Pheasant With Chestnut Puree
1 large or 2 small pheasants
250 grs. chicken liver or goose with gizzards cooked and shredded (optional) can be exchanged for:shredded ham or salami3 buds pork sausage cooked in water. Pull the skin50 grs. bacon into cubes,300 grs. mushrooms, or (truffles) or fund chopped artichokes.100 grs. seedless raisins, chopped green olives 20½ cup of chopped onion1 cup of biscuit and salt water, and ground in a blender (sifted), ie, is a flour.100 grs. finely grated Parmesan serves to bind
2 tbsp of corn oil, butter or
How to Prepare the Filling:
Fry the diced bacon. Book: (can discard the fat)Fry the onion in oil until wilted, add the liver gizzard the sausage, saute well. Add the mushrooms, sliced olives, raisins, flour cracker, grated cheese and finally the fried bacon.
Other Ingredients:
1 pound of chestnut½ cup orange juice for each pound of meat.100 grs. slices of bacon
Seasonings Pheasant
1 cup (tea) of chopped onion,1 cup (tea) chopped parsley,1 pinch of ground cloves1 teaspoon (tsp) of cinnamon powder(1 tablespoon) of tea or spicy paprika pepper to taste2 spoons (soup) of Worcestershire sauce,2 spoons (soup) of brandy,1 pinch of nutmeg (optional)1 tbsp (tablespoons) grated fresh ginger or 1/2 teaspoon (coffee) ground ginger,2 twigs of basil or sage, mint 2 branches,½ cup white wine for each pound of meat, l glass of white beer for each pound of meat.
Portuguese Chestnut Puree
1 pound of chestnut, cooked without shells with film1 spoon (soup) of sugar, 1 tbsp (tablespoons) butter (1 teaspoon) salt, cream of milk needed to make mashed point (consistent).How to Prepare:Cook the nuts, remove the skin, passing by the processor.In a medium saucepan, bring the fire mass of chestnut with all the ingredients except the cream, which is placed at the end, leave the fire until the puree detached from the bottom of the pan. BookHow to Prepare Pheasant:Rinse the bird, loosen the skin from the breast and thighs, being careful not to tear or puncture, put the spices above.After the beer, white wine, brandy, Worcestershire sauce.
Leave in the fridge for 12 hours, turning occasionally.
The next day take the pheasant to a boil for 10 'minutes with all the spices and the liquid from the bowl.
Leave it to cool down, remove the spices and liquid that was baking. Enter the strips of bacon, beneath the skin of the breast and thighs, butter pass across the back.
Put a Bird on a rectangular high, with the juice of oranges.If you prefer you can put the strained liquid in place of orange juice.Cover with aluminum foil, leaving not stick to the skin of the pheasant oven 160 ° C. Let bake slowly for 40 'minutes for each pound of meat.Go slowly dripping the juice form. Thirty minutes before removing from the oven, remove the foil, leaving a little blush.Serving the chestnut puree in a separate dish.
A silver plate or stainless steel, place the pheasant in the center.Garnish with thinly sliced oranges, and in the center of each slice a fresh cherry and mint leaves, scattered.
You can use cherries in syrup drained. Accompanies outlet green, cherry tomatoes and grated carrot thinly.
Note: Truffles are a kind of potato harvested by dogs.That's what my grandmother spoke.(Excellent meat and beauty of plumage)
domingo, 30 de junho de 2013
M U S A K(Piatto Greco)
Grammi 500-800. anatroccolo suolo operates the dead due back½ tazza di olio di more meat per friggere
1 liter di salsa di pomodoro fatta in casa, 1 lattina concentrato di di salsa, diluito with 1 liter acqua di syrup3 Tazze di cipolla grattugiata1 tazza (tè) di sedano pulito affettato sottile2 porri, pori Sottili fette, solo part bianco3 spicchi d'aglio, animato, sgualcito1 Mazzetto di di stecca cannella ½ cucchiaino (cucchiaino) di cannella in polvere2 compresse di piacere brodo to the sale.1 liter acqua di syrup per posizionare gradually and slowly nella salsa2 rametti di Basilico (messo solo 10 minuti prima della fine della salsa)2 cucchiai (zuppa) di capperi.1 cucchiaino (cucchiaino) origano (facoltativo) ha messo un po 'di prima terminare il sugo di cottura.1 cucchiaio (zuppa) di zucchero2 cucchiai (zuppa) plus di olio di olio di semi di Girasole friggere per il resto degli ingredienti per la salsa1 cucchiaino (cucchiaino) zenzero grattugiato oa di gusto2 rami di fresh mint1 tazza (tè) di olive nere tritate (opzionale)
Altri ingredienti:
8 melanzane medie tagliate 1 cm in di lunghezza fette8 inglesi patate medie tagliate a fette of 1 cm300 gr. Mozzarella in a fette the grattugiato Sottili di spessore½ liter di besciamella the per il gusto
Tradizionale Cream Sauce
2 cucchiai di burro,7 cucchiai (zuppa) di farina di granol liter di latte di muccal barattolo siero senza di crema (opzionale) the cagliata."Rapporto approssimativo: 20 per ogni grammi. Burro di 200 grammi. Farina"
Come prepare yourself:
Portare il fuoco per il sciogliere ass, poi la farina aggiungere fine to doratura, aggiungere il latte broth slowly fuori dal fuoco, fare un fuoco makes cucinare la farina.Spegnere il fuoco and aggiungere la senza panna siero.
Prepare Time Come il sugo con la carne:
In una grande Casseruola, rosolare la carne con olio di mezzo bicchiere. Libro.
In un'altra padella soffriggere it cipolla, poi il aggiungere sedano, l'aglioscalogno, cannella, brodo sbriciolato infine l'aglio schiacciato.
Mescolare gli ingredienti nella pentola di due Pentole.
Quindi aggiungere la salsa di pomodoro sauce and andare grondante acqua a poco a poco and slowly almeno 1 ora, una ottenere a thin dense parsley (di spessore).
When hai perdere finite di 10 minuti di cottura del Suck, aggiungere il Basilico branch Giardiniere, 2 foglie di alloro, aggiungere i capperi, olive, origano, zenzero grattugiato.Press scollegare il fuoco di prendere le erbe and foglie di alloro.
Come Assemblare il primo:
Utilizzare un ovenproof rettangolare.
Primo strato: salsa di pomodoro con carneSeconda patate al fornoTerzo alla melanzane griglia the impanato the fritto con farina.Mercoledì a fette the mozzarella alla grattugiato scarico rinfusa.Salsa di pomodoro fifth and così via a thin when it strato di finitura.Quest'ultimo è besciamella, mozzarella blowsPortare yl oven at 180 ° C per 20 to 30 minutes
Grammi 500-800. anatroccolo suolo operates the dead due back½ tazza di olio di more meat per friggere
1 liter di salsa di pomodoro fatta in casa, 1 lattina concentrato di di salsa, diluito with 1 liter acqua di syrup3 Tazze di cipolla grattugiata1 tazza (tè) di sedano pulito affettato sottile2 porri, pori Sottili fette, solo part bianco3 spicchi d'aglio, animato, sgualcito1 Mazzetto di di stecca cannella ½ cucchiaino (cucchiaino) di cannella in polvere2 compresse di piacere brodo to the sale.1 liter acqua di syrup per posizionare gradually and slowly nella salsa2 rametti di Basilico (messo solo 10 minuti prima della fine della salsa)2 cucchiai (zuppa) di capperi.1 cucchiaino (cucchiaino) origano (facoltativo) ha messo un po 'di prima terminare il sugo di cottura.1 cucchiaio (zuppa) di zucchero2 cucchiai (zuppa) plus di olio di olio di semi di Girasole friggere per il resto degli ingredienti per la salsa1 cucchiaino (cucchiaino) zenzero grattugiato oa di gusto2 rami di fresh mint1 tazza (tè) di olive nere tritate (opzionale)
Altri ingredienti:
8 melanzane medie tagliate 1 cm in di lunghezza fette8 inglesi patate medie tagliate a fette of 1 cm300 gr. Mozzarella in a fette the grattugiato Sottili di spessore½ liter di besciamella the per il gusto
Tradizionale Cream Sauce
2 cucchiai di burro,7 cucchiai (zuppa) di farina di granol liter di latte di muccal barattolo siero senza di crema (opzionale) the cagliata."Rapporto approssimativo: 20 per ogni grammi. Burro di 200 grammi. Farina"
Come prepare yourself:
Portare il fuoco per il sciogliere ass, poi la farina aggiungere fine to doratura, aggiungere il latte broth slowly fuori dal fuoco, fare un fuoco makes cucinare la farina.Spegnere il fuoco and aggiungere la senza panna siero.
