sexta-feira, 31 de março de 2017

Consumption of Nonna

Consumption of Nonna

Consume Only with Broth or Chicken

Consumption of Beef:
1 pound of muscle, or the meat of your choice
A large bone with marrow (optional) ask the butcher to cut into 3 equal pieces.
4 liters of cold water.
Other Ingredients:
1 whole carrot peeled,
1 garlic, cut in half and then into pieces,
4 celery butches with the leaves, and cut into large pieces.
2 onions, 8 cloves (sauté on each onion 4 cloves),
3 cloves garlic, whole peeled
2 thinly sliced ​​ginger slices,
4 to 6 tomatoes cut into 4 parts,
1 tablespoon of salt.
2 bay leaves,
2 fresh mint sticks, and 2 fresh basil (place the two fresh herbs only at the end of the baking). Optional.
1 bunch of parsley with whole stem and chives.
1 piece of cinnamon in stick of 10 centimeters, (optional)
Way of preparing:
Putting in a large cauldron, raw meat and bones, letting it cook for an hour or two, depends on the size of the pieces of meat.

After the cooked meat, remove
In the remaining broth put more cold water.
Wash the vegetables, carrot, onion, garlic, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, parsley and chives and salt also the cinnamon sticks.
Put the vegetables in the cooking broth of the meat and bones.
Bring to a high heat until boiling. Put the fire down.
Cook until vegetables are cooked.
After all well cooked, let cool.
Strain into a deep sieve. Divide the broth into several pots, or in a large tuperware, to freeze.
After the broth is frozen, remove all the fat on top with a spoon.
Freezing for 2 months.
The remaining broth consumes.

How to Serve Consume:
Only the defatted hot liquid is consumed.
II Option:
Serve very hot with crótons without any oil or olive oil.
You can sprinkle grated cheese on top (optional).
You can cook the meat in pressure cooker which reduces cooking time, however, does not get the same taste.
If you are cooking in pressure cooker split into two large pans.
Recapping you may want to cook the meat in the pressure cooker for 20 'to 30 minutes.
Remove the meat and let the vegetables cook for 15 minutes. Then strain. The vegetables use for another soup the meat make a salad with onion, chives parsley
Consumption of Old Chicken or Rooster:
2 whole chickens with bones, feet, (without fingernails) (discard liver and gizzard and neck), or thighs with overcoats, without skins
1 liter of cold water. Without salt.
Other Ingredients:
2 whole carrots, 1 head of whole peeled garlic, 2 large onions, 8 cloves (put 4 on each onion), 2 slices of grated ginger, 2 bay leaves, 1 pore garlic, whole cut into four by length, 1 branch of 5 cm cinnamon, 4 celery stalks with leaves, cut into large pieces .4 ripe tomatoes, cut into 4 pieces, 1 small turnip cut into thick slices (optional) 1 bunch of parsley and chives, uncut.
Way of preparing;
Wash the chickens, remove the skins, cut into pieces, do the same with the vegetables.
Put everything inside a large pressure cooker or 2 medium sized pots, covered with water.
Be careful not to put too much water.
See marking the pan (where it holds the handle), 1 (one) centimeter below the last bolt.
Leave to cook for 30 minutes. When it's all cooked. Allow to cool inside the pan.
Remove the pieces of meat, then boning. Book it.
Strain everything into a deep sieve. Place the broth in one or two turperware with lid. Take the refrigerator for 6 to 12 hours so that the fat is hardened over
Then remove with the aid of a spoon all the fat that remained on top of the broth ..
If you want to use then do it the day before or in the morning to be able to remove the fat.
To serve consume (which is only liquid) Use a clay bowl, or cup with two wings.
Put a pinch of salt, and the crótons without oil.
If you want you can sprinkle on top, some parmesan cheese
Bread in cubes cut 1 centimeter, toast in the oven or the frying pan.
Do not put in the crótons, oil or olive oil.
Chicken soup:
If you want to use the broth without the fat, to make chicken soup, place 1 small carrot, cut into cubes, 1 stalk of celery without leaves and 1 clove pore cut into thin slices, 4 tomatoes cut into 4, and ½ cup of Washed rice
Cover the pan, as soon as you raise the boil, lower the pin. Then lower the heat, leave to cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, let cool in the pan.
Do not place celery leaves that clog the pressure cooker valve.
For each 1 (one) liter of broth corresponds to half a cup of rice.
To serve the soup, put a clay dish in the bowl and underneath.

Italian Winter Soup With Rectified Pancakes

Italian Winter Soup With Rectified Pancakes

Make a broth of meat:
See below how to prepare the broth.

1 or ½ pound of muscle, cut into pieces
3 liters of cold water. See below for muscle replacement

Other Ingredients:
2 carrots, cut into 2 pieces each
2 celery stalks, cut into 4 parts with leaves
1 onion, cut into 4 parts
2 cloves of crushed garlic (if old) without crumb
1 whole pore garlic cut into 4 pieces
2 bay leaves,
3 slices of ginger.
1 piece of cinnamon stick (optional)
If you want you can use 2 to 4 tablets of beef broth in place of the muscle, be sure to put the vegetables.
Way of preparing:
Cook the muscle in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes. In ordinary pan for 1 hour, Coar.
Use only the broth with the vegetables, to give flavor.
Discard all the ingredients that remained in the sieve, then freeze, use on another occasion.
Meat can make a salad with plenty of onion and parsley. The vegetables can hit the blender and make another soup tempered

Pancake :

1 large glass of cow's milk
1 cup sifted wheat flour
2 large eggs, 1 tablespoon oil (optional)
Salt to taste,
1 pinch of chemical baking powder (optional)
1 pinch of sugar to color the dough


300 to 200 grs. Of grated Parmesan cheese

How to Prepare Pancake:

Beat all the ingredients in the blender or with the whisk, the dough becomes almost liquid.
Grease a large frying pan with oil, bring to the heat until heat, remove excess with paper towel.
Pour a dough into the skillet, so that it picks up the edges, turning the pan.
Let it flush, turn around and repeat the operation on the other side.
Put the pancakes between two napkins.
Then cut them with small stainless steel cut.
Or with the mouth of a very small glass of 3 to 5 centimeters.

If you want you can double the amount of ingredients in the dough.
Put the filling, it's just a layer of grated cheese.
Roll up, it's the size of a cigarette.

To Serve Individual:

Place in a bottom plate 4 (four) to 6 (six) minis pancakes and over the concentrated hot meat stock.
Top with sprinkled grated Parmesan cheese.
If you want you can make the pancakes green, yellow or red, by putting the raw or powdered vegetables, spinach, carrot, beetroot.

segunda-feira, 27 de março de 2017

Zuppa di cipolle Crema + Filtri

Zuppa di cipolle Crema + Filtri


1 ½ chilo di cipolla tagliata a fettine sottili
2 litri di brodo fatto in casa o
2 compresse da brodo
2 cucchiai (zuppa) di burro o olio

ingredienti facoltativi:

2 cucchiai (zuppa) di farina poco profonda
1 tazza (tè) latte freddo

Altri ingredienti ::

300 grammi. di parmigiano grattugiato, o per il gusto
sfondo Crotons 1 piastra (cubetti di pane tostato) un centimetro
1 tazza di prezzemolo tritato (opzionale)

Come si prepara:

Sbucciare le cipolle, lavare, tagliare a fettine sottili
Soffriggere la cipolla nel burro o olio fino appassito.
Aggiungere il brasato brodo di carne fatto in casa, lasciare il fuoco fino a quando la cipolla è ben cotta. Battere tutto in un frullatore.

* Quando il brodo di carne fatto in casa, non aggiungere le compresse di brodo *
Si tratta di una crema densa, prendere il calore per 5'minutos, se avete bisogno di addensare con 2 cucchiai di farina di frumento o amido di mais sciolto nel latte o acqua fredda.
Modo di servire la zuppa:

Servire la zuppa in cumbuca argilla con una credenza (piatto piano di sotto) e oltre i brindisi e poi parmigiano grattugiato.
Se si può guarnire con prezzemolo tritato è (opzionale), o
Se si riesce a battere una tazza di tè di prezzemolo nel frullatore, poi filtrare, mescolare con crema di cipolle.

serva a caldo

La zuppa di cipolle è servita in inverno. E 'di origine francese
Francia zuppa di cipolle, non viene colpito in un frullatore.
Per tagliare la cipolla affettata è o può tagliare in piccoli pezzi
I Crotons sono crostino.
Se i cubetti di pane non sono arrostiti, prendere l'argilla cumbuca il forno a tostare.
Prima di servire cospargere parmigiano grattugiato sulla parte superiore

Hit la zuppa di cipolle in un frullatore è facoltativo.

Onion Cream Soup + Tips

Onion Cream Soup + Tips


1 ½ pound onion cut into thin slices
2 liters of homemade beef broth or
2 tablespoons beef broth
2 tablespoons butter or oil

Optional Ingredients:

2 tablespoons of wheat flour
1 cup cold milk

Other Ingredients ::

300 grs. Grated Parmesan cheese or to taste
1 bowl bottom of crotons (cubes of toasted bread) one centimeter
1 cup chopped parsley (optional)

Way of preparing:

Peel the onions, wash, chop into thin slices
Fry the onion in butter or oil until wilted.
Add the sautéed beef broth to the stew, leave on the heat until the onion is well cooked. Beat everything in the blender.

* If you put the homemade beef broth, do not add the beef broth tablets *
Get a thick cream, take it for 5 minutes, if necessary thicken with 2 tablespoons of wheat flour or corn starch dissolved in milk or cold water.
How to Serve the Soup:

Serve the soup in clay crockery, with a dresser (shallow dish underneath) and over the toast and then grated parmesan cheese.
If desired you can sprinkle with chopped parsley is (optional), or
If you want you can whip a cup of parsley tea in the blender, then strain it with the onion cream.

