quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2014

Cabitrossado With Farofa

C a b i t r o s s a d o - With Farofa


1 new kid 3-5 pounds
cut in half or quarters

seasoning :

1 bunch of parsley and chives tied
2 large onions, coarsely chopped
1 head garlic, crushed with salt
1 sprigs of rosemary
2 sprigs of basil
1 chili finger lady without the chopped seeds
1 teaspoon (tsp ) shallow salt put every pound of meat
2 spoons (soup ) of oregano
1 spoon ( soup) of grated ginger
1 spoon ( soup) of saffron or
½ spoon ( soup) of turmeric
½ spoon ( soup) of spicy paprika
1 tablespoon (coffee ) ground black pepper
½ teaspoon (coffee ) ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon (coffee ) ground cloves
½ teaspoon (coffee ) crushed bay

Other Ingredients:

½ pound of salt
2 glasses of wine vinegar

How to Prepare :

Wash the kid in running water .

Get the stench of the leg is a fatty gland the size of a grain of dark beans which lies between the tendon and bone.
Become a wash in running water.

After soaking with water and two handfuls of salt and 2 cups of vinegar , put 40 to 60 minutes in the refrigerator ,

Taking the brine with vinegar and rinse again under running water .

Put the kid in the seasoning in a bowl agate , or Tuperware with lid .
Store in the refrigerator for 12 hours covered with a cloth and clean plate .

The next day , remove the spices , place on a baking sheet lined with foil or banana leaves , put up strips of bacon or bacon all along the way , add a little of the strained broth of spices and a glass of cold water .

Take to bake in the preheated oven weak by l50 ° C , covered with aluminum foil , drizzle from time to time with the gravy from the pan , carefully not to burn .

Bake for one hour , 150 ° C temperature for every pound , or forty minutes at 180 ° C , until it is cooked .
Take the foil let it brown

Serve with plain mashed cassava or manioc , or

White rice , cooked vegetables or salad , potato, carrot , beans , cabbage , green olives , broccoli, asparagus.

Heart of palm salad , tomato , black olives , hard boiled eggs , onion and parsley

Chickpea salad with grated onion parsley and chives , black olives .

Farofa Simple:

1 grated onion
2 tablespoons oil
½ kilo of maize or cassava flour or cassava flour half and half cornmeal
100 grs . chopped bacon
100 grs . of chopped green olives without pits
2 boiled eggs grated drain in bulk , or pass through a sieve
1 cup of parsley tea with minced stem

How to Prepare :

Fry the bacon in the oil , add the onion , cassava flour , olives , then sprinkle over ready to put the grated eggs and parsley .
Serving the streusel separate dish.

I - Option :

You can season the lamb with salt only , before taking
left to soak in milk for 24 hours to hydrate well in the refrigerator covered with a napkin .

II - Option -

To get the stench of the goat , after washing , place
a quart of rum , allow to stand for an hour , re- washing , season to your taste .

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