quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2013

Curiosity about gnocchi or gnocchi or gnocchi

Curiosity about gnocchi or gnocchi or gnocchi
I'm answering the request of several people on the gnocchi.Write several way according to your language.Previously wrote on gnocchi (Portuguese), it is certain gnocchi.Gnocchi is made with tubers or various vegetables, even with wheat flour or other types of flour and with moldy and cooked rice.If the recipe you chose has not been published or lost, have sent gladly.The address is below.Here follows a few ingredients that can be made gnocchi:Potato, taro, yams, cassava, cassava (potato sauce), pumpkin. Pumpkin, cooked rice, among others.
The most common is the potato, then come to or wheat flour (baked pasta) generally industrialized.Both gnocchi can do at home.Gnocchi (most common) is a dough made with potatoes, eggs, cheese, flour, modeled.Makes a roll, then cut the size of your choice.The normal size is one (1) to two (2) inches.Cook in boiling water, when it comes to the fore is cooked.Pass to a platter. TLane is a tool (rectangular) and the bowl is low (round) high.To serve put tomato sauce or tomato sauce with meat or white sauce warm.No need to go into the oven. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.If cooled, warm each portion in the microwaveSome people prefer to cook the pasta; model and leads to the oven with the sauce chosen.My suggestion to you is that beginners start with the traditional is the easiest. and tastier.Traditional gnocchi is made with potatoes, eggs, cheese. salt, wheat flour up to the point of rolling.Any questions that I can help, can you send over the internet.Address baudanonna.blogspot.Facebook: Bauda Nonna AntoinetteImportant Note:Beware the sauce. Do not put too much cheese, bacon, sausage, presunto.que greatly increases the calories.Not that you can eat at ease.Eat only once a week, and then go controlling your diet, not to increase the weight.My suggestion for the sauce:Lean meat, grated onion, celery, and chopped seasonings and salt, and 1 (one liter of homemade sauce. Industrialized If dilute with 3 times the measure with water. Bringing the fire to get a thick sauce. (Thick)The quantity of meat is equal to the onions, that is to 500grs of meat are each 500 g. onion.The onion is to give consistency to the sauce.If you make white sauce, not to overdo the cheese.Is hot put the provolone, gorgonzola, parmezão among others. Enjoy your meal.

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