sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2013

Salmon Mousse

Salmon Mousse
400 grs. smoked salmon cut into pieces, orfresh salmon cook with the fish's head.
Other Ingredients:
½ pint of whipping cream or canned without serum50 grs. melted butter1 cup fish stock or broth4 gelatine leaves white broken into pieces, or1 spoon (soup) spoon of powdered gelatin colorless tasteless5 tablespoons of cold water to hydrate the gelatin
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt shallow1 pinch (tsp) pepper sauce or to taste1 pinch (coffee) grated ginger1 pinch of nutmeg (optional)
12-15 olives stuffed with capers or pickes2 lemons cut into slices1 yellow pepper chopped into strips1 green pepper or red or eggplant cut into strips
How to Prepare:
Hydrate the gelatin with 5 tablespoons of cold water, then dissolve in water bath.
After the dissolved gelatin and cold water, add the fish stock.
Hitting the blender, half the salmon with butter brothlemon cream until smooth and groso.The other half of salmon cut into small pieces, fry until cooked, or cook with the fish's head.
Mix the cream of the blender with fresh cream, gelatin has dissolved with the fish broth.
Taste and season to taste with salt and pepper.
If you want you can add 1 spoon (soup) of Worcestershire sauce and1 spoon (soup) of mustard.
Arrange in a transparent refractory, buttered spread the pieces of salmon wet with water, bring the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.
Store in the refrigerator until serving time.
To prepare this dish for lunch make Eve.
Turn out on a platter, garnish with olives stuffed with lemon slices and peel strips of peppers of various colors.
To make the fish stock, use your head fins and scraps of fish, with 1 liter of water, bay leaf, carrot, tomato, onion, celery.Cook for 30 minutes. Then strain.

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