quinta-feira, 8 de maio de 2014

Capelete Jorge

Capelete Jorge

250 grs . capelete of meat stuffing
Fake white sauce :
1 liter of cold milk cow
3 tablespoons cornstarch ( cornflour )
1 coconut milk glass
1 teaspoon ( tsp) salt

Other Ingredients:
1 cup ( tea) of braised chicken stew with onion ( grated onion ) a large unit .
1 cup ( tea) of chopped ham , diced
1 small jar of mushrooms kids
50 to 100 gsm . grated parmesan cheese
2 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley
1 tablespoon chives cut into thin slices

How to Prepare :

Make a soft porridge with cow milk coconut milk and cornstarch .
If it gets too soft increase the cornstarch , get hard if necessary add the milk , until you have a soft porridge.
Add the cooked white sauce , ham , mushrooms, sautéed chicken.
While making the porridge put boiling water in a pot or pan to cook pasta itself .
For every 100 grams . Mass will 1 liter of boiling water .
Capelete cook until " al dente " , strain put on the plate or a platter , .
Pour over the white sauce capeletes (false ) , already mixed with the three above ingredients.
Serve hot. Sprinkle over grated cheese and chopped parsley and chives.
Decoration :
You can place large black olives and cherry tomatoes to taste.

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