Be very hot.


The onion soup is served in winter. It is of French origin
In France the onion soup is not beaten in the blender.
To cut the onion is in slices or can cut into small pieces
Crotons are cubes of toasted bread.
If the cubes of bread are not roasted, take the clay dumplings to the oven for toasting.
Before serving sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top

Hitting the onion soup in the blender is optional.

Green Soup Soup - Rectified + Photo

Green Soup Soup - Rectified + Photo


To Make Soup Broth:
300 grs. Muscle or lean meat or
2 tablespoons beef broth
2 to 3 liters of cold water.

Other Ingredients:

500 grs. Of potatoes cooked and squeezed, cook in the soup stock if it is shelled.
1 or 2 cooked cuts, sliced ​​without skins
50 grs. Of fried bacon in cubes
1 bunch of cabbage ripped about 10 medium leaves
1 large onion, grated or chopped

Way of preparing:

Put the potatoes in the shell to cook
Peel the potatoes and go through the juicer
Put the paio to cook covered with water, after cooked remove the skin throw the water off.
Fry the bacon and add the fat to the broth.
The fried bacon reserve to put on top of the soup before serving
Put the homemade stock on the fire, when it boils, add the boiled and squeezed potatoes, the onion, the sliced ​​bread.
Leave on the stove for fifteen minutes
Add the chopped cabbage or chopped finely, let it boil, let it cook until the cabbage softens for 5 minutes.
Serve very hot in clay crockery, with a side dish shallow dishwasher.
Put on the green broth spread fried bacon and crotons (toasted cubes).


Green broth is strong winter soup.

For those who are doing regime suspend the bacon and the paio.
Put a spoonful of olive oil.

Soup Broth, Meat, Fish and Other + Tips - VI Options

Soup Broth, Meat, Fish and Other + Tips - VI Options
I -Option:
Bones Broth Beef
See below broth with beef
2 pounds of fat-free cow bones, larger bones ask the butcher to cut into several pieces
You can add pieces of meat
Bones that have marrow.
1 whole large onion with or without well washed shell
1 head of garlic with or without well washed skin
1 bunch of green scent, 2 bay leaves, 5 ginger slices, 1 cinnamon sticks.
"Do not use industrialized broth."
How to Prepare the Bone Broth:
Put all the ingredients in a large cauldron, let cook for 2 to 5 hours, increasing the water if necessary.
Once cooked coar, despise all other ingredients from the sieve or vegetable drier.
Do not cook in the pressure cooker

II - Option:
Shrimp broth:
1 pound well-washed shrimp in running water, thoroughly wash the heads, remove the eyes.
2 liters of cold water.
How to prepare: the Shrimp Broth:
Put the shrimp shells in an ordinary pan, bring to a boil until the water turns pink. Coar book.
Use for dishes that go either shrimp or seafood.
Strained shrimp broth is great for flavoring rice.
III - Option:
Fish soup:
2 large heads of fish, (without the eyes), with fins and fish flaps.
1 medium carrot, chopped into slices
2 celery stalks with leaves cut into 5 centimeter pieces
1 garlic pore, remove the white portion use for another recipe, use the remainder bare cut into pieces.
1 large onion cut into 4 parts by length
4 large tomatoes cut into 4 pieces.
2 bay leaves
1 bunch of tossed parsley and chives
1 whole finger pepper
Way of preparing:
Put all the ingredients inside a large saucepan boil for 30 minutes, or until all ingredients are cooked, Coar.
Discard all ingredients from the sieve.
Store the broth inside several tuperware, bring the freezer to use when needed.
You can thicken the soup with cassava flour or cornmeal. The ratio is half a spoon to a glass of broth.
With the Caldo do Peixe You can also do Pirão:

The ratio is 1 cup of cold broth, dissolve 1 tablespoon of cassava flour.
If you want you can put the flour in the rain slowly and slowly so as not to get stuck.
To take to the fire stirring always with a spoon of long handle, until cooking, is a thick cream.
When finished add parsley with the minced stem.
Pour hot on a platter or bowl of dishware or stainless steel.
IV- Option:
-Balance of True Meat:
1 kg of lean ground beef
1 or 2 liters of water
Way of preparing:
Put in a large saucepan the two ingredients cook for 60 minutes, then strain. Use broth to make soup.
The residue that remained in the sieve make meat dumplings, I add eggs, milk, flour and a crisp breaded wet and squeezed a bit of baking powder-
V - Option
Broth of Meat - Soup:
1 or ½ pound of muscle cut into medium pieces
1 or 2 liters of cold water
1 carrot, peeled, cut into slices
2 whole unshelled potatoes
1 garlic only white piece cut into pieces
2 stalks of celery with leaves
4 tomatoes cut into 4 each
2 bay leaves1 packet of parsley and chives
1 whole finger pepper

How to Prepare the Soup:
Cook the muscle in the pressure cooker for about 40 minutes.
If you want you can fry the muscle before, then add hot water. Frying the muscle the pan does not get dirty on the edges.
After the cooked muscle, remove from the pan, pass to a bowl temperar as it was salad, with plenty of onion and parsley with the stalks chopped very small, garlic, vinegar and olive oil. Put the beef salad separated from the soup.
The rest of the ingredients, put in the pressure cooker for 15 minutes. Coar in the vegetable dressing (Book)
Return the broth to the pan, put a half cup of rice, or noodles for soup. Before serving, return with the cooked vegetables and leave to the fire until very hot.

VI - Option:
Kid's Broth
1 or 2 kilos of kid's bones and kid's meat slices.
2 liters of water.
Seasonings to taste
Cook the kid's bones and leftovers with water and some seasonings. Coar in the vegetable colander.
Then you can use the kid's broth to cook raw cow's tail without the bones.
If you want to give a boil on the tail, throw the water out, remove the fat and cook again with the kid's broth is ideal.
To the surprise, the tail tastes like a kid.
Sauté the already cooked tail with seasonings and tomatoes to taste.
See in the next publications, to make soups with mocotó broths, Beans, peas, chickpeas;

quinta-feira, 23 de março de 2017

Chocolates or Tablets With Amendocrem and Rice Flakes

Chocolates or Tablets With Amendocrem and Rice Flakes


500 ml of honey or Karo
500 grs. To amend

Other Ingredients:

200 grs. Of rice flakes
500 grs. Melted milk chocolate

How to prepare Filling:

Mix the honey with the whipping mass, bring to the boil until boiling, leave for 2 minutes.
Remove from the heat add the rice flakes, mixing well.
Grease a rectangular shape with butter, pour the dough of the bonbon, spread well, so that it is uniform.
After well spread in the form, bring to chill for 2 to 4 hours, or until firm.
Remove from the refrigerator when it is firm, cut into strips 10 x 3 inches, or cut to your liking.
Melting Chocolate Mode:
In separate take the chopped chocolate to melt in a water bath, or in the microwave with the instructions of the apparatus, see below.

To pass the bonbons in the melted chocolate holding with the own fork, to leave to drain well, to put on paper of butter or aluminum paper, to leave to dry.
Then wrap with paper lead and back with colored cellophane paper, red, blue, yellow, green, dark blue, gray lilac and others.
If you want you can use rectangular shape that are all wrinkled.
Place the melted chocolate in the rectangular shapes until the mouth, turn to drain the excess ..
Bring the already drained dishes clean the edges turn upside down, place on foil, bring the refrigerator for about 2 minutes.
Remove from the refrigerator the filling, tighten well, then cover with melted chocolate, put the spatula over the top to hit the edges, take the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
The filling can be shaped separately, then put inside the pans and bathe with chocolate.
Recapping, the rectangular molds should already be with a melted chocolate shell, before putting the filling.

Never wrap chocolate (candy) or tablets with cellophane paper (colored) with the chocolate, there is the dye on the paper.
With transparent cellophane paper you can wrap without fear of making a mistake.
If it is to melt the chocolate in the microwaves do not use glass bowl that heats a lot and can lose its ingredient.
Use plastic bowl
Tips To Make Bonbons:
Use two equal shapes with 12 pieces each filling the 9 and then tilting the shape so that the chocolate covers the remaining 3.
Put the other form empty turn to fill it the other way.
Pass the spatula to wipe the chocolate that was out of the forms,
Scrape the spatula with chocolate in the way it was melted.

Bonuses or Tablets II Options for Beginner + Tips

Bonuses or Tablets II Options for Beginner + Tips

I Option:

Traditional Coco Tablet:

250 grs. Lightly melted white fondant
250 grs. Of dry coconut grated and hydrated
1 tablespoon warm water to moisten the coconut
3 to 5 tablespoons well filled with condensed milk, or what is needed
1 teaspoon of Rhum essence


500 grs. Melted milk chocolate


Various shapes of transparent plastic of rectangular chocolate
If you want you can make chocolates.

How to prepare the filling:

Start watering the coconut with a tablespoon of warm water, until it is very moist.
In a bowl, add the fondant with the coconut already moistened, add the condensed milk until the point of curling, finally the essence of Rhum.
Put the filling in the appropriate dishes, take to chill in the refrigerator, for 15 minutes. Can not take to freeze in the freezer.

Then remove from the molds and a bath of melted chocolate.
Put the bonbons or the tablets inside the pot of melted chocolate, remove with the own fork for chocolate.
To dry the bonbons put on paper of butter or foil.
If you like you can make the bonbons in the molds, having previously given a bath of melted chocolate, take the refrigerator for 2 minutes to form a thin shell, mold the filling in the hands and place inside the cups after a chocolate bath.
After dry wrap first with red lead paper, then with red cellophane paper ..
Do not use direct colored cellophane (together) with chocolate.
Colored cellophane paper has harmful health ink.

