Chest of Smoked Turkey or Roll of Peru + III Fillings
1 large smoked turkey breast or other bird
Sliced thinly sliced
Cheese Filling:
1 box of small catupiry cheese
100 grs. Of grated Parmesan cheese
100 grs. Of pecorino cheese, or gorgonzola
1 can of sour cream with whey
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon finely chopped basil
3 tablespoons (soup) of parsley with the chopped stem, put before serving the dish.
1 cup of kirche (cherry brandy) or white wine
Way of preparing:
Beat the catupiry cheese with the cream in the batter, the butter with the parmesan cheese and the gorgonzola.
If it gets too hard add more cream.
If it gets too soft add more grated Parmesan cheese, until it forms a thick cream.
Once the cream cheese is ready, add the Kirche and the basil.
While not using the cream cheese keep in the refrigerator, covered with film paper.
To serve:
It can serve everything cold, that is, the turkey breast and the cheese sauce
Put the turkey breast in a butter-filled refractory, go to a layer of sliced smoked turkey, another layer of sauce, until finished.
The last layer is a sauce and top with grated parmesan cheese.
Bring to the oven to gratin, in preheated oven weak 150 º C until blush
Is (optional).
Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley
You can use turkey breast, chester and also chicken, baked
Or smoked.
White sauce:
2 cups hot cow's milk
2 tablespoons of wheat flour
2 tablespoons full of butter
How to prepare the sauce White:
Bring a pan to the heat, throw the butter and let it melt, add the flour, from the wheat stir well until cooked, then add the hot milk until forming a thick cream.
If it is not practical mix the milk out of the fire.
If you want you can add 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
* Can substitute half of cow's milk for sour cream *
If you want you can also take it to the oven for gratin.
III Option:
Ham pate filling:
L cup of (tea) ham pâté
2 cups cooked and ground chicken
L cup of dark raisins or
L cup of black plums in syrup, drained
L cup grated onion (tea), despise the juice
1 cup chopped green olives
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons of catupiry cheese (optional)
L pinch of grated nutmeg
Way of preparing:
Mix all the ingredients
Open the slices of the turkey breast, put a tablespoon of the filling
Make the rolls stuffed.
Arrange the turkey breast rolls on a platter and around finely chopped lettuce leaves and on top cherry tomatoes
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