segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013

Macarrons - I e II

Macarrons - IIngredients:125 grs. almond flour - grinding at home125 grs. sugar empalpavel100 grs. icing sugar100 grs. egg whites in snow, leave 3 days in the refrigerator before usinguse fresh whites not of right.15 grs. Cocoa powder
How to prepare:Mix the egg whites with the other ingredients.Do the same to the other procedures macarrons II.
Macarrons IIIngredients:1 cup (tea) of almond flour¾ cup (tea) of sugar empalpavel oricing sugar with a spoon (soup) of cornstarch.½ cup (tea) of clear guidance see above
Syrup:½ cup (tea) of sugar plus 1 tablespoon (soup)¼ cup (tea) of cold waterHow to Prepare the syrup:Mix well sugar with cold water. Lead to fire without stirring until a syrup with bubbles, make sure you are at the point of wire.Take a little of the sauce with a spoon (soup), dump the pot itself, and at the end of the spoon is a wire.How to Prepare:Mix almond flour with half the egg whites or light without crashing.The other half of the light is in snow.Place egg whites in the hot syrup slowly and slowly until finished.Then mix the two parts to little and slowly until a uniform mass. Add the culinary dye color of your choice. Green, Red, Purple, Make shades of pink, lighter darker, until the kiss.Place the dough in a pastry sleeve.Make small balls well, type "marble" or size of an olive. Grows too.Put in two ways, under and above, not to spend too much heat.As above line with parchment paper, make the design size of the candy.The sweets are clear as sighs (merengue).When the candy is taffy is hot.Do not forget to line the way with butter and then put parchment paper.Medium oven l60 ° C for 12 'to 15' minutes.Sweet is only for dry type sigh.Filling I:Sweet condensed milk and sweet condensed milk with nuts.
RecheioII:Caramel250 grs. sugar1 spoon (soup) of butter¼ cup (tea) cream without serum
How to Prepare the caramel:Make a Carmelo with sugar, burn sugar until color guarana, then add the butter.Then add the cream to the hot caramel gradually and slowly.Join two candy with filling. Place in paper cups to your liking then move on to a tray.

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