sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014

With Chester Filling and Almond Crisps

With Chester Filling and Almond Crisps


1 large chester tempered, or chicken.
Seasoned only with salt - 1 teaspoon (tsp) of salt for every pound of meat

Other Ingredients:

50 grs. butter
1 tbsp (tablespoons) mustard (optional)
50 grs. flaked almonds
50 grs. butter to sauté the almonds
2 white beer cans at room temperature
200ml dry white wine

How to Prepare:

Loosen the skin from the breast and thighs, being careful not to tear up, does not stick, mix butter with the mustard, rub under the skin.
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Pour in bottom of baking dish with beer and wine.

Chester Place the covered with aluminum foil, not too close to the skin does not stick.

Oven 160 ° C for 40 'minutes per pound of meat, glancing occasionally, until baking.

Thirty minutes before taking the chester the oven, remove the foil and let it brown.

Separately, place the remaining butter, fry the flaked almonds until browned slightly.

To remove the skins of almonds, throw in boiling water, wait a bit, then drain and rub them between your fingertips, you loosen easily.
Almonds are to hand over Chester.

2 cans of ham pâté or chicken liver
3 sour apples in thick grated drain
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons cream cheese cheese, or
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup salted biscuits crushed in processor or blender

How to Prepare:

Mix the pate with butter cheese cream cheese, apples and crushed wafer, if you can suspend use more butter and cheese cream cheese or grated Parmesan cheese.
Make a ball with the stuffing or model like a great cigar put inside the bird, sew with needle and thick thread or fasten with toothpick.

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