Prepare Time Come il sugo con la carne:
In una grande Casseruola, rosolare la carne con olio di mezzo bicchiere. Libro.
In un'altra padella soffriggere it cipolla, poi il aggiungere sedano, l'aglioscalogno, cannella, brodo sbriciolato infine l'aglio schiacciato.
Mescolare gli ingredienti nella pentola di due Pentole.
Quindi aggiungere la salsa di pomodoro sauce and andare grondante acqua a poco a poco and slowly almeno 1 ora, una ottenere a thin dense parsley (di spessore).
When hai perdere finite di 10 minuti di cottura del Suck, aggiungere il Basilico branch Giardiniere, 2 foglie di alloro, aggiungere i capperi, olive, origano, zenzero grattugiato.Press scollegare il fuoco di prendere le erbe and foglie di alloro.
Come Assemblare il primo:
Utilizzare un ovenproof rettangolare.
Primo strato: salsa di pomodoro con carneSeconda patate al fornoTerzo alla melanzane griglia the impanato the fritto con farina.Mercoledì a fette the mozzarella alla grattugiato scarico rinfusa.Salsa di pomodoro fifth and così via a thin when it strato di finitura.Quest'ultimo è besciamella, mozzarella blowsPortare yl oven at 180 ° C per 20 to 30 minutes
Quindao Coco
Quindao Coco
18 large egg yolks150 grs. fresh grated coconut, or 100 grams. Dry hydrated150 to 200 ml of cold cow's milk400 grs. of refined sugar if you prefer very sweet, or to taste1 tablespoon of butter
How to Prepare:
Whisk the egg yolks in a blender 5'A 10'Minutos, add the milk and butter makes the beat, then add the sugar and finally the grated coconut.
No need to pass the yolks through a sieve.
Round shape of 25 cm in circumference and 5 cm in height.
A greased with butter and sprinkled with sugar.
Dump the Quindao in shape, let stand for one hour, is to stay on top of the coconut batter.
If not put at rest turns Queijadinha
Medium preheated oven 180 º C.
Bake in a water bath set about 40 '(minutes), or until well browned on top.
The water bath is boiling, and is prepared as follows:
Place the shape of Quindao within otherwise most round or rectangular. slightly larger than the first.
Add boiling water gradually in the second way with the aid of a long teapot spout.
After Quindao roast, let cool in the oven.
When cold, store them in the fridge to put 3-5 days.
If you want you can freeze desenformando, having previously packed inside a cardboard box with lid or wrap with cellophane.
To serve place in a glass dish with golden part facing down.
If you want you can garnish with mint leaves Quindao, cherries in syrup drained and Kiwi, and balls made of whipped cream with cherry beak.
It can also make quindins small, make the same manner as above.
Can make Quindao a rectangular baking dish, make according to the above recipe, then cut with small cutter brush with glucose to shine.
If using for party, use muffin cups transparent petals.
It is lovely to use as kernels quindim daisy with petals of daisy muffin cups.It is beautiful and decorated.White towel and yellow to highlight up daisies, that arises around the table.You can use white towel to the floor.
18 large egg yolks150 grs. fresh grated coconut, or 100 grams. Dry hydrated150 to 200 ml of cold cow's milk400 grs. of refined sugar if you prefer very sweet, or to taste1 tablespoon of butter
How to Prepare:
Whisk the egg yolks in a blender 5'A 10'Minutos, add the milk and butter makes the beat, then add the sugar and finally the grated coconut.
No need to pass the yolks through a sieve.
Round shape of 25 cm in circumference and 5 cm in height.
A greased with butter and sprinkled with sugar.
Dump the Quindao in shape, let stand for one hour, is to stay on top of the coconut batter.
If not put at rest turns Queijadinha
Medium preheated oven 180 º C.
Bake in a water bath set about 40 '(minutes), or until well browned on top.
The water bath is boiling, and is prepared as follows:
Place the shape of Quindao within otherwise most round or rectangular. slightly larger than the first.
Add boiling water gradually in the second way with the aid of a long teapot spout.
After Quindao roast, let cool in the oven.
When cold, store them in the fridge to put 3-5 days.
If you want you can freeze desenformando, having previously packed inside a cardboard box with lid or wrap with cellophane.
To serve place in a glass dish with golden part facing down.
If you want you can garnish with mint leaves Quindao, cherries in syrup drained and Kiwi, and balls made of whipped cream with cherry beak.
It can also make quindins small, make the same manner as above.
Can make Quindao a rectangular baking dish, make according to the above recipe, then cut with small cutter brush with glucose to shine.
If using for party, use muffin cups transparent petals.
It is lovely to use as kernels quindim daisy with petals of daisy muffin cups.It is beautiful and decorated.White towel and yellow to highlight up daisies, that arises around the table.You can use white towel to the floor.
Braid Tenderloin With Carrot Wire
Braid Tenderloin With Carrot Wire
2 kg of pork loin cut into three equal strips in the direction of length.
3 apples peeled, diced cooked
1 cup (tea) of pitted prunes, cut in half
pineapple slices in syrup (drained) for garnish.
2 spoons (soup) shallow salt
2 glasses of white wine
Herbs to taste (sage, mint, parsley, basil) and others to taste.
Withdrawest herbs before filling.
How to Prepare:
With meat beater, beat the sirloin strips so that they are very thin.
Mix the apples with prunes, place in the center and along each strip and fold each one in half.
With the strips already stuffed, make the braid and drizzle it with a little pineapple syrup.
Bake in preheated oven (160 º c) covered with aluminum foil for 1 hour for each quilo.ou,
180 ° 40 minutes for every pound.
Just before the strip loin from the oven.
Remove the foil and let it brown enough.
Do not pass the point that hardens
Carrot serve the yarn (yarn type eggs)
Wire Egg Carrot
200 grs. grated carrots, a special ralinho to long wires
(Sold in the market of Lapa SP - Brazil)
1 cup (tea) sugar
½ cup (tea) of cold water
5 cloves
2 branches of cinnamon sticks
4 slices of fresh ginger
How to Prepare:
Lead to fire, water with sugar, cinnamon, clove the ginger, mix well, do not move while you are on fire.
Leave determine until you have a thick syrup.
Place the grated carrots to cook in that syrup
When carrots are cooked, strain it in a colander and, while hot, use it to decorate all around the loin.
2 kg of pork loin cut into three equal strips in the direction of length.
3 apples peeled, diced cooked
1 cup (tea) of pitted prunes, cut in half
pineapple slices in syrup (drained) for garnish.
2 spoons (soup) shallow salt
2 glasses of white wine
Herbs to taste (sage, mint, parsley, basil) and others to taste.
Withdrawest herbs before filling.
How to Prepare:
With meat beater, beat the sirloin strips so that they are very thin.
Mix the apples with prunes, place in the center and along each strip and fold each one in half.
With the strips already stuffed, make the braid and drizzle it with a little pineapple syrup.
Bake in preheated oven (160 º c) covered with aluminum foil for 1 hour for each quilo.ou,
180 ° 40 minutes for every pound.
Just before the strip loin from the oven.
Remove the foil and let it brown enough.
Do not pass the point that hardens
Carrot serve the yarn (yarn type eggs)
Wire Egg Carrot
200 grs. grated carrots, a special ralinho to long wires
(Sold in the market of Lapa SP - Brazil)
1 cup (tea) sugar
½ cup (tea) of cold water
5 cloves
2 branches of cinnamon sticks
4 slices of fresh ginger
How to Prepare:
Lead to fire, water with sugar, cinnamon, clove the ginger, mix well, do not move while you are on fire.
Leave determine until you have a thick syrup.
Place the grated carrots to cook in that syrup
When carrots are cooked, strain it in a colander and, while hot, use it to decorate all around the loin.
1 turkey 12-15 pounds
1 glass of beer for every pound of meat1/2 cup dry white wine for each pound of meat2 glasses of wine vinegar100 grs. garlic mashed cored1/2 pound of grated onion1 pinch of grated nutmeg1 spoon (soup) of fresh grated ginger or 1/2 teaspoon (coffee) ground ginger1 teaspoon (tsp) paprika spice or pepper to your taste, with (moderation)1 tablespoon (coffee) ground bay or 2 bay leaves1 teaspoon (tsp) of cinnamon powder and 1/2 teaspoon) ground cloves1 bunch of parsley and chopped chives2 twigs of rosemary5 branches of mint1/2 cup of chopped basil
Salt to taste: to calculate 1/2 teaspoon (tsp) of salt for every pound of meat
how to prepare:
Season the turkey the day before. (NOT STICK SKIN OF PERU).
