Lemon Pie Pastry With Variations - Brazil
2 cans of condensed milk
1 box of cream
100 grs. melted white chocolate or
Colorless gelatin see below.
100 ml lemon juice (half a small cup)
1 spoon (soup) of lemon zest, green part only, not the white part that put bitter.
How to Prepare the Filling:
Blend all ingredients in blender except the lemon juice that is placed last in drops.
After the cream ready to pass a bowl and go pouring white chocolate slowly and slowly, until a homogeneous mass.
Important Note:
If you melted chocolate, not put gelatin
The amount of the gelatin is below.
1 teaspoon of gelatin (12 grs.) Colorless tasteless
5 tablespoons of cold water to hydrate and dissolve in water bath or in the microwave
* Add the warm gelatin in cold cream, beating until well *.
The difference between the gelatin and chocolate:
Gelatin is mouse. The chocolate is creamy.
II Filling:
1 can of condensed milk
100 ml of strained lemon juice
Meringue or whipped cream to taste
Beat well condensed milk with lemon juice, take the refrigerator until incorporated.
Place the filling over the dough, raw or roasted.
Need not lead to the oven to bake.
Option I:
I - Mass:
200 grs. cookie cornstarch crushed
100 grs. butter, not margarine serves
1 tbsp (tablespoons) finely grated lemon house, only the green part not the white part that put bitter.
Option II:
II - Massa
2 packages of shredded lemon flavor cookie weffer
120 grs. butter or necessary
1 teaspoon of lemon juice and lemon zest
III - Option:
III - Rotten Massa:
500 grs. flour
250 grs. serves cold butter not margarine
2 tablespoons (soup) of sugar
2-3 cold gemstones
1 pinch of salt
IV - Option:
IV - Puff Pastry
How to Prepare for the First Mass:
Mix all ingredients, place in a round shape with removable bottom tightly with the back of a spoon.
Lead to bake for 3 'to 5' minutes., Or lead to the refrigerator for 20 'minutes. Roasting is optional.
After cold roast and put the stuffing.
How to Prepare for the Second Mass:
Do the same manner as the previous mass, the difference is that the second mass is not baked, it is brought into the refrigerator for 20 'minutes to set.
How to Prepare the dough Third:
If you can put all the ice cream ingredients and utensils also.
Mix the ingredients with your fingertips. "Do not knead."
A rotten mass can not knead it embatuma, misses the point.
If you lose the point disposal.
Working with the fingertips to a minimum.
If your hand is warm rinse to cool.
Bring the dough to refrigerator for 30 'to 40' minutes.
After the dough in the palm of hands or on two (2) paper
plastic, pass the roll to thin the batter.
The dough is very thin.
Liners with batter, a form with removable bottom, stick with fork not to braise.
Lead to bake not let darken too much, just lightly golden.
Allow to cool to enclose the filling.
How to Prepare the Puff Pastry
Buy the pastry strip, which is only open and take the plastic and cut to the desired size.
If the dough is frozen, remove from freezer the day before and go to the fridge.
If using puff pastry to make two (2) square 10 cm each, superimposed on one another, forming eight nozzles.
Take as needed.
Lead to bake until lightly browned, do not let darken.
Once baked and cold, put the stuffing.
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014
Steamed pumpkin Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Brasil
Steamed pumpkin Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
I - Option:
1 pound of pumpkin girl (neck pumpkin) peeled and cut into cubes.
1 teaspoon (soup) of fat or oil (30 ml)
100 grs. smoked bacon (spleen) chopped into cubes
1 bunch of green seasoning (parsley and chives), chopped
1 clove garlic, minced, (if old tire crumb).
100 grs. corn flour (medium) see below
200 ml water
1 pinch of sugar serves (to fix the color of the pumpkin).
How to prepare:
Saute the bacon and garlic in hot oil or lard.
Stir in the pumpkin.
Put the water, salt and sugar.
Cover the pan and cook until the pumpkin come apart Thicken with corn flour.
Serve sprinkled with green spice parsley and chives to taste.
If the cornmeal is too thick beat in a blender, or place it in a clean cloth, bundle type and hit with meat pounder until average.
II - Option:
I Q U E B E B of the State of São Paulo
1 pound of ripe pumpkin, cut into small pieces
other Ingredients
1 large onion, grated
1 tablet of broth (optional)
2 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) of shallow salt
1 spoon (soup) of hot pepper sauce
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley then put the finished dish
How to Prepare:
Cut the pumpkin pieces, remove the skin, wash thoroughly dry with paper towels.
In a large saucepan, fry the onion in oil until wilted, add the pumpkin pieces, salt or broth, gradually adding water gradually until cooked pumpkin.
After the finished dish off the heat and add the chopped parsley.
If it gets too watery, thicken with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (cornflour), diluted with cold water.
I - Option:
1 pound of pumpkin girl (neck pumpkin) peeled and cut into cubes.
1 teaspoon (soup) of fat or oil (30 ml)
100 grs. smoked bacon (spleen) chopped into cubes
1 bunch of green seasoning (parsley and chives), chopped
1 clove garlic, minced, (if old tire crumb).
100 grs. corn flour (medium) see below
200 ml water
1 pinch of sugar serves (to fix the color of the pumpkin).
How to prepare:
Saute the bacon and garlic in hot oil or lard.
Stir in the pumpkin.
Put the water, salt and sugar.
Cover the pan and cook until the pumpkin come apart Thicken with corn flour.
Serve sprinkled with green spice parsley and chives to taste.
If the cornmeal is too thick beat in a blender, or place it in a clean cloth, bundle type and hit with meat pounder until average.
II - Option:
I Q U E B E B of the State of São Paulo
1 pound of ripe pumpkin, cut into small pieces
other Ingredients
1 large onion, grated
1 tablet of broth (optional)
2 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) of shallow salt
1 spoon (soup) of hot pepper sauce
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley then put the finished dish
How to Prepare:
Cut the pumpkin pieces, remove the skin, wash thoroughly dry with paper towels.
In a large saucepan, fry the onion in oil until wilted, add the pumpkin pieces, salt or broth, gradually adding water gradually until cooked pumpkin.
After the finished dish off the heat and add the chopped parsley.
If it gets too watery, thicken with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (cornflour), diluted with cold water.
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014
Boi empantanado el Estado de Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
Boi empantanado el Estado de Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
1 ½ libras de costilla de res con un montón de carne, cortado en 5 cm de largo, separando cada costilla con el hueso, eliminar el exceso de grasa.
220 ml de vino blanco seco
3 cucharadas (sopa) de manteca de cerdo o aceite (90ml)
Aproximadamente 1 litro de agua.
Otros ingredientes:
1 ½ kilo de yuca (mandioca o yuca), peladas y cortadas en trozos de 50 g.
3 cebollas grandes, picadas o ralladas en el gran desagüe
6 dientes de ajo picado, si es miga neumático viejo.
3 tomates pelados sin semillas y picados
1 manojo de condimento verde (perejil picado y cebollino)
2 hojas de laurel lavada
1 cuchara (sopa) de sal superficial
1 cucharadita (tsp) de jengibre rallado (opcional)
Dedo pimienta Señora ½ picado y sin semillas (opcional)
O dicho de salsa de pimienta o separada para cada servirá.
Cómo preparar las costillas:
Sazonar la carne con sal, dejar reposar durante 2 horas.
Luego freír las costillas en manteca o aceite en una cazuela, preferiblemente hierro, añadir la cebolla, el ajo y rehogar un poco, añadir los tomates, y luego el vino blanco y el agua caliente para cubrir las costillas.
Cubra parcialmente dejar la estufa de leña o (cocina tradicional), hasta que las costillas son casi suave.
Agregue la yuca y suficiente para la cocción de agua caliente hasta que estén suaves, mantener la cazuela parcialmente tapado.
Cómo hacer la entrega:
Mired Boi servir con arroz blanco, calabaza al vapor, ensalada de berros o repollo picado.
La siguiente receta que publicará la calabaza al vapor del Rio Grande do Sul, que es bastante diferente de los demás.
Los alimentos del Sur son especialmente fuerte sabor disfrutado por los vaqueros trato bruto, los trabajadores de Rio Grande do Sul.
Hoy ** todos los gauchos comer Lenguado Boi y pasó los ingresos (comida típica) para todo el Brasil. **
Acompañado por una copa de vino tinto o (vidrio).
Los vinos del Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, son de herencia europea que llevó las vides de uvas productores Especiales Europa.
Los vinos son similares a los importados.
Si usted no sabe, intentarlo.
Hice una prueba, puse dos copas de vino uno en Europa y uno de los RGS para los que saben de vinos. La persona no podía decir la diferencia, simplemente pulse el nombre de la uva.
1 ½ libras de costilla de res con un montón de carne, cortado en 5 cm de largo, separando cada costilla con el hueso, eliminar el exceso de grasa.
220 ml de vino blanco seco
3 cucharadas (sopa) de manteca de cerdo o aceite (90ml)
Aproximadamente 1 litro de agua.
Otros ingredientes:
1 ½ kilo de yuca (mandioca o yuca), peladas y cortadas en trozos de 50 g.
3 cebollas grandes, picadas o ralladas en el gran desagüe
6 dientes de ajo picado, si es miga neumático viejo.
3 tomates pelados sin semillas y picados
1 manojo de condimento verde (perejil picado y cebollino)
2 hojas de laurel lavada
1 cuchara (sopa) de sal superficial
1 cucharadita (tsp) de jengibre rallado (opcional)
Dedo pimienta Señora ½ picado y sin semillas (opcional)
O dicho de salsa de pimienta o separada para cada servirá.
Cómo preparar las costillas:
Sazonar la carne con sal, dejar reposar durante 2 horas.
Luego freír las costillas en manteca o aceite en una cazuela, preferiblemente hierro, añadir la cebolla, el ajo y rehogar un poco, añadir los tomates, y luego el vino blanco y el agua caliente para cubrir las costillas.
Cubra parcialmente dejar la estufa de leña o (cocina tradicional), hasta que las costillas son casi suave.
Agregue la yuca y suficiente para la cocción de agua caliente hasta que estén suaves, mantener la cazuela parcialmente tapado.
Cómo hacer la entrega:
Mired Boi servir con arroz blanco, calabaza al vapor, ensalada de berros o repollo picado.
La siguiente receta que publicará la calabaza al vapor del Rio Grande do Sul, que es bastante diferente de los demás.
Los alimentos del Sur son especialmente fuerte sabor disfrutado por los vaqueros trato bruto, los trabajadores de Rio Grande do Sul.
Hoy ** todos los gauchos comer Lenguado Boi y pasó los ingresos (comida típica) para todo el Brasil. **
Acompañado por una copa de vino tinto o (vidrio).
Los vinos del Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, son de herencia europea que llevó las vides de uvas productores Especiales Europa.
Los vinos son similares a los importados.
Si usted no sabe, intentarlo.
Hice una prueba, puse dos copas de vino uno en Europa y uno de los RGS para los que saben de vinos. La persona no podía decir la diferencia, simplemente pulse el nombre de la uva.
Boi Bogged down the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Boi Bogged down the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
1 ½ pound of beef rib with plenty of meat, cut into 5 cm long, separating each rib with the bone, remove excess fat.
220 ml of dry white wine
3 tablespoons (soup) of lard or oil (90ml)
About 1 liter of water.
Other Ingredients:
1 ½ kilo of cassava (manioc or cassava), peeled and cut into pieces of 50 g.
3 large onions, chopped or grated in the large drain
6 cloves of chopped garlic, if he is old tire crumb.
3 tomatoes peeled seeded and chopped
1 bunch of green seasoning (chopped parsley and chives)
2 bay leaves washed
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger (optional)
Lady finger pepper ½ chopped without seeds (optional)
Or put pepper sauce or separate for each will serve.
How to Prepare the ribs:
Season the meat with salt, let rest for 2 hours.
Then fry the ribs in lard or oil in a casserole, preferably iron, add the onion, garlic and saute a bit, add the tomatoes, and then the white wine, and hot water to cover the ribs.
Cover partially leave the wood stove or (traditional stove) until the ribs are almost soft.
Add the yuca and sufficient for cooking it hot water until soft, keep the partially capped casserole.
How to Serve:
Mired Boi serve with white rice, steamed pumpkin, watercress salad or chopped cabbage.
The next recipe I will publish the steamed pumpkin from the Rio Grande do Sul, which is quite different from the others.
The foods of the South are especially strong taste enjoyed by cowboys gross deal, workers of Rio Grande do Sul.
Today ** all gauchos eat Flounder Boi and passed revenues (typical foods) for the whole Brazil. **
Accompanied by a glass of red wine or (glass).
The wines of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, are of European heritage that brought the vines of grapes producers Specials Europe.
The wines are similar to those imported.
If you do not know, try it.
I did a test, I put two glasses of wine one in Europe and one of the RGS for those who know wine. The person could not tell the difference, just hit the grape name.
1 ½ pound of beef rib with plenty of meat, cut into 5 cm long, separating each rib with the bone, remove excess fat.
220 ml of dry white wine
3 tablespoons (soup) of lard or oil (90ml)
About 1 liter of water.
Other Ingredients:
1 ½ kilo of cassava (manioc or cassava), peeled and cut into pieces of 50 g.
3 large onions, chopped or grated in the large drain
6 cloves of chopped garlic, if he is old tire crumb.
3 tomatoes peeled seeded and chopped
1 bunch of green seasoning (chopped parsley and chives)
2 bay leaves washed
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger (optional)
Lady finger pepper ½ chopped without seeds (optional)
Or put pepper sauce or separate for each will serve.
How to Prepare the ribs:
Season the meat with salt, let rest for 2 hours.
Then fry the ribs in lard or oil in a casserole, preferably iron, add the onion, garlic and saute a bit, add the tomatoes, and then the white wine, and hot water to cover the ribs.
Cover partially leave the wood stove or (traditional stove) until the ribs are almost soft.
Add the yuca and sufficient for cooking it hot water until soft, keep the partially capped casserole.
How to Serve:
Mired Boi serve with white rice, steamed pumpkin, watercress salad or chopped cabbage.
The next recipe I will publish the steamed pumpkin from the Rio Grande do Sul, which is quite different from the others.
The foods of the South are especially strong taste enjoyed by cowboys gross deal, workers of Rio Grande do Sul.
Today ** all gauchos eat Flounder Boi and passed revenues (typical foods) for the whole Brazil. **
Accompanied by a glass of red wine or (glass).
The wines of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, are of European heritage that brought the vines of grapes producers Specials Europe.
The wines are similar to those imported.
If you do not know, try it.
I did a test, I put two glasses of wine one in Europe and one of the RGS for those who know wine. The person could not tell the difference, just hit the grape name.
Rice Shed City of Rio Grande RS. Brazil
Rice Shed City of Rio Grande RS. Brazil
1 kilo of rice, washed without water
500 grs. beef jerky cut into strips soaked in eve
500 grs. Fresh pork sausage
250 grs. bacon or lard
2 large chopped -onions
3 cloves of garlic if no old crumpled kernels
1 pinch of paprika is a natural annatto or achiote seasoning, see below
1 spoon (soup) very shallow fine salt, if needed.
