terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

Secrets and Solutions For Vegetables - Cooking

Secrets and Solutions For Vegetables - Cooking

Some answers from Ask and also some secrets:
See also important observation
Who asked about peppers, zucchini, eggplant and bake for "other vegetables" is as follows:
Answer Chili:
Chili can bake in the oven until dark, but instead stuck with a fork, or place a fork stuck in the stove (fire flame), until it is all the burned skin.
Place then wrapped in aluminum foil, and let it cool
Pull all skins carefully, to not hurt the plant.
Write slowly and patiently. Then wash the pepper under the tap, also remove the seeds.
Cut into strips 1 inch or slightly larger.
Serves to put in sauces, over baked, ready paella etc. You can make a simple or mixed salad with onion, roasted eggplant and onion cut into thin slices. Do not forget to wash "always" the onion before and after cut.
You can put garlic in rodelinhas or chopped.
"Always use new garlic" If using old garlic green tire crumb overall. Set this procedure in all my recipes for anyone forget, is very important.
Green kernels for some people give heartburn and burning in the stomach, which also happens with tomato.
Tomato stew when it is not sufficient (it takes 5 hours) and also add the skins and seeds, increases the acidity.
Do it yourself and make the test.
Some people put 1 carrot or 1 tablespoon (soup) of sugar to neutralize the acidity. Always use this feature.
Other people put the baking soda. I do not use, like not affect the taste is different.
Some people also put baking soda to accentuate some green vegetables like spinach. Wrong.
It's so easy to make the plant look good dark green, that is the same color of the vegetable. Just play the spinach and other foods (to conserve color) in boiling water for 1 '2' minutes (Secret) "Immediately" in the pouring ice water to stop the cooking.
This process is called bleaching. Almost all people know to do, is very simple. Always test in small portions.
The eggplant can be roasted whole, but instead stuck with a fork to not burst in the oven. All dirty your oven and you lose your job.
Leave in the oven until the skin becomes burned "wilt".
Be careful not to burn the eggplant inside, be caring in the oven, remove when it wither.
Place the eggplant in a foil, and let it cool. Gently pull the burned skin of the eggplant, or scrape with a spoon. The old eggplants have many seeds, remove after roast. The seeds are indigestible for some people.
You can take the eggplant skin on the stove (flame of the stove)
Cut the stem, and lightly scratch the bark off the outside in 4 places, different, as if it were cut into four.
"It is not to cut only slightly scratch"
Stick a fork in each eggplant, ie, (do one at a time) lead to weak fire, go turning, turning, until the eggplant shell be burned.
Then wrap in aluminum foil, let cool normally. Remove the skin and seeds.
Cutting your taste or scrape with a spoon (soup).
Serves to make pate or salad and other dishes.
To make pate pass in the fine sieve to strip the seeds.

Grilled zucchini Without oil:
To grill the zucchini use nonstick frying pan or plate, "oil free".
You can also use homemade barbecue (small) or those very closed to grill vegetables steamed.
Use the eggplant cut by length or sliced thin slices. Grilled eggplant, sliced serve to make canapés, snacks, salads, first course and others.
Eggplants cut by grilled length, serve to make rolled with meat filling, ricotta and others.
See recipe on my baudanonna.blogspot.com blogs or my daughter with modern recipes.
Fresh herbs:
* Fresh herbs Never place to cook along with the other ingredients *.
I see that some people ask who are "misinformed" giving saborzinho *.
* Fresh and dried herbs place only at the end of cooking *, that is, the end of the preparation.
Otherwise you will cook like dry wood without any taste, and vitamins and other minerals go to the drain.
Another thing that I am attacked, when they call for me to see such revenue.
The person is making pasta, bread-like, do not use disposable gloves, (approximately 0.20 to 0.50 cents)!
I'm not talking about price but of "Hygiene".
The person does not use gloves takes the mass of crumbling hands and playing within the mass, can not go into details.
We will eat the DNA of the person?
Does the person washed and nails?
Note carefully that the "Professional Culinary Area," use disposable gloves and aprons clean, and utensils too.
In the next few posts I will continue answering frequently asked questions.

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