Loosen the skin from the breast and thighs, and rub the seasoning and leave to soak in the mixture of white beer, white wine and vinegar.
On the eve put the turkey in a large pot with vine-d'alho.
Light the fire, so let boil for half an hour (30 minutes). to give a boil with the pan covered, turning carefully from time to time.
When cold, remove all the spices, dry inside and out with paper towel or with (a white cloth and clean).
Butter under the skin of the breast and thighs. Grease and all.
Grease well the whole turkey. Place it in a deep way with a bit of broth, strained cooking.
Cover with foil. Leave room for not sticking to the skin.
Bake in preheated oven (low heat) 160 ° C
Counting bake 1 hour (in kilo of meat), i.e. (low heat) or 40 'minutes at l80 ° C. (For each pound of meat).
Forty minutes before removing the turkey from the oven, remove the foil and place the filling, carefully and slowly, with a large spoon stainless steel.
Ingredients Filling:
½ cup corn oil2 large onions, grated2 stalks celery, cut into slices clean
2 sour apples, peeled, chopped into cubes1 leek white part only, cut into thin slices.1 cup (tea) biscuit and salt water, ground in processor or blender.100 grs. chopped walnuts,100 seedless raisins3 tablespoons dry white winesalt and pepper finger girl (seeded), chopped to taste (sparingly).2 spoons (soup) and filled with grated Parmesan cheese,1 tbsp (tablespoons) capers (optional).
How to Prepare the Filling:
Saute onion and leek in the oil, add the chopped celery, apples, make the sauté, until thoroughly cooked.Add walnuts, raisins, wine, salt, pepper and lastly the crushed biscuits with cheese.
Place the turkey back in the oven already packed. Leave it until golden.
To Serve:
Place turkey on a silver plate or stainless steel, and garnish with nuts and cooked Portuguese shells, add walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds everything with shells.
In turkey breast slices and pineapple jam in the center of each slice one, cherry or plum.
Below figs compote, whole in syrup drained., 6 mini pears peeled, cooked in currant (they are red). Large bunch of white and red grapes, fresh apples, plums and fresh purple. Damascus and dates too.The tablecloth is white linen 10 feet long and goes to the ground and over another much less red, or several small tables for 6 people each.
Porcelain plates, bowls and crystal glasses, silver cutlery, or stainless steel.If you want you can decorate with a vase of flowers, not very high ..
Please do not put bottles or gallons of soft drinks on the table, is very ugly. Serving jug of refrigerant within the crystal or glass.
Follow up: 6 large peaches in syrup, drained
Filling:Pate ricotta with ham:
1 cup ricotta mixed1 cup ham pate1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley,3 branches of mint, chopped1 pinch of sweet paprika,3 cherries in syrup drained.
How to Prepare:Mix all filling ingredients.
Place the filling on half of the peaches, garnish each with a half cherry.
Arrange the stuffed peaches on a plate of silver or stainless steel round lined with lettuce leaves washed after (dry with paper towel).
1 turkey 12-15 pounds
1 glass of beer for every pound of meat1/2 cup dry white wine for each pound of meat2 glasses of wine vinegar100 grs. garlic mashed cored1/2 pound of grated onion1 pinch of grated nutmeg1 spoon (soup) of fresh grated ginger or 1/2 teaspoon (coffee) ground ginger1 teaspoon (tsp) paprika spice or pepper to your taste, with (moderation)1 tablespoon (coffee) ground bay or 2 bay leaves1 teaspoon (tsp) of cinnamon powder and 1/2 teaspoon) ground cloves1 bunch of parsley and chopped chives2 twigs of rosemary5 branches of mint1/2 cup of chopped basil
Salt to taste: to calculate 1/2 teaspoon (tsp) of salt for every pound of meat
how to prepare:
Season the turkey the day before. (NOT STICK SKIN OF PERU).
Loosen the skin from the breast and thighs, and rub the seasoning and leave to soak in the mixture of white beer, white wine and vinegar.
On the eve put the turkey in a large pot with vine-d'alho.
Light the fire, so let boil for half an hour (30 minutes). to give a boil with the pan covered, turning carefully from time to time.
When cold, remove all the spices, dry inside and out with paper towel or with (a white cloth and clean).
Butter under the skin of the breast and thighs. Grease and all.
Grease well the whole turkey. Place it in a deep way with a bit of broth, strained cooking.
Cover with foil. Leave room for not sticking to the skin.
Bake in preheated oven (low heat) 160 ° C
Counting bake 1 hour (in kilo of meat), i.e. (low heat) or 40 'minutes at l80 ° C. (For each pound of meat).
Forty minutes before removing the turkey from the oven, remove the foil and place the filling, carefully and slowly, with a large spoon stainless steel.
Ingredients Filling:
½ cup corn oil2 large onions, grated2 stalks celery, cut into slices clean
2 sour apples, peeled, chopped into cubes1 leek white part only, cut into thin slices.1 cup (tea) biscuit and salt water, ground in processor or blender.100 grs. chopped walnuts,100 seedless raisins3 tablespoons dry white winesalt and pepper finger girl (seeded), chopped to taste (sparingly).2 spoons (soup) and filled with grated Parmesan cheese,1 tbsp (tablespoons) capers (optional).
How to Prepare the Filling:
Saute onion and leek in the oil, add the chopped celery, apples, make the sauté, until thoroughly cooked.Add walnuts, raisins, wine, salt, pepper and lastly the crushed biscuits with cheese.
Place the turkey back in the oven already packed. Leave it until golden.
To Serve:
Place turkey on a silver plate or stainless steel, and garnish with nuts and cooked Portuguese shells, add walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds everything with shells.
In turkey breast slices and pineapple jam in the center of each slice one, cherry or plum.
Below figs compote, whole in syrup drained., 6 mini pears peeled, cooked in currant (they are red). Large bunch of white and red grapes, fresh apples, plums and fresh purple. Damascus and dates too.The tablecloth is white linen 10 feet long and goes to the ground and over another much less red, or several small tables for 6 people each.
Porcelain plates, bowls and crystal glasses, silver cutlery, or stainless steel.If you want you can decorate with a vase of flowers, not very high ..
Please do not put bottles or gallons of soft drinks on the table, is very ugly. Serving jug of refrigerant within the crystal or glass.
Follow up: 6 large peaches in syrup, drained
Filling:Pate ricotta with ham:
1 cup ricotta mixed1 cup ham pate1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley,3 branches of mint, chopped1 pinch of sweet paprika,3 cherries in syrup drained.
How to Prepare:Mix all filling ingredients.
Place the filling on half of the peaches, garnish each with a half cherry.
Arrange the stuffed peaches on a plate of silver or stainless steel round lined with lettuce leaves washed after (dry with paper towel).
Italian pasta
Italian pasta
1 pound of Spaguetti or other long, thin pasta10 liters of cold water1 spoon (soup) of corn oil1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
Pasta Sauce:
1 pound of Italian tomato sauce (see tomato pasta made at home)1 pound lean ground beef, twice
1 pound of chopped onion or grated½ cup (tea) of corn oil1 tablespoon (coffee) or (tea) the spice of Nonna1 teaspoon (tsp) salt, or to taste5 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil4 tablets of broth1 sprig of fresh basil1 sprig of fresh mint
2 cups warm water
Other Ingredients:
100 or 200 grams. grated Parmesan cheese to sprinkle over the pasta before serving.1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems, only later to put the finished dish
How to Prepare:
In a large saucepan and fry the ground beef with 4 tablespoons oil, until well browned.
In separate pan, fry the onion with the remaining oil, let the fire until wilted.
Join in the same pan sautéed onion, cooked meat, the tomato paste, broth, 1 cup of warm water, and salt.
Leave cooking on medium heat for 30'minutros, go add the remaining warm water gradually., Until a sauce thick and cooked.
When missing 5 'minutes to finish cooking add the herbs and seasoning of Nonna.
Place a large pot on fire with 10 liters of cold water with a pinch of salt and a drizzle corn oil.
When it boils, throw the pasta, stirring well with a long-handled fork, not sticking.
