quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2018

Quick Desktop Vap Vup English Soup

Quick Desktop Vap Vup

English Soup


250 grs. biscuits or leftovers from thin sliced ​​cake
2 boxes of vanilla puddings
2 tablespoons corn starch (cornstarch)
1 liter of cow's milk, or what is needed.
2 boxes of strawberry jellies, dissolved with half of the water (recommended by the manufacturer).
2 boxes of strawberry (make in syrup or
1 can of drained whole strawberry jam, or other fruit, can substitute for 4 types of different fruit jams:
peaches, black plums, green figs, pineapples, raisins, all finely chopped.

If you prefer to make the homemade vanilla cream see the recipe below.

Strawberry Jam:
400 grs. of fresh strawberries washed and sliced
300 ml of cold water
1 cup of sugar, or 2 tablespoons of powdered sweetener suitable for oven and stove
1 lemon only the juice
1 stick of cinnamon
8 blackheads from India.
1 teaspoon full of cornstarch (optional)
½ cup cold water to dissolve corn starch
How to prepare the compote:
Put all ingredients bare medium pan, bring to the fire until the strawberries are cooked, remove the blackheads and cinnamon.
Then dissolve a spoon (tea +) of cornstarch (cornstarch)
Vanilla Cream:

1 liter of milk,
l condensed milk can
5 tablespoons cornstarch (cornstarch)
4 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon vanilla essence. 1 box of sour cream.

Way of preparing:

Beat the first 4 ingredients in the blender.
To the fire stirring always, until a thick cream. If it gets too hard add more milk, if it gets too liquid add more corn starch dissolved in the milk.

After the cream is ready, let it cool slightly, add the vanilla and the cream (not beaten).
 Mix well, with the whisk, or with a large spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Reserve.
Dissolve the gelatins with half the water (indicated by the manufacturer) for each gelatin is a glass of boiling water.

Dissolve the two gelatins with two cups of boiling water. Pour the "hot" gelatin over the hot vanilla cream and let it drain until you get the cookies.

Spread the drained strawberries over the jello.
Take the refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours or until the gelatin mirrors firmly.

How to Build:

In a large glass or crystal bowl, or a tall, transparent refractory, or small individual bowls.
 Put the cookies wet in the milk, then the hot vanilla cream, and then the dissolved and hot gelatin let run until you get the cookies.
After it has cooled, take the refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours.

Dissolve the gelatins with half the water (indicated by the manufacturer) for each gelatin is a glass of boiling water.

Dissolve the two gelatins with two cups of boiling water. Pour the hot gelatin over the hot vanilla cream and let it drain to the bottom ..

Spread over the jelly the strawberries in compote with the syrup ..

Bring to ice for 4 to 6 (six) hours.


Cover half an hour before serving.

Cover with whipped cream, yarn eggs, various fruits, fresh or dried or both together.
Spread over strawberries, raspberries, cherries, white grapes without seeds, pomegranate seeds, all fruits are fresh.

In place of fresh fruits you can put cherries in syrup (drained), dried fruit, apricot, date, nuts, almonds, raisins, chopped black plums.
Do not forget to put the whipped cream and egg yarn, or carrot wires (see the recipe for the carrot wires in my (blog).

Store in the refrigerator until serving time.

Serve in silver or stainless steel bowls.


If you prefer you can make dessert in layers.

First layer, biscuit
Second layer, vanilla cream,
Third layer, strawberry jelly mixed with strawberry jam.
Bring to freeze.
Decorate a little before serving.

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