quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2018

Follow-up - Sautéed Vegetable Salads + Photos

Follow-up - Sautéed Vegetable Salads + Photos

I Oition:

Cucumber Salad with Parsley and Tomato
2 Japanese cucumbers washed, shelled
Way of preparing:
Wash the cucumbers, wipe dry with paper towel,
Remove the peel with that own peeling device.
Hold the cucumber standing up and cut it up in several places, then click it. cut very thin. Horizontal.
Do this procedure until the end of the cucumber.
Season with salt, lemon and olive oil,
Some people do not put olive oil.
II Option:
Lettuce Bed Salad, Grated Carrot + Strawberry
1 foot lettuce 1 large carrot grated in the thick coarse several strawberries
Wash the lettuce. Dry, line the dish over grated peeled carrot.
III Option:
Salad of Chopped Raw Cabbage, Carambola and Tomato and Onion
Wash the cabbage, remove the stalk, wrap tightly tightly, place on top of a finely chopped kitchen board. Season the cabbage and onion with salt, lemon and olive oil
To mount the dish, make a bed with the cabbage, spread the onion and over the slices of carambola in the center a basket of tomatoes with black olives.
IV Option:
Basket of Tomatoes With Short Cucumber
Wash the tomatoes, remove the seeds with a spoon, rinse.Recheio pepnio sliced ​​seasoned with salt, lemon and olive oil.
V Option:
Cabbage Salad With Grated Carrot and Parsley
1/2 big white cabbage chopped thin
1 large carrot grated in the thin little device.
Parsley and chopped chives.
Wash the cabbage, place on top of a white plastic cooking board, cut well fininha.ou use your cutter.

VI Option:
Broccoli in Ship and Carrot Cut into cubes
1 plate background of broccoli in ships,
2 medium carrots cut into cubes;
Place the broccoli in a plastic bag with 6 tablespoons of cold water.
Tie the bag, stick with a fork in several places, put on top of a dish to microwave for 6 'minutes.
Allow to cool slightly before opening.
Do the same with the carrot
Drain the water to saute the separated vegetables with 1 spoon of butter and a small onion ..
VII Option:
Italian Zucchini Ralada no Ralo Grosso
2 medium zucchini
1 small onion cut
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons corn starch (optional)
½ cup water if necessary.
Put a medium pan on the fire with oil, pour the onion along with the zucchini, go braising and if necessary add slowly and slowly the water.
Leave on the fire until cooking.

If you want it to be creamy mix the corn starch with a little water.
Pour over cooked zucchini.
Bring to the heat stirring constantly until cooking
Zucchini accompanies any daily dish;
VIII Option:
Eggplant Salad, Cauliflower, Lettuce and Other
1 large eggplant with peel in thin strips cooked
1 small cauliflower
1 raw red pepper in strips
1peet of lettuce
1 cup of black olives
Can cook eggplant and cauliflower in microwave, See above in other recipe.
Season before all the ingredients except for the olive.
Distribute in a dish of stainless in the bottom the eggplant on top the cauliflower and the bell peppers around the lettuce.

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