quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2018

Roasted Chicken With Salted Curau + Salad

Roasted Chicken With Salted Curau + Salad

8 thighs and overcoats without the skin, leave the bones.separate the thighs of the overcoats
4 slices of bacon cut in half
2 cups (tea) corn oil
2 cups hot water

1 tablespoon of salt
1 handful of oregano
1 cup dry white wine (optional)
Pepper to taste
Way of preparing:
Remove the hair and fat from the thighs and overcoats.
Wash the chicken in running water.
Dry with paper towels.
Season with dry white wine, salt, and oregano. Leave to stand in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
.In a large saucepan place the oil to warm.
Put the pieces of chicken and fry on all sides, dripping hot water slowly and slowly, until it they turn golden.
Pass the pieces of golden chicken to a cover with the pieces of bacon, bring to the preheated oven for 15 'to 20' minutes at 160 ° C
If you want you can cover aluminum foil, leave for 10 minutes, then remove and let the baking finish
Side dish:
Salted cured.and lettuce salad, grated carrot and cherry tomatoes.

Curau Salgado:

6 young ears of corn
1 liter of cow's milk
2 tablespoons (soup) of corn starch, dissolved in a little of the milk.
1 teaspoon full of salt or taste, can not be too salty
Way of preparing
Remove the chaff and hair from the ears;
Wash under running water with a (new) kitchen brush that you use for this purpose.
Place each spike on a meat board and cut the corn kernels with a small knife then scrape well to remove the starch.
Put one serving of the corn at a time in the blender.
Crash and scratch, that is, if the blender is traditional.
With the residues of corn (bagasse), you can use it to make cookie, bread or cake, even pie.
Bring the blender mixture to a large saucepan add the salt, bring to the fire stirring always with a spoon of high handle until thickened and the mixture is cooked.
Lightly grease a fluted form with oil, pour the curau, take the refrigerator until it hardens.
The curau is served cold.
If you like you can make a tomato sauce to serve together.

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