terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017

VI Cooking Tips and Doubts

VI Cooking Tips and Doubts
I'm going through some important tips on cooking.

1. What you want in life, make it happen.
Do not sit idly by, leaving for tomorrow what you can start doing today.
You are in the middle of a circle, the opportunity passes in front of you and only appears once in your life. Remember the circle is big.
Seize the opportunity before an adventurer throws her hand.

2.When you eat cake, bread, or other food and realize you have small ants, what do you do?
Take off the ant and eat the food.
It is not?
Do not forget that ants (all) eat cockroaches among other disgusting things.
Sometimes the person has diarrhea, infection (contagious diseases) or even think that they have become infected!

3. Do not talk over the food you are preparing
I've seen people teach sterilizing jams of jams and other foods talking about them.
Have you thought about how many bacteria will enter the food?
And the people who work in the kitchen, with a huge beard, long hair!
Have you thought how many insects can lodge in the beard, due to its ideal temperature.
And the gloves for who will cook?
Glove is not decoration ornament.
Discard after it used, (garbage).
Use in the kitchen apron, clean cap and disposable gloves.
The aprons and hats change everyday and the clothes you wear too.
The gloves have just been used, discarded (litter).

How to Remove the Strong Smell from PTS. Meat of Soy: - Soy Protein:

4. Put the soybeans in a saucepan, cover with double water, add a cup of (coffee) white vinegar.
Bring to a boil, bring to the boil for 5 minutes, then drain and rinse under running water for 2 'to 5 minutes.
Squeeze, leaving the soybeans moist.
Then prepare the chosen dish
See in my blogs or on my Page Nonna Antonieta's Chest recipes for various dishes with soy protein, for Vegetarians or Vegans.

COFFEE - TEA -Temperature:
The Great Secret:
5. Did you know that the temperature of the water to pass the coffee is 90 ° C.
The coffee makers are programmed for this temperature.
If you let the water boil 100 ° C, you will have coffee dead.
The coffee put in the thermos is dead, you drink dirty water
Did you know that the temperature of the water to make tea (all of them) is 85 º C.
If you let it boil at high temperature it will take dirty tea water with no properties.

Vermiculo Homemade Tips
6. Roasted pumpkin seed serves to kill worms. See below;
When your child of any age, you have white spots on the face are worms.
No need to take stool now, do it after giving the home remedy, below.
When taking the stool should be repeated every 15 days, ie "if the result is negative! .
Now I do not have time to explain why.
For worms and other worms eat every day for at least "for a month", plenty of pumpkin seed toasted with the bark that kills all eggs from worms.
Pumpkin seed is used to kill worms.
The pumpkin seed is a vermicle, this together with the bark inside the hard bark, is a film between the bark and the rest of the seed (crumb). Do not despise anything of the raw seed.
With the pumpkin seed toasted crush in the blender, (not coar), otherwise you will play the most important one that is vermicelli.
After the crushed pumpkin seed, add to the food in the meal dish.
Anyone can eat,
If you prefer you can eat the whole seed of roasted pumpkin, use as an appetizer.
Do not forget to put salt.
Do not buy pork in a suspicious place without going through surveillance.
Do not throw your health in the trash can.
Avoid eating poorly cooked (almost raw) pork that runs the risk of severe intestinal infection
Some Asian countries the people do not have worms for the reason that it is habit to eat pomegranate seeds toast is the whole year.
II Option:
Coconut and Coconut Milk:
The dried coconut the fresh coconut milk is a great natural vermicelli ..
Dry coconut and coconut milk to have a satisfactory effect should be fresh on the spot.
 Dry shredded coconut is not good.
Important Note:
Be sure to consult your doctor and do stool tests regularly. Do not neglect your health. Follow the next posts, more cooking tips and secrets.

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