The other ingredients are very salty.
How to Prepare:
Cut the dried beef into thin bait, soak for 4 to 6 hours changing the water every three hours. Or soak the day before, changing the water two (2) times.
Bring to the boil in large saucepan the chopped bacon and sausage, add the beef jerky without water and seasonings and saute, add the rice (raw) makes the sauté for 2 'minutes.
Cover all (since rice with all ingredients) to about three (3) fingers over the rice to boiling water.
Mix well and taste the salt,
Leave on high heat for 3 'to 5' minutes.
No more mess, then lower the heat to cook slowly with the lid half open until almost completely dry.
After may place the covered pot inside the furnace or a paper roll for 1 hour before serving.
Put only a little bit of salt.
Once cooked it accentuates the salt.
Annatto or achiote is full of seeds of a Brazilian plant hedgehog, which is extracted from paprika. (dye) is for those who have problems with blood flow.
If you have "electric rice cooker," do everything except water.
Put everything into the pot and add the hot water, leave it to finish the cooking process.
Hello gauchada on duty:
Not published the photo of the dish so that the novice send to Facebook, showing your work.
Rio Grande City (coast) of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.
Where is the School of Oceanography (sea).
1 kilo of rice, washed without water
500 grs. beef jerky cut into strips soaked in eve
500 grs. Fresh pork sausage
250 grs. bacon or lard
2 large chopped -onions
3 cloves of garlic if no old crumpled kernels
1 pinch of paprika is a natural annatto or achiote seasoning, see below
1 spoon (soup) very shallow fine salt, if needed.
The other ingredients are very salty.
How to Prepare:
Cut the dried beef into thin bait, soak for 4 to 6 hours changing the water every three hours. Or soak the day before, changing the water two (2) times.
Bring to the boil in large saucepan the chopped bacon and sausage, add the beef jerky without water and seasonings and saute, add the rice (raw) makes the sauté for 2 'minutes.
Cover all (since rice with all ingredients) to about three (3) fingers over the rice to boiling water.
Mix well and taste the salt,
Leave on high heat for 3 'to 5' minutes.
No more mess, then lower the heat to cook slowly with the lid half open until almost completely dry.
After may place the covered pot inside the furnace or a paper roll for 1 hour before serving.
Put only a little bit of salt.
Once cooked it accentuates the salt.
Annatto or achiote is full of seeds of a Brazilian plant hedgehog, which is extracted from paprika. (dye) is for those who have problems with blood flow.
If you have "electric rice cooker," do everything except water.
Put everything into the pot and add the hot water, leave it to finish the cooking process.
Hello gauchada on duty:
Not published the photo of the dish so that the novice send to Facebook, showing your work.
Rio Grande City (coast) of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.
Where is the School of Oceanography (sea).
sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2014
Gnocchi Quick Industrialized For Beginner
Gnocchi Quick Industrialized For Beginner
500 grs. industrialized bought gnocchi or fresh
Quick sauce:
1 pound of tomatoes peeled and chopped without seeds or
1 can of concentrated tomato sauce diluted with traditional
3 can of water, or more if necessary
1 unit or halfway or a pound of onions
1 bay leaf
1 spoon (soup) of dried oregano or 1 fresh branch
2 tablespoons (soup) of tomato paste (optional)
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of onion soup or industrialized
2 tablets of broth
1 spoon (soup) of sugar or one medium carrot peeled cooked in sauce (serves to take the acidity).
1 piece of cinnamon stick (optional)
2-3 slices ginger (optional), remove before serving.
How to Prepare the gnocchi:
Place a pot on fire with 5 liters of cold water.
When it boils pour gnocchi gradually and slowly from sticking to each other.
When it comes to the fore leaving two more 'minutes to finish cooking.
* Heads up; when it comes to the fore removing some gnocchi and test to see if it is cooked or continue for another 2 'minutes, ie experience. *
Strain in colander, removing gradually with a slotted spoon.
How to Prepare the sauce Sugo:
In a large saucepan place the oil with the onion, leave the fire until wilted, add the tomatoes and simmer until they are broken.
Add the ginger onion soup carrots or sugar, leave on heat for 20-30 'minutes.
When missing 5 'minutes to turn off the fire place and cinnamon stick before removing from heat add the oregano.
If you want you can put a little tomato paste to get the darker sauce, add a cup of hot water, until well cooked. Add water gradually half cup at a time until a thick sauce and well cooked.
Do not forget to try before taking fire.
If you only industrialized sauce, put 3 more parts water or more to cook for 20 'to 30' minutes.
Otherwise the sauce is very strong and many people may have a burning stomach (heartburn).
How to Serve:
In refractory place in the bottom of a ladle sauce over the cooked gnocchi cover with remaining sauce.
Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese.
Accompanies beef pot roast or chicken and green salad
Serve hot.
If you want to make a sauce with ground beef or to shreds, fry the meat separately and then add the sauce before cooking.
Do the same procedure as before.
The more onion put "sauce" of tomatoes, it gets thicker (thick).
500 grs. industrialized bought gnocchi or fresh
Quick sauce:
1 pound of tomatoes peeled and chopped without seeds or
1 can of concentrated tomato sauce diluted with traditional
3 can of water, or more if necessary
1 unit or halfway or a pound of onions
1 bay leaf
1 spoon (soup) of dried oregano or 1 fresh branch
2 tablespoons (soup) of tomato paste (optional)
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of onion soup or industrialized
2 tablets of broth
1 spoon (soup) of sugar or one medium carrot peeled cooked in sauce (serves to take the acidity).
1 piece of cinnamon stick (optional)
2-3 slices ginger (optional), remove before serving.
How to Prepare the gnocchi:
Place a pot on fire with 5 liters of cold water.
When it boils pour gnocchi gradually and slowly from sticking to each other.
When it comes to the fore leaving two more 'minutes to finish cooking.
* Heads up; when it comes to the fore removing some gnocchi and test to see if it is cooked or continue for another 2 'minutes, ie experience. *
Strain in colander, removing gradually with a slotted spoon.
How to Prepare the sauce Sugo:
In a large saucepan place the oil with the onion, leave the fire until wilted, add the tomatoes and simmer until they are broken.
Add the ginger onion soup carrots or sugar, leave on heat for 20-30 'minutes.
When missing 5 'minutes to turn off the fire place and cinnamon stick before removing from heat add the oregano.
If you want you can put a little tomato paste to get the darker sauce, add a cup of hot water, until well cooked. Add water gradually half cup at a time until a thick sauce and well cooked.
Do not forget to try before taking fire.
If you only industrialized sauce, put 3 more parts water or more to cook for 20 'to 30' minutes.
Otherwise the sauce is very strong and many people may have a burning stomach (heartburn).
How to Serve:
In refractory place in the bottom of a ladle sauce over the cooked gnocchi cover with remaining sauce.
Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese.
Accompanies beef pot roast or chicken and green salad
Serve hot.
If you want to make a sauce with ground beef or to shreds, fry the meat separately and then add the sauce before cooking.
Do the same procedure as before.
The more onion put "sauce" of tomatoes, it gets thicker (thick).
quinta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2014
For Beginner-Ricotta Gnocchi With Cheese Sauce
For Beginner-Ricotta Gnocchi With Cheese Sauce
300-500 grams. Fresh ricotta mashed
200 grs. cooked and well squeezed spinach
100 grs. grated parmesan cheese
200 grs. flour
White Sauce Modified: I
1 recipe white sauce see below
½ pint of whipping cream
250 gorgonzola cheese
100 grs. grated parmesan cheese
50 grs. walnuts coarsely chopped, or to taste
50 grs. butter
White Sauce or Bechamel: II
½ liter of cold cow's milk
3 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) and full of butter
How to Prepare the Bechamel sauce (white sauce): II
Spread the butter in a medium saucepan, bring the heat until melted well, add the flour and stir quickly until cooked, then add the milk gradually, let cook until a smooth cream
If not practical, mix the flour out of the fire.
How to Prepare the spinach:
Wash the spinach well, playing in boiling water, leave for 3 'minutes then ice water (blanching) to stop the cooking and stay strong green.
Pour into a colander, squeeze well with your hands, taking up all the liquid. Dry on paper towels.
Knead the fresh ricotta with a fork, mix the finely chopped spinach squeezed and cooked, add the grated cheese and the flour gradually and slowly, until a homogeneous mass.
If getting stiff add a little milk or cream, is getting soft
Mix grated cheese and flour equal parts.
Make the rolls and cut in 1 inch size.
To not stick, sprinkle lightly with flour on top.
Put on the fire a great cauldron with 5 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of oil, when it starts boiling, pour the gnocchi, so come to the fore, leaving more 2'minutos.
Take with a slotted spoon, throw in colander, pour over a thread of oil does not stick to. Do a little at a time.
How to Prepare White Sauce I:
Make white sauce, then stir in the cream chopped gorgonzola cheese and the grated Parmesan cheese, chopped nuts on top.
If I use only the sauce, add the butter.
Line the bottom of a dish with cooked gnocchi, mix the sauce and spread it.
Use half of sauce on top of the dish ready, the other half is mixed with gnocchi.
Bake gratin, by 8 'to 10' minutes.
Serve with roast beef and lettuce salad with cherry tomatoes and grated carrots in the large drain, or a bountiful salad of fresh leaves torn, not cut.
II - Option:
Special Salad:
In a large pan type dish, put back on a few lettuce leaves, leaves of endive or chicory stems of watercress, arugula and thinly sliced hearts of palm, roast beef, cut into thin slices and purple olives.
If you can not use wheat flour substitute for cornstarch or potato starch.
Test it with a mass of (¼) to get the right spot.
Then do the same procedure in the previous recipe.
300-500 grams. Fresh ricotta mashed
200 grs. cooked and well squeezed spinach
100 grs. grated parmesan cheese
200 grs. flour
White Sauce Modified: I
1 recipe white sauce see below
½ pint of whipping cream
250 gorgonzola cheese
100 grs. grated parmesan cheese
50 grs. walnuts coarsely chopped, or to taste
50 grs. butter
White Sauce or Bechamel: II
½ liter of cold cow's milk
3 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) and full of butter
How to Prepare the Bechamel sauce (white sauce): II
Spread the butter in a medium saucepan, bring the heat until melted well, add the flour and stir quickly until cooked, then add the milk gradually, let cook until a smooth cream
If not practical, mix the flour out of the fire.
How to Prepare the spinach:
Wash the spinach well, playing in boiling water, leave for 3 'minutes then ice water (blanching) to stop the cooking and stay strong green.
Pour into a colander, squeeze well with your hands, taking up all the liquid. Dry on paper towels.
Knead the fresh ricotta with a fork, mix the finely chopped spinach squeezed and cooked, add the grated cheese and the flour gradually and slowly, until a homogeneous mass.
If getting stiff add a little milk or cream, is getting soft
Mix grated cheese and flour equal parts.
Make the rolls and cut in 1 inch size.
To not stick, sprinkle lightly with flour on top.
Put on the fire a great cauldron with 5 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of oil, when it starts boiling, pour the gnocchi, so come to the fore, leaving more 2'minutos.
Take with a slotted spoon, throw in colander, pour over a thread of oil does not stick to. Do a little at a time.
How to Prepare White Sauce I:
Make white sauce, then stir in the cream chopped gorgonzola cheese and the grated Parmesan cheese, chopped nuts on top.
If I use only the sauce, add the butter.
Line the bottom of a dish with cooked gnocchi, mix the sauce and spread it.
Use half of sauce on top of the dish ready, the other half is mixed with gnocchi.
Bake gratin, by 8 'to 10' minutes.
Serve with roast beef and lettuce salad with cherry tomatoes and grated carrots in the large drain, or a bountiful salad of fresh leaves torn, not cut.
II - Option:
Special Salad:
In a large pan type dish, put back on a few lettuce leaves, leaves of endive or chicory stems of watercress, arugula and thinly sliced hearts of palm, roast beef, cut into thin slices and purple olives.
If you can not use wheat flour substitute for cornstarch or potato starch.
Test it with a mass of (¼) to get the right spot.
Then do the same procedure in the previous recipe.
For Beginner Lucky Gnocchi Day 29
For Beginner Lucky Gnocchi Day 29
Yam or sweet potato gnocchi and Other
1 pound of potatoes or
1 pound of yam cooked with rind and squeezed
1 egg + 2 egg yolks
2-3 tablespoons (soup). grated parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons of flour, or necessary, to give the point of curling
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
1 tbsp (tablespoons) butter
Tomato sauce with meat:
500 grs. of ground beef
500 grs. grated onion, or taste
1 liter of homemade tomato sauce plus 1 cup of water, or
1 can of tomato sauce more industrialized
3 cans of cold water
4 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil
1 spoon (soup) or grated ginger
2 tablespoons (soup) of onion cream soup
1 spoon (soup) of oregano, add only at the end
1 teaspoon (tsp) of salt - salt exclude using onion soup
2 tablets of broth (optional)
1 cinnamon stick, put 5 'minutes remove from heat.
How to Prepare the Dough:
Wash the potatoes do not make a very deep cut in half the potato circumference.
Fits and warm baked after pulling each side, which leaves all at once.
Try it with yam that is a delight, besides being natural antibiotic.
Wash yams with bark to take all the land.
Put to cook in shell in a water bath inside the colander, or steamer or cuscuzeira with lid.
After the cooked yams, remove the peel while hot, pass the potato masher or processor, or crush with a fork, as was done formerly.
If you want you can pass quickly, each yam cooked in plain water to cool slightly, to facilitate the work.
Place in a bowl and squeezed the cooked yams, add butter salt, eggs, and grated cheese and finally the flour gradually to give point to roll.
Do not forget to put the flour gradually and slowly and carefully so that the mass of the gnocchi do not be hard.
Make long thin rolls, the thickness of a finger.
Cut gnocchi 1 inch, and sprinkle with flour.
Place a pot on fire with 5 liters of cold water, and a spoon (soup) of oil.
When you go pouring boiling gnocchi gradually lower the heat.
If you want to take the test before: When the water starts boiling add 3-5 gnocchi, leave the fire until they are cooked.
After cooking they rise are floating,
Remove and see if it's already in the right spot.
If getting soft add more grated cheese and flour equal parts.
If you put too much flour the gnocchi is hard.
If you get hard add a gem or milk or cream or more yams to achieve the desired point.
Once the dough has tested and it worked.
Do the same procedure, with the remainder of the mass.
How to Prepare the sauce:
In a large pan fry the meat with the oil, then add the onion and let it wither.
Add the broth and sauce tomato concentrate, salt last.
If you need to place a glass of water or the necessary and simmer until a thick sauce.
Before serving sprinkle with enough stem chopped parsley (optional).
When the gnocchi are cooked, they rise to the surface, cook for more 2'minutos.
Once cooked remove the gnocchi and pass to the colander to drain all the water.