Let cook "al dente", that is, not too cooked.
After going through the cooked pasta colander to remove all the water, that is, if you do not have a pot to cook the pasta itself.
The cold water that arises in the noodles is to stop the cooking.
Place the drained pasta in a large serving dish, deep stainless steel or refractory in white, over distributed uniformly hot sauce noodles, sprinkle chopped parsley on top and sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese.You can put large black olives is optional.Serve the pasta hot, accompanied by roast beef and watercress salad greens, lettuce, chicory rocket etc..
Cooking pasta "al dente":
The average is 1 liter of water for every 100 grams of pasta and a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt.
Place the noodles without cutting only when to water is boiling, stir with a fork long handle non stick.Once cooked, for 10'ou 15'minutos, drain the pasta dripping a little oil before putting the sauce of your choice.
Spice of Nonna
1 spoon (soup) of spicy paprika or black pepper freshly ground1 spoon (soup) or (tsp) grated nutmeg1 spoon (soup) of dried ginger, grated1 tablespoon (coffee) bay ground1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cinnamon1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cloves
How to Prepare:
Place in a bowl dry spicy paprika, nutmeg grated, the grated ginger, mix well, then add the bay leaves, cinnamon and ground cloves, make the mixture well.Save on white glass wide mouth with screw cap, inside the kitchen cabinet, along with other seasonings.
Use only a pinch or a teaspoon of seasoning shallow Nonna. is very strong is suitable for European cold weather.
1 pound of Spaguetti or other long, thin pasta10 liters of cold water1 spoon (soup) of corn oil1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
Pasta Sauce:
1 pound of Italian tomato sauce (see tomato pasta made at home)1 pound lean ground beef, twice
1 pound of chopped onion or grated½ cup (tea) of corn oil1 tablespoon (coffee) or (tea) the spice of Nonna1 teaspoon (tsp) salt, or to taste5 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil4 tablets of broth1 sprig of fresh basil1 sprig of fresh mint
2 cups warm water
Other Ingredients:
100 or 200 grams. grated Parmesan cheese to sprinkle over the pasta before serving.1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems, only later to put the finished dish
How to Prepare:
In a large saucepan and fry the ground beef with 4 tablespoons oil, until well browned.
In separate pan, fry the onion with the remaining oil, let the fire until wilted.
Join in the same pan sautéed onion, cooked meat, the tomato paste, broth, 1 cup of warm water, and salt.
Leave cooking on medium heat for 30'minutros, go add the remaining warm water gradually., Until a sauce thick and cooked.
When missing 5 'minutes to finish cooking add the herbs and seasoning of Nonna.
Place a large pot on fire with 10 liters of cold water with a pinch of salt and a drizzle corn oil.
When it boils, throw the pasta, stirring well with a long-handled fork, not sticking.
Let cook "al dente", that is, not too cooked.
After going through the cooked pasta colander to remove all the water, that is, if you do not have a pot to cook the pasta itself.
The cold water that arises in the noodles is to stop the cooking.
Place the drained pasta in a large serving dish, deep stainless steel or refractory in white, over distributed uniformly hot sauce noodles, sprinkle chopped parsley on top and sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese.You can put large black olives is optional.Serve the pasta hot, accompanied by roast beef and watercress salad greens, lettuce, chicory rocket etc..
Cooking pasta "al dente":
The average is 1 liter of water for every 100 grams of pasta and a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt.
Place the noodles without cutting only when to water is boiling, stir with a fork long handle non stick.Once cooked, for 10'ou 15'minutos, drain the pasta dripping a little oil before putting the sauce of your choice.
Spice of Nonna
1 spoon (soup) of spicy paprika or black pepper freshly ground1 spoon (soup) or (tsp) grated nutmeg1 spoon (soup) of dried ginger, grated1 tablespoon (coffee) bay ground1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cinnamon1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cloves
How to Prepare:
Place in a bowl dry spicy paprika, nutmeg grated, the grated ginger, mix well, then add the bay leaves, cinnamon and ground cloves, make the mixture well.Save on white glass wide mouth with screw cap, inside the kitchen cabinet, along with other seasonings.
Use only a pinch or a teaspoon of seasoning shallow Nonna. is very strong is suitable for European cold weather.
Homemade Tomato Sauce
Homemade Tomato Sauce
Tomato paste:Ingredients:
5 pounds of very ripe tomatoes, cut into 4 pieces3 liters of cold water to beat the tomatoes3 to 5 liters of hot water for cooking you finish1 spoon (soup) of sugar, or2 medium peeled whole carrots
Income:1 pound concentrated tomato paste
Ingredients Tomato sauce
½ cup oil3 pounds of onions, grated1 or 2 chopped garlic pore thinly sliced3 stalks celery, chopped into thin slices2 tablespoons dried oregano, then put the sauce ready, (rub on hand to release the aroma)1 spoon (soup) salt, or to taste without exaggeration1 spoon (soup) or (tsp) grated ginger½ teaspoon (coffee) ground bay or 2 bay leaves1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley before serving to put the pasta or any other dish, where to put the tomato sauce.How to Prepare:Remove the stem and miolinho tomatoes, wash, cut into 4 equal pieces.
After hitting the tomatoes in a blender with a little water, beating slowly go putting a sieve sling until finished water.
Place the tomato juice and sugar in a pot high, add any cold water.
Bring to high heat, when boiling down, let cook for five (5) hours, adding more hot water as needed, until it is very thick.
Once cooked, the tomato paste turns dark. Allow to cool.
If you want to can pack several plastic containers suitable for freezing or use Tuperware with lid.Fill ¾ of the pots.
Do not forget to leave a small space between the cap and the sauce.
How to Prepare Homemade sauce:
In large pan fry the onion in the oil leek, celerystir until wilted (the homemade tomato paste) and also condiments except oregano and parsley, which places at the end of cooking.
Leave to cook for another hour to get a thick sauce.May keep the tomato paste or sauce ready in small pots suitable for this purpose.Storing in the freezer, ie without oorégano and without parsley.
Note:"You can not let the tomato paste or tomato sauce in the fridge" ONLY THE FREEZER.
WARNING The above is also for industrialized.Important Note:
NEVER cook the tomatoes with the skins and seeds, then strain.This procedure gives acidity to many people.
Tomato paste:Ingredients:
5 pounds of very ripe tomatoes, cut into 4 pieces3 liters of cold water to beat the tomatoes3 to 5 liters of hot water for cooking you finish1 spoon (soup) of sugar, or2 medium peeled whole carrots
Income:1 pound concentrated tomato paste
Ingredients Tomato sauce
½ cup oil3 pounds of onions, grated1 or 2 chopped garlic pore thinly sliced3 stalks celery, chopped into thin slices2 tablespoons dried oregano, then put the sauce ready, (rub on hand to release the aroma)1 spoon (soup) salt, or to taste without exaggeration1 spoon (soup) or (tsp) grated ginger½ teaspoon (coffee) ground bay or 2 bay leaves1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley before serving to put the pasta or any other dish, where to put the tomato sauce.How to Prepare:Remove the stem and miolinho tomatoes, wash, cut into 4 equal pieces.
After hitting the tomatoes in a blender with a little water, beating slowly go putting a sieve sling until finished water.
Place the tomato juice and sugar in a pot high, add any cold water.
Bring to high heat, when boiling down, let cook for five (5) hours, adding more hot water as needed, until it is very thick.
Once cooked, the tomato paste turns dark. Allow to cool.
If you want to can pack several plastic containers suitable for freezing or use Tuperware with lid.Fill ¾ of the pots.
Do not forget to leave a small space between the cap and the sauce.
How to Prepare Homemade sauce:
In large pan fry the onion in the oil leek, celerystir until wilted (the homemade tomato paste) and also condiments except oregano and parsley, which places at the end of cooking.
Leave to cook for another hour to get a thick sauce.May keep the tomato paste or sauce ready in small pots suitable for this purpose.Storing in the freezer, ie without oorégano and without parsley.
Note:"You can not let the tomato paste or tomato sauce in the fridge" ONLY THE FREEZER.
WARNING The above is also for industrialized.Important Note:
NEVER cook the tomatoes with the skins and seeds, then strain.This procedure gives acidity to many people.
sábado, 29 de junho de 2013
Tracking Eggplant - 2 Options
Tracking Eggplant - 2 Options
Parsnip puree
1 pound of cooked cassava and squeezed past or the processor.