Stuffing Leftovers:

The rest of the mass of the prestige stuffing, wrap with paper wrap, store in the refrigerator door.
The dough always hardens, to return to add a little water or some warm milk.

II Option:
Chocolate Tablet With Ovomaltine:


1 can of milk powder whole nest
1 can of condensed milk
200 grs. Of ovomaltine, malt flavor
2 tablespoons margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 tablespoons Karo
2 tablespoons of cow's milk
The cow's milk is to give point of curling

Way of preparing:

Mix all ingredients, put the dough in the middle of two plastic sheets
Open the dough on the plastics with a roll of pasta
Cut out rectangles of 7 x 3 centimeters
Bring the refrigerator for 30 minutes to harden
After it has hardened remove with a spatula


300 grs of melted milk chocolate

Cut the chocolate with a thin knife.
Put half the chopped chocolate in a very dry pan in a water bath, after it has dissolved, add the other chopped part, stir well.
To know when to turn off the fire is when to start to get ball and the temperature should be at 50 degrees ..
To measure the temperature of the chocolate, place on the wrist, or under the lower lips if it is cold is at the right point
Take a shower on the tablets, let it drain well on a grill
After dry wrap with clear cellophane paper.
Do not use colored cellophane paper along with chocolate, (always on the outside) that is, after packing it has detrimental health ink.

If it is to melt the chocolate in the microwaves do not use glass that heats a lot and can burn the chocolate.
Use plastic bowl to melt the chocolate in the microwave.

quarta-feira, 22 de março de 2017

* Suggestion for Holy Week Rectified *

* Suggestion for Holy Week Rectified *
Codfish Menu 40 Recipes + Tips

01. Portuguese-style codfish, potatoes, kale, eggs, purple olives, olive oil etc.
02.Bacalhau Baked in the oven or Grilled in the Churrasqueira
03.Blaced White Sauce Modified Gratin
04. Cod with Sophisticated Sauce
05. Cod with tomato sauce
06 Traditional Grilled Codfish
07. Doré cod (passed in the flour after eggs beaten
08. Baked or Grilled Beef with Various Vegetables
09.Bacalhau with Chickpeas, Mushrooms, Parsley, Onion, Purple Olives.
10. Cod with Vinaigrette Sauce
11. Cod With White Sauce + Curiosity
12. Cod With Sophisticated Sauce + Puree
13.Balloon shape with potato chili eggs, purple olives.
14. Antonieta's shellfish
15. Shrimp biscuit shredded with parsley, onion capers
16.Bacalhau da Serra
17. Violeta II shell options + photo updated
18. Breaded Cod
19. Fried Cod With Potatoes and Peas and other vegetables
20. Lá Riva cod (oven with red yellow peppers, onion, olives, capers
21. Cod in Moranga with cream sauce, Ketchup
22. Modified Moranga cod
23.Bacalhau na Morango Updated on 03/22/17.
24.Bacalhau - Fish Miscellaneous Crustacean and Seafood List
25.Black of True Portuguese Codfish
26. Mom's Codfish Bowl
27. List of Cod and Other Fish
28. Vera Helena Cod Codfish Options
29. Codfish with Special White Beans
30.Tattle With Cod Filling With Potato Dough
31.Salted Cod, with capers, parsley, onion, mushroom
32. Cod Salad Rectified on 03. 22.17
33.Sport Cod Spirits
Simple Codfish Splash
35. Torta or Codfish Tartlets with Puff Pastry.
36 Cod Pie With Lean Mass.
37. Torta or Codfish with Special Rotten Pasta
38. Cod Tortilla With Lardy Pasta With Lard
39.Baralhau do Fernando With Various Vegetables
40. Nonna's baked potato with carrot potatoes, broccoli, boiled eggs, onion, black olives,
Stuffing or Pasta Sauce:
Make a stew with shredded cod, with tomato, onion, chopped parsley, green olives in thin rods.
If you want to put grated cheese or curd.
The sauté is used for filling pies, pasteis, coxinhas, panqueca. Raising the sauce serves to make a pasta with codfish sauce.
All the above recipes are in my blogs or Facebook on my page Nonna Antonieta's Chest,
All recipes that have stars are rectified.

Cod in Moranga with Cottage cheese

Cod in Moranga with Cottage cheese


1 kilo of cod in batches soaked for 12 hours, changing the water twice
½ pound creamy curd

1 (one) Average Moranga

For the Sauce:

Half a kilo of skinless and seedless tomato, or
1 can of industrialized concentrated sauce - dilute with 3 cans of water, leave on the fire until halved
½ cup corn oil
2 cups grated onion or grated onion
1 cup (tea) parsley with the small chopped stalk
1 teaspoon finely chopped chives
1 cup of water
1 thinly sliced ​​pork garlic
2 stalks of celery cut into thin slices without leaves
1 tablespoon of capers


1 tablespoon of salt
1 teaspoon or grated fresh ginger (soup)
½ teaspoon ground coffee or 2 bay leaves.
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon powder (optional)
1 or ½ fingered seedless pepper and without the white streaks finely chopped.

Choose Only One Ingredient:

½ pound of mushrooms or heart of palm, artichoke bottom, asparagus in all canned, drained and
Washed in running water chopped.
Use only one ingredient from the list above.

How to prepare the Cod:

Sauté the cod with the onion in a little oil, Reserve.
In another fry pan, the pore garlic, the celery, the tomatoes, add the ginger to the bay leaf.
In a large saucepan place the cod and the ingredients of the other pan, if necessary add a little hot water.
To leave in the fire until being a thick sauce, when it is 5 'minutes to retire from the fire add the cinnamon powder, finally the parsley and the scallion mixes well.
After ready add the chopped mushrooms in half, the capers and one of the chopped and chopped ingredients.

Important warning:

When to use the ready industrialized sauce boil in separate pan with 3 cans of water, a medium carrot, or 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Some people use baking soda (one teaspoon), until cut in half.
Do not use baking soda in the pressure cooker, foam too much and clog the pot risk of accident

After it has reduced by half, add to the cod sauce.
1 medium-sized moranga

How to Prepare the Moranga:

Cut the lid off the strawberry, remove all seeds, wash well inside and out, then dry with a napkin or paper towel.

Grease with oil, the peel of the pumpkin with the lid, wrap with foil.
Bake at 120 ° C for approximately one hour.
Checking the cooking from time to time, so that the morsels do not overcook and darken.
Let it melt.
Dry on the inside with paper towel or with a napkin.
Remove the moranga from the oven, cover with curd cheese.
Then pour the sautéed cod with the sauce, top with curd.
Bake for 20 minutes,

Follow up:

White rice, watercress salad or
Lettuce, raw carrot, grated cherry tomatoes, and thinly sliced ​​onion.

You can make a salad grated in an appliance to be very long and thin with the following vegetables:
Carrot, beet, turnip, radish, among others.

The carrot contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins B1 B2. The vitamin B group has carotene, protects the skin and serves for natural tanning.


You can make Moranga with other fillings:
II Option:
Make the same sauce as above replace the cod with chicken, shrimp, crab, or other fish with no spine, (Cacao).
You can also do it with dried meat, pulled and shredded, with onion and other seasonings.
If you like you can cook the moraine in a large, high cauldron with plenty of water.
To know if it is cooked, stick a fork.
Do not leave too much kitchen that gets too soft, spoil.
Allow the water to melt to remove the strawberry, use two cloths of dishes.

terça-feira, 21 de março de 2017

Cod With No Chickpeas And Others Grilled + Photo

Cod With No Chickpeas And Others Grilled + Photo


1 kilogram of cod in batches soaked for 12 hours
Other Ingredients:
½ pound cooked chickpeas, if you want you can leave the skin
½ kilo of boiled potatoes cut into cubes or into balls
½ pound of pickled mushrooms, drained washed and chopped
½ pound frozen pea see below
6 boiled eggs, as soon as boiling, count 8 minutes
1 or 2 cups of purple (tea) olive pitted
1 or 2 cups (tea) parsley with chopped stem
1 teaspoon finely chopped green onion
1 cup chopped onion
½ cup whole or chopped capers
1 glass of extra virgin olive oil
½ cup red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon of salt (salt in moderation)
12 purple olives without the pits cut in half
1 whole cherry tomato bottom plate
2 feet of washed lettuce, dry with paper towel finely chopped
Used to bypass dish
Way of preparing:
Put the shredded cod covered with cold water for 24 hours inside the refrigerator, changing the water twice ..
The cod after desalted and drained, throw over boiling water leave for 3 'minutes inside the water, do not throw the water out.
Take the water from the cod to cook the potatoes.
Cook the eggs for 8 minutes to drain, leave with ice water for 5 'to 10' minutes. So that the peel loosens quickly.
Cut the eggs in half, on top of the yolk put half olive olive wedged.
Frozen green peas throw in the boiling water leave for 2 minutes or until "al dente".
In a large bowl, put the cod and chickpeas and peas drained, then add the potatoes, onions, mushrooms, parsley and chopped chives.
Season with olive oil, vinegar and a little salt.
Serving Mode:
In a large dish of stainless steel or dish distribute the leaves of finely chopped lettuce all around, the eggs cut in half.
In the middle of the yolk threading half purple olive without the overturned core (facing downwards).
Spread the bowl mixture above the dish.
Above the cherry tomatoes, and the capers, and the chopped purple olives. or
The last two ingredients can divide in two equal parts half in the cod and the other half over the salad. It is to your liking.
Mount the dish on the platter only when serving, so that the lettuce is not wilted.
Garnish with green pepper flowers, red and yellow, or finger pepper flower. See below.
See how it's done on my blogs.
Pepper Flower Finger:
1 medium potato with peeled cut the base to be firm in the dish
15 to 20 ripe finger peppers.
The same amount of toothpick
Way of doing:
Wear gloves, then discard (garbage), being careful not to put your fingers in the eyes.
Cut the stem of the pepper closely, insert a toothpick until the tip, leaving a space of 1 centimeter to stick the potato.
Place the first pepper well in the center of the potato and go around the one until the whole potato.
The size of the pepper flower depends on your taste, higher or lower.
With the same recipe with cod, potatoes and chickpeas and mushrooms can make stew.
The other ingredients serve the part.

