quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

Bowls or cups Mousse - II Options

Bowls or cups Mousse - II Options

I - Option :

200 to 300 grams . chopped fresh strawberries
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 can of cream
1 spoon ( soup) of colorless unflavored gelatin
5 tablespoons ( soup) of cold water to hydrate gelatin
2 egg whites on dry , snow or ½ teaspoon ( soup) of colorless unflavored gelatin ( optional)

How to Prepare :

Hydrate the gelatin in cold water and dissolve in a water bath or in the microwave

Separately whisk the condensed milk in a blender with the cream , for 5'minutos .

After the two ingredients well mixed , add the dissolved gelatin and hot , with the power on , beat for 5 more ' minutes or until smooth.

Remove the mix from the blender go to a bowl , add the chopped strawberries, lastly the egg whites into firm snow, the rest of the dissolved gelatin and hot .
Put the mousse into bowls or cups with lid suitable for this purpose . Cups .

Option - II :
You can swap the strawberries by mango, blackberries , raspberries , cashews , in the same amount .
If you pineapple it has to be cooked , otherwise it does not incorporate the mass , you lose your job .

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