2 spoons (soup) of butter or margarine
1 spoon (soup) shallow salt
1 cup (tea) of boiled milk and cold
1 box of cream, serum-free or tin
How to Prepare:
Put in a pan the first 3 ingredients, lead to fire, gradually adding the milk to make the point.
If putting cream, remove from heat let the puree, tepefy
and then add the cream slowly
Return pan to low heat, stirring constantly until warm.
Cottage cheese Ricotta
½ liter of boiled cow's milk
200 grs. margarine cut into small pieces
1 fresh ricotta 400-500 grs. diced
1 spoon (soup) shallow salt
1 box of cream (optional)
How to Prepare:
Lead to fire a medium saucepan, 1 cup of boiled milk, add the butter, let it dissolve, do the same with the ricotta, add the salt, add the remaining hot milk slowly to get a homogeneous cream is not too soft or hard.
After well dissolved, hitting everything in a blender.
Lastly cream.
Take the refrigerator in small pots, or Tuperware with lid, until set. Always keep in the refrigerator.
The curd above serves as the basis for making pates, split into several pots.
Place an ingredient in each pot different from each other, that is, (flavor).
1 crushed olives
2 crushed green olives
3 (onion, parsley and anchovies) all together
4 minced ham
5 canned tomatoes, dried tomatoes
6 capers
7 eggplants cooked mashed seasoned with onion, parsley oregano
8 without the skin minced pepper, spicy and so on.
Make a pate flavor on your taste.
The numbering above is the name of each ingrediente.
Parsnip puree
1 pound of cooked cassava and squeezed past or the processor.
2 spoons (soup) of butter or margarine
1 spoon (soup) shallow salt
1 cup (tea) of boiled milk and cold
1 box of cream, serum-free or tin
How to Prepare:
Put in a pan the first 3 ingredients, lead to fire, gradually adding the milk to make the point.
If putting cream, remove from heat let the puree, tepefy
and then add the cream slowly
Return pan to low heat, stirring constantly until warm.
Cottage cheese Ricotta
½ liter of boiled cow's milk
200 grs. margarine cut into small pieces
1 fresh ricotta 400-500 grs. diced
1 spoon (soup) shallow salt
1 box of cream (optional)
How to Prepare:
Lead to fire a medium saucepan, 1 cup of boiled milk, add the butter, let it dissolve, do the same with the ricotta, add the salt, add the remaining hot milk slowly to get a homogeneous cream is not too soft or hard.
After well dissolved, hitting everything in a blender.
Lastly cream.
Take the refrigerator in small pots, or Tuperware with lid, until set. Always keep in the refrigerator.
The curd above serves as the basis for making pates, split into several pots.
Place an ingredient in each pot different from each other, that is, (flavor).
1 crushed olives
2 crushed green olives
3 (onion, parsley and anchovies) all together
4 minced ham
5 canned tomatoes, dried tomatoes
6 capers
7 eggplants cooked mashed seasoned with onion, parsley oregano
8 without the skin minced pepper, spicy and so on.
Make a pate flavor on your taste.
The numbering above is the name of each ingrediente.
B a b a n g u i s h - Eggplant Pâte
B a b a n g u i s h
Eggplant Pâté
4 large eggplants, whole, fat 20 inches
3 cloves of garlic crushed cored
4 tablespoons (soup) of tarrine (sesame paste)
2 spoons (soup) of lemon juice or necessary
Salt and pepper to taste, sesame oil needed
How to Prepare:
Wash and peel the eggplants with the stem. Dry thoroughly, pierce with a fork in several places.
In a large roasting pan roast the eggplants whole.
In traditional orno f for about 30 'minutes or until brown in color, are usually wilted.
Allow to cool bem.ou
Jab a fork without sticking the eggplant whole, lead to the fire in the stove, take turning until toasted. Allow to cool.
Shave the kernels of eggplants, kneading with a fork, or hit the blender, add the other ingredients, go putting sesame oil until a homogeneous mass.
Serve with toast or biscuit and salt water.
Eggplant Pâté
4 large eggplants, whole, fat 20 inches
3 cloves of garlic crushed cored
4 tablespoons (soup) of tarrine (sesame paste)
2 spoons (soup) of lemon juice or necessary
Salt and pepper to taste, sesame oil needed
How to Prepare:
Wash and peel the eggplants with the stem. Dry thoroughly, pierce with a fork in several places.
In a large roasting pan roast the eggplants whole.
In traditional orno f for about 30 'minutes or until brown in color, are usually wilted.
Allow to cool bem.ou
Jab a fork without sticking the eggplant whole, lead to the fire in the stove, take turning until toasted. Allow to cool.
Shave the kernels of eggplants, kneading with a fork, or hit the blender, add the other ingredients, go putting sesame oil until a homogeneous mass.
Serve with toast or biscuit and salt water.
German Bread To Party
German Bread To Party
(Large unit 4, 8 or 16 small or medium)
1 pound of whole wheat flour6-8 eggs, egg whites firm, placing last.200 grs. butter not cold not serve margarine.2 cups (tea) brown sugar2 cups (tea) of honey, it serves other type of honey.
Other Ingredients:
1/2 liter of raw milk (curdled) with broth 2 lemons, Book. 2colheres of (soup) of baking powder. 2 spoons (soup) of cocoa liquor or rum or kirche (cherry brandy)2 tablespoons of milk powder, 1 pinch of salt.
1 spoon (soup) of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cloves, ½ teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, ½ (spoon) coffee caraway (kümmel) ground. 1pitada nutmeg. 2 spoons (soup) of vanilla extract, 1 tablespoon (soup) of grated orange peel (orange part only) the bitter white pith, 1 spoon (soup) of lemon peel only the green part the bitter white pith.
150 grs. dried fruit washed and chopped into cubes.300 grs. walnut half ground and half coarsely chopped.200 grs. various fruit, turkish figs, apricots, prunesyellow raisins and dark raisins seedless dates.All fruits chopped and pressed flour. Book.
Ob servation:
If you want you can use only walnuts, or almonds 600 grs. being 400grs, 200grs and ground. chopped fine drizzle.
II - Option nuts with raisins.Option-III; nuts, raisins and plums.
How to Prepare:
Beat brown sugar in a mixer with the butter, add the egg yolks, make the beat, then place the honey, curd and if you need to use whey, buttermilk can be all it is anyway. Book.
In separate, place in a very large bowl the flour, salt, milk powder, baking powder, and spices, make a hole in the center, adding mass mixer, gradually and slowly, to end all mass.
Then add the chopped fruits and floured. Finally the egg whites, mixing until a homogeneous mass.
Grease the 4 forms with margarine, place parchment paper and re-greasing.The shapes are large cake tin 20 X10 cm.
Or 8 forms of small cake tin, or 16 individual round Thumbnail own gift.
Oven preheated to l60 ° C for about 60 to 90 minutes.Do not open the oven while baking.
Place shapes to bake in a baking dish.The bread dough is very heavy.
Place the forms less than half, grows much.
Allow to cool in the oven.
When cold, remove from oven, place it on a workbench inside the shape leave until the next day, covered with a napkin.
The next day pack tightly closed with cellophane and sealed. Save cans tightly closed in a dry and airyIf the weather is cold, the durability is up to one year in the can unopened.
"Here at home will not last one day," it creates owner. "For Party, Make one for each guest.Wrap with colored cellophane. Tie a pink ribbon, red, or green, and a stalk of wheat 10 inches, place a card thanking presence.
You can place each miniature bread on the table or separate table, to distribute to guests.
(Large unit 4, 8 or 16 small or medium)
1 pound of whole wheat flour6-8 eggs, egg whites firm, placing last.200 grs. butter not cold not serve margarine.2 cups (tea) brown sugar2 cups (tea) of honey, it serves other type of honey.
Other Ingredients:
1/2 liter of raw milk (curdled) with broth 2 lemons, Book. 2colheres of (soup) of baking powder. 2 spoons (soup) of cocoa liquor or rum or kirche (cherry brandy)2 tablespoons of milk powder, 1 pinch of salt.
1 spoon (soup) of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cloves, ½ teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, ½ (spoon) coffee caraway (kümmel) ground. 1pitada nutmeg. 2 spoons (soup) of vanilla extract, 1 tablespoon (soup) of grated orange peel (orange part only) the bitter white pith, 1 spoon (soup) of lemon peel only the green part the bitter white pith.