segunda-feira, 20 de março de 2017

Roasted Rabbit With Vegetables III Options

Roasted Rabbit With Vegetables III Options

1 rabbit weighing two to three kilos
2% by weight of refined salt meat or 2 tablespoons (rasp)
1 handful of oregano
1 glass of white or black beer
1 plate full well, broccoli in baked bouquets
2 medium carrots cooked in thin slices
½ pound boiled potatoes with peel, then peeled
1 jar of canned asparagus drained, washed chopped in running water.
 1 cup of black olives without the pits, chopped in half.
Way of preparing:
Wash the rabbit well, cut into pieces, then season with salt, oregano and beer.
Put the seasoned rabbit in a refractory, take the refrigerator for 4 hours.
Remove the rabbit from the refrigerator, place in an aluminum foil lined with foil, with seasonings.
Cover with aluminum foil, leaving a slack not to stick to rabbit meat.
Bake putting 40 minutes in the preheated oven medium, 180 º C before taking out of the oven, remove the aluminum paper let blush.
Serve the cooked vegetables, lightly sliced ​​in butter with a pinch of salt.
Follow up:
I -Creme of Mushrooms
1 pound of fresh mushrooms
½ liter cream with whey
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons of wheat flour or cornstarch
How to prepare Cream I:
In a pan, put the butter and the cream, with the flour of wheat, well mixed
Bring to the fire in a water bath, do not boil, then add the mushrooms, cooked and drained
After the rabbit is roasted, place in a clay dish and top the sauce with the mushrooms
II Mushroom Cream
½ kilo of preserved mushrooms, drained, washed and chopped
300 ml of cow's milk
1 onion, grated or chopped
2 tablespoons corn oil
1 tablespoon full of corn starch, (cornstarch), or wheat flour
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese,
1 tablespoon of cheese for the cream and the other for the topping.
2 tablespoons (cream) cream, put after the cream ready.

How to Prepare Mushroom Cream II:
Fry the onion in the oil until wilted, add the mushrooms cut in half, then the corn starch dissolved in the milk, mix well until cooked, before the fire strips, add the cream, until a cream is homogeneous, sprinkle on top grated Parmesan cheese.

Serve the mushroom cream separately.
Serving Mode:
Serve with white rice, or potatoes cooked with salt, broccoli, cooked carrots, Brussels sprouts, canned asparagus, artichokes
III - Mushroom Sauce:
You can make a cream with half a liter of milk, two tablespoons of cornstarch and then put the cream with the whey and the sliced ​​mushrooms and grated cheese to taste and quite chopped parsley
If you like you can use canned mushroom, drained, washed and chopped.
The above process is to remove the additives, dyes and preservatives.
You can exchange the rabbit for chicken overcooked.

Mussaka Greek Dish + Tips

Mussaka Greek Dish + Tips
500 to 800 grs. Duck or soft ground crushed twice

½ cup corn oil to fry meat
1 liter of homemade tomato sauce, or
1 can of concentrated sauce, diluted with 1 liter of hot water
1 or 2 cups grated onion tea
1 cup thinly sliced ​​celery (optional)
1 thin sliced ​​pore, only the white part
1 piece of cinnamon stick or,
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons of broth, or salt to taste.
1 liter of hot water, to put slowly and slowly in the sauce
2 sprigs of basil (put only 10 minutes before the end of the sauce) (optional)
2 tablespoons of capers.
1 teaspoon of oregano (optional) put just before finishing cooking the sauce.
1 tablespoon (sugar) sugar, or a whole medium peeled carrot.
2 tablespoons corn oil or sunflower to fry the rest of the sauce ingredients
1 teaspoon grated ginger or to taste
2 fresh mint sticks (optional)
1 cup chopped black olives (optional)
Other Ingredients:
8 medium eggplants cut lengthwise into 1 cm slices
8 medium English potatoes cut into 1 cm slices
300 grs. Of mozzarella sliced ​​or grated in coarse
½ liter of white sauce, or to taste
Traditional White Sauce:
2 cups cold cow's milk
2 tablespoons of wheat flour
2 tablespoons butter
"It is always the same measure of fat and of wheat flour".

Way of preparing:
Melt the butter add the wheat flour, let it brown
Then slowly pour in the milk until it is finished.
If you do not have practice, mix it off the fire.
Then return to the fire stirring constantly until the flour is cooked
"The true White Sauce does not carry sour cream"
Modified White Sauce:
2 tablespoons butter,
7 tablespoons wheat flour
1 liter of cow's milk
L Can of cream without whey (optional) or curd.
"Approximate ratio: for each 20 grs. Of butter are 200 grs. Of wheat flour, the rest of the fat comes from the cream "
Way of preparing:
Bring to a boil over the butter to melt, then add the flour until golden, add the warm milk slowly out of the fire, return to the fire until cooked the flour.
Turn off the heat and add the cream without the whey.
How to prepare the sauce with the meat:
In a large saucepan, fry the meat well with half a glass of oil. To reserve.
In another pan fry the onion, then add the celery, the pore garlic, the cinnamon, the broth of crumbled meat, finally.
Add the ingredients of the two pots in the large saucepan.
Then add the tomato sauce and dripping hot water slowly and slowly, for at least 1 hour, until thick (thick) sauce.
When 10 minutes to finish cooking the sauce, add the basil, the mint twig, 2 bay leaves, add the capers, olives and oregano, grated ginger.
Before turning off the fire remove the herbs, and the bay leaves.
How to Mount the Plate:
Use a rectangular refractory.
First layer: 1 ½ large shell of tomato sauce with meat
Second baked potato sprinkle salt over top
Third eggplant grilled or fried or breaded with wheat flour.
Fourth mozzarella sliced ​​or grated in the thick drain.
Fifth tomato sauce and so on until finishing the layers.
The last one is white sauce, on top of mozzarella
Bake at 180 ° C for 20 to 30 minutes

domingo, 19 de março de 2017

Truffles or Bonbons with Pepper and Banana Jelly + Tips Rectified

Truffles or Bonbons with Pepper and Banana Jelly + Tips Rectified


500 grs. Of noble chocolate or bitter to milk
250 grs. Of cream in warm box
1 or 2 tablespoons of glucose or honey
1 or 2 tablespoons of cocoa or cognac liquor (optional)
Other Ingredients:
1 cup of banana paste or banana jelly
1 spoon of coffee (jelly) of pepper
Coverage For bonbons or truffles ::
500 grs. Of melted chocolate
Serves to make the candy bark
1 cup of chocolate (powdered) tea, do not serve chocolate, to pass on the truffles.
Way of preparing:
Chop and melt the chocolate, add the warm cream to glucose or honey, mix well.
Make the truffles, fill with banana, chocolate powder, If it's in the chocolates
Or in melted chocolate.
You can put the pepper jelly in the dough, or just over, or half a half.
The jelly is placed before the coating of chocolate or chocolate powder
* Bonbons are made in own molds for that purpose with melted chocolate coating *.
The truffles are unequal made in the hand, passed in chocolate powder.
Banana or pepper jelly can be industrialized.
Homemade Pepper Jelly:
100 grs. Of pepper finger, without the seeds and without the white veins crushed or chopped very small.
80 grs. Of sugar or to taste
1 stick of cinnamon
6 cloves, 2 slices of ginger
How to prepare Pepper Jelly:
Mix all the ingredients, take to the fire until forming the jelly, if you need to put some water.
If you prefer, make a thin gravy with the spices, then add the pepper to the fire until it forms a jelly. Allow to cool before use.
If you want you can make it with white chocolate.
Do you know what truffles?
It is a type of native potato harvested by dogs or pigs in cold weather. (Ice). They are all unequal.
Bonbons are round candies with a chocolate coating.
You can exchange the banana jelly for another jelly, blackberry, apricot, orange, cherry or your preference.

sábado, 18 de março de 2017

Cod in Form with Vegetables - II Options + Photos

Cod in Form with Vegetables - II Options + Photos

1 kilo of potatoes cut into slices not too thick, nor too thin
800 grs. Of chipped cod chips, or to taste
4 seedless peppers and no white ribbons in strips
4 large onions cut into thin slices
4 large tomatoes cut into whole slices, do not take seeds
4 boiled eggs
1 cup of tea with parsley.
2 cups black or purple olives
1 tablespoon oregano
2 tablespoons of (capers), distribute between layers of cod and potatoes
1 glass with water to cook the ingredients
How to prepare the cod:
Put the cod of sauce for 12 hours, changing the water 2 times.
Fill a pan with water (enough to cover the cod).
Bring the water to a boil, pour the desalted cod as soon as it boils again, count 5 'minutes. Drain the water, "do not throw the water out"), enjoy cooking the potatoes, they should be precooked or almost raw.
Cook the eggs, remove the peel cuts in half.
How to Build the Cod:
In a round shape with lid, sprinkle with plenty of olive oil, layer:
The first layer is raw or precooked potatoes seasoned with salt and oregano, water with olive oil,
The second layer is cod.
The third layer is raw tomatoes in slices tempered with a little salt and oregano and olive oil.
The fourth layer is thin strips of raw peppers seasoned with salt.
The fifth layer and raw onion seasoned with salt, oregano and olive oil
The sixth is boiled salted eggs, (face down), or lay the eggs before serving.
In alternate layers place black (purple) olives.
If you prefer to place the olives, only on the potatoes or cod.
The last layer is of potatoes in slices, equal to the first layer.
The first and last layer are potato slices.
The capers lay only on top of the cod and the potatoes.
Pour a glass of cold water over top, then water with olive oil.
Cover the shape, fasten with the hooks, and bring to the stove fire weak for 20 'to 30' minutes.
Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

II Option:
If you do not have the round shape with lid with hooks, use a refractory, cover with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes.
Do not forget to put a glass of water in the last layer, so that you cook the ingredients before the olive oil.
If the shape became too full put half the water and half the baking the rest.
The first option is made over the stove fire, the second is in the oven.
Both options are very tasty.
If you prefer you can make the cod thicker the medium, the desalting is 24 hours.
Do not make it with very thick cod that does not look good.

