segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2018

Green Broth (Soup) + Photo

Green Broth (Soup) + Photo

1 ½ liter beef broth (½ pound muscle) or
2 to 3 tablespoons of broth

Other Ingredients:
6 medium potatoes cut into four, or sliced
1 large onion, grated or chopped
3 garlic cloves (if old) without crumbly crumb
1 garlic only white portion cut into thin slices
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cups teaspoon cabbage
1 cup of parsley with the stem stuck in the
blender coar (use only liquid)
Way of preparing:
To make the broth:

Cook the pound of muscle with 1 liter of water in the
pressure cooker.

Separate the cooked meat make a salad apart, save for another meal.

How to Prepare the Green Broth:
Place the broth (1 ½ liter) in a pan, onion, garlic, potatoes and salt and the juice of the parsley.
You can fry the onion with the garlic separated or place it raw.

If using beef broth, do not put salt.

When everything is cooked, remove the potato and go to the juicer turn the pot.

Finally add the kale, when boiling
leave for 3 minutes on the fire.
If the cabbage overcook it hardens, and becomes dark.

Serve very hot in cumbucas of clay, top crótons
plenty of grated Parmesan cheese.

The crotons are optional.
Crótons and cut bread cut into roasted cubes

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