuts, ham, eggs, pineapple, coconut, served in the pineapple shell.
South Drover rice - beef jerky, sausage, sausage, fresh herbs.
Turkish rice with Angel Hair pasta or rice noodles type.
Florentine rice - with squid, corn, carrots, peas, mushrooms, fish broth and grated cheese.
Brown rice - with bacon sour cream, egg - accompanies fried steak.
Venice rice - broccoli, bacon, ham, mozzarella, cottage cheese;
Rice with raisins, nuts, corn, green peas, parsley, mushrooms.
Oven rice with fish stock and scallops (mussels) cooked fish.
Risotto with Champignon - accompanies roast chicken into chunks, salad.
Risotto with chicken thighs - came with salad and boiled vegetables raw.
Risotto with pine nuts and raisins - came with vegetables roast beef and vegetables,
Risotto of Spain - chicken, vegetables, sausage, sirloin, rib, sausage, ribs and tail.
Shrimp risotto and lagostim- accompanies fish or roasted chicken, salad
Crab risotto with fried or baked fish, tomato salad, lettuce.
Risotto of dried meat and sausage - came with watercress salad, escarole, etc.
Rabbit risotto with tomato sauce - came with arugula, peppers
Chicken risotto with vegetables from Tuninha - lettuce, tomato, hearts of palm.
Chicken risotto with tomatoes, onions, peas, carrots and salad to taste
Walnut risotto (optional), then sniff. onion, garlic and grated cheese - came with salad
Risotto with pequi, chicken, tomato, onion chopped chicory follows.
Risotto with lupine - accompanies roast chicken, chopped cabbage salad.
Risotto with clams, mushrooms, onion, parsley with tomato sauce - Accompanies roasted fish
Risotto of dried mushrooms (Italian), soaking use water sauce, scratching the strainer paper Sauté with onion, garlic, broth.

Menu Gnocchi and potatoes - II Options

Menu Gnocchi and potatoes - II Options

Menu Gnocchi
01.Aperitivo of Different Potato Gnocchi
02.Curiosidade About Gnocchi Lucky
03.Nhoque Simple Potato
04.Nhoque Stuffed Potato With Catupiry
05.Nhoque With Ricotta Pasta - II + options Sauce
Economic 06.Nhoque made with Wheat Flour
07.Nhoque Polish
08.Nhoque oven Stuffed (III fillings)
09.Nhoque Stuffed Different
10, gnocchi Joker Massa
11.Nhoque Freezing, What Kind You Can Freeze
12.Nhoque Freezing In Open
13.Modo of Pack the Frozen Gnocchi
14.Nhocão -Same Potato Gnocchi pasta
15.Nhocão Stuffed with ground beef and cheese
16.Nhocão Stuffed With Ham and Mozzarella
17.Molho White For gnocchi Ricotta
18.Nhoque With Tomato Sauce to Sugo
19.Nhoque With Sauce Bolognese
Traditional 20.Nhoque With Two Sauces
21.Nhoque Potato Different
22.Nhoque Yam
23.Nhoque Yam and Other
24.Nhoque Ricotta With Several Different Sauces
25.Nhoque Ricotta With Spinach
26.Nhoques Ricotta Cheese With Various Special
27.Nhoque Ricotta Special
28 Piroques Gnocchi for Soup
29.Sopa With Gnocchi Polish
30.Nhoque Loaf