La Riva Oven Cod + Photos

La Riva Oven Cod + Photos

2 kilos of cod in average dessalgado, for 24 hours.
Put inside the refrigerator
Other Ingredients
1 pound of boiled medium potatoes cut in half, or ball.
6 red bell peppers without seeds and without the white veins in thin strips.
3 yellow or green peppers, seeded and without white veins (optional).
1 ½ pound onion cut into petals (cut into 4)
1 glass of 100 grs. Capers drained, washed.
½ liter extra virgin olive oil.
1 or 2 cups (tea) of whole purple olives.
1 cup chopped parsley to sprinkle on top, before serving
Way of preparing:
In a large saucepan, sauté the olive oil, the onion in petals and the peppers in thin strips, as soon as the onion withers turn off the fire, cover the pan, let it stand for a few minutes to finish cooking. With the heat itself.
Separate the procedure below.
How to prepare the cod:
After the desalted cod, drain to dry. With paper towels.
Fry the cod slices with corn oil, drain place on paper towel to degrease, Reserve.
Put the cod slices in a very large refractory, anointed with olive oil, on top distribute 2 (two) to 4 (four) capers. In each pieces, or to taste.
On the sides of the refractory the cooked potatoes seasoned with salt, olive oil and oregano.
If you prefer you can use the potatoes as a bed for cod.
Above the bell peppers with the onion previously sauteed.
Oven 180 º C. Bake for about 20 minutes or until heated.
Serve the cod in the same dish that has roasted.
The other dishes were separate.
Spread whole cherry tomatoes over the plate.
Follow up:
Part Serving a bean salad, seasoned with onion, garlic, pork already steamed, sliced ​​mushrooms- ..
Top raw salsa with the stem, finely chopped.
Can accompany lettuce leaves, or other green leaves.
The cod above is put of the thickness of two fingers.
Rinse well under the tap to remove the salt.
Put the cod covered with water, changing twice, preferably with ice water.
Can put green peppers, remove the skin some people get heartburn.
To remove the green pepper skin:
Chop the chili on a fork to the mouth of the stove, turn over until it is all burned.
Wrap with aluminum foil, let cool.
Then remove the skin by pulling, the seeds and the white veins under the tap. Cut into strips.
II Option:
To Remove Skin from Pepper in Micro waves:
Put 3 bell peppers inside a plastic bag with 4 tablespoons water, close knotted, then pierce with a fork just below the knot.
Take the microwave, high power for 6 'or 8' minutes, then do the above procedure
The cod does not carry rice, however it is good to put some white rice on the table.
There will always be someone who asks for the rice to accompany the meal.

quinta-feira, 16 de março de 2017




1 kilo of filet mignon, or rump, soft cucumber, duck, cut into 2x5 cm thick strips.

Other Ingredients:

½ pound of fresh or canned mushrooms
If using preserved mushrooms drip, wash well, before using, to take the preservative additives, dyes
750 grams of onion, processed or finely chopped
2 pores - only white part
300 to 400 ml of pepperless cachup
200 grs. Butter does not serve margarine
2 boxes of sour cream or canned without the whey
1 cup of 200 ml of milk (optional)
1 cup of brandy-flambar (optional)
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons (soup) wheat flour, to be dissolved in the cream


2 tablespoons of mustard
2 tablespoons (2 tablespoons) optional pepper sauce
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
½ teaspoon of ginger powder.
1 ½ tablespoons of salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder or 1 stick cinnamon
2 bay leaves or
½ teaspoon ground coffee, if using sheet remove before serving.
5 fresh mint sticks put 10 'minutes before you finish cooking, remove before serving.
Way of preparing:

I Step:
In a medium saucepan, fry the garlic with a little oil, add the onion and fry until wilted. Book it.

II Stage:
In another (large) pan fry filet mignon in the butter with the oil, until well cooked. If you change for a rump or other meat, do the same with the difference that after frying it will dripping boiling water slowly and slowly, until the meat is tender, this is well cooked.

III Stage:
In a large saucepan add the ingredients of stage I and II, mix well, add the preserved mushrooms drained washed and chopped in half.
Then add the cachup, mustard, cinnamon, bay leaf, ginger and paprika which is optional.
Leave on the fire for 15 minutes by always stirring with a long spoon

IV Step:
Turn off the heat to cool until it is warm.
V Step:
In separate dissolve the wheat flour in the milk glass along with the cream, or just the cream.
Pour this mixture slowly into the pan where all other ingredients are, with the fire off, return to the medium heat stirring constantly until boiling.
The Great Secret To Not Carving Milk:
The great secret is to put wheat flour dissolved in the cream of milk serves not to carve and spoil your plate

VI Stage:
After all the ingredients well mixed, test the salt, bring to the medium heat until starting to boil, stirring constantly.
VII Stage:
If you do not have practice or doubts on flambar, do not do this procedure.

The salt of Strogonoffe is moderate, that is, it does not take much salt.
Served with white rice. Fried potato chips and pickled cucumber skewers.


The real Russian strogonoff is made with sour cream.
Squeeze the lemon to sour the cream.
In Russia they do not put cow's milk, ketchup or tomato sauce and mustard.
The accompanying baked potato, here in Brazil was replaced by rice and straw potato. Serve separately.
II Option:
Chicken strogonoff:
Changing the meat for chicken breast do the same way of the previous recipe
1 pound chicken breast cut into strips or squares, or use the thigh and thigh that the meat is tastier, remove the bones and nerves.
Changing the meat for chicken breast do the same way of the previous recipe

quarta-feira, 15 de março de 2017

Dinner of Senior Citizen of Crisis Zucchini Tortillas + Photo

Dinner of Senior Citizen of Crisis Zucchini Tortillas + Photo

Courgette Tortillas:
1 medium shredded Italian zucchini
2 whole eggs
3 to 4 tablespoons (s) of sifted wheat flour
½ teaspoon (dessert) of chemical baking powder
1 teaspoon full of salt
1 or 2 tablespoons (grated) cheese grated (optional)
1 tablespoon of parsley with finely chopped (optional).
Other Ingredients Substitution:
You can exchange the raw zucchini for one of the ingredients below
1 or 1 ½ cup of pre-cooked cauliflower "Al dente"
Same measure above broccoli, or carrot, chuchu, pods, eggplant, among others of your preference.
You can also substitute zucchini with parsley with the chopped raw stalk.
Way of preparing :
Grate or chop raw zucchini, then peal to make it look good
Put zucchini, eggs, flour, salt, parsley, baking powder and grated cheese in a bowl, stir well.
The dough should be thick.
When you make the tortilla, it is about half a centimeter tall.
Grease a non-stick frying pan with oil, bring to the heat to heat, towel paper to remove the oil.
Put two scoops of the dough spread well, leave on the heat until golden, turn and do the same on the other side.
If you do not know how to turn the tortilla, use a lid or a dish, return to the fire to finish cooking.
Accompany a salad of grated carrot lettuce and sliced ​​tomatoes or cherry tomatoes
You can put cooked sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into thin slices.
If you want you can put a spoonful of rice is optional
Ginger or banana silver

terça-feira, 14 de março de 2017

Chocolate With Chef's Tips and Secret and Other Information-For Beginner

Chocolate With Chef's Tips and Secret and Other Information-For Beginner

Be sure to read the entire recipe, plus the Tips and Secrets have other Important Information.
Easter egg:
500 grs. Half bittersweet chocolate, chopped and melted or milk chocolate, or medium to medium (250g of each)
Way of preparing:
Cut the chocolate on top of a board with a serrated knife.

When the water of the water bath dyed 90 º C. Turn off the heat and place the chopped chocolate pot on top so that it fits well so as not to get water vapor.

Stir well until melted chocolate. If you can not melt all the chocolate, remove the pan from the water bath and repeat the same operation, very carefully to get water vapor that spoils the whole chocolate.
It gets soft sticky, unfit for consumption, you lose everything you did.
Then pour the melted chocolate on top of a very dry marble stone.
Spread with a spatula until cool.
Test the chocolate by placing a little under the lower lip that should be cold.
If you do not want to put the chocolate to give thermal shock on the marble stone.
Do as follows, melt half the chocolate, remove from the heat then add the other half, mix well until melted.
So you do not need to give thermal shock.
To melt the chocolate in the microwave:
Never melt chocolate in glass or refractory in microwaves, it heats gets very hot and burns.
Chocolate leftover from the edges of the shapes and the rest of the bowl is unfit for consumption.
To Melt Chocolate in Micro waves:
Place the chopped chocolate in a large plastic bowl, bring it to the microwave at medium power for about 1 minute (1 minute) if you do not have it put 30 seconds, stir to melt, then come back another 30 seconds to stir until melted .
The chocolate will not be totally melted.
You'll have to toss well out of the microwave oven until it gets all melted.
If using thermometer the chocolate will be more or less between 42 º C.
Do not use the chocolate at this temperature that will take too long to dry and your appearance will be harmed.
For this reason you need to temper the chocolate giving thermal shock to lower the temperature to 28 ° C or make the same as the previous (Secret).
If you are a professional, for your safety it is better to use an electric melting pot or own water-pan for this purpose.
If you are a beginner always make small portions or make filled bonbons covered with paper suitable for that purpose.
So nobody discovers the chocolate flaws.
Always do with noble chocolate never make any chocolate.
Chocolate is always tasty with the filling you put in, that is, if you use noble chocolate. ( of good quality).
When you do, do it with pleasure and with love.

