sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2016

C h e s t e r d e n t e n t - R e c h e a d e

C h e s t e r d e n t e n t - R e c h e a d e


L chester of good size


4 cloves garlic, crushed

1 tablespoon of salt for every pound of meat
1 tablespoon of pepper sauce
1 teaspoon or grated ginger (soup)
L mustard spoon, optional
2 tablespoons buttermilk) butter
1 pinch nutmeg (optional)
1 glass of dry white wine
2 glasses of non-frozen white beer

Other ingredients:

L00 grs. Of almonds in thinly sliced ​​or coarsely ground or whole Snoubar
50 grs. of butter

Wash the bird well under running water
Loosen the skin on the chest and thighs with your fingers carefully
Do not pierce the skin of the bird, always stick under the skin
Mix salt, crushed garlic, butter and mustard, pass this mixture throughout the bird, put it under the skin, then the pepper, the nutmeg and the ginger on top of the bird
Pass the lemon juice over the whole bird
Place the chester into a plastic or crockery shape with beer, wine and seasonings.
Let it set for six hours
Remove from seasoning, dry well
Line the form with aluminum foil, place the chester with a little bit of the broth (a shell)
Cover with aluminum foil, leave a space, not to stick
Bake in preheated oven medium l80 C, put one hour put each pound of meat
Strain the broth stock, degrease, add a cup of water and a tablet of beef broth
To thicken the broth with a spoon of wheat flour, or maisena

In separate fry the almonds in the butter, until golden
Spread the almonds on top of the chester
Garnish with lettuce leaves and chilli flowers
Make carrot lace, trimming thinly across the length, with the width of the carrot (two fingers).

Stuffing for Chester

2 cans of ham pate
3 small apples grated in thick drain
2 tablespoons butter)
2 tablespoons of catupiry cheese
L cup of salted wafer crackers, or grated bread. Mix everything together very well.

Stuff the bird before baking

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