segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016


250 g. wheat for quibe hydrated
1 cup (tea) of ripe tomatoes peeled and seeded
1 cup (tea) chopped onion
1 cup (parsley tea with the stems finely chopped
1 cup (tea) chopped green onions in very thin rodelinhas
1 cup (tea) Japanese cucumber homeless cut very choosy
1 cup melon tea, chopped and kid
1 cup (tea) of chopped lettuce
½ cup lemon juice, strained
¾ cup virgin pure olive oil
1 tablespoon (soup) shallow salt,
½ tablespoon (coffee) Syrian pepper or pepper or
½ pepper lady finger seeded and without the white ribs and cut drizzling.
1 pinch of nutmeg is (optional)
1 foot large lettuce with tender leaves
1 cup plain yogurt
Use yogurt reduce the lemon juice
Way of preparing:
Leave the sauce wheat with cold water for 2 to 4 hours,
Squeeze well to take all the water, or place in a
good clean napkin, tighten.
If you want to faster, turns boiling water until water
whole wheat, stir with a large spoon, let it cool.
Allow to stand for 5 '(five), until it is fully released and no water.
Place in a colander cucumber and tomatoes and salt leave sorando, discard the liquid .Reservar.
Place in a bowl the wheat, add all other ingredients, season with olive oil, lemon salt and pepper, mix well.
The finely chopped lettuce is placed just before serving.
Tabulate save in the refrigerator until serving time.
Before serving a sieve drain excess water.
Line a platter with lettuce leaves and place on top
the tabbouleh. Then drizzle with olive oil.

It is an Arab dish they use to pic nic
How do you eat?
Take a lettuce leaf with hand (clean) and a portion cata
the dish of tabbouleh wrap and eat as it was sandwiched

The Brazilian eats the dish.

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