terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2016

Domesticated Health Tips

Domesticated Health Tips
Anemia, Low Blood Sugar, High Pressure, Healing:
Who has to anemia:
Eat enough cabbage with stalk, parsley + stem that is rich in iron.
You can make juice tapping the liquified water with leaves and parsley stem or cabbage with the stem. Strain.
Never mix milk or derivatives along with spinach and other dark vegetables.
He steals calcium from vegetables.
To Download Blood glucose and Normalize Pressure:
Four okra without the tips cut into pieces, placed sauce evening for 12 hours, strain taken fasting serves to lower blood glucose, normalize pressure.
* It is the best natural aphrodisiacs *.
Okra can eat boiled, fried stew that also works as an aphrodisiac.
The pure lemon juice, also serves to lower blood glucose. If you can not take the pure lemon juice can put a little water.
High blood sugar increases blood pressure.
To Download Pressure:
Take cucumber juice.
Blend the peeled cucumber with seed and water. Strain, take anytime.
Beware that it really lowers the pressure.
The eggplant also lowers the pressure.
Take the water eggplant cooking at room temperature.
Healing - Banana Green:
Did you know that boiled green banana with bark is healing.
Once cooked peel and eat pure without putting any additional ingredients.
The green bananas within heals out, and to cure severe infection. (Open wounds within the body) "was nominated by India"
It worked for a person in my family who was at risk of life and also with some friends.
Sugar, fat and salt:
You know you have to have moderation with sugar, fat and salt to your child and the rest of the family too, to avoid obesity.
You know that the flour turns the body into sugar?
Eat products with white flour in moderation.
Salt Emphasizes the taste of sweet:
Did you know that putting 1 pinch of salt when cooking any fresh food it accentuates the flavor?
Cooking fruits:
Pear, apple, peach and other cooking with a pinch of salt accentuates the sweet fruit!
"Do not add or sugar or sweetener"

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