quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2016

C a b r i t o a s - Chef's Secret III - Options

C a b r i t o a s - Chef's Secret III - Options


1 young kid of 3 to 5 pounds
Cut in half or in quarters


20 grs. Of salt put each kilos of meat, (1 tablespoon of salt)
1 bunch of parsley and green chives tied
2 large onions coarsely chopped
1 head of garlic mashed with salt
2 sprigs of rosemary
2 sprigs of basil
1 whole pepper finger, chopped, without seeds
2 tablespoons oregano
1 tablespoon grated ginger
1 tablespoon of paprika
½ teaspoon of turmeric
½ teaspoon of paprika or
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground coffee

For the Brine:

2 handfuls of salt
2 glasses of wine vinegar

Chef's Secret:

How to Remove Bodum and the Strong Smell of Meat:

After the clean and well-washed goat kid, the bodum is a greasy gland the size of a dark bean grain that lies between the tendon and the bone. "The bodum gives a bad smell in the flesh." Wash again.
Soak with plenty of water and two handfuls of salt
2 glasses of vinegar, put 40 to 60 minutes, store inside the refrigerator.
Then remove from the brine with the vinegar and rinse under running water
The above procedure is to take away the strong smell of the goat's flesh.
Way of preparing

Put the kid in the seasoning inside a bowl of agate crockery or tuperware, store in the refrigerator for 12 hours covered with film or papal aluminum paper.
The next day, remove the seasonings, place on a baking sheet, lined with foil or banana leaves, put up strips of bacon or bacon to the full extent of the shape.
Put the kid on a baking sheet, put the slices of bacon, and add some of the seasoning broth and a glass of cold water or non-frozen white beer.
Bring to bake in preheated oven weak for 150 ° C covered with aluminum foil, drizzle from time to time with the baking dish itself, carefully, not to burn.

Bake for one hour (150 º) or (180 º) for 40 'minutes for each pound over low heat, or until roasted.
Be careful not to bake too much.
Take off the foil let it brown.

Serve with simple and

White rice, with vegetable salad cut potato carrots in strips, whole pods, boiled broccoli, chopped onion, green olives
Palmito, Artichoke and asparagus background,
If you use the canned vegetables, drain the water and wash well to remove the preservatives additives, dyes.
"Some people have allergies to additives, dyes and preservatives"

Other Options:

Palm heart salad, tomato, black olives get lumps, boiled eggs, parsley onion, grated raw carrots.
Salad of chickpeas with grated onions raw carrot grated parsley and chives

Farofa Simple:

1 grated onion
2 tablespoons of oil
½ kg of manioc or maize flour or
Half of manioc flour and the other half of maize flour
100 grs. Chopped bacon
100 grs. Of green olives without the stones
2 boiled eggs grated in the thicker drain, or pass through a sieve
1 cup chopped parsley
1 cup chopped chives in thin slices

How to Prepare the Farofa:

Fry the bacon in the oil, add the onion, the cassava flour, the olives, after ready sprinkle over the grated eggs and chopped parsley
Serve the farofa in a separate dish.

II - Option -
After doing the procedure above the first option follows below:

You can season the kid only with coarse salt.
Soaked in milk for 24 hours to moisturize,
Inside the refrigerator covered with a napkin, or paper film.

III- Option -

To remove the strong smell of the kid, after washing, place
A liter of cachaça, let it rest for an hour, re-wash, and season at your taste.

You can bake the kid on the grill with brava covered with gray, height
80 centimeters. It takes 8 to 10 hours to get smoked

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