segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014

Candy With Machimelo

Candy With Machimelo


1 heaped tablespoon of clear unflavored gelatin , or
15 grams of gelatin
½ cup of cold water to dissolve the gelatin
4 egg whites into firm snow
1 tablespoon light corn syrup ( Karo )
1 teaspoon vanilla

Other Ingredients:

300 grs . semisweet chocolate melted in a water bath


3 tea cups caster sugar
1 cup of water for tea

How to Prepare :

Wet the gelatin in cold water, then dissolve in water bath . Reserve .

Beat the egg whites in a mixer on firm snow. Book .

Make a syrup by mixing water with the sugar , bring to the fire when it boils , lower the heat and leave to the point of thin wire .

Do not stir the syrup while on fire .
Point wire :
Test the gravy with a tablespoonful of syrup, pour into the pot , what's left on the tip of the spoon and thin wire , easy to understand .
Mix the hot syrup in clear already beaten stiff gradually and slowly with the mixer on.
Then add the dissolved gelatin glucose and vanilla .
Hitting the machimelo ( marshemellow ) in mixer for 10'Minutos , ie until cool well .
Put in lined with chocolate or pastry bag with the molds , see instructions below .

Separate place 2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed with 2 tablespoons sugar.
The above mixture is to put marshemellow made ​​in piping bag with nozzle cherry , size is of your taste , small, medium or large .
Then pour in the melted chocolate marshemellew , take with itself garfinho for chocolate.

The right is making the chocolates in molds for chocolate.
Pour the melted chocolate into the molds , plastic flip down to drain excess chocolate.

Take the refrigerator for 2'minutos to harden the chocolate , forming a thin layer on the bottom and sides.

Then place the mass of marchimelo , and pour over enough melted chocolate .

In the last operation did not turn the pans upside down .
Take the ramekins to the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens .
The chocolates estrão ready to pack in boxes or plastic bags and can also put in , chocolate molds , with lacy doilies .

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