terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2015

Mush Green Sweetcorn or Diet

Mush Green Sweetcorn or Diet


I - Option:

24 ears of young corn
6 cups of tea cow's milk, not boiled
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
2 tablespoons powdered milk soup (optional)

Other Ingredients: (Optional)

1 cup (tea) sugar or
½ cup (tea) of powdered sweetener in own oven and hob

To cook the tamales:

Place in a wide pan 2 liters of cold water.
Place pamonhas standing one next to each other for cooking.
Lead to fire as soon as it boils, lower the heat.
Let cook for 20 'to 30' minutes.

Filling: (optional)

Fresh or semi-cured cheese, cut into slices finas.ou
Cooked sausage cut into slices.

Prepare the way of Pamonha:

Take the leaves and the hair of corn cobs.
Use a soft brush to remove the hairs that are trapped between the grains.
Wash your ears in water.
Place the spike standing on a board with a knife cut the grain of the hair very close to the corn cob, and scrape as much as possible to take all the starch.
Beat the grains of corn in a blender with the milk gradually.
After well beaten, strain through a fine sieve, add the salt mix well.
Place the broth of corn in the corn straw bags.
If you want to put a slice of cheese or sausage.

With leaves of corn, make bags sewing them to the machine and leaving an open side to put the mass of corn.
Some people know fold the sheets without sewing.

Pour a little of the corn mass in each of the bags and tie with a strip of corn husk itself, tighten, fold down the ear.

Fill only half of the corn straw bags.
To recap:
Put on the fire, a wide pot with 2 liters of cold water when it boils put the bags of mush standing simmer put approximately 30 minutes, or until firm
Drain and Serve hot

You can also cook in a double boiler

If you do not want to use the blender, grate the ears in fine drain or processor to continue the recipe the same way as the previous mode.

II - Option

Pancake cake
If you do not want to put the mass of mush teabags, pass the dough for a high fashion, bake in a water bath, until firm.

To market add the ingredients below
2 tablespoons milk powder
2 tablespoons cornmeal dainty soup or
2 tablespoons cornstarch soup, dissolved in milk


If you prefer you can make a sweet tamale with sugar or sweetener.
Remove 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt, and add only 1 pinch of salt,

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