segunda-feira, 24 de julho de 2017

Creamy Ninth Dry Pea Soup

Creamy Ninth Dry Pea Soup

250 grs. Of pea picked and washed
1 liter of homemade beef broth

Cook the pea in very high foam pan for 20 to 30 minutes, with semi open lid.
After it has been cooked, let it cool slightly, beat the blender with 1 tablet of broth,
1 tablespoon soybean or corn oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 crushed garlic cloves if you are sprouting remove the kernel that gives heartburn.
Leave on the fire stirring for a few minutes not to stick the pan in the bottom.
Serve in a very low clay bowl (3 fingers high by 15 'to 20 wide).
If you prefer you can serve in a deep dish, supported by a dish.
Other Ingredients:
1 chopped parsley saucer put after ready (optional)
1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese to sprinkle on each dish (optional)
1 dish of crotons (1 centimeter bread toast)

II Option:
If your "Pea Soup" is watered, dissolve 1 tablespoon corn starch to each 250 ml glass of cold liquid, add the hot soup stirring constantly until the starch is cooked.
Do not dissolve the cornstarch in the hot liquid that starts.

III- Option:
Another trick is to cook mashed potatoes and add the pea soup.
"The trick above and when unexpected visit arrives"
Do not put salt in the broth and the cheese is salty
IV - Option:
You can put vegetables washed and chopped, catalonia, endive, chicory, celga, almeirão.

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