How to make the Simple Easter Egg:
Place a layer of melted chocolate in the shape of the Easter egg, go turning to spread the chocolate or use a brush.
Pull the chocolate with a spoonful (soup) to the edges, to get thicker. Clean up excess. Cover with foil or foil. The egg is facing upwards.
If you want you can capsize (turning down).
Take the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 minutes.
Go back and make two more layers. Repeat the same operation. When the chocolate is dry the transparent form will become dull. You can leave it to dry for 8 to 12 hours or immediately wrap with appropriate paper.
Place the chosen filling in each of the two halves.
If you want you can close the two half with melted chocolate with the help of the bean pitanga, in this way, do not put the maracuja jelly.

1 can of boiled condensed milk
1 can of cream without milk or whipped cream
2 boxes of cheese make cheese
1 sache of colorless gelatin without flavor of 12 grams or 1 tablespoon (rasp).
5 tablespoons cold water to moisturize and dissolve the gelatin
½ pound whipped whipped cream is (optional)
300 grs. Bittersweet chocolate chopped and melted
Other Options:

You can put flakes of rice or cornflakes, or crushed cashew nuts.
Above halves, maracuja jelly or red fruits.

How to prepare the filling:
Cook the condensed milk in the pressure cooker without the label for 30 minutes, let it cool inside the pan.
Allow to cool in the pan then bring the can to the refrigerator until it cools well, before opening. If you open hot or warm the candy splashes and runs the risk of burning
After the condensed milk is cooked and cold, put in a bowl mix the cheese cheese, the melted chocolate melted gelatin dissolved and "hot."
Finally the cream or whipped cream.
Before mixing the whipped cream can add rice flakes, cornflakes, or crushed cashew nuts, seedless raisins, hydra

segunda-feira, 13 de março de 2017

Easter Colomba Diet or With Sugar II Coverage Options

Easter Colomba Diet or With Sugar II Coverage Options
2 cups whole wheat flour
½ cup of warm water
1 cup of raisins without seeds
2 tablespoons of sweetener powder, or
1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons powdered milk
4 tablespoons melted light margarine
2 tablespoons (grated) dry grated coconut
1 tablet of fresh organic yeast of 15 grs.
2 yolks and 1 (one) clear
1 teaspoon of panettone essence or vanilla essence
1 pinch of salt
Coverage: I
1 lightly beaten egg white
1 tablespoon of powdered sweetener, suitable for oven and stove, or 2 tablespoons (sugar) sugar
2 tablespoons dry grated coconut without moisturizing
Mix all the ingredients and pour over the still warm colomba.
Coverage: II
Melted chocolate diet or 1 tablet milk chocolate or half bitter
Dump the melted chocolate with the cold cake.
Way of preparing:
Put the grapes pass covered with cold water.
Leave for one hour at rest, then throw the water out.
Knead the yeast with a fork, add the warm water, half a cup of wheat flour and half of the sweetener. Or 2 (two) tablespoons of sugar. Remove the sugar from the recipe.
Leave for half an hour or until it turns a sponge.
In a large bowl put the rest of the flour, make a hole in the hundred pour the sponge the egg yolks, the melted margarine, the coconut grated, the milk powder, 1 pinch of salt, the essence mix well until a homogeneous mass.
After the well mixed dough, play on the table to toast well or Tear.
To tear the dough, pull up and down with a spatula, for 10 to 15 minutes.
Then add the whole dough, add the raisins, and mix again.
Lastly add the snow white to the blender delicately.
Put it in the form of easter paper colomba, no need to grease. Allow to rise to volume doubling.
Preheated oven 180 ° C for 20 'to 30' or until golden.
Put the cover I with the hot mass.
Coverage II melted chocolate with cold pasta.
How to prepare the coverage: I
Beat the egg whites slightly, then add the sweetener, then the grated coconut. Brush the Easter Colomba with this mixture as soon as you take it out of the fire.
If you do not want to make the diet pasta, change the sugar sweetener to taste.

domingo, 12 de março de 2017

Vera Helena's Candy Pie (my daughter)

Vera Helena's Candy Pie (my daughter)


1 can of condensed milk
2 cans of cow's milk the same measure as the can of condensed milk
3 large gems beats
3 tablespoons cornstarch (cornstarch)
2 tablespoons (sugar) or to taste
1 teaspoon vanilla

Other Ingredients:

15 candies with waffel filling
3 tablespoons of chocolate powder


3 egg whites in firm snow
4 to 6 tablespoons of sugar
1 can of cream without milk

Way of preparing:

Beat the condensed milk with the cow's milk, the cornstarch (cornstarch), the egg yolks, the sugar and the vanilla.

Bring to the heat until thickened.

Divide the cream into two equal parts.

In the first cream add a can of sour cream without whey, or enough cream to thicken, (optional)

In the second cream, add the chocolate powder and bring to a boil, let it cool down slightly before using.

In a rectangular refractory, arrange the pie in layers

Put the chocolate cream on the bottom of the refractory.
The second layer is chopped chocolates well kid or processed
The third layer is white cream
The fourth layer is very chopped chocolates
The fifth layer is the cover.
Return to refrigerator for four to six hours or until firm

How to Prepare for Coverage:

Beat the egg whites in firm snow
Then add the sugar and beat the

Turn off the mixer and add the sour cream, mix well with a whisk beat the (flow)

If you want you can whip the cream separately and then join with the sigh

Second option:

You can add put on the chocolate cream
100 grs. Ground nuts and more
1 cup of raisins soaked in white wine and drained.

Third option:

Cover the pie with whipped cream and over mini sighs and chocolate shavings to taste.
You can distribute cherries in drained syrup, cut in half and topped (face down).

Vera Helena's Candy Pie (my daughter)

Vera Helena's Candy Pie (my daughter)


1 can of condensed milk
2 cans of cow's milk the same measure as the can of condensed milk
3 large gems beats
3 tablespoons cornstarch (cornstarch)
2 tablespoons (sugar) or to taste
1 teaspoon vanilla

Other Ingredients:

15 candies with waffel filling
3 tablespoons of chocolate powder


3 egg whites in firm snow
4 to 6 tablespoons of sugar
1 can of cream without milk

Way of preparing:

Beat the condensed milk with the cow's milk, the cornstarch (cornstarch), the egg yolks, the sugar and the vanilla.

Bring to the heat until thickened.

Divide the cream into two equal parts.

In the first cream add a can of sour cream without whey, or enough cream to thicken, (optional)

In the second cream, add the chocolate powder and bring to a boil, let it cool down slightly before using.

In a rectangular refractory, arrange the pie in layers

Put the chocolate cream on the bottom of the refractory.
The second layer is chopped chocolates well kid or processed
The third layer is white cream
The fourth layer is very chopped chocolates
The fifth layer is the cover.
Return to refrigerator for four to six hours or until firm

How to Prepare for Coverage:

Beat the egg whites in firm snow
Then add the sugar and beat the

Turn off the mixer and add the sour cream, mix well with a whisk beat the (flow)

If you want you can whip the cream separately and then join with the sigh

Second option:

You can add put on the chocolate cream
100 grs. Ground nuts and more
1 cup of raisins soaked in white wine and drained.

Third option:

Cover the pie with whipped cream and over mini sighs and chocolate shavings to taste.
You can distribute cherries in drained syrup, cut in half and topped (face down).

Continued-Easter Egg III Options -

Continued-Easter Egg III Options -

I Filling:
Prestige - (Coco)

250 grs. Of melted white fondant
250 grs. Of dry coconut grated and hydrated
1 tablespoon warm water to moisten the coconut
3 to 5 tablespoons well filled with condensed milk, or what is needed
1 teaspoon of Rhum essence

Way of preparing:

Start watering the coconut with a tablespoon of warm water until it is very moist.
In a bowl, add the fondant with the coconut already moistened, add the condensed milk until the point of curling, finally the essence of Rhum.

II Filling
180 grs. Dark chocolate bittersweet
2 teaspoons unsalted butter
2 teaspoons of powdered milk
2 teaspoons of rum, or liqueur to taste
2 large gems
50 grs. Ground nuts or hazelnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, macadamia, and others.
How to prepare the filling:

Chop or grate the dark chocolate, melt in a water bath, add the beaten yolks to the butter, mix well until the dough is homogeneous, add the milk powder and the rum.
Take the refrigerator for an hour.
After the filling is almost firm, stuffing the Easter eggs, can fill half or whole;
If it is to be stuffed whole, wrap the two separate pieces, then join with the other paper suitable for Easter egg.
With the same dough you can make bonbons or truffles
Put the bonbons in a brown, silver or gold foil.
The nuts can put in the batter or use in the bonbons or the truffles as filling. .
III Filling

Filling: from Easter Egg to Cheese Cheese
1 can of boiled condensed milk
1 can of cream without milk or whipped cream
2 boxes of cheese make cheese
1 sache of colorless gelatin without flavor of 12 grams or 1 tablespoon (rasp).
5 tablespoons cold water to moisturize and dissolve the gelatin
½ pound whipped whipped cream is (optional)
300 grs. Bittersweet chocolate chopped and melted
Other Options:
You can put flakes of rice or cornflakes, or crushed cashew nuts.
Above halves, maracuja jelly or red fruits.

