segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2017

Coconut and Maize Beef II Options

Coconut and Maize Beef II Options


I Option:

3 glasses of refined sugar
½ liter of milk
100 grs. Of cheese
100 grs. Of fresh grated coconut, if you use the dry moisturize with a little
To moisten.
2 tablespoons full of wheat flour
1 tablespoon butter
4 large whole eggs

Way of preparing:

Knock for 10 minutes. The eggs, add the milk, then the butter, the grated cheese, the grated coconut, the wheat flour and put the last sugar.
Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with refined sugar, or wheat flour.
Pour the blender dough into the baking dish, smoothing well with a spatula.
Bring to bake in medium oven at 180 º C, preheated to 30 minutes, or until blush.
Unmount only after cold

Cut into rectangles, or very small squares

Put into paper cups, and then into a tray.
II Option:
Green Corn Queijadinha

4 medium raw ears or
2 cans of green corn, drained, side
1 cup of milk (tea) of cow's milk
1 cup of sugar
250 grs. Grated fresh coconut or
Moisturized dry coconut with half a cup of cold water
1 or 2 eggs
1 tablespoon butter

Way of preparing:

Beat the corn with the milk in the blender, then strain.
Return the strained liquid to the blender adding the other ingredients of the recipe.
Spread with butter, sprinkled with flour or sugar
Preheated oven 180 º C for approximately 30 minutes or until blush.

If you like you can bake with paper pans, do not fill up to the edge.
Put the paper cups inside another aluminum foil, then into a baking dish.
Serve with paper formihas.

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