Pass the gnocchi to a plate, cover with tomato sauce with meat, sprinkle grated cheese on top.
To Serve:
Serve hot accompanied by meat or baked chicken.
Watercress salad, or dark leafy greens.
Can replace the yam by cassava, yams, cassava (manioc) and other
heads up:
My recipes are written in a very simple way for anyone to be able to first and alone, that is,
walk with their own feet without fear of error.
Curiosity about or gnocchi or gnocchi Gnocchi
I'm responding to the request of several people on the gnocchi.
Write a several way according to your language.
Previously wrote on Gnocchi (Portuguese), the right is gnocchi.
Gnocchi are made with various vegetables and tubers, to wheat flour or other types of flour and with a moldy and cooked rice.
If the recipe you chose has not been published or lost, have sent gladly.
The address is below.
Here follows some ingredients that gnocchi can be made:
Potato, taro, yams, cassava, cassava (potato sauce), pumpkin. Pumpkin, cooked rice, among others.
The most common is the potato, then comes from or wheat flour (cooked weight) generally industrialized.
Both gnocchi can do at home.
Gnocchi (most common) is a dough made with potatoes, eggs, cheese, flour, modeled.
Makes a roll, then cut the size of your preference.
The normal size is one (1) to two (2) inches.
Cook in boiling water, when it comes to the fore is cooked.
Pass to a platter.
Platter is a tool (rectangular) and the bowl is low (round) high.
Serving to put tomato sauce or tomato sauce with meat or hot white sauce.
No need to go in the oven. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
If chilled, warm each portion in the microwave
Some people prefer to cook the pasta; model and leads to the oven with the sauce chosen.
My suggestion to you is that beginners start with the traditional which is the easiest. and tastier.
Traditional gnocchi is made with potato, eggs, cheese. salt, flour, butter.
Round stuffed gnocchi, baked in the oven with the sauce on top can be modeled.
Yam or sweet potato gnocchi and Other
1 pound of potatoes or
1 pound of yam cooked with rind and squeezed
1 egg + 2 egg yolks
2-3 tablespoons (soup). grated parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons of flour, or necessary, to give the point of curling
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
1 tbsp (tablespoons) butter
Tomato sauce with meat:
500 grs. of ground beef
500 grs. grated onion, or taste
1 liter of homemade tomato sauce plus 1 cup of water, or
1 can of tomato sauce more industrialized
3 cans of cold water
4 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil
1 spoon (soup) or grated ginger
2 tablespoons (soup) of onion cream soup
1 spoon (soup) of oregano, add only at the end
1 teaspoon (tsp) of salt - salt exclude using onion soup
2 tablets of broth (optional)
1 cinnamon stick, put 5 'minutes remove from heat.
How to Prepare the Dough:
Wash the potatoes do not make a very deep cut in half the potato circumference.
Fits and warm baked after pulling each side, which leaves all at once.
Try it with yam that is a delight, besides being natural antibiotic.
Wash yams with bark to take all the land.
Put to cook in shell in a water bath inside the colander, or steamer or cuscuzeira with lid.
After the cooked yams, remove the peel while hot, pass the potato masher or processor, or crush with a fork, as was done formerly.
If you want you can pass quickly, each yam cooked in plain water to cool slightly, to facilitate the work.
Place in a bowl and squeezed the cooked yams, add butter salt, eggs, and grated cheese and finally the flour gradually to give point to roll.
Do not forget to put the flour gradually and slowly and carefully so that the mass of the gnocchi do not be hard.
Make long thin rolls, the thickness of a finger.
Cut gnocchi 1 inch, and sprinkle with flour.
Place a pot on fire with 5 liters of cold water, and a spoon (soup) of oil.
When you go pouring boiling gnocchi gradually lower the heat.
If you want to take the test before: When the water starts boiling add 3-5 gnocchi, leave the fire until they are cooked.
After cooking they rise are floating,
Remove and see if it's already in the right spot.
If getting soft add more grated cheese and flour equal parts.
If you put too much flour the gnocchi is hard.
If you get hard add a gem or milk or cream or more yams to achieve the desired point.
Once the dough has tested and it worked.
Do the same procedure, with the remainder of the mass.
How to Prepare the sauce:
In a large pan fry the meat with the oil, then add the onion and let it wither.
Add the broth and sauce tomato concentrate, salt last.
If you need to place a glass of water or the necessary and simmer until a thick sauce.
Before serving sprinkle with enough stem chopped parsley (optional).
When the gnocchi are cooked, they rise to the surface, cook for more 2'minutos.
Once cooked remove the gnocchi and pass to the colander to drain all the water.
Pass the gnocchi to a plate, cover with tomato sauce with meat, sprinkle grated cheese on top.
To Serve:
Serve hot accompanied by meat or baked chicken.
Watercress salad, or dark leafy greens.
Can replace the yam by cassava, yams, cassava (manioc) and other
heads up:
My recipes are written in a very simple way for anyone to be able to first and alone, that is,
walk with their own feet without fear of error.
Curiosity about or gnocchi or gnocchi Gnocchi
I'm responding to the request of several people on the gnocchi.
Write a several way according to your language.
Previously wrote on Gnocchi (Portuguese), the right is gnocchi.
Gnocchi are made with various vegetables and tubers, to wheat flour or other types of flour and with a moldy and cooked rice.
If the recipe you chose has not been published or lost, have sent gladly.
The address is below.
Here follows some ingredients that gnocchi can be made:
Potato, taro, yams, cassava, cassava (potato sauce), pumpkin. Pumpkin, cooked rice, among others.
The most common is the potato, then comes from or wheat flour (cooked weight) generally industrialized.
Both gnocchi can do at home.
Gnocchi (most common) is a dough made with potatoes, eggs, cheese, flour, modeled.
Makes a roll, then cut the size of your preference.
The normal size is one (1) to two (2) inches.
Cook in boiling water, when it comes to the fore is cooked.
Pass to a platter.
Platter is a tool (rectangular) and the bowl is low (round) high.
Serving to put tomato sauce or tomato sauce with meat or hot white sauce.
No need to go in the oven. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
If chilled, warm each portion in the microwave
Some people prefer to cook the pasta; model and leads to the oven with the sauce chosen.
My suggestion to you is that beginners start with the traditional which is the easiest. and tastier.
Traditional gnocchi is made with potato, eggs, cheese. salt, flour, butter.
Round stuffed gnocchi, baked in the oven with the sauce on top can be modeled.
quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014
Chicken noodle and tomato sauce
Chicken noodle and tomato sauce
½ pound of fussili, or other short pasta of your choice
Other ingredients:
1 large onion, grated or minced
½ liter of homemade tomato sauce or
500grs of ripe tomato, seeded and chopped without the skin
1 can of 500 g. sauce ready, add 3 cans of warm water
½ cup oil
1 chopped leek, thinly sliced (optional)
1 stalk celery, cut into thin slices (optional
1 medium carrot peeled whole or
1 spoon (soup) of sugar
1 tbsp (tablespoons oregano put at the end of cooking
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of onion cream soup do not put the salt to the onion soup has salt (optional)
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
1 piece of cinnamon stick
How to Prepare the Pasta Sauce:
In a large pot add the oil to the onion leeks and celery (celery) together, leave on heat until the onions are wilted.
Add homemade gravy or sauce industrialized along with 3 cans of warm or hot water, carrot or sugar, onion soup or salt. When missing 5 'minutes add the cinnamon stick.
Leave Cooking for 30 'to 60' minutes. If you used the industrialized sauce ready to leave the fire until reduced by half.
If using tomatoes fry with the onion, leek and celery, until it is almost undone.
If you need to add a cup of water for cooking and the tomatoes and other ingredients.
Before taking the sauce from heat, remove the carrots, add the oregano. Rubbing hands to release the smell and the taste.
Leave the sauce on the fire until thick.
How to Prepare:
Cook the noodles with 5 liters of boiling water, with a
pinch of salt, and a spoon (soup) of oil.
To cook 100 grams. Pasta corresponds to a liter of water and so forth.
After the cooked noodles to a platter pass pours the sauce over, or,
Place the cooked pasta "al dente" in the hot sauce.
Before serving, sprinkle grated cheese on top ..
Serve hot
You can put 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley with stems and chives
½ pound of fussili, or other short pasta of your choice
Other ingredients:
1 large onion, grated or minced
½ liter of homemade tomato sauce or
500grs of ripe tomato, seeded and chopped without the skin
1 can of 500 g. sauce ready, add 3 cans of warm water
½ cup oil
1 chopped leek, thinly sliced (optional)
1 stalk celery, cut into thin slices (optional
1 medium carrot peeled whole or
1 spoon (soup) of sugar
1 tbsp (tablespoons oregano put at the end of cooking
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of onion cream soup do not put the salt to the onion soup has salt (optional)
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
1 piece of cinnamon stick
How to Prepare the Pasta Sauce:
In a large pot add the oil to the onion leeks and celery (celery) together, leave on heat until the onions are wilted.
Add homemade gravy or sauce industrialized along with 3 cans of warm or hot water, carrot or sugar, onion soup or salt. When missing 5 'minutes add the cinnamon stick.
Leave Cooking for 30 'to 60' minutes. If you used the industrialized sauce ready to leave the fire until reduced by half.
If using tomatoes fry with the onion, leek and celery, until it is almost undone.
If you need to add a cup of water for cooking and the tomatoes and other ingredients.
Before taking the sauce from heat, remove the carrots, add the oregano. Rubbing hands to release the smell and the taste.
Leave the sauce on the fire until thick.
How to Prepare:
Cook the noodles with 5 liters of boiling water, with a
pinch of salt, and a spoon (soup) of oil.
To cook 100 grams. Pasta corresponds to a liter of water and so forth.
After the cooked noodles to a platter pass pours the sauce over, or,
Place the cooked pasta "al dente" in the hot sauce.
Before serving, sprinkle grated cheese on top ..
Serve hot
You can put 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley with stems and chives
For the Beginner difference jerky and other
For the Beginner difference jerky and other
The Difference - Jerky, Meat and Meat Dry Sun
The difference of beef jerky, beef jerky and jerky - slight differences between them for conservation and dehydration, to last longer.
The validity ranges up to 3 months. See the validity in packaging.
Another difference is the amount of fine salt and drying process.
I - Jerky:
Charque typical product of the City of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, salting is quite different than other meats, a large amount of salt for your preparation.
The first time was, and (in 1777) by the Portuguese José Pinto Martins, who lived in Ceara (state of northern Brazil).
Joseph made adaptation to seize the cattle slaughtered only for the use of leather.
The gaucho that time did not eat beef, but beef, lamb and pork, ducks, loons and other birds.
The gauchos were of foreign descent cold weather, (Italian, German, Polish, Portuguese enter other).
They learned to take mate with the local Indians.
To prepare the beef jerky (it has a considerable shortening) the traditional way.
The cutting mats for the dehydration process are made, is adding quite fine salt, brought to rest for long period. With dehydration, a large amount of liquid will leave the meat and then the process repeated several times to remove salt and put the meat is brought to drying which lasts on average 10 days.
II - Carne de Sol:
Carne de Sol also bears the name of meat Wind - serenada meat, the hinterland of the (northern states of Brazil).
Formerly it was done drying and dehydration in the sun, at the time there was no refrigeration.
The parts were dried in the sun and dry climate of the place, this very old technique.
Currently the meat is slightly salty placed to dry in a shaded, cool place not to direct sunlight, because the problems of contamination by insects and other reasons. Drying was fast, still leaving the meat moist inside just modifying its original texture and color, sold without packaging.
III - Carne Seca;
Formerly it was made almost equal to corned beef.
Today the process is the same sun drying the meat in a covered ventilated place. The difference is that after drying and dehydration it is vacuum packed (process that prevents oxygen entering).
See the process of use and durability.
The meat to be used multiple times are washed placed in 8 to 12 hours soaked in water. (soaked).
Depending on the dewatering and drying process some of them, takes less time.
Beware of salt:
Decrease salt when making dishes with three (3) above meats.
Then I pretty much different recipes to use up the meat for beginners.
The Difference - Jerky, Meat and Meat Dry Sun
The difference of beef jerky, beef jerky and jerky - slight differences between them for conservation and dehydration, to last longer.
The validity ranges up to 3 months. See the validity in packaging.
Another difference is the amount of fine salt and drying process.
I - Jerky:
Charque typical product of the City of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, salting is quite different than other meats, a large amount of salt for your preparation.
The first time was, and (in 1777) by the Portuguese José Pinto Martins, who lived in Ceara (state of northern Brazil).
Joseph made adaptation to seize the cattle slaughtered only for the use of leather.
The gaucho that time did not eat beef, but beef, lamb and pork, ducks, loons and other birds.
The gauchos were of foreign descent cold weather, (Italian, German, Polish, Portuguese enter other).
They learned to take mate with the local Indians.
To prepare the beef jerky (it has a considerable shortening) the traditional way.
The cutting mats for the dehydration process are made, is adding quite fine salt, brought to rest for long period. With dehydration, a large amount of liquid will leave the meat and then the process repeated several times to remove salt and put the meat is brought to drying which lasts on average 10 days.
II - Carne de Sol:
Carne de Sol also bears the name of meat Wind - serenada meat, the hinterland of the (northern states of Brazil).
Formerly it was done drying and dehydration in the sun, at the time there was no refrigeration.
The parts were dried in the sun and dry climate of the place, this very old technique.
Currently the meat is slightly salty placed to dry in a shaded, cool place not to direct sunlight, because the problems of contamination by insects and other reasons. Drying was fast, still leaving the meat moist inside just modifying its original texture and color, sold without packaging.
III - Carne Seca;
Formerly it was made almost equal to corned beef.
Today the process is the same sun drying the meat in a covered ventilated place. The difference is that after drying and dehydration it is vacuum packed (process that prevents oxygen entering).
See the process of use and durability.
The meat to be used multiple times are washed placed in 8 to 12 hours soaked in water. (soaked).
Depending on the dewatering and drying process some of them, takes less time.
Beware of salt:
Decrease salt when making dishes with three (3) above meats.
Then I pretty much different recipes to use up the meat for beginners.
segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2014
Canjiquinha of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Canjiquinha of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
With Canjiquinha Charque
1 pound of dried beef cut into cubes (soaked)
1 pound of hominy (corn is the quirela)
1 large onion, chopped into small pieces
4 large cloves of garlic if it is old tire crumb
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt
Other Ingredients:
2 teaspoons lard, or (60 ml) soybean oil or corn
4 liters of boiling water
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt
How to Prepare:
Clean quirela corn, wash well.
Soak with water for 12 hours.
Rinse the dried beef, cut into cubes soak for 12 hours.
Drain the water from the beef jerky, make the washing several times
Place to separate kitchen, or you can cook together with 4 liters of water.
* If cooking separately split water *.
* If cooking together carefully with salt *.
In a large pot of 33 cm, add the cooked quirela that should not really be cooked polenta turns that along with the jerky, also cooked.