Way of preparing:
Cook the condensed milk in the pressure cooker without the label for 30 minutes, let it cool inside the pan.
Before opening the can take it to the refrigerator until it cools well, to
There is no risk of an accident.
In a bowl mix the condensed milk cooked and cold the cheese create cheese, the melted chocolate the hydrated gelatin dissolved and "hot", last the cream or whipped cream.
Before mixing the whipped cream can add rice flakes, cornflakes, or crushed cashew nuts, seedless raisins, moistened with cocoa liquor.
You can exchange the cashew nuts for Brazil nuts or macadamia, or other type of chestnut

"The whipped cream is made with fresh soda from bottle"
If you put the whipped cream remove the sour cream.
After filling the egg halves, place the passion fruit jelly on top.
Make a chocolate base to glue each half of the Easter egg. Two halves the filling is facing up

sábado, 11 de março de 2017

Re Full For Easter Egg - IV Options

Re Full For Easter Egg - IV Options
 I - Recheio
180 grs. Dark chocolate bittersweet
2 teaspoons unsalted butter
2 teaspoons of powdered milk
2 teaspoons of rum, or liqueur to taste
2 large gems
50 grs. Ground nuts or hazelnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, macadamia, and others.

How to prepare the filling:

Chop or grate the dark chocolate, melt in a water bath, add the beaten yolks to the butter, mix well until the dough is homogeneous, add the milk powder and the rum.

Take the refrigerator for an hour.
After the filling is almost firm, stuffing the Easter eggs, can fill half or whole;
If it is to be stuffed whole, wrap the two separate pieces, then join with the other paper suitable for Easter egg.

With the same batter you can make chocolates.
Put the bonbons in a brown, silver or gold foil.
The nuts can put in the batter or use in the bonbons as filling.
II Filling:
Filling For Easter Egg


500 grs. Of cashew nut or chestnut from Pará
300 grs. From fondant
L00 grs. White chocolate
200 grs. Of hydrogenated vegetable fat, or 2 tablespoons of butter

Other ingredients:
Weffel Sheets
Way of preparing:

Grind the cashew nuts - Book
Melt the fondant in a double boiler.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath
Before melting chop the very kid chocolate, put in a pan seca.
The pan can not have any drop of water that turns the chocolate, it is soft sticky.
Put a pan on the fire with water when it starts to get bubbles in the bottom, put out the fire, put the chocolate pan on top, that is, with the fire off
Be careful not to get steam from the water, you lose all the chocolate.
Stir well off the heat until all the chocolate melts. Recapping not to drop water in the pot that is soft sticky.
Mix the fondant with the chocolate, already warm, then the cashew nuts, finally the vegetable fat, or the butter.
The Weffel sheets interleave in the filling layers


Sweetcorn with coconut

Prestige Chocolate Filling
The next recipe follows the recipe.

quinta-feira, 9 de março de 2017

Suggestion for Easter Dessert Lemon Pie Secret of Chef - II Options

Suggestion for Easter Dessert
Lemon Pie Secret of Chef - II Options
I - Mass:
200 grs. Of mashed biscuit mashed in a blender
100 grs. Of butter, does not serve margarine
1 tablespoon of lemon zest, only the green part does not put the white part that bitter.
II Option:
2 packets of crushed lemon weffer biscuit
120 grs. Of butter or what is needed
1 tablespoon lemon juice and lemon peel shavings
The way to prepare the two pastas is at the end of the recipe
2 cans of condensed milk
1 box of sour cream
100 grs. Of melted white chocolate
1 sache (one tablespoon) of colorless gelatin without flavor see below.
100 ml lemon juice (half small cup)
1 tablespoon (soup) full of lemon zest only green part, do not put the white part that bitter.
How to prepare the filling:
 Lemon cream
Mix the green zest and lemon juice with the condensed milk slowly and slowly until blended.
To hydrate Gelatin:
Wet the gelatin with 5 tablespoons of cold water, let stand for 5 'to 10 minutes, then microwave for 30 seconds (Attention is second not minute).
You can dissolve the gelatin in a water bath.

Chef's Secret:
* Putting gelatin and chocolate together *:
In a bowl put the cream add the gelatin dissolved and "hot" slowly and slowly, mix well.
Put the above mixture in the bowl in the melted chocolate slowly and slowly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Add in the mixture of the lemon cream with the chocolate, slowly and slowly until a uniform mass
Put the filling in the chosen mass, to get it right.
Take the refrigerator for 4 hours until firm.
Save the lemon pie in the refrigerator.
* I am always repeating slowly and slowly, which is for beginner to memorize "not to forget".

II Option:
Non-Professional Cooking Area Revenue
Way of preparing:
Beat all the ingredients in the blender except for the lemon juice that is last put in drops.
After the finished cream is passed into a bowl and pour the melted white chocolate slowly and slowly, until a homogeneous mass.
If you put melted chocolate, you do not need to put jelly
The amount of gelatin is below.
1 tablespoon gelatin (12 g) colorless without taste
5 tablespoons of cold water to moisturize, then dissolve in a water bath or microwave
* Add hot gelatin in cold cream, * Beat until well incorporated *.
The difference between gelatine and chocolate:
The gelatin is mouse. The chocolate is creamy.
The two ingredients together is special see above
Never put the gelatin straight into the melted chocolate, turn into a nutmeg.

Always gelatin mixed with canned soda before. Always use the method slowly and slowly.

I - Mass:
200 grs. Mashed biscuit
100 grs. Of butter, does not serve margarine
1 tablespoon of lemon zest, only the green part does not put the white part that bitter.
II Option:
2 packets of crushed lemon weffer biscuit
120 grs. Of butter or what is needed
1 tablespoon lemon juice and lemon peel shavings
How to Prepare the First Mass:

Mix all ingredients, put in a round shape with removable bottom tighten well with the bottom of a spoon.
Bring to bake for 3 'to 5 minutes., Or take the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Roasting is optional.
After roasting and cold, place the filling.

How to Prepare the Second Mass:

Make the same way as the previous dough, the difference being that the second dough is not baked, it is taken to the refrigerator for 20 minutes to sign.
Cookie Pie Dough:
1 packet of mashed biscuit mashed
4 tablespoons of butter.
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon powder (optional)
Way of preparing:
Chop the biscuit in the blender, transfer to a bowl.
Add butter until it is homogeneous, that is, if you tighten it, it stays firm.
Only line the bottom of a round shape, the same as filling the bottom.
Place the filling in the refrigerator until firm

quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2017

When You Start Working With Chocolate.

When You Start Working With Chocolate.
Some Important Tips on Rectified Chocolate
Always have the Invoice in hand to return to complain about the product if you have any problems.
First do a search, where you live, then look at other locations.
Always be informed about pricing and profit.
You need to know how many types of chocolate brands in your region have the brands, the price and what is in the market (trade).
Make sure the carton of the chocolate bar is not soiled, (it turns whitish before use).
Each type of chocolate is melted differently.
It has Bitter Chocolate, milk, white among others.
Pay attention to each package, read carefully.
To make colorful chocolate uses the dye itself for this purpose, do not put any, which can harm health.
Recapping read the packaging, there is the gel, powder, liquid.
The chocolate coating should always be of good quality. Always use pure chocolate.
Never use chocolate that has too much fat, it is harmful to health. Coarse comparison between silk and cheetah.
How to know the difference?
For the price.
Pure costs a lot more.
The other chocolate with fat cost ¼ of the price of the other and different taste, it takes in the mouth.
Do not eat. And do not sell "cat for hare"
Cherish your work.
Only in some very hot places is the other chocolate used, and still with air conditioning.
Colorful chocolate confections can give allergy to the child, and other people.
Always ensure, before selling, if the person has allergies to food coloring.
Do not use any dye.
Read and inform yourself on the subject be careful with this detail, they are always changing the packaging of the dyes.
Do not want to step bigger than your legs, go slow and always.

Chocolate - Easter Egg For Beginners Read With Attention

Chocolate - Easter Egg For Beginners Read With Attention

Sometimes chocolate can change the lives of many people, taking care to do well done and good quality. Not everyone can reach the top, see the tips below read and reread several times.
How to begin?
Retired, unemployed, men and women, regardless of age, young apprentice.
The profit of chocolate is usually 300%, that is, if you know how to work with noble chocolate and have the proper care and knowledge not to sell cat by hare.
Do not think you; That making a filling any sour coconut or coconut mixed with sugar covered with the chopped chocolate will profit.
Sometimes the saleswomen come to me and ask me to try, (of course people I know).
Be very clear, I can not eat anything unknown, I do not know the origin.
I speak the truth about the quality of the fractionated that gets a bad taste in the mouth, the stuffing lousy, mixing wrong.
Only in some regions very hot and with air conditioning is that you can work with the fractionated are exceptions.
Like that person wants to make a profit, if she does not even know the difference of "cat by hare", that is, pure and fractioned Chocolate.
Stuffed coconut grated on the hour, or dry grated coconut without sugar.
The essences should be bought in a safe place, not anywhere, do not know the brand the taste, it gets horrible, in addition to harming the health.
Not forgetting to pack right.
If you have never stirred chocolate, make a list of what you need to buy:
In the market (commerce) there are numerous forms of acetate and other packaging.
Always choose small shapes 250 grs. Which is easier to work with and the damage will be less if you go wrong.
The pots and other utensils should be separated only for use of the chocolate, in case you do not have the own electric pot (to melt the chocolate).
Be careful not to use panela smelling onion, garlic, and other strong seasonings.
Some people put pepper to give it a different twist. Do not do it.
To climb in life we ​​have to climb from bottom to top, step by step.
If you want to start at the top of the ladder you take a tumble that the result does not need to write.
The more people descend, the more others grow, those who have judgments.
The business to work with chocolate has to work for the one who knows how to make, decorate, and have the above mentioned care.
Now because of the Brazilian crisis the eggs are smaller, at the very high price to invest.
The novice is usually very anxious, nervous and ends up having great injury.
Do not be ashamed, always ask for people you know or take courses read about it, be advised.
Today we have many channels of dissemination, Internet, TV, Magazines among others.
Some Suggestions:
1.Purchase boxes at home special holiday products
2. Make small eggs filled with brigadeiro.
3. Egg dish of 250 grs. Chocolate Loaf of Bread
4. Stuff chocolate mousse, leave 6 hours in the refrigerator to harden
5. Make Easter Egg in half, cover cocoa
6. Chicken egg packs, 60.00 (six eggs) buy ready for this purpose, do not use chicken egg packaging that is dirty contaminated with salmonella (bacteria) rubbish.
7.Fracting with fractional coverage, the product is another
8.Pain dry to melt chocolate, if dropped a drop of water loses all chocolate.
9.Temperage see in the packages of each chocolate.
10, Each chocolate has a right temperature, see on the packaging, careful not to let it burn, especially white.
Avoid melting the chocolate in the microwave, sometimes it burns. If using microwave, use plastic bowl, never glass (refractory).
Follow step by step, in the next publication other information on seasoning the chocolate and each one of them.
Tempering means melting and making the right mix to give thermal shock.

terça-feira, 7 de março de 2017

Simple Easter Egg For Rectified Beginner

Simple Easter Egg For Rectified Beginner

1 kilo of bitter chocolate or the milk chopped or grated in the thicker drain.