Menu - Potato

01 - straw potatoes - fried sticks in hot oil
02 - Fried potatoes into very thin slices
03 - Potato chips into thick strips of 5 cm
04 - Baked potato sautéed in pieces, passed in butter and before serving sprinkle chopped parsley.
05 - Potato gratin - cooked in thick slices (half a centimeter)
with white sauce or sour cream, topped with grated cheese, grated in the large drain, or slices of mozzarella.
06 - Salpicão potato - potatoes, carrots, green beans, cooked in small cubes, celery, onion. chopped parsley and choosy and fruits, grape seedless, pineapple, apple and mayonnaise sauce, sour cream or yogurt.
07 - potato mayonnaise with tuna or boiled chicken and vegetables cooked to taste (do not put corn and carrots) if using on
Next. mayonnaise with yoghurt or sour cream.
08 - potato dough pie - baked potato squeezed mixed with eggs, salt, flour, yeast, butter, ground beef filling, sausage, onions, tomatoes and spices to taste.
09 - stuffed baked whole potato with ground beef braised with onions, tomatoes and spices, sprinkled with grated cheese.
10 - Baked potato sliced ​​in half stuffed with mozzarella ham ground with take and grated cheese sauce.
11 - potato into large cubes sautéed with oil, tomato, onion, oregano, salt, pepper to taste.
12- big potatoes roasted in shell, then put stuffing to taste
Ground beef with grated cheese, cheese catupi ham, cheeses 4 2 2 soft and hard.
13 - Potato souffle with spinach and cheese grated or diced, or sweet potato souffle with ground meat and spices.
14 - Potato baked in slices layered with spinach cream, aferventado squeezed and crushed with milk, maiseina, grated cheese and a layer of ham into thin slices or ground.
15 - cooked whole potatoes peeled, seasoned with salt, olive oil and mustard, or ketchup.
16 - Potato pancake made with grated potatoes in the large drain, fry in a spoon then add beaten eggs, make the fry.
17 - small potato gnocchi with tomato sauce and plenty of onion.
18 - Nnhoque potato with spinach - 2 cup mashed potatoes with 1 spinach, grated cheese, eggs, flour, salt.
19 - Simple Mashed potatoes, or with sour cream and grated cheese
20 - Mixed puree, mashed potatoes with cooked and squeezed carrot.
21 - Mixed puree, mashed potatoes with boiled cassava and squeezed
22 - potato stew cubes, with ground beef, onion, tomato, spices to taste.
23 - Nhocão potato stuffed with ham and mozzarella with tomato sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese.
24 - potato Nhocão stuffed with ground meat, grated cheese and tomato sauce
25 - baked whole potato with slices of cod, grilled cream.
26 - potato with stewed chicken with tomato sauce, onion and seasonings to taste.
27 - mini potato bread, dough plus mashed potatoes, stuffed with cream cheese
28 - Fogaça, (pastel type) dough with yeast, squeezed potatoes, baked or fried ham with mozzarella filling.
29 - cooked potatoes with meat and tomato sauce pan.
30 - potato dumpling stuffed with ground beef braised with spices to taste.
31 - potato dumpling with cod, onion, parsley.
32 - potato dumpling stuffed with cod stew.
33- pancake pasta with boiled potatoes, 2 cups cooked and squeezed potatoes, 2 eggs, onion, salt and flour and a little milk, all whipped in a blender.
34. Mashed potatoes with roast pork loin, or cooked whole potatoes.
35. Mashed potatoes with fish fried calamari and lettuce leaves with tomato
Whole chicken 36- open the back, baked in beer with salt and oregano, with mashed potatoes or whole baked potato.
37- mixed potato salad, carrot, green beans, beets, peas, chayote, and eggs all cooked separate, black olives and palm
38- potato with bone-bucco, tomato sauce, green peas
39. Mashed cow tongue potato and tomato sauce with onion, broth
40- entire Baked potato with pork knuckle, sauerkraut, sausage, mustard.
41- whole baked potato or mashed potatoes with pork chop.
42- Sausage fried pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes.
43. Whole Baked potatoes with roasted shelled leg of lamb
44- Potatoes, carrots celery with lamb into pieces and gravy or tomato sauce.
45- mashed potato ring in the center tuna canned and drained the last layer of fruit into chunks, papaya, cantaloupe, kiwi.
46- small avocado cubes with boiled potatoes, mayonnaise sauce, served on avocado peel.
47- potato cake with chocolate syrup
48- slices of cooked sweet potatoes, fried then served with caramel syrup or molasses or honey.
49- oven gnocchi - gnocchi dough filling mozzarella and ham
50 - baked gnocchi - gnocchi dough filling of ground beef, tomatoes, grated cheese.

terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2015

Crepes Gluten Free + IV fillings

Crepes Gluten Free + IV fillings

Ingredients Dough:

I - Option:

Crepe Gluten Free

½ cup (tea) of potato starch
½ cup (tea) almond flour
1 cup of cow's milk, or
1 cup of almond milk, soy, or other vegetable
1 tablespoon of corn oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) sweetener in own powder oven and hob, or (1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar).
1 whole egg
1 pinch of salt
The dough is consistent and liquid, to become more thick add a little more milk if they get thinner put some potato starch flour with almond equal parts.