The grits cooked the little grains should be if overcook polenta turns.
Season with lard the onions and garlic.
In a separate pan put lard, then let the fire until onions wilt, lower the heat add garlic leave by 2 'minutes.
Do not let the garlic fry for a long time he spends an unpleasant taste.
With white rice.
If you want you can accompany a dark braised vegetables.
With Canjiquinha Charque
1 pound of dried beef cut into cubes (soaked)
1 pound of hominy (corn is the quirela)
1 large onion, chopped into small pieces
4 large cloves of garlic if it is old tire crumb
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt
Other Ingredients:
2 teaspoons lard, or (60 ml) soybean oil or corn
4 liters of boiling water
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt
How to Prepare:
Clean quirela corn, wash well.
Soak with water for 12 hours.
Rinse the dried beef, cut into cubes soak for 12 hours.
Drain the water from the beef jerky, make the washing several times
Place to separate kitchen, or you can cook together with 4 liters of water.
* If cooking separately split water *.
* If cooking together carefully with salt *.
In a large pot of 33 cm, add the cooked quirela that should not really be cooked polenta turns that along with the jerky, also cooked.
The grits cooked the little grains should be if overcook polenta turns.
Season with lard the onions and garlic.
In a separate pan put lard, then let the fire until onions wilt, lower the heat add garlic leave by 2 'minutes.
Do not let the garlic fry for a long time he spends an unpleasant taste.
With white rice.
If you want you can accompany a dark braised vegetables.
domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014
Lecture and Portuguese
Lecture and Portuguese
Why / why
Interrogative pronoun + preposition
In interrogative sentences (direct or indirect).
Why not come?
I wonder why we fight.
She did not come why?
The word in the final sentence receives caret:
You need what?
She knows what!
Preposition + relative pronoun
Equals whereby (and its variations).
She is the woman I fell in love.
I do not know why people expect.
Equals because
I did not go to school because she was sick
Come quickly, because their presence is essential
Is always accompanied by a word that characterizes (article, pronoun or numeral).
What is the reason for their revolt?
Why this has not convinced me
There must be a reason for delaying it so much.
Why / why
Interrogative pronoun + preposition
In interrogative sentences (direct or indirect).
Why not come?
I wonder why we fight.
She did not come why?
The word in the final sentence receives caret:
You need what?
She knows what!
Preposition + relative pronoun
Equals whereby (and its variations).
She is the woman I fell in love.
I do not know why people expect.
Equals because
I did not go to school because she was sick
Come quickly, because their presence is essential
Is always accompanied by a word that characterizes (article, pronoun or numeral).
What is the reason for their revolt?
Why this has not convinced me
There must be a reason for delaying it so much.
sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014
Coffee Tips For Beginner
Coffee Tips For Beginner
Did you know that the temperature of the water to pass the coffee is 90 º C.
How to know without having the thermometer?
It is when you are beginning to form the balls before boiling.
Water boils at 100 º C.
One should not make coffee with boiling water and you must not pour the powder into the bowl that is on fire.
Boiling the coffee it loses all its medicinal properties.
You'll take dirty water for coffee.
This procedure was done once-through cloth filter in the open.
When will water reaches 90 º C the cloth filter must stay within the vessel (pot) has previously heated and not taking air.
Today uses paper coffee percolator, and already goes straight to the thermal.
Serve immediately.
If you save the leftover coffee in Thermal, surely you will not have breakfast with their medicinal properties but dead coffee.
When serving the visit, make coffee again.
Nape takes old coffee there, so little at home.
If you want your coffee to stay smelling visit.
Place a 2 to 3 tablespoons (soup) of coffee powder in the pan stirring constantly go burning.
The aroma of coffee is being released, and the place is empreguinado the smell of coffee.
Remember in our childhood that our grandparents did it?
Then discard the coffee.
Do not use the coffee, he has lost all his property.
Do not use expired coffee.
** The coffee makers are scheduled to boil at 90 º C.
Did you know that the temperature of the water to pass the coffee is 90 º C.
How to know without having the thermometer?
It is when you are beginning to form the balls before boiling.
Water boils at 100 º C.
One should not make coffee with boiling water and you must not pour the powder into the bowl that is on fire.
Boiling the coffee it loses all its medicinal properties.
You'll take dirty water for coffee.
This procedure was done once-through cloth filter in the open.
When will water reaches 90 º C the cloth filter must stay within the vessel (pot) has previously heated and not taking air.
Today uses paper coffee percolator, and already goes straight to the thermal.
Serve immediately.
If you save the leftover coffee in Thermal, surely you will not have breakfast with their medicinal properties but dead coffee.
When serving the visit, make coffee again.
Nape takes old coffee there, so little at home.
If you want your coffee to stay smelling visit.
Place a 2 to 3 tablespoons (soup) of coffee powder in the pan stirring constantly go burning.
The aroma of coffee is being released, and the place is empreguinado the smell of coffee.
Remember in our childhood that our grandparents did it?
Then discard the coffee.
Do not use the coffee, he has lost all his property.
Do not use expired coffee.
** The coffee makers are scheduled to boil at 90 º C.
Important Tips for Beginner:
Important Tips for Beginner:
To learn about oil and oil
Tips of the Day 23:08:14 Rectified
I - Option:
Did you know that frying food is not to use extra "OLIVE" virgin, but the other lower oil that is mixed with soybean oil (which is neutral).
Read container labels.
Draw your conclusions.
Warming the "oil", it loses all its properties.
It is like ordinary oil.
** Extra virgin olive oil is used only in temperature
** environment can not be heated, see the above information.
Always use olive oil at the end of the plate, "out of the fire", or on your plate.
When you go to the restaurant, the Olive is served separately.
Europeans learned from my grandparents, who always said the same thing.
Can not heat the oil, he turns ordinary oil.
"If you want your foods that are on fire, stay-flavored olive oil, see the procedure down."
II - Option:
Place whole green or black olives (ripe) in half the glass with good wide and screw cap, complete with soybean oil or corn, canola, close and save.
The oil used should be clean (no use) to put olives in glass. Rinse and dry with paper towel to remove the salt water and preservatives.
Leave the glass with olives sit for 1-3 months and cool off under the sun., Turning occasionally.
"You can not store in the refrigerator ** the oil coagulates.
Pitting the olives and using only the core (same as using the lump plum fruit) to make liquor).
Use only olive pits clean (unused) that contaminates all your work.
With the core of the olive flavor is more pronounced than the pulp.
Then do the same procedure as before.
Important Note:
The common oil should be used "only once", and discarded packaging for pet to make soap.
See the collection of used oil in your neighborhood.
The oil used 2 times it is dropped in pet packaging, to make soap, see in your neighborhood where you have to collect.
The oil is discarded for the same reason that the car releases carbon dioxide.
Can not be discarded in the sink or in the trash.
The sink (sewer) will pollute the rivers, multiply by 100 times.
Go to waste in the environment, polluting the soil.
To learn about oil and oil
Tips of the Day 23:08:14 Rectified
I - Option:
Did you know that frying food is not to use extra "OLIVE" virgin, but the other lower oil that is mixed with soybean oil (which is neutral).
Read container labels.
Draw your conclusions.
Warming the "oil", it loses all its properties.
It is like ordinary oil.
** Extra virgin olive oil is used only in temperature
** environment can not be heated, see the above information.
Always use olive oil at the end of the plate, "out of the fire", or on your plate.
When you go to the restaurant, the Olive is served separately.
Europeans learned from my grandparents, who always said the same thing.
Can not heat the oil, he turns ordinary oil.
"If you want your foods that are on fire, stay-flavored olive oil, see the procedure down."
II - Option:
Place whole green or black olives (ripe) in half the glass with good wide and screw cap, complete with soybean oil or corn, canola, close and save.
The oil used should be clean (no use) to put olives in glass. Rinse and dry with paper towel to remove the salt water and preservatives.
Leave the glass with olives sit for 1-3 months and cool off under the sun., Turning occasionally.
"You can not store in the refrigerator ** the oil coagulates.
Pitting the olives and using only the core (same as using the lump plum fruit) to make liquor).
Use only olive pits clean (unused) that contaminates all your work.
With the core of the olive flavor is more pronounced than the pulp.
Then do the same procedure as before.
Important Note:
The common oil should be used "only once", and discarded packaging for pet to make soap.
See the collection of used oil in your neighborhood.
The oil used 2 times it is dropped in pet packaging, to make soap, see in your neighborhood where you have to collect.
The oil is discarded for the same reason that the car releases carbon dioxide.
Can not be discarded in the sink or in the trash.
The sink (sewer) will pollute the rivers, multiply by 100 times.
Go to waste in the environment, polluting the soil.
quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014
Chicken in Pumpkin of Antoinette
Chicken in Pumpkin of Antoinette
1 ½ pound of skinless thigh overload, without bones or chicken breast, cut into cubes baits or 2 inches ..
½ pound of cream cheese
1 medium Pumpkin
For the Sauce:
½ pound of tomatoes peeled and seeded, or
1 can of ready sauce concentrate - dilute with ½ liter of water
½ cup corn oil
1 cup (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) with salsa and chopped stem drizzling
1 cup (tea) of chives cortadinha in rodelinhas
1 cup (tea) of water
1 leek cut into slices
2 stalks celery, cut into thin slices without leaves
1 tbsp (tablespoons) capers (optional
1 tbsp (tablespoons) of salt or
1 spoon (soup) shallow soup onion cream (optional)
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger
½ teaspoon (coffee) crushed bay
1 pinch of ground cloves
Other Ingredients:
1 glass or half a pound of mushrooms:
palm background of artichokes, pickled asparagus at all. Drained, minced and washed in running water.
How to prepare:
Sauté the chicken with a little oil .se put the onion soup does not put the salt.
In another pan fry the onion, leek, celery, tomatoes, add the ginger and bay leaf ..
Then add the chicken pieces, if you need to add hot water, let the fire to cook, get a thicker sauce, add the cinnamon powder the cloves, mix well.
If you are ready to use the sauce boil with ½ liter of water, until reduced by half.
Once done add the mushrooms chopped in half., Capers, parsley and chives. Reserve.
1 medium Pumpkin
How to Prepare the squash:
Cut the pumpkin lid, remove all the seeds, rinse inside and out, then dry.
Rub the peel of the squash with corn oil and bake in the oven weak
120 ° C for about an hour, wrapped with aluminum foil.
Checking from time to time the cooking so prevents the
pumpkin overcook and dim. Let cool.
Remove the squash from the oven, line the inside with curd.
Pour the chicken already cooked with the sauce. Over cover with curd.
Bake for 20 'minutes
Follow up:
White rice, salad of watercress or lettuce, tomato, and onion into thin slices .and grated raw carrot.
Can make other fillings:
Make the sauce the same as before replacing the chicken for shrimp, lobster, crab or cod, or other fish.
Can also soaked and shredded dried beef.
Beware that the shrimp cook for 5 'minutes
Place only time to go into the oven and leave enough to not overcook.
If you want you can cook the pumpkin with water.
Place in a large pot and fill the pumpkin inside and out with water with a pinch of salt. Cook "al dente".
Allow to cool, remove the water and dry thoroughly inside and out.
Then do the same procedure in the previous recipe.
1 ½ pound of skinless thigh overload, without bones or chicken breast, cut into cubes baits or 2 inches ..
½ pound of cream cheese
1 medium Pumpkin
For the Sauce:
½ pound of tomatoes peeled and seeded, or
1 can of ready sauce concentrate - dilute with ½ liter of water
½ cup corn oil
1 cup (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) with salsa and chopped stem drizzling
1 cup (tea) of chives cortadinha in rodelinhas
1 cup (tea) of water
1 leek cut into slices
2 stalks celery, cut into thin slices without leaves
1 tbsp (tablespoons) capers (optional
1 tbsp (tablespoons) of salt or
1 spoon (soup) shallow soup onion cream (optional)
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger
½ teaspoon (coffee) crushed bay
1 pinch of ground cloves
Other Ingredients:
1 glass or half a pound of mushrooms:
palm background of artichokes, pickled asparagus at all. Drained, minced and washed in running water.
How to prepare:
Sauté the chicken with a little oil .se put the onion soup does not put the salt.
In another pan fry the onion, leek, celery, tomatoes, add the ginger and bay leaf ..
Then add the chicken pieces, if you need to add hot water, let the fire to cook, get a thicker sauce, add the cinnamon powder the cloves, mix well.
If you are ready to use the sauce boil with ½ liter of water, until reduced by half.
Once done add the mushrooms chopped in half., Capers, parsley and chives. Reserve.
1 medium Pumpkin
How to Prepare the squash:
Cut the pumpkin lid, remove all the seeds, rinse inside and out, then dry.
Rub the peel of the squash with corn oil and bake in the oven weak
120 ° C for about an hour, wrapped with aluminum foil.
Checking from time to time the cooking so prevents the
pumpkin overcook and dim. Let cool.
Remove the squash from the oven, line the inside with curd.
Pour the chicken already cooked with the sauce. Over cover with curd.
Bake for 20 'minutes
Follow up:
White rice, salad of watercress or lettuce, tomato, and onion into thin slices .and grated raw carrot.
Can make other fillings:
Make the sauce the same as before replacing the chicken for shrimp, lobster, crab or cod, or other fish.
Can also soaked and shredded dried beef.
Beware that the shrimp cook for 5 'minutes
Place only time to go into the oven and leave enough to not overcook.
If you want you can cook the pumpkin with water.
Place in a large pot and fill the pumpkin inside and out with water with a pinch of salt. Cook "al dente".
Allow to cool, remove the water and dry thoroughly inside and out.
Then do the same procedure in the previous recipe.
Curiosity - Paella
Curiosity - Paella
The version I have of Paella, was passed by Spanish friends, and even for my husband who is a descendant of them, that are part of this story.
The Paella began in Sec. Thirteenth in Europe at the time nobody knew the rice.
Rice was used as starch (flour).
Due to climate change (warming), he proceeded to give curls. Rice is a cereal. Everything that goes on is cereal bunch.
The farmers believed that the plant (rice) was plague, were afraid to eat, decided to give animals for testing.
The surprise is that they realized that the animals gained weight and got a good weight.
To recap:
When it was discovered (Sec. X. III) in Spain were poor farmers and made their food together, each bringing home what they had achieved in hunting and other ingredients collected in nature.
Then they decided to add the rice. It worked.
In Sec. Fifteenth nobles (who only ate meat) realizing that the poor ate this ingredient (rice), were satisfied and robust, decided to make paella.
The nobles have changed the ingredients from farmers, for more sophisticated and more expensive ingredients.
The other inhabitants of Spain also started making this dish according to local ingredients and according to your pocket.
The version I have of Paella is a Noble had an only daughter very ill.
Was given up by doctors in Europe.
The Noble (girl's father) not aquento much suffering, took his daughter to a monastery to die.
What was your surprise? The daughter recovered his health.
The girl was returned to her father.