150 grs. dried fruit washed and chopped into cubes.300 grs. walnut half ground and half coarsely chopped.200 grs. various fruit, turkish figs, apricots, prunesyellow raisins and dark raisins seedless dates.All fruits chopped and pressed flour. Book.
Ob servation:
If you want you can use only walnuts, or almonds 600 grs. being 400grs, 200grs and ground. chopped fine drizzle.
II - Option nuts with raisins.Option-III; nuts, raisins and plums.
How to Prepare:
Beat brown sugar in a mixer with the butter, add the egg yolks, make the beat, then place the honey, curd and if you need to use whey, buttermilk can be all it is anyway. Book.
In separate, place in a very large bowl the flour, salt, milk powder, baking powder, and spices, make a hole in the center, adding mass mixer, gradually and slowly, to end all mass.
Then add the chopped fruits and floured. Finally the egg whites, mixing until a homogeneous mass.
Grease the 4 forms with margarine, place parchment paper and re-greasing.The shapes are large cake tin 20 X10 cm.
Or 8 forms of small cake tin, or 16 individual round Thumbnail own gift.
Oven preheated to l60 ° C for about 60 to 90 minutes.Do not open the oven while baking.
Place shapes to bake in a baking dish.The bread dough is very heavy.
Place the forms less than half, grows much.
Allow to cool in the oven.
When cold, remove from oven, place it on a workbench inside the shape leave until the next day, covered with a napkin.
The next day pack tightly closed with cellophane and sealed. Save cans tightly closed in a dry and airyIf the weather is cold, the durability is up to one year in the can unopened.
"Here at home will not last one day," it creates owner. "For Party, Make one for each guest.Wrap with colored cellophane. Tie a pink ribbon, red, or green, and a stalk of wheat 10 inches, place a card thanking presence.
You can place each miniature bread on the table or separate table, to distribute to guests.
Ingredients:1 large chicken, or 8 drumsticks, skinned without fats.
2 medium carrots peeled, cut into thin slices.4 large tomatoes, diced, peeled and seeded.2 stalks celery, chopped thinly sliced, leaves no sting. 1 leek white part only thinly sliced2 large onions, chopped,4 cloves garlic, cored, cut or crushed.1 bunch of cinnamon sticks.2 bay leaves, then remove.Do not put too many bay leaves, which lowers blood pressure, or½ teaspoon (coffee) bay ground.2 tablets of broth or chicken (optional).1 tablespoon pepper sauce lady finger (optional).1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger or 1 pinch powdered.
Other Ingredients:
1 cup (tea) of washed rice1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems, add at the end
½ cup chopped green onions, add at the end of cooking50 to 100 grams of grated parmesan cheese
How to Prepare:
Rinse the chicken, inside and out.Remove the skin, fat lungs neck to head, neck, throat discard (throw away).
Wash drumsticks with bones, do not forget to take the skins and fat.
After all washed and cut vegetables, put in pressure cooker for 20 'minutes, or common pot for an hour.
Allow to cool, remove from pan put everything in a bowl.
Debone chicken cut into pieces no fraying. Book.
Add 2 cups of cold water and rice already washed.Cover the pan, bring to a boil, lower the pin.
Leave on low heat for 5 'minutes. Do not open the pot, let cool that continues cooking.
Then open the cooker add all other ingredients cooked and the seasoning if you need to add more hot water and seasonings.Leave the fire for another 10 to 20 'minutes, or until hot.Before serving add the parsley and chives raw. (Parsley is rich in iron and stem further).
Serve in bowls of clay on a shallow dish.Octopus ilhe grated parmesan cheese on top
Ingredients:1 large chicken, or 8 drumsticks, skinned without fats.
2 medium carrots peeled, cut into thin slices.4 large tomatoes, diced, peeled and seeded.2 stalks celery, chopped thinly sliced, leaves no sting. 1 leek white part only thinly sliced2 large onions, chopped,4 cloves garlic, cored, cut or crushed.1 bunch of cinnamon sticks.2 bay leaves, then remove.Do not put too many bay leaves, which lowers blood pressure, or½ teaspoon (coffee) bay ground.2 tablets of broth or chicken (optional).1 tablespoon pepper sauce lady finger (optional).1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger or 1 pinch powdered.
Other Ingredients:
1 cup (tea) of washed rice1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems, add at the end
½ cup chopped green onions, add at the end of cooking50 to 100 grams of grated parmesan cheese
How to Prepare:
Rinse the chicken, inside and out.Remove the skin, fat lungs neck to head, neck, throat discard (throw away).
Wash drumsticks with bones, do not forget to take the skins and fat.
After all washed and cut vegetables, put in pressure cooker for 20 'minutes, or common pot for an hour.
Allow to cool, remove from pan put everything in a bowl.
Debone chicken cut into pieces no fraying. Book.
Add 2 cups of cold water and rice already washed.Cover the pan, bring to a boil, lower the pin.
Leave on low heat for 5 'minutes. Do not open the pot, let cool that continues cooking.
Then open the cooker add all other ingredients cooked and the seasoning if you need to add more hot water and seasonings.Leave the fire for another 10 to 20 'minutes, or until hot.Before serving add the parsley and chives raw. (Parsley is rich in iron and stem further).
Serve in bowls of clay on a shallow dish.Octopus ilhe grated parmesan cheese on top
sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2013
Cod, Mashed Potatoes and Other
Cod, Mashed Potatoes and Other
4 slices of cod 300 grs. each
3 to 5 liters of cold water, one bottom plate flour
½ liter of oil for frying the slices of cod
Mashed potatoes
6 - boiled potatoes unpeeled, squeezed or passed by the processor,
2 spoons (soup) of butter,
½ cup milk or cream,
1 teaspoon (tsp) of salt.
Method of Preparing the Puree:
Place potatoes in a medium saucepan squeezed, butter, salt and a little milk or cream.
Lead to fire up dropping the pan.
How to Prepare the cod;
Place the cod to soak for 36 hours in the refrigerator, changing the water several times.
For each 2 fingers high cod are 12 hours of sauce.
Take water, dry thoroughly with paper towels.
To oil put in, then the flour. Knocking out the excess flour.
In a deep pan, fry the cod in hot oil, then lower the heat to leave until browned.
Onion Sauce:
2 large onions, sliced thin
1copo wine vinegar
1 cup dry white wine
2 spoons (soup) wooden wine (optional)
2 tablespoons cold water
2 spoons (soup) of oil
1/2 spoon (soup) of salt.
How to Prepare:
Fry the onion in oil until wilted, then add all other ingredients, leave for the 5 'or 10' minutes.
Serve the cod with mashed potatoes, broccoli, carrots cooked in butter past. And onion sauce.
Long a platter of clay, height 10 cm, place the cod in the center, the mashed potatoes on both sides and in the corners broccoli bouquet and carrots cut into large slices cooked in butter last, and onion sauce on top.
Follow up:
1 large pineapple cut into thin slices
Butter, sugar, cinnamon powder
Fry the slices of pineapple in butter until golden brown.
Take sprinkle sugar and cinnamon. Serve over.
4 slices of cod 300 grs. each
3 to 5 liters of cold water, one bottom plate flour
½ liter of oil for frying the slices of cod
Mashed potatoes
6 - boiled potatoes unpeeled, squeezed or passed by the processor,
2 spoons (soup) of butter,
½ cup milk or cream,
1 teaspoon (tsp) of salt.
Method of Preparing the Puree:
Place potatoes in a medium saucepan squeezed, butter, salt and a little milk or cream.
Lead to fire up dropping the pan.
How to Prepare the cod;
Place the cod to soak for 36 hours in the refrigerator, changing the water several times.
For each 2 fingers high cod are 12 hours of sauce.
Take water, dry thoroughly with paper towels.
To oil put in, then the flour. Knocking out the excess flour.
In a deep pan, fry the cod in hot oil, then lower the heat to leave until browned.
Onion Sauce:
2 large onions, sliced thin
1copo wine vinegar
1 cup dry white wine
2 spoons (soup) wooden wine (optional)
2 tablespoons cold water
2 spoons (soup) of oil
1/2 spoon (soup) of salt.
How to Prepare:
Fry the onion in oil until wilted, then add all other ingredients, leave for the 5 'or 10' minutes.
Serve the cod with mashed potatoes, broccoli, carrots cooked in butter past. And onion sauce.
Long a platter of clay, height 10 cm, place the cod in the center, the mashed potatoes on both sides and in the corners broccoli bouquet and carrots cut into large slices cooked in butter last, and onion sauce on top.
