quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2016

A Healthy Plate Comidinha of + Crisis Photo

A Healthy Plate Comidinha of + Crisis Photo

1 small serving of cooked white rice
The same serving of cooked and spiced lentils
1 cup (tea) of ground beef braised with potatoes diced onion + (can cook potatoes in separate cubes)
1 cup (tea) of eggplant sautéed with onion, salt
½ cup grated raw carrots
Some mimosa hydroponic lettuce leaves cut in half
2 finely chopped mint leaves or parsley
1 peeled orange without the skin into wedges
1 boiled egg with salt and a drop of olive oil
Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes, place in a pressure cooker, so boil, lower pin count and fire 1 'minutes.
Do not open the pot, let cool, leave all the pressure.
Oozing join with fried meat with onion, garlic, oil, pepper to taste.

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