The Noble grateful, decided to pay expenses and give a large sum to the monastery. They did not accept.
The nobleman did not know how to thank, decided to give tons of food, meats of all kinds, fish, and vegetables from all over the world.
The monks received food and did not know what to do! Distributed to the people and still left a ton of perishable foods.
Recapping not knowing what to do, decided to make a dish with all the ingredients and gave the name of Paella. That is honoring to her girl.
II - Version:
In Sec. X. III poor farmers, took the food to his wife to cook.
A little of each, which left those they made in conjunction with other farmers.
How many children they had had no time to cook so many ingredients. They who did so was the food (Wife) For this reason called Paella. "For her".
Now are you going to draw their conclusions.
I am sending what was passed to me to know about the Paella.
That if you are from Brazil or Europe mainly Spain and you have another version, please drop by my blogs. baudanonna.blogspot.com
or baudadamama.blogspot. with.
I'll be very grateful.
The version I have of Paella, was passed by Spanish friends, and even for my husband who is a descendant of them, that are part of this story.
The Paella began in Sec. Thirteenth in Europe at the time nobody knew the rice.
Rice was used as starch (flour).
Due to climate change (warming), he proceeded to give curls. Rice is a cereal. Everything that goes on is cereal bunch.
The farmers believed that the plant (rice) was plague, were afraid to eat, decided to give animals for testing.
The surprise is that they realized that the animals gained weight and got a good weight.
To recap:
When it was discovered (Sec. X. III) in Spain were poor farmers and made their food together, each bringing home what they had achieved in hunting and other ingredients collected in nature.
Then they decided to add the rice. It worked.
In Sec. Fifteenth nobles (who only ate meat) realizing that the poor ate this ingredient (rice), were satisfied and robust, decided to make paella.
The nobles have changed the ingredients from farmers, for more sophisticated and more expensive ingredients.
The other inhabitants of Spain also started making this dish according to local ingredients and according to your pocket.
The version I have of Paella is a Noble had an only daughter very ill.
Was given up by doctors in Europe.
The Noble (girl's father) not aquento much suffering, took his daughter to a monastery to die.
What was your surprise? The daughter recovered his health.
The girl was returned to her father.
The Noble grateful, decided to pay expenses and give a large sum to the monastery. They did not accept.
The nobleman did not know how to thank, decided to give tons of food, meats of all kinds, fish, and vegetables from all over the world.
The monks received food and did not know what to do! Distributed to the people and still left a ton of perishable foods.
Recapping not knowing what to do, decided to make a dish with all the ingredients and gave the name of Paella. That is honoring to her girl.
II - Version:
In Sec. X. III poor farmers, took the food to his wife to cook.
A little of each, which left those they made in conjunction with other farmers.
How many children they had had no time to cook so many ingredients. They who did so was the food (Wife) For this reason called Paella. "For her".
Now are you going to draw their conclusions.
I am sending what was passed to me to know about the Paella.
That if you are from Brazil or Europe mainly Spain and you have another version, please drop by my blogs. baudanonna.blogspot.com
or baudadamama.blogspot. with.
I'll be very grateful.
sexta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2014
1 pound of chicken breast cut into thick strips 2 x 5 cm
½ pound of fresh or pickled mushrooms, if using canned drain and rinse well before using to remove the preservative and sodium.
Other Ingredients:
500 grams of processed onion, chopped fine or drizzling
375 ml of cachup without pepper
100 grs. butter not margarine serves. or
1 cup milhou canola oil, or corn, or half and half
2 boxes of cream at room temperature
1 cup of 200 ml of milk (optional)
White part only - 2 garlic pore
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of mustard
2 tablespoons (soup) of flour dissolved in milk or cream
1 tbsp (tablespoons) Worcestershire sauce or shoyu soy sauce (optional).
1 tablespoons (soup) of hot sauce (optional)
½ teaspoon (tablespoon) of fresh ginger grated or
½ teaspoon (coffee) shallow ground ginger
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick
2 bay leaves or ¼ teaspoon (coffee) from shallow ground bay leaf, use leaf remove before serving,
1 sprig of fresh mint (optional)
1 sprig of basil (optional)
1 cup of -flambar brandy (optional)
How to Prepare:
In a medium saucepan, fry the leeks with a little oil, add the onion until wilted and re-fry until it becomes transparent Book.
Step II:
In another medium saucepan fry the chicken breast lightly in butter or oil, until "al dente".
The chicken is not to be cooked which is very hard.
If exchanging for another Ave, do the same procedure with the difference that after frying go dripping boiling water gradually and slowly until the meat is soft Ave, it is well cooked. As duck and turkey hunting.
The quail and rabbit and frog cook fast.
Step III:
In a large pot add ingredients of phase I and phase II, mix well, add the canned mushrooms (washed) and chopped in half, the cachup, mustard, cinnamon, bay leaves, ginger and paprika which is optional.
Leave on heat for 5 'minutes stirring occasionally with a spoon always high cable.
Step IV:
Turn off the heat let cool until lukewarm.
Step V:
Separately dissolve the flour into the milk along with the cream.
Pour this mixture slowly into the pot where all the other ingredients, with the fire off.
Step VI:
After all the ingredients well mixed, test the salt, bring to medium heat until it starts to boil, stirring constantly.
Step VII:
Flambé (optional)
If you have questions on flambé, do not do this procedure.
The salt of Strogonoffe meat, chicken, and others are moderate, that is, it does not take too much salt.
You ** can do Styrogonoffe chicken, duck, lobster, shrimp, cod, cheese etc.. **
All cut into small cubes. Or strips.
In Russia they do not use the cream in the recipe stroganoff.
The stroganoff chicken breast is very good for exchanging mushrooms asparagus green, not white, drained, rinsed and chopped pickled.
Combination of colors.
For those who have high blood pressure only put a pinch of grated fresh ginger, or powdered.
Follow ** in the next publications stroganoff lobster, shrimp, rabbit, frog, cod and cheese cubes in dish.
And more additions.
1 pound of chicken breast cut into thick strips 2 x 5 cm
½ pound of fresh or pickled mushrooms, if using canned drain and rinse well before using to remove the preservative and sodium.
Other Ingredients:
500 grams of processed onion, chopped fine or drizzling
375 ml of cachup without pepper
100 grs. butter not margarine serves. or
1 cup milhou canola oil, or corn, or half and half
2 boxes of cream at room temperature
1 cup of 200 ml of milk (optional)
White part only - 2 garlic pore
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of mustard
2 tablespoons (soup) of flour dissolved in milk or cream
1 tbsp (tablespoons) Worcestershire sauce or shoyu soy sauce (optional).
1 tablespoons (soup) of hot sauce (optional)
½ teaspoon (tablespoon) of fresh ginger grated or
½ teaspoon (coffee) shallow ground ginger
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick
2 bay leaves or ¼ teaspoon (coffee) from shallow ground bay leaf, use leaf remove before serving,
1 sprig of fresh mint (optional)
1 sprig of basil (optional)
1 cup of -flambar brandy (optional)
How to Prepare:
In a medium saucepan, fry the leeks with a little oil, add the onion until wilted and re-fry until it becomes transparent Book.
Step II:
In another medium saucepan fry the chicken breast lightly in butter or oil, until "al dente".
The chicken is not to be cooked which is very hard.
If exchanging for another Ave, do the same procedure with the difference that after frying go dripping boiling water gradually and slowly until the meat is soft Ave, it is well cooked. As duck and turkey hunting.
The quail and rabbit and frog cook fast.
Step III:
In a large pot add ingredients of phase I and phase II, mix well, add the canned mushrooms (washed) and chopped in half, the cachup, mustard, cinnamon, bay leaves, ginger and paprika which is optional.
Leave on heat for 5 'minutes stirring occasionally with a spoon always high cable.
Step IV:
Turn off the heat let cool until lukewarm.
Step V:
Separately dissolve the flour into the milk along with the cream.
Pour this mixture slowly into the pot where all the other ingredients, with the fire off.
Step VI:
After all the ingredients well mixed, test the salt, bring to medium heat until it starts to boil, stirring constantly.
Step VII:
Flambé (optional)
If you have questions on flambé, do not do this procedure.
The salt of Strogonoffe meat, chicken, and others are moderate, that is, it does not take too much salt.
You ** can do Styrogonoffe chicken, duck, lobster, shrimp, cod, cheese etc.. **
All cut into small cubes. Or strips.
In Russia they do not use the cream in the recipe stroganoff.
The stroganoff chicken breast is very good for exchanging mushrooms asparagus green, not white, drained, rinsed and chopped pickled.
Combination of colors.
For those who have high blood pressure only put a pinch of grated fresh ginger, or powdered.
Follow ** in the next publications stroganoff lobster, shrimp, rabbit, frog, cod and cheese cubes in dish.
And more additions.
terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014
Lobster Stuffed VI - Options
Lobster Stuffed VI - Options
l large lobster
200 grs. of canned mushrooms
l50 grs. trout into strips or shredded Kani
l cup (tea) milk
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 raw egg yolks
2 tablespoons (soup) shallow breadcrumbs
For the Sofrito:
3 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil or butter
2 large ripe tomatoes peeled seeded
l large onion, grated
l teaspoon (tsp) salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 leek cut into thin slices
How to Prepare:
Rinse the lobster, remove the green tripe that is in the center of the body of the crustacean.
Before cooking, tie the legs and the tail, with cotton string.
Put on the fire cook until pink (like shrimp).
After cooked lobster, open in half the length, remove the meat, chop into small pieces.
Make a stew with oil, onion, leek, tomatoes, add the salt and pepper to taste.
After the sauce has cooked, add the chopped lobster, sliced mushrooms, trout into thin strips, or shredded or chopped Kani
Mix well, add the milk to the flour has dissolved, let the sauce thicken.
Remove from heat, add the yolks raw beats, take the fire put 3-5 minutes to cook the egg yolks.
Put the stuffing inside the housing of the lobster, sprinkle breadcrumbs and melted butter.
Bake gratin.
II - Option
Lobster with Butter Sauce
l lobster sauce in kitchen
Serve hot with butter.
With the lobster can make pie filling:
III - Stuffing Pie
6 1 lobster or crayfish boiled and chopped
4 boiled eggs chopped niggling
1 tablespoon butter
1 tbsp (tablespoons) capers
2 tablespoons (soup) of cream cheese or grated mozzarella in large drain
1 spoon (soup) of cornstarch (cornflour)
½ cup (tea) milk
1 cup (tea) of chopped green olives
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley
1 cup (tea) of grated onion
1 glass of chopped palm (500 g.)
How to Prepare:
Sauté onion in butter add the lobster and other ingredients.
Finally dissolving corn starch (cornstarch) in milk to thicken the filling, let cool to fill the pie with the batter.
IV Lobster salad with potatoes, carrots, peas, palm hearts, mayonnaise,
green apple, parsley and chives, onions and others.
V Stroganoff Lobster, do the same as shrimp, or chicken.
VI croquettes, make mass risoles with water baking la-
like the stuffing and lobster seasoned only with salt.
Truta- fish is was introduced in Brazil in 1940 and is the salmon family.
l large lobster
200 grs. of canned mushrooms
l50 grs. trout into strips or shredded Kani
l cup (tea) milk
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 raw egg yolks
2 tablespoons (soup) shallow breadcrumbs
For the Sofrito:
3 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil or butter
2 large ripe tomatoes peeled seeded
l large onion, grated
l teaspoon (tsp) salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 leek cut into thin slices
How to Prepare:
Rinse the lobster, remove the green tripe that is in the center of the body of the crustacean.
Before cooking, tie the legs and the tail, with cotton string.
Put on the fire cook until pink (like shrimp).
After cooked lobster, open in half the length, remove the meat, chop into small pieces.
Make a stew with oil, onion, leek, tomatoes, add the salt and pepper to taste.
After the sauce has cooked, add the chopped lobster, sliced mushrooms, trout into thin strips, or shredded or chopped Kani
Mix well, add the milk to the flour has dissolved, let the sauce thicken.
Remove from heat, add the yolks raw beats, take the fire put 3-5 minutes to cook the egg yolks.
Put the stuffing inside the housing of the lobster, sprinkle breadcrumbs and melted butter.
Bake gratin.
II - Option
Lobster with Butter Sauce
l lobster sauce in kitchen
Serve hot with butter.
With the lobster can make pie filling:
III - Stuffing Pie
6 1 lobster or crayfish boiled and chopped
4 boiled eggs chopped niggling
1 tablespoon butter
1 tbsp (tablespoons) capers
2 tablespoons (soup) of cream cheese or grated mozzarella in large drain
1 spoon (soup) of cornstarch (cornflour)
½ cup (tea) milk
1 cup (tea) of chopped green olives
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley
1 cup (tea) of grated onion
1 glass of chopped palm (500 g.)
How to Prepare:
Sauté onion in butter add the lobster and other ingredients.
Finally dissolving corn starch (cornstarch) in milk to thicken the filling, let cool to fill the pie with the batter.
IV Lobster salad with potatoes, carrots, peas, palm hearts, mayonnaise,
green apple, parsley and chives, onions and others.
V Stroganoff Lobster, do the same as shrimp, or chicken.
VI croquettes, make mass risoles with water baking la-
like the stuffing and lobster seasoned only with salt.
Truta- fish is was introduced in Brazil in 1940 and is the salmon family.
segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2014
Continuation of domesticated Stroganoff For Beginner Fotos
Continuation of domesticated Stroganoff For Beginner
Missed revenue put up which are:
White rice, potato sticks, and mini cucumbers.
And for those who have fear of buckling.
Turn all the burners on the stove.
Place the drink inside a large shell of aluminum, lead into the pan and ignite with a match, wait until clear. Be careful when placing drink by the fire is flammable
If not practical piece for someone else to do.
Now learn to do without Vupt Vap Stroganoff tenderloin:
1 pound of rump or topside
½ pound of onions hit in a blender with half a cup of water
1 bottle of ketchup 350 grams.
500 grs. of canned mushrooms, drained, washed and chopped in half or quartered.
1 or 2 box of cream
1 piece of cinnamon stick
1 spoon (soup) of wheat flour (no use cornstarch)
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (optional)
1 spoon (soup mustard (optional)
1 cup brandy (optional)
4 slices of ginger
How to Prepare:
Put together the meat with cold butter and a little oil in a large frying pan enough, she let loose a lot of water on the fire. Dry until all the water.
If you hurry divide into two or even three pans.
The party put the peeled onion in half and then cut into pieces in a blender with a little water until creamy. Play this mix blender in the pot and let the meat 10 'minutes.
Realizing that do not have enough to cook the meat right time even longer standing in two pans.
Put some hot water, cover two fingers up the beef
Take the heat for 15 ', in the pressure cooker if the meat is still hard let more 5' minutes.
Allow to cool in the pan to finish cooking.
Open the cooker after it came out like gangbusters, add the cinnamon and ginger, remove some of the liquid. Book
Add the ketchup, boil a few minutes, add the mushrooms and mustard and the salt test and experience the flesh is soft.
