sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2018

Chicken Sauce Rack With Oatmeal + Photos

Chicken Sauce Rack With Oatmeal + Photos


8 Thighs or overcoats without skins and without bones cut into very small pieces.
If you want you can use large pieces
Tomato Sauce with Tomato and Others:
½ pound of very small tender okra, or fresh pea, or the two together
½ liter of boiling water
½ cup of oil.
½ pound tomatoes without skins and seeded heavy after cleaned, cut into cubes.
1 cup chopped or grated onion
1 cup (sour) parsley with chopped stem
1 garlic only white part, thinly sliced
1 small red bell pepper chopped (optional), or use
1 tablespoon chopped paprika.
10 black olives without the pits
200 grs. sliced ​​mushrooms in preservatives, drained washed, (to remove additives, dyes and preservatives) (optional).

½ cup of vinegar
½ cup of oil,
1 tablespoon of salt,
1 large onion cut into 4 parts
 ½ finger and young pepper, without the seeds, or
1 tablespoon of pepper sauce.
1 pinch of nutmeg (optional),
1 pinch of cinnamon powder,
1 tablespoon grated ginger,
2 bay leaves,
1 tablespoon oregano
1 green bell pepper, cut into strips. 1 bunch of chopped parsley.
3 cloves garlic without crumb, cut in half.
How to Prepare the Seasoning:

Beat in the blender the onion, green chili, parsley, pepper, bay, garlic, salt and other seasonings, with vinegar and oil.
How to Prepare the Chicken:
Wash the chicken well without the skin and without the bones chopped very small, pass this seasoning, leave to rest in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Before cooking remove all seasonings
"Do not put garlic seasoning" to cook the chicken that spoils the dish, gets saturated.
In a large saucepan, sauté the garlic with the onion in the oil, then place the tomatoes, and the peppers to cook until the tomatoes are crisp and well cooked.

Add the little pieces of chicken, side by side, do not reassemble, so that everything cooks evenly, turns over to cook on both sides, dripping boiling water gradually, for 20 minutes.
Then add the cut okra, cook until soft.
If you like you can cook the separate okra and then add to the sauce.

Turn off the heat and add the chopped parsley, if you like you can also add chives.
Side dish:
Salad to choose some already repeated and other recipes
White mango with coconut and black plum syrup
Serving Mode or Capelete:
Place on a platter and on top the chicken sauce with okra

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