sábado, 25 de outubro de 2014

Arreco M or P atodo S í Uncle With Stuffing

Arreco M or P atodo S í Uncle With Stuffing


1 mallards whole big three pounds or duck.
Delete the neck, head, feet


l spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 tablespoon (coffee) spicy paprika
4 garlic cloves if chopped without the old kernels
l large glass of beer
½ cup dry white wine (100 ml)
2 sprigs of basil


4 to 6 milled raw chicken gizzards
50 grs. bacon
4 whole eggs raw
1 spoon (soup) of green onions chopped
1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped basil kid
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt, or to taste
½ cup (tea) of chopped parsley
1 cup (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) of crushed crackers or breadcrumbs
1 spoon (soup) of hot pepper sauce
1 tablespoon (coffee) spicy paprika
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 pinch of nutmeg

How to Prepare:

Wash the mallards, leave the seasoning for 6 hours in the refrigerator.

Put the stuffing, sew the hole with needle and loose, thick line or secure with toothpicks.

Do not put too much stuffing in the oven and mallards that bursts.

Place on a lined mallards form with aluminum foil with a glass of strained broth over cover with aluminum foil

Bake in preheated oven l60 ° C for forty minutes for each pound of meat.
Take the foil 20 'minutes before taking the mallards from oven, and let it brown

Follow up:

white rice
Salad of lettuce, grated carrot, tomato onion.
And separate palm potatoes, carrots, peas, and boiled eggs, and green olives.

If you want you can make a salad with carrot, peas, parsley
pods, mint, 1 can of tuna and mayonnaise sauce, thin see below.

Thin sauce Mayonnaise:

1 large potato chopped cooked
1 medium carrot cooked and chopped
1 cup (coffee) oil
1 cup (coffee) milk
1 tbsp (tablespoons) mustard (optional)
2 tablespoons (soup) of lemon juice
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt

Mix all in a blender, if it gets too thick add more milk and oil, is getting soft, add more potatoes.


If the mallard duck or are old.
Cook slightly before baking with beer and seasonings.

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