To flambé see above or the previous recipe.
If you're low on juice put a little water.
The Great Secret:
With the reserved broth and already being warm pass to a bowl and go slowly adding almost drops the cream not cold milk stirring constantly until well blended.
Pour the mixture from the bowl into the pan that is on fire slowly and gradually until the mixture is smooth.
To Serve:
Place the beef stroganoff in a bowl with rice, french fries and whole mini cucumbers pickled drained and rinsed, or pikes.
Place dish in one or two small scoops strogonoffe side informed the rice in a bowl and some potato chips.
Cucumbers 4-6 units are served in a separate little dish for each person.
Careful when you put the cream in ice cream to make the serum can.
If put at once the cream it can chop, use the box is safer.
To avoid the risk of carving can dissolve the flour with the milk or cream with a little milk has boiled and cold.
You can change the breast meat for chicken, duck, turkey, chester, frog rabbit, diced cheese, soy meat and others.
You can replace the background by mushroom artichoke, asparagus and hearts of palm.
Always when you do the first time any recipe, make half (½) or (¼).
Any questions send speaking, need not identify.
Missed revenue put up which are:
White rice, potato sticks, and mini cucumbers.
And for those who have fear of buckling.
Turn all the burners on the stove.
Place the drink inside a large shell of aluminum, lead into the pan and ignite with a match, wait until clear. Be careful when placing drink by the fire is flammable
If not practical piece for someone else to do.
Now learn to do without Vupt Vap Stroganoff tenderloin:
1 pound of rump or topside
½ pound of onions hit in a blender with half a cup of water
1 bottle of ketchup 350 grams.
500 grs. of canned mushrooms, drained, washed and chopped in half or quartered.
1 or 2 box of cream
1 piece of cinnamon stick
1 spoon (soup) of wheat flour (no use cornstarch)
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (optional)
1 spoon (soup mustard (optional)
1 cup brandy (optional)
4 slices of ginger
How to Prepare:
Put together the meat with cold butter and a little oil in a large frying pan enough, she let loose a lot of water on the fire. Dry until all the water.
If you hurry divide into two or even three pans.
The party put the peeled onion in half and then cut into pieces in a blender with a little water until creamy. Play this mix blender in the pot and let the meat 10 'minutes.
Realizing that do not have enough to cook the meat right time even longer standing in two pans.
Put some hot water, cover two fingers up the beef
Take the heat for 15 ', in the pressure cooker if the meat is still hard let more 5' minutes.
Allow to cool in the pan to finish cooking.
Open the cooker after it came out like gangbusters, add the cinnamon and ginger, remove some of the liquid. Book
Add the ketchup, boil a few minutes, add the mushrooms and mustard and the salt test and experience the flesh is soft.
To flambé see above or the previous recipe.
If you're low on juice put a little water.
The Great Secret:
With the reserved broth and already being warm pass to a bowl and go slowly adding almost drops the cream not cold milk stirring constantly until well blended.
Pour the mixture from the bowl into the pan that is on fire slowly and gradually until the mixture is smooth.
To Serve:
Place the beef stroganoff in a bowl with rice, french fries and whole mini cucumbers pickled drained and rinsed, or pikes.
Place dish in one or two small scoops strogonoffe side informed the rice in a bowl and some potato chips.
Cucumbers 4-6 units are served in a separate little dish for each person.
Careful when you put the cream in ice cream to make the serum can.
If put at once the cream it can chop, use the box is safer.
To avoid the risk of carving can dissolve the flour with the milk or cream with a little milk has boiled and cold.
You can change the breast meat for chicken, duck, turkey, chester, frog rabbit, diced cheese, soy meat and others.
You can replace the background by mushroom artichoke, asparagus and hearts of palm.
Always when you do the first time any recipe, make half (½) or (¼).
Any questions send speaking, need not identify.
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014
Russian Plate Count century. XIX
1 pound beef tenderloin or rump, topside, duck, cut into thick strips 2 x 5 cm.
½ pound of fresh or pickled mushrooms, if using canned drain and rinse well before using to remove the preservative.
Other Ingredients:
750 grams of processed onion, chopped fine or drizzling
200 grs. Purcini of funghi (mushroom dried Italian
375 ml of cachup without pepper
200 grs. butter not margarine serves. or
1 cup canola oil milhou
2 boxes of cream
1 cup of 200 ml of milk (optional)
White part only - 2 garlic pore
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of mustard
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of hot sauce (optional)
1/2 teaspoon (tablespoon) of fresh grated ginger or
½ teaspoon of ginger powder
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cinnamon or 3 cinnamon sticks
2 bay leaves or ½ teaspoon (coffee) from shallow ground bay leaf, use leaf remove before serving
1 cup of -flambar brandy (optional)
How to Prepare:
In a medium saucepan, fry the leeks with a little oil, add the onion until wilted and re-fry until it becomes transparent. Reserve.
Step II:
In another pan (large) fry filet mignon in butter with oil until well cooked.
If exchange for rump or other meat, do the same procedure with the difference that after frying go dripping boiling water gradually and slowly until the meat is tender, it is well cooked.
Step III:
In a large pot add ingredients of phase I and phase II, mix well, add the canned mushrooms (washed) and chopped in half, the cachup, mustard, cinnamon, bay leaves, ginger and paprika which is optional.
Leave on heat for 15 'minutes stirring constantly with a spoon high cable.
Step IV:
Turn off the heat let cool until lukewarm.
Step V:
Separately dissolve the flour into the milk along with the cream.
Pour this mixture slowly into the pot where all the other ingredients, with the fire off.
Step VI:
After all the ingredients well mixed, test the salt, bring to medium heat until it starts to boil, stirring constantly.
Step VII:
If you have questions on flambé, do not do this procedure.
The salt of Strogonoffe is moderate, ie does not take too much salt.
You ** can do Styrogonoffe chicken, duck, lobster, shrimp, cod, cheese etc.. **
All cut into small cubes. Or strips.
In Russia they do not use the cream in the recipe stroganoff.
Russian Plate Count century. XIX
1 pound beef tenderloin or rump, topside, duck, cut into thick strips 2 x 5 cm.
½ pound of fresh or pickled mushrooms, if using canned drain and rinse well before using to remove the preservative.
Other Ingredients:
750 grams of processed onion, chopped fine or drizzling
200 grs. Purcini of funghi (mushroom dried Italian
375 ml of cachup without pepper
200 grs. butter not margarine serves. or
1 cup canola oil milhou
2 boxes of cream
1 cup of 200 ml of milk (optional)
White part only - 2 garlic pore
1 or 2 tablespoons (soup) of mustard
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of hot sauce (optional)
1/2 teaspoon (tablespoon) of fresh grated ginger or
½ teaspoon of ginger powder
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cinnamon or 3 cinnamon sticks
2 bay leaves or ½ teaspoon (coffee) from shallow ground bay leaf, use leaf remove before serving
1 cup of -flambar brandy (optional)
How to Prepare:
In a medium saucepan, fry the leeks with a little oil, add the onion until wilted and re-fry until it becomes transparent. Reserve.
Step II:
In another pan (large) fry filet mignon in butter with oil until well cooked.
If exchange for rump or other meat, do the same procedure with the difference that after frying go dripping boiling water gradually and slowly until the meat is tender, it is well cooked.
Step III:
In a large pot add ingredients of phase I and phase II, mix well, add the canned mushrooms (washed) and chopped in half, the cachup, mustard, cinnamon, bay leaves, ginger and paprika which is optional.
Leave on heat for 15 'minutes stirring constantly with a spoon high cable.
Step IV:
Turn off the heat let cool until lukewarm.
Step V:
Separately dissolve the flour into the milk along with the cream.
Pour this mixture slowly into the pot where all the other ingredients, with the fire off.
Step VI:
After all the ingredients well mixed, test the salt, bring to medium heat until it starts to boil, stirring constantly.
Step VII:
If you have questions on flambé, do not do this procedure.
The salt of Strogonoffe is moderate, ie does not take too much salt.
You ** can do Styrogonoffe chicken, duck, lobster, shrimp, cod, cheese etc.. **
All cut into small cubes. Or strips.
In Russia they do not use the cream in the recipe stroganoff.
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014
How to Make Pasta For Beginner
How to Make Pasta For Beginner
Homemade Pasta Noodles and Other
1 pound of flour
10 whole eggs or yolks only needed to give the point
"The true homemade pasta takes only two (2) ingredients."
** Please do not add water or oil you will change the texture of the dough. If it becomes hard to increase the eggs if they get soft add more flour. **
How to Prepare:
Pour the wheat flour on the table, making a circle in the middle and put a hole in it the eggs.
With hands go breaking the yolks with the whites, adding the flour little and slowly, until the end, so it becomes a homogeneous mass.
Knead the dough enough.
Kneading is the process of tearing the dough to go up and down for 20 'minutes minimum. Make a ball cut in four pieces, so getting 4 balls of smaller size, enfarinhar.
Let stand for one (1) hour, covered with a clean dish cloth well.
If you half the recipe the dough rest for 30 'minutes and so on.
The dough needs to be well rested before opening.
After opening the dough with a rolling pin.
Press the roll firmly in the mass to be able to go opening.
Go stretching, stretching, until a good size (60-80) cm, very thin.
To make the noodles:
Enfarinhar mass. Wrap the dough tightly, gets a big roll.
With the aid of a knife cut the pieces all the same size.
Open each roll, stretching the dough to dry, sprinkling lightly with a little flour.
Place the noodles in a stretched rectangular baking dish.
The procedure is to stretch the dough to go dry.
can put on top of a bench covered with a napkin lightly dusted with flour.
"Do not put excess flour after the dough ready."
Fresh pasta takes approximately 5 'minutes to cook after the water is boiling.
Today opens the dough cylinder or Italian pasta machine and if you do not craft, as shown above, is excellent anyway.
Mode of Cooking
Place a pot on fire with plenty of water for every 100 grams. noodles will 1000ml of water, one (1) liter.
"No need to add salt or oil to fresh pasta."
After you put the pasta to cook, boil tell when 5 'to 8' about.
heads up:
When you make the dough first see the ratio for 100 grams. flour takes one (1) egg.
You can make ½ or ¼ of the recipe.
I - Note:
You can make lasagna, capelete, ravioli, tie among others.
If you want you can open a manual pasta machine that draws cylinder.
Already opened pasta dough roller, cylinder and noodles of various machine models.
My current machine is Italian, which also opens the dough and cut two (2) types of pasta and I can make lasagna with an open mass.
With the open mass choose the model that I want to run.
Coloured Mass:
If you want you can make colored pasta, putting spinach, carrots, or beets. Market already has vegetable powder.
Formerly ready to put on a line to dry in the sun mass.
"Do not do that; Besides dust has bugs. "What will contaminate your fresh pasta.
The sauces and fillings follow in another recipe.
To make capeletes cut into small medium or large squares.
Put the stuffing, fold forming a triangolo, then turn to stay capelete format is very simple.
If you want to make ravioli using the proper form for this.
Stretch the dough on the form put a spoon (tea) of filling in all the squares.
Place over the other mass, pass the rolling pin to hit the squares.
Place capeletes ravioli or over a dusted lightly with flour napkin separated from one another.
Cover with napkin.
If you want you can put into a baking dish and cover with a clean cloth.
heads up:
Follow ** next recipe sauces and fillings. **
Homemade Pasta Noodles and Other
1 pound of flour
10 whole eggs or yolks only needed to give the point
"The true homemade pasta takes only two (2) ingredients."
** Please do not add water or oil you will change the texture of the dough. If it becomes hard to increase the eggs if they get soft add more flour. **
How to Prepare:
Pour the wheat flour on the table, making a circle in the middle and put a hole in it the eggs.
With hands go breaking the yolks with the whites, adding the flour little and slowly, until the end, so it becomes a homogeneous mass.
Knead the dough enough.
Kneading is the process of tearing the dough to go up and down for 20 'minutes minimum. Make a ball cut in four pieces, so getting 4 balls of smaller size, enfarinhar.
Let stand for one (1) hour, covered with a clean dish cloth well.
If you half the recipe the dough rest for 30 'minutes and so on.
The dough needs to be well rested before opening.
After opening the dough with a rolling pin.
Press the roll firmly in the mass to be able to go opening.
Go stretching, stretching, until a good size (60-80) cm, very thin.
To make the noodles:
Enfarinhar mass. Wrap the dough tightly, gets a big roll.
With the aid of a knife cut the pieces all the same size.
Open each roll, stretching the dough to dry, sprinkling lightly with a little flour.
Place the noodles in a stretched rectangular baking dish.
The procedure is to stretch the dough to go dry.
can put on top of a bench covered with a napkin lightly dusted with flour.
"Do not put excess flour after the dough ready."
Fresh pasta takes approximately 5 'minutes to cook after the water is boiling.
Today opens the dough cylinder or Italian pasta machine and if you do not craft, as shown above, is excellent anyway.
Mode of Cooking
Place a pot on fire with plenty of water for every 100 grams. noodles will 1000ml of water, one (1) liter.
"No need to add salt or oil to fresh pasta."
After you put the pasta to cook, boil tell when 5 'to 8' about.
heads up:
When you make the dough first see the ratio for 100 grams. flour takes one (1) egg.
You can make ½ or ¼ of the recipe.
I - Note:
You can make lasagna, capelete, ravioli, tie among others.
If you want you can open a manual pasta machine that draws cylinder.
Already opened pasta dough roller, cylinder and noodles of various machine models.
My current machine is Italian, which also opens the dough and cut two (2) types of pasta and I can make lasagna with an open mass.
With the open mass choose the model that I want to run.
Coloured Mass:
If you want you can make colored pasta, putting spinach, carrots, or beets. Market already has vegetable powder.
Formerly ready to put on a line to dry in the sun mass.
"Do not do that; Besides dust has bugs. "What will contaminate your fresh pasta.
The sauces and fillings follow in another recipe.
To make capeletes cut into small medium or large squares.
Put the stuffing, fold forming a triangolo, then turn to stay capelete format is very simple.
If you want to make ravioli using the proper form for this.
Stretch the dough on the form put a spoon (tea) of filling in all the squares.
Place over the other mass, pass the rolling pin to hit the squares.
Place capeletes ravioli or over a dusted lightly with flour napkin separated from one another.
Cover with napkin.
If you want you can put into a baking dish and cover with a clean cloth.
heads up:
Follow ** next recipe sauces and fillings. **
sexta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2014
Easy Dish For Father's Day
Easy Dish For Father's Day
Conchiglione Stuffed with Four Cheeses
1 pound of conchiglione fresh pasta (stuffed shells
Other Ingredients:
1 liter of homemade tomato sauce or industrial or
1 glass or necessary to soak ready to choose:
To suck, Bolognese, Arraviata, Funghi Porcini, Matrigiana, Four cheeses, sauce timber, Vongoli
White sauce.
2 cups of cow's milk
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of butter
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
How to Prepare:
Lead to fire a nonstick pan add the butter and let the fire until dissolved, add the flour mix and leave for 5 'minutes stirring constantly.
