GNOCCHI -Simpatia the Gnocchi + gnocchi Baking Sheet
Every day 29 of each month is the day of eating gnocchi of luck.
Sympathy - "29th of each month" at lunch, put down your plate a note (money), ask for a free, do not tell anyone what you asked.
Save that money until the 29th of next month, into the bag or pocket without commenting to anyone.
Then take the money (notes) in the church of his devotion, thanking, even if you have not received grace.
If you have faith his grace is already under way.
Gnocchi Baking Sheet:
Option I:
1 kilo of potatoes asterix (pink) or fine steamed and pressed
4 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour, or necessary
2 tablespoons (soup) of cornstarch or flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of margarine
1 cup (tea) of warm milk (optional)
1 cup (tea) or grated cheese saucer
250 g. sliced or grated cheese musarela in the large drain
250 g. sliced or minced ham
Prepare the gnocchi so:
Place in a bowl and squeezed the cooked potatoes, add the flour, corn starch (cornstarch), margarine, grated cheese and milk gradually and slowly to give point to roll.
With the mass of gnocchi above, make ball size of the balls about the size of a small egg.
Open the dough in the palm hands put the stuffing of your choice, close bolear.
A large refractory put in deep enough tomato sauce over the stuffed gnocchi.
Which can be ball or another format, provided they do not run away size up.
A square of cheese plate with ham or musarela.
Can put braised chicken with cream cheese or spiced ground beef, cottage cheese with ham processed among others.
Way of preparing:
Grease with butter a rectangular terrine of 20 X 25 cm, with butter, lightly sprinkle flour or place a thin layer of tomato sauce.
The best option is to put a thick layer of tomato sauce.
II - Option:
Nhocão baking sheet:
Extend half the batter into the pan, greased and floured or tomato sauce.
Distribute over ham and musarela sliced or grated in the large drain (can be processed) or other filling your liking.
Braised chicken + cheese on top, ground beef, ground beef with vegetables (carrots, peas, green beans, onion, steamed cod, ricotta cheese with ham, and other filling to taste.
Place over the other half of the dough, flatten well, brush with butter.
Bring to medium oven to bake 180 ° C for 20'ou 25'minutos, or even blush.
Remove from the oven and still warm, pour tomato sauce with hot cooked meat, sprinkle grated cheese is (optional).
Previously people used the drizzling potatoes to make gnocchi, and so they wrote (gnocchi).
Why they claimed that smaller potatoes had smaller amount of water, wore little flour and was not hard.
Today with so much research, we have the special potatoes to make gnocchi, which is pink to (asterix) do not know the trade name right.
When you are reading may be that already has a more current potato own to make gnocchi (drier).
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