quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

Mullet With Fruit Sauce and Mush

Mullet With Fruit Sauce and Mush

ingredientes:3 medium sized mullet cut into slices of 3 fingers each1 spoon (soup ) of shallow salt.fruits :3-4 very small apples6 bananas sliced ​​in half if small integersauce:8-10 ripe tomatoes peeled and seeded1 cup ( tea) of grated carrots in the large drain (optional )1 cup ( tea) of shaved celery cut into thin slices1 leek only part banking thinly sliced½ cup corn oil2 large onions, thinly sliced½ spoon (soup ) of lady finger pepper , seeds removed and finely chopped without the ribs .

For the bouillon Mush :3 fish heads cut in half remove the eyes3 tails and some scraps of fish2-3 tomatoes cut into slivers1 large onion , stick 8 cloves of India1 piece of cinnamon stick .2 sprigs of whole celery1 leek leftovers the dark part of the sauce1 bunch of parsley and chives washed whole1.5 liters of cold water1 spoon (soup ) shallow saltOther ingredients :Approximately 300 grams . cassava flour1 cup ( tea) of chopped parsley with stems½ cup green onions cut into rodelinhasHow to Prepare a Mullet :Wash the fish pieces in running water .Only seasoning with salt , let stand for one (1 ) hour in the refrigerator .In a large saucepan place the oil , celery , leek and the onion and fry for 5 ' minutes .
Add tomatoes peeled and chopped without seeds , apples and bananas and half a liter of hot water.
Once cooked apples and bananas , transfer to a platter. Bookcontinuing :Cook the sauce until the tomatoes come apart .Add grated carrots , if you need to add more hot water.
Spread the sauce on bottom of pan , distribute the mullet put one next to each other , cover with the sauce .Leave cooking on low heat for 15 ' minutes , then turn the slices carefully .Cook the other side for 15 ' minutes. Book .How to Prepare the broth of the Mush :
Put in a pan the water and the fish head pieces , tomatoes , celery, garlic, portion tomato , whole onion, parsley . and the cinnamon stick .Jab the onion several cloves of India .Let cook for 30 ' to 45 ' minutes or until all ingredients are cooked.
Strain through a fine sieve . Discard what was inside the sieve.
How to Prepare the Mush :To each cup fish broth quantity of manioc flour 1 teaspoon (soup ) shallow .
Will measure how many cups of broth mush .If you need to increase with a little water to complete .

Put the broth in a pot ¾ of mush .(Three of the liquid ) .
With the remaining one fourth (¼ ) dissolving the cassava flour .Once lifted boil, add gradually and slowly cassava flour dissolved in broth mush , with the aid of a spoon high cable go stirring until cooked .
The point is equal to one mole polenta .If it gets too soft add more flour cassava dissolved in water , return to heat to finish cooking for another 10 ' minutes . Before serving stir in the chopped parsley .Serve on a separate platter.Once cooled the ** mush it gets harder **Note :The porridge has to be well done , if you can put a little pepper broth .
To Serve MulletPlace dish in one or two slices of mullet, over the sauce . Side the mush and the other side half cooked and half apple banana for each person .Serve with green salad at home .** Sorry photos did not turn out good * , I'm trying to shoot with amateur machine , or mobile .Try assure that this dish is very tasty and is for everyone's pocket.

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