Prepare the way of Crepe Batter Gluten Free:

Blend all ingredients in a blender, the dough is consistent so that when liquid is pouring

How to cook the crepes.

Grease lightly with oil a nonstick skillet from 15 'to 20' feet wide, lead to the fire to warm up.

After heated the skillet, remove excess oil with paper towels.
Dump a mass shell, go around the pan until the dough spread across the background., Leave the fire until golden brown, turn and do the same procedure on the other side.
Place the crepes under a napkin, until ready to fill.

Other options:

Can make smaller pancakes, use a large skillet, do the same as others.
Then cut to cut stainless steel, or the mouth of a glass.
* Smaller crepes Serve Festinha Child *.


I - Option:
Ice cream, whipped cream with fresh fruit, strawberry, banana sprinkled with chopped raw sugar with cinnamon.

II - Option:
Sweet condensed milk cheese with mining,

III - Option:
Dulce de leche with melted chocolate or powdered

IV - Option:

Can put stewed peaches, figs, pineapple and others.
chopped or mixed with whipped cream.
Use your creativity.


You can add the dough nuts almonds or Brazil nuts.

Soufflé Student Vegetables and The Traditional - II Options

Soufflé Student Vegetables and The Traditional - II Options

I Sauce student:
1 250 ml of cow's milk glass or the required
1 tablespoon (soup) not too full of corn starch (cornstarch)
1 can of assorted vegetables (select) or corn, drained and rinsed to remove the preservative.
Can substitute 2 cups (tea) cauliflower, broccoli carrot. pod, cut into small pieces pre cooked without salt.
Other ingredients:
2 or 3 large eggs separated egg whites until stiff
100 g. grated Parmesan cheese
Way of preparing:
Write a mush, with milk and corn starch, as follows:
Bring the milk to fire when raising boil, pour the cornstarch has dissolved in a little cold milk, stirring quickly to avoid lumps.
If you do not practice, remove the pan from the heat to mix the cornstarch, then return fire stirring constantly, until cooked. It is a thick porridge.
If the porridge become too thick add more milk to thin.
If it gets too watery put a little cornstarch dissolved in cold milk and return to heat to finish cooking. Set aside.
Not withdraw the measure milk above (revenue)
Open the can of select, drain in a colander, rinse under running water to remove the preservative.
Mix the select vegetables in white cream (type firm porridge), then beat the egg yolks grated cheese.
Taste the salt, cheese and vegetables are salted, do not put too much salt.
Mix half snow in light of the filling and over the other half by ce grated cheese souffle.
If you can put all the egg whites in the stuffing mix well.
To recap:
Place in a form or refractory greased with oil and sprinkled with grated cheese, pour the dough over the rest of the egg whites into snow sprinkled with grated cheese.
If you do not like white cream (porridge).
II - Cream Sauce traditional Simple:
2 cups 250 ml of hot cow's milk
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) full of butter
Other ingredients:
2-3 large, clear eggs in snow
50 to 100 grs. grated Parmesan cheese
A dish of cooked and drained vegetables:
Can be carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, hearts of palm, artichoke bottom, asparagus, mushroom, pasta cooked, diced cheese among others.
How to prepare the Bechamel Sauce (White) Traditional:

Lead a boiling pot with the butter let melt, add the flour, wheat once, mix well, let the fire until cooked, then add the hot milk, stir until a homogeneous mass, a thick cream and cooked.
If you do not practice mix the milk out of the fire.
If you want you can add 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese soup.
After the cooked white sauce, mix the beaten egg yolks and egg whites.
If you can take the heat for a few minutes is (optional).
After grease a round shape 25 X 5 with butter sprinkle grated cheese.
Pour the souffle, sprinkle with grated cheese on top, take the oven.
Oven preheated 180 ° C, leave to blush.
Remove from oven and serve hot.
The souffle is winter dish
Important warning
* Never place the can of liquid or glass in canned food that is doing *
Most people say it's one saborzinho, (that saborzinho) "is loaded with sodium and preservatives, dyes and others." Some people are "Allergic" can lead to serious health symptoms, especially children and the elderly.
Take Care folded.