Add the milk gradually and slowly continue stirring until it is a white sauce and the cooked meal. Allow to cool.
100 grs. grated Parmesan cheese or
300 grs. grated mozzarella on thick, not too thin or sliced thin.
How to Prepare:
Place the bottom of a refractory major part of the sauce over the conchiglione, one next to the other, over the remainder of the sauce.
Sprinkle with grated cheese or sliced musarela.
Bring to medium oven 180 º C for 20 'minutes.
If you want you can put two (2) together sauce, the tomato on top and underneath.
White sauce is to be used only in the top part, that is, over the tomato sauce.
For beginner ** do the same as you make lasagna by exchanging conchiglione **.
The difference is that only one layer is conchiglione and the lasagne are multilayered.
Do not forget to put enough sauce on the bottom of the refractory underneath so they do not stick.
And over the remaining red sauce topped with grated cheese.
Be careful not to dry the sauce.
The industrial sauce is diluted with 3 parts water, lead to heat until halfway.
If the sauce is dry add a little water or necessary.
The conchiglione is so good it is to eat knees.
Where to find the Conchiglione?
In São Paulo Capital - In Salerno (since 1964)
Turiassu Street 1651 zip. 05005-001
Phone 9011) 3675-7897 or * 55 (11) 3256-5998
Not sure but it seems that they send to other places.
Email salernomassasyahoo.com.br
Stop by my blogs baudanonna.blogspot.com
baudamama.blogspot or my daughter. with
If you hit or not. What happened.
Good luck.
Anyone man or woman can do
this dish is very simple.
Follow up:
Roast beef, lettuce salad with grated carrots in the large drain, cherry tomatoes and black olives.
Filling (four (4) Cheese:
½ pound of fresh ricotta
50 grs. grated provolone
50 grs. crumpled gorgonzola cheese or grated smoked ricotta
50 or 100 grs. grated parmesan
You can change the conchiglione by or fresh cannelloni and fusilli dry. Garnish with four cheeses.
The dry fusilli is to lightly cook to fill, otherwise it breaks.
Conchiglione Stuffed with Four Cheeses
1 pound of conchiglione fresh pasta (stuffed shells
Other Ingredients:
1 liter of homemade tomato sauce or industrial or
1 glass or necessary to soak ready to choose:
To suck, Bolognese, Arraviata, Funghi Porcini, Matrigiana, Four cheeses, sauce timber, Vongoli
White sauce.
2 cups of cow's milk
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons (soup) of butter
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
How to Prepare:
Lead to fire a nonstick pan add the butter and let the fire until dissolved, add the flour mix and leave for 5 'minutes stirring constantly.
Add the milk gradually and slowly continue stirring until it is a white sauce and the cooked meal. Allow to cool.
100 grs. grated Parmesan cheese or
300 grs. grated mozzarella on thick, not too thin or sliced thin.
How to Prepare:
Place the bottom of a refractory major part of the sauce over the conchiglione, one next to the other, over the remainder of the sauce.
Sprinkle with grated cheese or sliced musarela.
Bring to medium oven 180 º C for 20 'minutes.
If you want you can put two (2) together sauce, the tomato on top and underneath.
White sauce is to be used only in the top part, that is, over the tomato sauce.
For beginner ** do the same as you make lasagna by exchanging conchiglione **.
The difference is that only one layer is conchiglione and the lasagne are multilayered.
Do not forget to put enough sauce on the bottom of the refractory underneath so they do not stick.
And over the remaining red sauce topped with grated cheese.
Be careful not to dry the sauce.
The industrial sauce is diluted with 3 parts water, lead to heat until halfway.
If the sauce is dry add a little water or necessary.
The conchiglione is so good it is to eat knees.
Where to find the Conchiglione?
In São Paulo Capital - In Salerno (since 1964)
Turiassu Street 1651 zip. 05005-001
Phone 9011) 3675-7897 or * 55 (11) 3256-5998
Not sure but it seems that they send to other places.
Email salernomassasyahoo.com.br
Stop by my blogs baudanonna.blogspot.com
baudamama.blogspot or my daughter. with
If you hit or not. What happened.
Good luck.
Anyone man or woman can do
this dish is very simple.
Follow up:
Roast beef, lettuce salad with grated carrots in the large drain, cherry tomatoes and black olives.
Filling (four (4) Cheese:
½ pound of fresh ricotta
50 grs. grated provolone
50 grs. crumpled gorgonzola cheese or grated smoked ricotta
50 or 100 grs. grated parmesan
You can change the conchiglione by or fresh cannelloni and fusilli dry. Garnish with four cheeses.
The dry fusilli is to lightly cook to fill, otherwise it breaks.
quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2014
Natural Homemade Yogurt and Strawberry II Options
Natural Homemade Yogurt and Strawberry II Options
I - Option:
3 liters of cow milk natural or B Full
"No good milk box"
1 cup of 200 grams. Full of natural yoghurt
6 tablespoons (soup) and full of whole milk powder
How to Prepare:
Boiling milk, allow to warm, that is, until the temperature
at 46 ° C.
The temperature has to be exact or too hot nor
too cold. It's a bit warmer than bottle.
If you do not know the right temperature, sin a cup of milk
place the index finger and washed underneath the nail, tell
up to 18 (eighteen) is to warm at the right temperature.
Then throw the milk out of the cup, not to contaminate the
remaining milk. That is very dangerous.
If it is too hot wait a bit and it is cold, take
the heat for a few minutes until it reaches the right temperature.
If the milk is too hot burns the base (yogurt)
Put some milk on Temperature 46 ° C in a blender
with powdered milk, beating well until the milk powder is well
Then place the yogurt and make a beat for a few minutes.
Put the mixture in the blender in the pot with the rest of the warm milk. Mix well with the flue (wire whisk).
Once well mixed, skip 2 medium turperware with white cap.
Tuperware is a pot of strong plastic.
Place each pot wrapped in a thick plastic bag.
Cover with blanket. Leave a place where nobody mess.
and that does not have the cold air flow.
It is best to do at night. Tip: Put a corner of the sofa.
Do not forget to place a big role saying. Not Stir.
The next day take the refrigerator for 4 hours.
It is like fresh cheese, that is, if you put
the right ingredients.
II - Option:
Yogurt Strawberry
1 liter of yoghurt
1 ½ can of condensed milk
1 strawberry gelatin, dissolved in 250 ml only
boiling water
Other Ingredients.
300-500 grams. dipped strawberries cut into 4 pieces or thinly sliced.
How to Prepare:
Blend half the yogurt and condensed milk until well blended.
Add the dissolved gelatin and hot, make the hit.
Then move to bowls or pots plastic 90 ml
with a lid.
Place the strawberries in the middle of the mass of yogurt.
Take the refrigerator for 4 hours.
If you want you can put one box of cream hit
Along with the other ingredients.
If adding the cream, do not forget to slow down a water gelatin to 180 ml
of boiling water.
If not put in strawberry dough, place only one strawberry
in each little pot, or bowls.
If you want you can change the strawberry gelatin with colorless gelatin
unflavored are two tablespoons (soup) shallow, wet with 10 tablespoons of water and then dissolve one (1) cup (tea) of cold water Bring to the microwave for 30 seconds (Not Minute) or
in a water bath.
If it causes colorless gelatin, beat 300g. Fresh strawberries with the other ingredients.
You can also substitute 1 cup (tea) of strawberry jam.
If the jelly has to put put the cream, condensed milk or decrease not to get too sweet.
I - Option:
3 liters of cow milk natural or B Full
"No good milk box"
1 cup of 200 grams. Full of natural yoghurt
6 tablespoons (soup) and full of whole milk powder
How to Prepare:
Boiling milk, allow to warm, that is, until the temperature
at 46 ° C.
The temperature has to be exact or too hot nor
too cold. It's a bit warmer than bottle.
If you do not know the right temperature, sin a cup of milk
place the index finger and washed underneath the nail, tell
up to 18 (eighteen) is to warm at the right temperature.
Then throw the milk out of the cup, not to contaminate the
remaining milk. That is very dangerous.
If it is too hot wait a bit and it is cold, take
the heat for a few minutes until it reaches the right temperature.
If the milk is too hot burns the base (yogurt)
Put some milk on Temperature 46 ° C in a blender
with powdered milk, beating well until the milk powder is well
Then place the yogurt and make a beat for a few minutes.
Put the mixture in the blender in the pot with the rest of the warm milk. Mix well with the flue (wire whisk).
Once well mixed, skip 2 medium turperware with white cap.
Tuperware is a pot of strong plastic.
Place each pot wrapped in a thick plastic bag.
Cover with blanket. Leave a place where nobody mess.
and that does not have the cold air flow.
It is best to do at night. Tip: Put a corner of the sofa.
Do not forget to place a big role saying. Not Stir.
The next day take the refrigerator for 4 hours.
It is like fresh cheese, that is, if you put
the right ingredients.
II - Option:
Yogurt Strawberry
1 liter of yoghurt
1 ½ can of condensed milk
1 strawberry gelatin, dissolved in 250 ml only
boiling water
Other Ingredients.
300-500 grams. dipped strawberries cut into 4 pieces or thinly sliced.
How to Prepare:
Blend half the yogurt and condensed milk until well blended.
Add the dissolved gelatin and hot, make the hit.
Then move to bowls or pots plastic 90 ml
with a lid.
Place the strawberries in the middle of the mass of yogurt.
Take the refrigerator for 4 hours.
If you want you can put one box of cream hit
Along with the other ingredients.
If adding the cream, do not forget to slow down a water gelatin to 180 ml
of boiling water.
If not put in strawberry dough, place only one strawberry
in each little pot, or bowls.
If you want you can change the strawberry gelatin with colorless gelatin
unflavored are two tablespoons (soup) shallow, wet with 10 tablespoons of water and then dissolve one (1) cup (tea) of cold water Bring to the microwave for 30 seconds (Not Minute) or
in a water bath.
If it causes colorless gelatin, beat 300g. Fresh strawberries with the other ingredients.
You can also substitute 1 cup (tea) of strawberry jam.
If the jelly has to put put the cream, condensed milk or decrease not to get too sweet.
Baked Fish With Sauce - Option II
Baked Fish With Sauce - Option II
½ pound of white fish fillet hake or halibut or
fish of your choice (raw)
1 teaspoon (tsp) of salt full
Season the fish with salt only, allow to bake.
I - option:
Other Ingredients:
200 grs. of cream without serum
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
1 spoon (soup) of mustard
1 teaspoon (tsp) pepper or pepper sauce
1 spoon (soup) of oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) shoyu (soy sauce)
1 medium onion, grated or minced
1 cardamom pod, or the seeds of it.
To remove the seeds from the cardamom pods put in hot water, leave for a few minutes, then just hit.
How to Prepare:
Place in a bowl the cream mustard pepper seeds from the cardamom mix well.
Lead to fire a nonstick pan with the onion and oil, until wilted leave for a maximum of 2 'minutes, add the soy sauce and leave for some 1' minute. Allow to cool before using.
Put all the fillets in a lightly greased nonstick baking sheet with oil.
Over the cream and onion around.
Cover with aluminum foil. Lead to hot oven 180 º C 15 'to 20' minutes.
II - Option:
Mushroom Sauce (champignon)
100 grs. of drained canned mushrooms washed and chopped
1 cup of yogurt or 2 tablespoons (soup) full of cream.
2 cups (tea) of boiling water or milk and cow
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons oil or margarine
1 tablespoon (dessert) salt
1 pinch of fly nut is optional
2 teaspoons (tsp) whole pink peppercorns or pepper ½ chopped finger girl without seeds
1 cardamom pod, see above how to get the seeds
How to Prepare:
Place the butter in a nonstick pan, bring the fire to dissolve the butter, add the flour gradually and slowly mix well.
If you do not have practice this procedure out of the fire, then move back to the fire by 2 'minutes.
Place the boiling water gradually and slowly, stirring constantly with a spatula or with wire whisk, until get a smooth cream.
If the sauce lumps beat the cream in a blender or with an electric beater. Season with salt and spices.
Add the white yogurt sauce and mushrooms.
Coat the fish pieces with sauce, bake for 15 'to 20' minutes. Hot oven 180 º C
If you want you can cover with aluminum foil.
To Serve:
Spread over pink pepper or other chopped pepper.
Around the platter put lettuce leaves washed and dried with paper towels.
With white rice and a salad of chopped cucumber and choosy.
You can also serve with mashed potatoes or cassava.
If you prefer to put fried yucca.
The cassava is boiled and then fried.
½ pound of white fish fillet hake or halibut or
fish of your choice (raw)
1 teaspoon (tsp) of salt full
Season the fish with salt only, allow to bake.
I - option:
Other Ingredients:
200 grs. of cream without serum
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
1 spoon (soup) of mustard
1 teaspoon (tsp) pepper or pepper sauce
1 spoon (soup) of oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) shoyu (soy sauce)
1 medium onion, grated or minced
1 cardamom pod, or the seeds of it.
To remove the seeds from the cardamom pods put in hot water, leave for a few minutes, then just hit.
How to Prepare:
Place in a bowl the cream mustard pepper seeds from the cardamom mix well.
Lead to fire a nonstick pan with the onion and oil, until wilted leave for a maximum of 2 'minutes, add the soy sauce and leave for some 1' minute. Allow to cool before using.
Put all the fillets in a lightly greased nonstick baking sheet with oil.
Over the cream and onion around.
Cover with aluminum foil. Lead to hot oven 180 º C 15 'to 20' minutes.
II - Option:
Mushroom Sauce (champignon)
100 grs. of drained canned mushrooms washed and chopped
1 cup of yogurt or 2 tablespoons (soup) full of cream.
2 cups (tea) of boiling water or milk and cow
2 tablespoons (soup) of wheat flour
2 tablespoons oil or margarine
1 tablespoon (dessert) salt
1 pinch of fly nut is optional
2 teaspoons (tsp) whole pink peppercorns or pepper ½ chopped finger girl without seeds
1 cardamom pod, see above how to get the seeds
How to Prepare:
Place the butter in a nonstick pan, bring the fire to dissolve the butter, add the flour gradually and slowly mix well.
If you do not have practice this procedure out of the fire, then move back to the fire by 2 'minutes.
Place the boiling water gradually and slowly, stirring constantly with a spatula or with wire whisk, until get a smooth cream.
If the sauce lumps beat the cream in a blender or with an electric beater. Season with salt and spices.
Add the white yogurt sauce and mushrooms.
Coat the fish pieces with sauce, bake for 15 'to 20' minutes. Hot oven 180 º C
If you want you can cover with aluminum foil.
To Serve:
Spread over pink pepper or other chopped pepper.
Around the platter put lettuce leaves washed and dried with paper towels.
With white rice and a salad of chopped cucumber and choosy.
You can also serve with mashed potatoes or cassava.
If you prefer to put fried yucca.
The cassava is boiled and then fried.
