sábado, 13 de maio de 2017

Roasted Veal or Stew II Options

Roasted Veal or Stew II Options
I Option:
 1 kilo or (to taste) of veal cut into pieces of 2 X 2 centimeters
 1 glass of good quality red wine
 300 to 500 grams of preserved or fresh mushrooms
Seasonings and Others:
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons cornstarch (cornstarch)
1 tablespoon (dessert) of salt for each pound of meat
1 tablespoon of sweet paprika or
1 teaspoon of spicy paprika
1 cup chopped parsley
½ cup finely chopped chives
1 cup of tea stock (homemade)
3 garlic cloves, if old, remove the crumb
Other ingredients:
300 to 500 grs. Preserved mushrooms, drained washed and cut in half
! Glass of dry red wine of good quality, (do not put any poor quality wine that spoils your veal dish)

Way of preparing
Sauté the veal in the butter, then add the broth.
When the meat is almost cooked add the wine, the mushrooms. Leave on the fire for another 5 minutes, approximately.
Thicken with cornstarch diluted with the cream.
Serve on a platter and top with parsley and chopped chives.
Roasted turnip and carrot salad or cucumber and radish grated or cut into thin slices.
II Option:
Roasted veal
A veal of 2 to 3 whole kilo
Salt 1 tablespoon (dessert) shallow for pound of meat.
Season like the previous recipes, leave in the refrigerator inside a plastic bag turning from time to time.
If you want you can put enough fresh herbs, parsley, rosemary, mint, basil and others to your liking, beat in the blender with oil. Leave in refrigerator for 6 to 12 hours.
Bring to baking covered with foil, 40 'minutes for each pound, 30' minutes before finishing remove the aluminum foil to blush.
You can put it before baking slices of bacon on top, it is optional.
Roasted veal accompanies a sweet farofa
Can serve with pasta with dry mushroom sauce 100 grs. (Leave to soak with water at night) drain, wash well. Refresh with onion, oil and seasonings to taste, broth. Accompany Green salad with cherry tomatoes and raw carrots grated in thin wires (own appliance).

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