sábado, 6 de junho de 2015

Bananinha For June Festivals

Bananinha For June Festivals


Step 1a:

12 nanicas bananas sliced ​​and then peaked
1 kilo of refined sugar or crystal
1 cup (tea) of lemon juice

Way of preparing:

Take the heat, until a thick brown porridge
Allow to cool, hit the blender


Step 2a:

2 cups cold water (200 mL each)
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of powdered gelatin without flavor colorless
1 tablespoon (soup) of powdered cinnamon
1 tablespoon (coffee) of ground cloves
2 tablespoons (soup) of margarine
1 cup (tea) of powdered chocolate

Way of preparing:

Wet the gelatin with five tablespoons of cold water, dissolve in a little water in a water bath.

Mix the sweet banana ready and cold with chocolate powder, cinnamon powder, ground cloves, margarine, wheat flour, water and the dissolved gelatin.

Take the fire put 30 to 50 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until Brigadier point, that is, to come unglued from the bottom of the pot.

Once he found the sweet banana, playing in the marble stone or on a baking sheet greased with butter or with parchment paper.

Take the refrigerator to put 4-6 hours to give point to roll

Make bananinhas pass the granulated sugar.

Wrap with transparent cellophane.

Store in glass or clear plastic containers with lids.

June Festival to put in packets 3-6 units each, or serve individual.

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