terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014

Mango Mousse With Decoration

Mango Mousse With Decoration


3 medium mangoes Haden or (500 grs. Manga) cut into small cubes.
½ cup of water to beat the mango in blender
1 squeezed lemon juice use only
1 can of condensed milk or sugar
1 can of cream with the serum, or fresh cream
12 grams of colorless unflavored gelatin
5 tablespoons of cold water to hydrate gelatin
3 large or 5 small clear pasteurized beats on firm snow or 2 tablespoons (soup) of colorless unflavored gelatin

How to Prepare:

Wash the mangoes with the shells, dry with paper towel strip.
Then cut the sleeves into small cubes.
Hit the blender the mango cubes with water and lemon juice until it forms a puree.
Then add the condensed milk, beat some more, add the cream makes the beat, until well mixed all the ingredients.

Separate hydrate gelatin, wet with cold water, let it sit for 5'minutos, then dissolve in water bath or microwave for 20 or 30 seconds.
When using hot gelatin, in order to incorporate with other ingredients.

Finally, with the liquefy on, pour the dissolved gelatin and warm gradually, beat well for 5'a 8'minutos or until cool well.
Place the egg whites in a bowl on firm snow, go slowly pouring the mango puree, slowly, until a homogeneous mass. Finally the egg whites mix from top to bottom with the whisk, until a uniform cream.

Dispense in individual cups or bowls.
You can also put in a greased fluted pan with butter, and passed quickly tap water, turn the form, to drain all the water.
Use shallow shaped hole in the center, or a round ovenproof dish.
Take the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.
If you want you can decorate with cherries and mint leaves.
Can put cherry, apple or strawberry jam in glass diluted.


If you want to unmold the mousse, fold the amount of gelatin.
12 grams of gelatin (1 level tablespoon) or
24 grams of gelatin or (2 tablespoons shallow soup
The unflavored gelatin is colorless

Decoration -

Cherries Apples:

2-3 large apples red shelled
1 glass of pure gooseberry
1 lemon, juice only

How to Prepare:

Make balls of cutting apples with Bolas, squeeze over the lemon juice not to darken, Or.
Can put the balls of apples in a bowl with one liter of water and a tablespoon of salt.

Then save the balls of apples inside a glass wide mouth with screw cap, cover with currants.
Leave in the refrigerator for 3-5 days or until you get the color right.

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