Follow up:
1 large pineapple cut into thin slices
Butter, sugar, cinnamon powder
Fry the slices of pineapple in butter until golden brown.
Take sprinkle sugar and cinnamon. Serve over.
Carrots Ricotta
Carrots Ricotta
1/2 pound of fresh ricotta mashed
250-300 grams. grated carrots thin
salt, pepper or spicy paprika to taste
1 pinch of nutmeg (optional)
2 spoons (soup) of cream canister or necessary.
How to Prepare:
Place the ricotta in a bowl mixed with fork, gradually add the grated carrot slowly if need add the cream, give up point of curl.
Make carrots and small 5 inches and very thin.
To use the stem bunch parsley 3 cm, cut just above stem to be little, i.e. proportionally.
Fits accompany poultry, sirloin stuffed and other meats.
1/2 pound of fresh ricotta mashed
250-300 grams. grated carrots thin
salt, pepper or spicy paprika to taste
1 pinch of nutmeg (optional)
2 spoons (soup) of cream canister or necessary.
How to Prepare:
Place the ricotta in a bowl mixed with fork, gradually add the grated carrot slowly if need add the cream, give up point of curl.
Make carrots and small 5 inches and very thin.
To use the stem bunch parsley 3 cm, cut just above stem to be little, i.e. proportionally.
Fits accompany poultry, sirloin stuffed and other meats.
quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013
Stuffed peaches
Stuffed peaches
6/2 peach compote large fleshy drained.
1 cup (tea) of fresh ricotta mixed with fork.
1 cup (tea) of ham pate.
1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley.
1 pinch of sweet paprika.
How to Prepare:
In a bowl knead the fresh ricotta with a fork.
Add the ham pate, chopped parsley, paprika and sweet or spicy, can substitute hot sauce.
Stuff the halves of peaches, sprinkle over parsley or chopped nuts.
If you want you can put on top of half a walnut.
If you prefer you can put the filling into a pastry bag with spout big cherry.
Serve in a bowl of white china covered with lettuce leaves, washed, do not forget to dry with paper towel.
And over the peaches stuffed.
You can do the same procedure with figs compote, fresh tomatoes and so on.
Use your creativity.
Peaches stuffed serves to monitor, poultry, pigs, sheep, and goats.
6/2 peach compote large fleshy drained.
1 cup (tea) of fresh ricotta mixed with fork.
1 cup (tea) of ham pate.
1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley.
1 pinch of sweet paprika.
How to Prepare:
In a bowl knead the fresh ricotta with a fork.
Add the ham pate, chopped parsley, paprika and sweet or spicy, can substitute hot sauce.
Stuff the halves of peaches, sprinkle over parsley or chopped nuts.
If you want you can put on top of half a walnut.
If you prefer you can put the filling into a pastry bag with spout big cherry.
Serve in a bowl of white china covered with lettuce leaves, washed, do not forget to dry with paper towel.
And over the peaches stuffed.
You can do the same procedure with figs compote, fresh tomatoes and so on.
Use your creativity.
Peaches stuffed serves to monitor, poultry, pigs, sheep, and goats.
5 Fillings For Poultry, Swine, Sheep and Other
5 Fillings For Poultry, Swine, Sheep and Other
Filling I:Chester:2 cans of ham pate3 large apples grated2 spoons (soup) of cottage cheese2 tablespoons chopped seeded passes1 cup crushed cookies (optional)How to Prepare:
In a medium bowl, place the pate with cheese, raisins, grated apples and biscuit mix well until a homogeneous mass.Chester after filling the needle sewing thick cotton string, or close with toothpicks.Chester take to bake covered with foil.
Filling II:Loins:150 grs. thinly sliced ham150 grs. thin sliced mozzarellatomato slicesonion slices with salt and oreganochopped green olives, sliced
How to Assemble:
Open the tenderloin in half, put the filling in layers:First layer sliced hamSecond layer sliced mozzarellaThird layer thinly sliced tomatoes with salt and oreganoFourth layer onion slices with salt and oreganoFifth layer thinly sliced olivesAfter you put the stuffing tie the tenderloin with cotton string tight to not lose shape.Lead to bake covered with foil.Filling IIIFits all:½ pound of ricotta mixed100 grs. of pitted prunes, chopped100 grs. seedless raisins, chopped100 grs. compote of diced pineapple, without the syrup2 green apples peeled, grated2 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley with stems1 teaspoon (tsp) salt, pepper sauce to taste1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped capers (optional)Place in a bowl the mashed mozzarella, add the prunes, raisins, pineapple, apple, parsley, and capers.Mix everything well, until a homogeneous mass.After Employ wherever you want, as well as poultry, various meatsalso serves pie.Filling IV:Or filet mignon kebabs3-4 boiled eggs cut into slices1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems1 cup (tea) of seedless raisins, or to taste2 tablespoons chopped capers, salt to tasteIf you do not like the trade for raisins or chopped green olives.Open the tenderloin, make a blanket great place eggs cut into slices stick in the middle of gems over the raisins and chopped parsley and capers.Close the blanket, tie with cotton string.Corn oil seal (fry all sides).Then bake for 20 'minutes.The fillet is rare. Cut into thick slices.
Filling V:
1 chicken breast cooked with carrots, celery, parsley, tomatoes, salt, pepper.Once cooked mash and sauté with onion, salt, parsley, chopped olives.Add 100 or 200 g. cream cheese, mix well.Serves as a filling for pie, pies, and other pastel.
Tuna with grated mozzarella, olives, chopped boiled eggs.Ground beef sautéed with tomatoes, onions, olives, eggsCalabrian sausage without skin sliced, boiled eggs, tomatoes, olives, grated onion.
Filling I:Chester:2 cans of ham pate3 large apples grated2 spoons (soup) of cottage cheese2 tablespoons chopped seeded passes1 cup crushed cookies (optional)How to Prepare:
In a medium bowl, place the pate with cheese, raisins, grated apples and biscuit mix well until a homogeneous mass.Chester after filling the needle sewing thick cotton string, or close with toothpicks.Chester take to bake covered with foil.
Filling II:Loins:150 grs. thinly sliced ham150 grs. thin sliced mozzarellatomato slicesonion slices with salt and oreganochopped green olives, sliced
How to Assemble:
Open the tenderloin in half, put the filling in layers:First layer sliced hamSecond layer sliced mozzarellaThird layer thinly sliced tomatoes with salt and oreganoFourth layer onion slices with salt and oreganoFifth layer thinly sliced olivesAfter you put the stuffing tie the tenderloin with cotton string tight to not lose shape.Lead to bake covered with foil.Filling IIIFits all:½ pound of ricotta mixed100 grs. of pitted prunes, chopped100 grs. seedless raisins, chopped100 grs. compote of diced pineapple, without the syrup2 green apples peeled, grated2 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley with stems1 teaspoon (tsp) salt, pepper sauce to taste1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped capers (optional)Place in a bowl the mashed mozzarella, add the prunes, raisins, pineapple, apple, parsley, and capers.Mix everything well, until a homogeneous mass.After Employ wherever you want, as well as poultry, various meatsalso serves pie.Filling IV:Or filet mignon kebabs3-4 boiled eggs cut into slices1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems1 cup (tea) of seedless raisins, or to taste2 tablespoons chopped capers, salt to tasteIf you do not like the trade for raisins or chopped green olives.Open the tenderloin, make a blanket great place eggs cut into slices stick in the middle of gems over the raisins and chopped parsley and capers.Close the blanket, tie with cotton string.Corn oil seal (fry all sides).Then bake for 20 'minutes.The fillet is rare. Cut into thick slices.
Filling V:
1 chicken breast cooked with carrots, celery, parsley, tomatoes, salt, pepper.Once cooked mash and sauté with onion, salt, parsley, chopped olives.Add 100 or 200 g. cream cheese, mix well.Serves as a filling for pie, pies, and other pastel.
Tuna with grated mozzarella, olives, chopped boiled eggs.Ground beef sautéed with tomatoes, onions, olives, eggsCalabrian sausage without skin sliced, boiled eggs, tomatoes, olives, grated onion.
Duck with Orange and Cherries
Duck with Orange and Cherries
1 Duck 3-5 pounds, clean and skin
Other Ingredients:100 grs. of butter, 1 tablespoon mustard (optional)
1 cup (tea) beer for every pound of meat or orange juice.
