quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

Traditional Cheese bread - II Options

Traditional Cheese bread - II Options


½ pound of sweet starch
1 large glass of (250ml) oil
1 large glass of milk (250ml
4 large whole eggs
200 grs. half-curing grated
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt or to taste

How to Prepare:

Place in a medium saucepan, milk with oil, bring to a boil.
Separate dumps flour into a large bowl, add the milk and the hot oil slowly and slowly, stirring constantly to scald the flour.
After well mixed is a homogeneous mass, ie, very smooth.
Then gradually add the eggs, one at a time, putting the last salt and grated cheese.
Place in greased muffin cups with butter or pie spoonfuls on cookie sheet.
Place in oven at 300 º C (oven temperature is 300 º C), electric oven.
Serve hot, in paper cups.


Cheese Bread With Cassava


250 grs. Cassava cooked and squeezed or grated in the thick drain. Heavy shelled.
1 cup) of sour (125 gr.)
1 large egg
1 spoon (soup) of oil
1 ½ cups (tea) (150 gr.) Of mozzarella cheese or grated half cure the thick drain.
  ¾ cup (tea) (50grs.) Finely grated parmesan
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt
(remember that cheese already has enough salt).

How to Prepare:

Mix all ingredients.

Make the balls, let stand in refrigerator for 30 'minutes.
Bake in preheated oven 200 º C to blush slightly.

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