Menu Gnocchi and potatoes - II Options
Menu Gnocchi
01.Aperitivo of Different Potato Gnocchi
02.Curiosidade About Gnocchi Lucky
03.Nhoque Simple Potato
04.Nhoque Stuffed Potato With Catupiry
05.Nhoque With Ricotta Pasta - II + options Sauce
Economic 06.Nhoque made with Wheat Flour
07.Nhoque Polish
08.Nhoque oven Stuffed (III fillings)
09.Nhoque Stuffed Different
10, gnocchi Joker Massa
11.Nhoque Freezing, What Kind You Can Freeze
12.Nhoque Freezing In Open
13.Modo of Pack the Frozen Gnocchi
14.Nhocão -Same Potato Gnocchi pasta
15.Nhocão Stuffed with ground beef and cheese
16.Nhocão Stuffed With Ham and Mozzarella
17.Molho White For gnocchi Ricotta
18.Nhoque With Tomato Sauce to Sugo
19.Nhoque With Sauce Bolognese
Traditional 20.Nhoque With Two Sauces
21.Nhoque Potato Different
22.Nhoque Yam
23.Nhoque Yam and Other
24.Nhoque Ricotta With Several Different Sauces
25.Nhoque Ricotta With Spinach
26.Nhoques Ricotta Cheese With Various Special
27.Nhoque Ricotta Special
28 Piroques Gnocchi for Soup
29.Sopa With Gnocchi Polish
30.Nhoque Loaf
Menu - Potato
01 - straw potatoes - fried sticks in hot oil
02 - Fried potatoes into very thin slices
03 - Potato chips into thick strips of 5 cm
04 - Baked potato sautéed in pieces, passed in butter and before serving sprinkle chopped parsley.
05 - Potato gratin - cooked in thick slices (half a centimeter)
with white sauce or sour cream, topped with grated cheese, grated in the large drain, or slices of mozzarella.
06 - Salpicão potato - potatoes, carrots, green beans, cooked in small cubes, celery, onion. chopped parsley and choosy and fruits, grape seedless, pineapple, apple and mayonnaise sauce, sour cream or yogurt.
07 - potato mayonnaise with tuna or boiled chicken and vegetables cooked to taste (do not put corn and carrots) if using on
Next. mayonnaise with yoghurt or sour cream.
08 - potato dough pie - baked potato squeezed mixed with eggs, salt, flour, yeast, butter, ground beef filling, sausage, onions, tomatoes and spices to taste.
09 - stuffed baked whole potato with ground beef braised with onions, tomatoes and spices, sprinkled with grated cheese.
10 - Baked potato sliced in half stuffed with mozzarella ham ground with take and grated cheese sauce.
11 - potato into large cubes sautéed with oil, tomato, onion, oregano, salt, pepper to taste.
12- big potatoes roasted in shell, then put stuffing to taste
Ground beef with grated cheese, cheese catupi ham, cheeses 4 2 2 soft and hard.
13 - Potato souffle with spinach and cheese grated or diced, or sweet potato souffle with ground meat and spices.
14 - Potato baked in slices layered with spinach cream, aferventado squeezed and crushed with milk, maiseina, grated cheese and a layer of ham into thin slices or ground.
15 - cooked whole potatoes peeled, seasoned with salt, olive oil and mustard, or ketchup.
16 - Potato pancake made with grated potatoes in the large drain, fry in a spoon then add beaten eggs, make the fry.
17 - small potato gnocchi with tomato sauce and plenty of onion.
18 - Nnhoque potato with spinach - 2 cup mashed potatoes with 1 spinach, grated cheese, eggs, flour, salt.
19 - Simple Mashed potatoes, or with sour cream and grated cheese
20 - Mixed puree, mashed potatoes with cooked and squeezed carrot.
21 - Mixed puree, mashed potatoes with boiled cassava and squeezed
22 - potato stew cubes, with ground beef, onion, tomato, spices to taste.
23 - Nhocão potato stuffed with ham and mozzarella with tomato sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese.
24 - potato Nhocão stuffed with ground meat, grated cheese and tomato sauce
25 - baked whole potato with slices of cod, grilled cream.
26 - potato with stewed chicken with tomato sauce, onion and seasonings to taste.
27 - mini potato bread, dough plus mashed potatoes, stuffed with cream cheese
28 - Fogaça, (pastel type) dough with yeast, squeezed potatoes, baked or fried ham with mozzarella filling.
29 - cooked potatoes with meat and tomato sauce pan.
30 - potato dumpling stuffed with ground beef braised with spices to taste.
31 - potato dumpling with cod, onion, parsley.
32 - potato dumpling stuffed with cod stew.
33- pancake pasta with boiled potatoes, 2 cups cooked and squeezed potatoes, 2 eggs, onion, salt and flour and a little milk, all whipped in a blender.
34. Mashed potatoes with roast pork loin, or cooked whole potatoes.
35. Mashed potatoes with fish fried calamari and lettuce leaves with tomato
Whole chicken 36- open the back, baked in beer with salt and oregano, with mashed potatoes or whole baked potato.
37- mixed potato salad, carrot, green beans, beets, peas, chayote, and eggs all cooked separate, black olives and palm
38- potato with bone-bucco, tomato sauce, green peas
39. Mashed cow tongue potato and tomato sauce with onion, broth
40- entire Baked potato with pork knuckle, sauerkraut, sausage, mustard.
41- whole baked potato or mashed potatoes with pork chop.
42- Sausage fried pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes.
43. Whole Baked potatoes with roasted shelled leg of lamb
44- Potatoes, carrots celery with lamb into pieces and gravy or tomato sauce.
45- mashed potato ring in the center tuna canned and drained the last layer of fruit into chunks, papaya, cantaloupe, kiwi.
46- small avocado cubes with boiled potatoes, mayonnaise sauce, served on avocado peel.
47- potato cake with chocolate syrup
48- slices of cooked sweet potatoes, fried then served with caramel syrup or molasses or honey.
49- oven gnocchi - gnocchi dough filling mozzarella and ham
50 - baked gnocchi - gnocchi dough filling of ground beef, tomatoes, grated cheese.
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