½ cup (tea) dry white wine.Salt, pepper to taste1 large onion, chopped,4 cloves garlic, cored,2 tbsp (tablespoons) soy sauce (soy sauce)1 tablespoon honey (optional)Fresh herbs to taste (parsley, gardener, sage, basil), and others to your tasteLeave the duck in spices for 12 hours
Other Ingredients:
½ pound of very small new potatoes, cooked in shell3 medium carrots cut into 2 cm slices, cooked2 tablespoons butter,
Sauce (Optional)
1 cup (coffee) vinegar,1 cup (tea) of tomato paste1 cup of cold water,1 cup orange juice2 spoons (soup) of brown sugar1 cup Kirch (cherry brandy)1 medium glass of cherries in syrup drained1-2 tablespoons (soup) of potato starch to thicken the sauce.
Decoration:1 or 2 orange peel cut into strips, thinly without the white part (which bitter), the length or 10 inches in pieces, cooked in syrup.Syrup;
2 cups water, 4 cloves, 3 slices of ginger 1 cinnamon stick3oo gr. of sugar.Make a light syrup, add the strips of orange thinly. Leave the fire until they are looking glazed. Book.If you need to add more hot water gradually until it reaches the desired point.
How to Prepare the duck:Place the whole duck cut in the back, forcing you to be very open.
The chest part is up Or cut into several pieces.
If you want to make equal to bake whole chicken. Loosen the skin from the breast and thighs, Smear with butter and mustard.
Take to bake at 170 ° C covered with aluminum foil, 40 'minutes for each pound of meat.
If the duck is old, first frying with lard and go putting the hot broth of spices gradually, until softened, before baking.
When the duck is new does not need aferventar before baking.
If you want to put the sauce, stir in half the cooking, and be careful not to burn.
If not using the sauce pour 2 cups of orange juice.
Separately place the potatoes, carrots, broccoli, or cauliflower passed in butter, sprinkle chopped parsley enough.
Then place the roast duck in the center of a plate of steel or ceramic.Over the peel of oranges and cherries around. Or see other decoration suggestions.
You can add the orange slices decorated with shells.
1 Duck 3-5 pounds, clean and skin
Other Ingredients:100 grs. of butter, 1 tablespoon mustard (optional)
1 cup (tea) beer for every pound of meat or orange juice.
½ cup (tea) dry white wine.Salt, pepper to taste1 large onion, chopped,4 cloves garlic, cored,2 tbsp (tablespoons) soy sauce (soy sauce)1 tablespoon honey (optional)Fresh herbs to taste (parsley, gardener, sage, basil), and others to your tasteLeave the duck in spices for 12 hours
Other Ingredients:
½ pound of very small new potatoes, cooked in shell3 medium carrots cut into 2 cm slices, cooked2 tablespoons butter,
Sauce (Optional)
1 cup (coffee) vinegar,1 cup (tea) of tomato paste1 cup of cold water,1 cup orange juice2 spoons (soup) of brown sugar1 cup Kirch (cherry brandy)1 medium glass of cherries in syrup drained1-2 tablespoons (soup) of potato starch to thicken the sauce.
Decoration:1 or 2 orange peel cut into strips, thinly without the white part (which bitter), the length or 10 inches in pieces, cooked in syrup.Syrup;
2 cups water, 4 cloves, 3 slices of ginger 1 cinnamon stick3oo gr. of sugar.Make a light syrup, add the strips of orange thinly. Leave the fire until they are looking glazed. Book.If you need to add more hot water gradually until it reaches the desired point.
How to Prepare the duck:Place the whole duck cut in the back, forcing you to be very open.
The chest part is up Or cut into several pieces.
If you want to make equal to bake whole chicken. Loosen the skin from the breast and thighs, Smear with butter and mustard.
Take to bake at 170 ° C covered with aluminum foil, 40 'minutes for each pound of meat.
If the duck is old, first frying with lard and go putting the hot broth of spices gradually, until softened, before baking.
When the duck is new does not need aferventar before baking.
If you want to put the sauce, stir in half the cooking, and be careful not to burn.
If not using the sauce pour 2 cups of orange juice.
Separately place the potatoes, carrots, broccoli, or cauliflower passed in butter, sprinkle chopped parsley enough.
Then place the roast duck in the center of a plate of steel or ceramic.Over the peel of oranges and cherries around. Or see other decoration suggestions.
You can add the orange slices decorated with shells.
Lentil with Pork Ribs
Lentil with Pork Ribs
500 grs. Lentil raw.1.5 liters of cold water for cooking,2 bay leaves.1 large onion, chopped or4 cloves garlic, cored, crumpled,3 slices of ginger,2 spoons (soup) of corn oilOther Ingredients:2 pieces of smoked sausage, cooked without skin, cut into thin slices.50 grs. bacon, chopped into small cubes. fried1 pound of pork ribs with very little fat and meat.
White rice,fried ribs,3 boiled eggs cut in half, or petalscortadinha cabbage in thin strips, sautéed with oil and garlicYou can swap the ribs for pork chop.
How to Prepare:
Rinse the lentils under running water.Put to cook in ordinary pot with water bay leaves to ginger.
Once boiling, lower the heat, leave cooking until tender for 25 'to 30' minutes.If you need to add more hot water.
After tempering as beans.
Fry the bacon until browned. Book.
Put the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and garlic, or both together, with cold oil, leave the fire until the onions wilt.Throw the spice in lentils, add salt, fried bacon without the fat, the sausage into thin slices, boil for 10 'minutes.You may wish to lentil kneading with a shell, so that the broth becomes thicker.Serve in crock pot.
"You can not cook the lentils in a pressure cooker."When the lentils are cooking, she joins a lot of foam and clog the pin.
Method of Preparing the Ribs:
Cutting the ribs into small pieces of 10 cm length, 2 cm wide, with enough meat and bone.
Fry the ribs in a large pot and high. Place the bacon fat, go frying the ribs and dripping boiling water until it is brown in color and well cooked.See above mode serving.
If you want you can cook the ribs with a little water and seasoning.After frying, it is tastier.How to Prepare the cabbage:Wash the leaves take a part of the stalk.Place a sheet over another wrap and cut on a board, very thin. If you want you can leave the stem.Place a saucepan with enough water when boiling throw the little cabbage cortadinha, mix well.Once boil count 3 '(three) minutes.Drain and immediately pour enough cold water to stop the cooking.Squeeze. After sautéing. With onion and bacon.Serve in separate dish, or side of the ribs put boiled eggs over the kale.
500 grs. Lentil raw.1.5 liters of cold water for cooking,2 bay leaves.1 large onion, chopped or4 cloves garlic, cored, crumpled,3 slices of ginger,2 spoons (soup) of corn oilOther Ingredients:2 pieces of smoked sausage, cooked without skin, cut into thin slices.50 grs. bacon, chopped into small cubes. fried1 pound of pork ribs with very little fat and meat.
White rice,fried ribs,3 boiled eggs cut in half, or petalscortadinha cabbage in thin strips, sautéed with oil and garlicYou can swap the ribs for pork chop.
How to Prepare:
Rinse the lentils under running water.Put to cook in ordinary pot with water bay leaves to ginger.
Once boiling, lower the heat, leave cooking until tender for 25 'to 30' minutes.If you need to add more hot water.
After tempering as beans.
Fry the bacon until browned. Book.
Put the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and garlic, or both together, with cold oil, leave the fire until the onions wilt.Throw the spice in lentils, add salt, fried bacon without the fat, the sausage into thin slices, boil for 10 'minutes.You may wish to lentil kneading with a shell, so that the broth becomes thicker.Serve in crock pot.
"You can not cook the lentils in a pressure cooker."When the lentils are cooking, she joins a lot of foam and clog the pin.
Method of Preparing the Ribs:
Cutting the ribs into small pieces of 10 cm length, 2 cm wide, with enough meat and bone.
Fry the ribs in a large pot and high. Place the bacon fat, go frying the ribs and dripping boiling water until it is brown in color and well cooked.See above mode serving.
If you want you can cook the ribs with a little water and seasoning.After frying, it is tastier.How to Prepare the cabbage:Wash the leaves take a part of the stalk.Place a sheet over another wrap and cut on a board, very thin. If you want you can leave the stem.Place a saucepan with enough water when boiling throw the little cabbage cortadinha, mix well.Once boil count 3 '(three) minutes.Drain and immediately pour enough cold water to stop the cooking.Squeeze. After sautéing. With onion and bacon.Serve in separate dish, or side of the ribs put boiled eggs over the kale.
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