How to Prepare Easter Egg:

Melt the chocolate in a water bath
The water bath temperature is 90 ° C.
90 º C, is when it starts to appear the balls in the bottom of the pan, "turn off the fire".
Then place the (refractory) bowl with the chopped or grated chocolate on top of the water bath, leave for 1 'or 2', stir well until the chocolate melts.
If the chocolate has not yet melted, go back and do the same procedure as above.
You can melt chocolate in microwave power (50% medical) in a plastic bowl (never glass refractory) for 30 seconds, "no minutes", remove mix well, if not melted go back again and do the same for more 30 seconds, and so on.
* Never put chocolate in high temperature, always in 30 seconds, at a time, otherwise it burns, you lose your work.
Do carefully following the rules above.
Thermal shock:
Pour the melted chocolate onto a countertop, pulling it from side to side with a spatula until it cools.
Test To Know The Right Temperature:
Put some chocolate under the bottom lip and if it is ice cold it is the right spot.

If you use the chocolate outside the temperature it gets sticky, soft does not work.
II- Option To Melt Chocolate.
To give heat shock, melt half the chocolate, then add the other half mix well and do the lip test, see above.
To Make the Easter Egg Shell:
With the chocolate melted and already seasoned (thermal shock) lining an Easter egg shape with a layer of chocolate, use a brush or the bottom of a tablespoon (soup).

Carry the refrigerator on top of aluminum foil, ie turned in from the inside down, having first removed the excess chocolate from the edges of the shape.
Leave in refrigerator for about 2 minutes.
Return and make the second layer of chocolate, repeat the same operation. There are two or three layers of melted chocolate.

Not to Miss Chocolate:
* Do not forget to always remove the excess chocolate, which is on the edges, before bringing it to the refrigerator.
Do this with the aid of a spatula, while the chocolate is soft, shape the thicker edges to support the egg.

To Unmold:

To know the right time to unmold the shell of the egg, (the shape is opaque), and when it comes to filling, return the shell to the shape to stay firm and facilitate your work.
Put the filling, a thick layer of coconut cream, set well. Leave for a little inside the refrigerator so that the cream stays firm.
Pour a thick layer of melted chocolate over the filling, return to the refrigerator until it is firm.
You can make the filling on both sides, then join the parts with melted chocolate.
If the filling is chocolates, wrap each half of the Easter Egg separately with its own paper.
Then put the chocolates (without the covering paper), unite the two parts and pass the cellophane paper itself to close the egg, put a thick ribbon bow of the color of your preference
Follows in the next several publications fillings.
The leftovers of the shapes of melted chocolate in the microwave can not take advantage of, it loses its texture.

Leaved or Rendered Eggs + Filling

Leaved or Rendered Eggs + Filling

With the chocolate melted and already tempered (thermal shock) place in a confectionery bag made with paper, cut the tip very thin.
I - Option:

Place the empty shape facing up, so that you can decorate it inside by making messy arabesque leaked, bring the refrigerator to dry.
Go back and make more arabesques,
The third layer is to close any part that is open, or can leave leaked.
If you want after you dried the third time, sprinkle golden powder on the inside.
If you prefer more cast, leave your way.
The other part of the egg is not leaked
II Option
After you have made the egg leaked, do not need to put golden powder put inside another smaller white egg, made with white chocolate, gets a very beautiful effect.
The leaked egg is only on one side, the other is normal peel.
The white egg if you want by putting stuffing or bonbons inside.

The other fillings I've put before. If you lost I will go through again in the next post.

Coconut Candy Famous

½ liter of cow's milk
1 can of condensed milk
100 grs. Of dry coconut grated hydrated with 3 tablespoons of cold water, or coconut milk.
1 cup milk cream without whey or canister
3 tablespoons potato starch, or corn starch (corn starch)
1 tablespoon vanilla essence

Way of preparing:

In a medium saucepan add the cow's milk with the condensed milk, after well mixed add the hydrated dry grated coconut, mix again.
Bring the pan to the fire, stirring constantly, when it is very hot add the potato starch dissolved in a little cold milk, stir well with a spoon of long handle, stir in the form of eight and also on the sides, not to stick to the bottom of the pan.
Once the cream is well cooked, it loosens from the bottom of the pan gets very thick.

Remove from the heat add the vanilla and the cream slowly and slowly, mix well, until light cream, allow to cool before using.
Filling for Bonbons, Easter Eggs, Peas, and Others:
The stuffing above serves for sweets, chocolate tablets, bonbons, Easter eggs, cakes, pâtés, crepes etc.
The filling is delicious, can be served on a plate, with or without chocolate coating.

Do not let the milk boil, to put the potato starch, which is lumpy, that is, the milk should be warm, not boiling, the potato starch is dissolved in cold milk.

Easter Egg Cake With Tips - Rectified

Easter Egg Cake With Tips - Rectified


Chocolate Loaf of Bread:

2 cups special sifted wheat flour
1 glass of hot water
1 cup powdered chocolate tea
2 cups sugar tea
6 light eggs in snow
3 tablespoons margarine
1 tablespoon baking powder


2 pounds of half-bitter chocolate, chopped or grated
1 kilo of chocolate in minced or grated milk


1 pound Easter egg shape

Prestige cream:

500 ml of cow's milk, can use the long life
100 grs. Grated dry coconut
1 can of condensed milk
3 tablespoons potato starch or corn starch
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 cup of sour cream without the whey
Add only after the cream ready, off the fire
Way of preparing:

Beat the egg yolks with the sugar and margarine, until whitish cream.
With the mixer turned on, glue the water alternating with the wheat flour slowly and slowly, add the chocolate to the spoonfuls, after being thoroughly mixed, turn off the mixer.
Add the yeast, stir rapidly. With a spoon.
After turning off the mixer, add the egg whites, mixing the dough underneath, slowly.
Another way to do this is to add the dough slowly in the egg whites, mix well with a spatula, until it is a fluffy mass, and full of air bubbles.
Bring to bake in unheated oven medium 180 º C, in a large rectangular baking dish, or in two small baking sheets.
The dough should be very thin, or cut into three thin layers, one-half centimeter each.
If you want to tune with a roll.

How to prepare the cream:

Make the cream by mixing all the ingredients, except the cream that adds only after ready, out of the fire, let it cool before using.
How to Prepare the Chocolate:

The pan to melt the chocolate has to be very dry.
You can not get steam in the chocolate that does not harden and is soft sticky.
You can not wash the plastic chocolate forms, pass almond oil with a piece of cotton, then remove with paper towels so that there is no cotton residue.
Melting the chocolate in the water bath is easier, and you can also reuse the leftovers from other chocolates, the same does not happen in the microwave, which burns the chocolate.
The water of the water bath should not boil, the temperature is lukewarm, when you have balls to turn off the fire, put the chocolate pan chopped without stirring.
When the chocolate is melted stir with a wooden spoon to melt equally, if the chocolate has cooled, bring it back to the bain-marie, likewise above.
Give the heat shock by placing the pan of the chocolate to cool inside a pan with cold water, can not be chilled, stir on all sides to equal the temperature of the chocolate.
Do not give the heat shock with ice water, because the chocolate gets different temperature, the bottom gets colder, the temperature becomes uneven.
Assembling the Easter Egg Cake:

Line the shape of the Easter egg with a layer of chocolate, bring the refrigerator on covered aluminum paper, turned in from the inside down, before having taken the excess chocolate from the edges of the form leave 2'minutes.
Put the second layer of chocolate, repeat the same operation.
When the shape of the egg is ready, put thin strips of cake on the sides, underneath it too, if it cracks in small pieces, water with a little syrup, spreading it with the tips of the fingers (like gloves).
Place a thin layer of the coconut cream around the inside of the shape, then place another layer of cake.
Make several layers until finished, the last one is of coconut cream, to hit the cream with a spoon mixing with the mass of the cake so that it is well smooth.
Place on aluminum foil with the stuffed side down, to stand firm, leave in the refrigerator for 2 (two) hours until firm.
To serve remove the egg shape, place over a rectangular chocolate cake, garnish around with colored crystal sugar.
Decorate over the egg a red and golden ribbons with lace, or make the decoration very colorful.

To make the Easter egg cake two layers of chocolate are used, at most three.

When melting the chocolate in the microwave, do not use glass, (refractory), it gets very hot.
Use plastic bowl.
In the pan where the chocolate is to melt, first put the bittersweet chocolate and top it with the milk chocolate.