terça-feira, 15 de julho de 2014

Octopus stew-III Options

Octopus stew-III Options


2 pounds of cleaned octopus, washed and chopped into pieces of 5 cm

Other Ingredients:
I - Option:

500 ml of ice-white beer no
½ cup cold water shower
1 cup (tea) of onion in fine saves


1 cup (tea) and filled with minced or grated onion
1 cup (tea) of oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 pinch of nutmeg (optional)
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cumin (optional)
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt

Sauce I:

1 cup (tea) dry red wine of good quality
6 ripe tomatoes peeled and seeded
½ liter of concentrated tomato sauce
6 cloves of India
1 small stick of cinnamon
2 tablets of chicken broth

Fresh Herbs:

1 spoon (soup) and full of chopped fresh herbs:
basil, marjoram, parsley, mint, rosemary, sage.

Dressing II:

Dressing to Vinaigrette:

1 cup (tea) of chopped onion
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems
½ cup (tea) of green onion chopped into thin rodelinhas
2 chopped tomatoes without seeds, diced
½ cup of olive oil
1 cup wine vinegar
D 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt

Mix all ingredients, pour into a sauceboat or small bowl.
Pour sauce over cooked octopus and cut into small pieces.

How to Prepare:

Clean the octopus, rinse under running water, cut into large chunks.
Place the octopus in a large pan with the beer and water, leaving cooking over medium heat for 15'minutos, drain, and let cool.

II - Option:

Cooking the whole octopus with some medium potatoes covered with water when the potatoes are pre cooked octopus will also be baked.

III - Option Secret:

Put the whole octopus for cooking, so lifted boil, remove and throw into cold water with plenty of ice, leaving 5 'minutes.
The above process is to give a thermal shock and breaking the fibers.
Return to heat for cooking.
An octopus takes 4 pounds 20 'minutes in the pressure cooker and one (1) hour in common pan.
Pay attention to the weight of the octopus, otherwise, it will not work.

How to Prepare Option I:

In a large pan fry the onion in oil, add the chicken broth, chopped tomatoes without skins, seeds, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, bay leaves, when a thick sauce add red wine.

Finally add the cooked octopus on fire by letting just 3'minutos.

** Be careful not to let the octopus long, which is chewy. **

Separately fry the pickled onions until dark, add the octopus sauce before serving.

Finishing touch and a tablespoon of chopped herbs diverse


The octopus stew after losing two thirds of its weight.
With rice and salad to taste.

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