domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2016

Stuffed Chicken Thighs III - Options

Stuffed Chicken Thighs III - Options
6 large boneless chicken thighs
Other Ingredients:
1 glass of industrialized mayonnaise.
You can exchange the mayonnaise with a little ball of butter for each thigh
1 tablespoon of salt
1 tablespoon oregano
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 tablespoon of hot pepper or pepper sauce
I - Filling:
½ pound ricotta ricotta
100 grs. Of crushed ham
100 grs. Of grated mozzarella in thick coarse
50 grs. Of bacon (meat only, chopped fat)
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 raw egg
½ cup (tea) cooked spinach, chopped and chopped (optional)
II - Filling:
300 grs. Of ricotta ricotta
1 cup cooked spinach and minced
2 tablespoons (grated) grated cheese or
2 tablespoons of catupiry cheese
2 tablespoons (grated) onion, grated and squeezed
50 grs. Of bacon (meat only) minced
100 grs. Ground ham (optional)
III - Filling:
200 grs. Sliced ​​ham
200 grs. Of sliced ​​mozzarella
12 slices of ripe tomato, without the seeds
1 tablespoon oregano
Corn cream:
2 cups of cow's milk
2 to 3 tablespoons of corn starch
2 tablespoons (sour cream)
1 tablespoon butter, 1 pinch of nutmeg
1 can of corn drained, washed, or
200 g of fresh corn kernels

How to prepare Corn Cream:
Beat in the blender the corn with the milk, coar.
Then add the corn starch and the salt in the blender mixture.
Bring to the fire stirring constantly until cooking, if you want to add a pinch of nutmeg. To reserve.
While baking the thighs make the cream of corn
How to prepare chicken thigh:
Leave the skin of the thigh, remove the bone, cut the tendons and scrape the bone.
After the boneless thighs season with salt and the other seasonings, let it rest for 2 (two) hours.
How to Prepare I Filling:
Put in a bowl the kneaded ricotta, the ham, the mozzarella, the bacon the cheese grated the egg, mix well. Finally add the spinach and make the mixture, until a uniform mass.
Place the filling, tie with string or stick with a stick.
Bake in a greased baking dish.
The stuffing is turned down and skin up, cover with enough mayonnaise.
Preheat oven to 180 ° C for 20 minutes or until baked.
Do not let it bake too hard.
If you want you can cover it with aluminum foil.
Taking 10 minutes before to give a blush.
How to Prepare II - Filling:
Make the filling the same as above and the same procedure as above.
How to prepare III- Filling:
Put on a board 1 or 2 slices of ham then 1 or 2 slices of mozzarella and top with the slices of tomato sprinkle oregano, wrap.
Place on a greased baking sheet with the filling facing down and skin up.
Cover with plenty of mayonnaise.
If you do not want to use mayonnaise, place a small ball of butter on top.
Bake in the oven, just like the previous ones.
See the procedure above.
It accompanies white rice, and cream of corn,
You can substitute rice for potatoes cooked whole, seasoned with salt and olive oil and chopped parsley,
Do not forget to serve with a good salad of green leaves, light and dark, cherry tomatoes.
* If you want you can make fruit ball with the ballast *:
Melon, mango, apple, papaya, watermelon pear.
Put lemon juice on the apple and pear to keep it dark.
In place of the ham can put boiled and braised chicken.
You can use boned thigh and overcoat.

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