domingo, 5 de outubro de 2014

Bread Lo Diet - Option II

Bread Lo Diet - Option II


3 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
3 tablespoons (soup) of sweetener in itself for cooking and baking powder
3 eggs
½ teaspoon (tablespoon) of baking powder powder
Option II:
6 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
3 tablespoons (soup) of sweetener in itself for cooking and baking powder
½ teaspoon (tablespoon) of orange zest yellow part only, do not put that bitter white
1 spoon (soup) of oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) baking powder powder
How to Prepare:
Beat the egg whites, add the egg yolks become a hit, stop the mixer, gradually add the flour mixed with baking, mixing with wire whisk or spatula, until a homogeneous mass.
Then add the other ingredients.
Lead to bake, oven 180 º C for 15 'to 20' minutes or until lightly blushing.

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