sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2013

Carne Seca With Garrison

Carne Seca With Garrisoningredients:
500 grs . dried meat chopped into bite-sized pieces , orfresh meat : Rump , duckling , thigh -mole
Other Ingredients :

2 large onions , grated or chopped3 tomatoes peeled , seeded and chopped into cubes2 spoons (soup ) of oil1 teaspoon (tsp ) salt1 spoon ( soup) of hot sauce (optional )1 teaspoon ( tsp) grated ginger1 cup ( tea) of chopped parsley with stems1 cup ( tea) of chopped chives1 cup ) of raw cassava flour
How to Prepare :
Leave the dried meat sauce in the fridge with enough cold water for 12 hours, changing the water several times ..
The next day , drain all the water and washing under tap .
Put the dried meat in the pressure cooker covered with water, cover , lift the pin and when it is boiling , lower the pin , leaving the low heat for 30'minutos .
Let cool the meat into the pan .
Before you drain all the water , make sure the meat is tender.You can cook the meat dry in ordinary pot , stop cooking with water until it is thoroughly cooked . After shredding the meat . Book
Sauté the meat with oil , tomatoes , onion , then add the ginger, pepper and chopped fresh herbs , mint , basil.
When the tomatoes are cooked , add the raw cassava flour , cook and stir before serving stir in the chopped parsley and other herbs .
To Serve :
Place in a shallow tray bar .
Serve with white rice , quibebe ( braised ripe pumpkin ) , and thinly sliced ​​cabbage braised with onions . .Salad leaf lettuce watercress, arugula , tomato and onion slices.
Garnish the dish with boiled eggs , cut into pétalas.e fried sausage , or pork rinds .
Note :
When placing the dried meat in the fridge with plastic wrap or cover with napkin
Notice to Child :
Children can substitute dried meat for fresh meat , cut into cubes .The fresh meat is to soak .
See my blogs revenue cabbage braised quibebe .

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