sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2013

P eitode P eru C ommolho Q ueijo

P eitode P eru C ommolho Q ueijo

1 large smoked turkey breastsliced ​​into very thin slices

Cheese Sauce :
1 small box of cheese catupiry100 grs . grated Parmesan cheese100 grs . pecorino cheese or gorgonzola1 can of cream with the serum1 cup kirche ( cherry brandy ) , or white wine1 spoon (soup ) of butter shallow1 tbsp (tablespoons) finely chopped basil3 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley , put the dish before serving
How to Prepare Cheese Sauce :
Beat cream cheese in mixer cheese with sour cream , butter, add the grated Parmesan cheese and gorgonzola .
If it becomes too hard add more cream.If it gets too soft add more grated Parmesan cheese , to form a thick cream .Once the cream cheese is ready, add the basil and Kirche .Keep the cream cheese in the refrigerator , covered with plastic wrap , until ready to serve.
How to Serve Turkey Breast :
Can serve everything cold, ie, ( turkey breast and cheese sauce )
Place turkey breast in a baking dish greased with butter, go arranging a layer of sliced ​​smoked turkey , another sauce until done.
The last layer is put up molho.e grated Parmesan cheese .
Bake gratin in the preheated oven weak l50 ° C to blushBefore serving sprinkle chopped parsley and drizzle .
Note :
You can use turkey breast , chester and also chicken , baked
or smoked .
Sauce II :

White Sauce :
2 cups hot milk cow2 tablespoons all-purpose flour2 tablespoons butter filled
How to Prepare white sauce :
Bring a pan to the fire , throw the butter and let it melt add the flour , wheat stir well until cooked , then add the hot milk until thick and fluffy .If you did not practice combine milk off the fire .
If you want you can add 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese

* You can replace half the milk cow for cream *
You can also bake gratin

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