quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

"Life Lesson"

"Life Lesson"

Curiosity About Flours and Starches

* In the distant beach location, could not find cassava flour *.
Walking through the deserted beach, I saw a Mrs. I ran behind her asked!
Mrs. is this region?
Where can I find cassava flour?
She asked?
Will use cassava flour for what!
I said I was to fish mush, to accompany a fish stew.
She replied.
Worked as a cook in family homes, seasons on some ships, had this problem several times.
Place any meal!
Who has not hound with cat.
She said:
In the place where I was born only used cornmeal.
Wheat flour, corn, maize starch, when used in an emergency, when there is cassava flour, with the exception of breadcrumbs which does not serve.
I found it strange, I doubted.
I said several times, you can not!
She laughing, replied:
Do you think the people who can not cook, eating there anything in Squares, Street, the shows will know which meal eating!
Tired of doing cone stuffed crab with fish mush. placed on top of each crab meat slivers sold much on the beaches, to others and to the local trade.
"I could not meet all the customers."
Tired of seeing street vendors only sell porridge made with fish leftovers.
Not only are the street, watch where you eat!
The people who were not used to eating at home cone crab (crab and other spices) do not know the difference.
Come pig in a poke.
Who's hungry eat what you have.
I have taught several new people who want to work to support themselves, their young children.
Today we have 3 houses a site, and one fit on the beach far away from here. No more work, I'm retired.

I forgot to ask the name of the anonymous lady so friendly.
At this time my husband called insistently, do not talk to strangers.
I checked back from the beach, did the mush with cornmeal, well seasoned.
The fish stew and salad I have already made ready in the fridge, to advance lunch.
Visit nobody complained. Found a delight (licked his lips).
I told you it was made with another type of flour.
Changed by rabbit hare meat is similar.
Not that broke the branch, it worked was tasty.
A lady so simple, has a great life lesson for me to learn. I thought I knew everything.
We're always learning, as my grandmother would say.
Never found that anonymous lady where she is sent a big hug, thank you for the recipe.
I am publishing, for others, in an emergency can learn too.

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