Quail to Spanish Fashion
Quail to Spanish Fashion
6-8 whole quail, cleaned
other Ingredients
100 grs. chopped bacon
2 tablespoons full of butter
1 cup (tea) with salsa and chopped stem drizzling
1 cup dry white wine
1 spoon (soup) of wheat flour
1 spoon (soup) of saffron or
half of turmeric and half spicy paprika
(Turmeric root is a strong yellow color of Brazil)
Turmeric is a pistil of flower is Imported from Europe
2% of the weight of the meat which is approximately salt:
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
2 clove
4 cloves garlic, chopped kernels without the niggling
1 large onion, grated
1 tablespoon of vinegar
1 pinch of nutmeg (optional)
1 cinnamon stick
Other Ingredients:
2 cooked yolks passed through potato masher or grater
50 grs. ground almonds
50 grs. of pinholes or 100 grams. cooked and chopped pine nuts
How to Prepare:
Wash quail in running water and dry with paper towel temper.
Let rest in the refrigerator for two or four hours.
To Cook:
In a large pot, place the butter with a little oil once warm add the quail next to each other, very low heat to avoid burning, go turning occasionally.
While frying, add the onion saffron, wine and all the spices except parsley, that arises after the finished dish.
Sprinkle the flour on top.
After that birds are well cooked, add the ground almonds and pinholes.
To Serve:
To serve arrange on a platter stainless, sprinkle parsley and grated boiled egg yolks.
With white rice. Watercress salad with lettuce or grated raw carrots, and cherry tomatoes.
And mashed parsnip.
6-8 whole quail, cleaned
other Ingredients
100 grs. chopped bacon
2 tablespoons full of butter
1 cup (tea) with salsa and chopped stem drizzling
1 cup dry white wine
1 spoon (soup) of wheat flour
1 spoon (soup) of saffron or
half of turmeric and half spicy paprika
(Turmeric root is a strong yellow color of Brazil)
Turmeric is a pistil of flower is Imported from Europe
2% of the weight of the meat which is approximately salt:
1 spoon (soup) of shallow salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
2 clove
4 cloves garlic, chopped kernels without the niggling
1 large onion, grated
1 tablespoon of vinegar
1 pinch of nutmeg (optional)
1 cinnamon stick
Other Ingredients:
2 cooked yolks passed through potato masher or grater
50 grs. ground almonds
50 grs. of pinholes or 100 grams. cooked and chopped pine nuts
How to Prepare:
Wash quail in running water and dry with paper towel temper.
Let rest in the refrigerator for two or four hours.
To Cook:
In a large pot, place the butter with a little oil once warm add the quail next to each other, very low heat to avoid burning, go turning occasionally.
While frying, add the onion saffron, wine and all the spices except parsley, that arises after the finished dish.
Sprinkle the flour on top.
After that birds are well cooked, add the ground almonds and pinholes.
To Serve:
To serve arrange on a platter stainless, sprinkle parsley and grated boiled egg yolks.
With white rice. Watercress salad with lettuce or grated raw carrots, and cherry tomatoes.
And mashed parsnip.
quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2014
Latvian to pururuca - With Farofa
Latvian to pururuca - With Farofa
1 piglet approximately 6 to 8 pounds
1 head garlic, crushed the garlic is old tire crumb
2% by weight of salt beef (about 2 tablespoons (soup) salt
½ cup white wine for every pound of meat
1 liter of rum, serves to get the smell of meat
1 liter of vinegar
1 lady finger pepper seeds removed and finely chopped without ribs
1 spoon (soup) of grated fresh ginger
2 bay leaves or 1 tablespoon (coffee) bay powder
2 bunches of parsley and chives entire
3 sprigs of basil integers
3 sprigs of mint integers
1 sprig of rosemary
50 grs. chopped bacon
2 spoons (soup) of lard or corn oil
2 sweet peppers one red and one green chopped and choosy
2 onions, grated or minced
1 plate of chicken gizzards cooked, seasoned and shredded
150 grs. minced ham
1 saucer cashews or Brazil nuts, chopped
1 cup chopped green olives
1 cup finely chopped parsley with stems
1 or 2 cups (tea) of raw cassava flour or cornmeal
How to Prepare the streusel:
Fry the bacon, add the onion peppers, leaving the fire to cook.
Then add the chicken kids, make the braise.
Finally the olives and cashews.
Ending with the flour of cassava or maize needed.
Mix well until moist crumbs stay well, if you need to put a little water or oil.
How to Prepare Piglet:
Wash the pig inside and out.
Put rum to get the stench of flesh.
Leave for 30 'minutes to an hour.
After becoming the wash.
Do not pierce the skin of the sow, that oozes all the liquid and the meat is dry.
Put all the spices, rub the pig, inside and out.
Leave for 12-24 hours in the refrigerator.
You can place the headlight into the piggy, or serve separately.
While roasting the pig, make the streusel.
To bake the pig:
Put the pig tied down with feet and head up on a lined baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Bake in preheated oven 160 º C for 1 hour for each pound of meat.
The piglets will be ready when you are parched.
Pururuca Make the Most of Cuido:
Heat 8 shells of oil which should be boiling.
Place the pig that should still be hot in the middle of the table and with utmost care go pouring the hot oil, one ladle at a time over the piglet leather.
Move your body to avoid accident.
To recap:
Piggy ** Put on dry place or in the middle of the table to put the boiling oil. **
Do not let anyone near.
Mode of Service:
Serve with rice and kale salad, or sautéed kale.
Decorate the platter with lettuce leaves and onion flower.
Onion Blossom:
1 large onion, whole unpeeled, wash
Cut into four, then 8 then 16 bits without taking the place. Attach the flower capsized in icy water (face down), inside the refrigerator.
Open to take care not to spoil the flower.
You can make the flower petals with onion and carrot pestle.
1 piglet approximately 6 to 8 pounds
1 head garlic, crushed the garlic is old tire crumb
2% by weight of salt beef (about 2 tablespoons (soup) salt
½ cup white wine for every pound of meat
1 liter of rum, serves to get the smell of meat
1 liter of vinegar
1 lady finger pepper seeds removed and finely chopped without ribs
1 spoon (soup) of grated fresh ginger
2 bay leaves or 1 tablespoon (coffee) bay powder
2 bunches of parsley and chives entire
3 sprigs of basil integers
3 sprigs of mint integers
1 sprig of rosemary
50 grs. chopped bacon
2 spoons (soup) of lard or corn oil
2 sweet peppers one red and one green chopped and choosy
2 onions, grated or minced
1 plate of chicken gizzards cooked, seasoned and shredded
150 grs. minced ham
1 saucer cashews or Brazil nuts, chopped
1 cup chopped green olives
1 cup finely chopped parsley with stems
1 or 2 cups (tea) of raw cassava flour or cornmeal
How to Prepare the streusel:
Fry the bacon, add the onion peppers, leaving the fire to cook.
Then add the chicken kids, make the braise.
Finally the olives and cashews.
Ending with the flour of cassava or maize needed.
Mix well until moist crumbs stay well, if you need to put a little water or oil.
How to Prepare Piglet:
Wash the pig inside and out.
Put rum to get the stench of flesh.
Leave for 30 'minutes to an hour.
After becoming the wash.
Do not pierce the skin of the sow, that oozes all the liquid and the meat is dry.
Put all the spices, rub the pig, inside and out.
Leave for 12-24 hours in the refrigerator.
You can place the headlight into the piggy, or serve separately.
While roasting the pig, make the streusel.
To bake the pig:
Put the pig tied down with feet and head up on a lined baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Bake in preheated oven 160 º C for 1 hour for each pound of meat.
The piglets will be ready when you are parched.
Pururuca Make the Most of Cuido:
Heat 8 shells of oil which should be boiling.
Place the pig that should still be hot in the middle of the table and with utmost care go pouring the hot oil, one ladle at a time over the piglet leather.
Move your body to avoid accident.
To recap:
Piggy ** Put on dry place or in the middle of the table to put the boiling oil. **
Do not let anyone near.
Mode of Service:
Serve with rice and kale salad, or sautéed kale.
Decorate the platter with lettuce leaves and onion flower.
Onion Blossom:
1 large onion, whole unpeeled, wash
Cut into four, then 8 then 16 bits without taking the place. Attach the flower capsized in icy water (face down), inside the refrigerator.
Open to take care not to spoil the flower.
You can make the flower petals with onion and carrot pestle.
Boat from Fish Fillet
Boat from Fish Fillet
6-8 fish fillets; flounder,
hake, sea bass, or fish of your choice
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
Other Ingredients:
100 grs. Leaves clean and raw spinach
1 cup plain yogurt (200 ml)
½ cup of cow's milk
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt
1 spoon (soup) or to taste capers or cadamomo
2 spoons (soup) shallow cream cheese
2 spoons (soup) shallow breadcrumbs
1 pinch or pepper sauce
How to Prepare:
Season the fish with salt only. Book.
Blend the spinach leaves, yogurt, curd, milk pepper to ginger, salt.
In a nonstick pan over medium heat bring the mixture to a blender, until it boils. Allow to cool.
Cut several square of foil or waxed paper, according to the number of files.
Put the files on sheets of aluminum foil, cover with the sauce aside, distribute some capers, sprinkle on top with breadcrumbs.
Close to cook well papillotes.
If not use capers substitute a cardamom pod, or seed them.
If you put in hot water you can get the seeds.
Baking fish occurs almost without losing moisture and flavor.
Make several boats, if the files are too thin, place two in each boat.
Lead to hot oven 180 º C for a maximum of 15 'minutes.
Put two plates a background and the other shallow.
To serve hot.
Each person opens his boat and goes to another shallow dish.
Serve with rice Greek (with vegetables)
Accompanies heart of palm salad in drained and rinsed canned, cut into slices with tomato slices, onions, black olives and large.
If you want you can serve with whole boiled potatoes with olive oil and parsley, or with marble potatoes, carrot cross cut, and bouquets of broccoli or cauliflower.
Never put garlic in the fish, who takes away the taste of him.
Never use lemon to flavor the fish that dehydrates.
Lemon is placed before serving after the fish stew.
6-8 fish fillets; flounder,
hake, sea bass, or fish of your choice
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
Other Ingredients:
100 grs. Leaves clean and raw spinach
1 cup plain yogurt (200 ml)
½ cup of cow's milk
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger
1 tablespoon (coffee) salt
1 spoon (soup) or to taste capers or cadamomo
2 spoons (soup) shallow cream cheese
2 spoons (soup) shallow breadcrumbs
1 pinch or pepper sauce
How to Prepare:
Season the fish with salt only. Book.
Blend the spinach leaves, yogurt, curd, milk pepper to ginger, salt.
In a nonstick pan over medium heat bring the mixture to a blender, until it boils. Allow to cool.
Cut several square of foil or waxed paper, according to the number of files.
Put the files on sheets of aluminum foil, cover with the sauce aside, distribute some capers, sprinkle on top with breadcrumbs.
Close to cook well papillotes.
If not use capers substitute a cardamom pod, or seed them.
If you put in hot water you can get the seeds.
Baking fish occurs almost without losing moisture and flavor.
Make several boats, if the files are too thin, place two in each boat.
Lead to hot oven 180 º C for a maximum of 15 'minutes.
Put two plates a background and the other shallow.
To serve hot.
Each person opens his boat and goes to another shallow dish.
Serve with rice Greek (with vegetables)
Accompanies heart of palm salad in drained and rinsed canned, cut into slices with tomato slices, onions, black olives and large.
If you want you can serve with whole boiled potatoes with olive oil and parsley, or with marble potatoes, carrot cross cut, and bouquets of broccoli or cauliflower.
Never put garlic in the fish, who takes away the taste of him.
Never use lemon to flavor the fish that dehydrates.
Lemon is placed before serving after the fish stew.
terça-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014
Turkey Breast Stuffed With and Farofa - III Options
Turkey Breast Stuffed With and Farofa - III Options
500 grs. of smoked turkey breast
Filling: Puree apples
4 large apples, chopped into small cubes
l cup (tea) of cold water
l teaspoon (tsp) sugar
1 pinch of salt
l spoon (soup) of white unflavored gelatin
How to Prepare Gelatine:
l spoon (soup) of white unflavored gelatin
6 tablespoons (soup) of cold water
½ cup (tea) of cold water
How to Prepare:
Cut the apples into small cubes without shells.
Light the fire with a cup of cold water salt sugar, cooking until well
Allow to cool. Hitting the apples in a blender. Reserve.
Separately, hydrate gelatin with six tablespoons of cold water, let stand for 10 minutes
Then add a half cup of cold water, dissolve in water bath.
In a deep bowl, add the mashed apples, gelatin has dissolved.
Mix well and refrigerate for four hours or until firm.
How to Prepare:
Cut the smoked turkey breast into thin slices.
Place the filling of mashed apple into slices turkey
Arrange on a large platter of lettuce leaves
II - Option
Filling of ham pâté:
l cup (tea) ham pâté
2 cups (tea) of cooked chicken and ground
l cup (tea) or dark raisins
l cup (tea) of prunes in syrup, drained
l cup (tea) of grated onion, discard the juice
l cup (tea) of chopped green olives
2 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley
2 tbsp (tablespoons) cream cheese cheese (optional)
l pinch of grated nutmeg
How to Prepare:
Mix all ingredients
Open the sliced turkey breast, place a level tablespoon of the filling
Write the stuffed rolls.
Arrange the rolls of turkey breast on a platter and round leaves chopped lettuce thinly and cherry tomatoes up.
Smoked Turkey Breast
filling III
l large turkey breast smoked
Icing for Grapes:
l pound of white grapes Italy
Beat 4 egg whites without sterile, or spend the dissolved gelatin
l cup (tea) sugar beaten in a blender
Farofa Fruits and Vegetables:
l cup (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) stalk celery finely chopped
l cup (tea) grated raw carrots in the large drain
l cup (tea) of prunes in syrup, drained
1 cup (tea) of dark seedless raisins
l cup (tea) of grated cheese or cream cheese
2 cups (tea) or crushed crackers
2 cups (tea) of corn flour, or
a cup of tea cassava flour and a cup of cornmeal
4 small green apples, grated rind without the large drain
200 grs. coarsely chopped walnuts or ground
1 cup corn oil or 3 tablespoons (soup) of butter
1 spoon (soup) salt
How to Prepare:
Fry in oil, celery, onions, carrots, apples
After well sautéed, add the chopped prunes, the ground walnuts, seedless raisins grated cheese and flour cookie
If it gets too dry add a little more oil or water.
grapes Glaçadas
Wash the grapes well, dry on paper towel
Skip grapes in clear without knocking, then the sugar, allow to dry
Pasteurize the egg whites.
To serve:
Place a dessert plate
two or three slices of smoked turkey breast
l glaçadas bunch of grapes and in the center a little crumbly
Distribute well the three ingredients in small dish
Serve as input
500 grs. of smoked turkey breast
Filling: Puree apples
4 large apples, chopped into small cubes
l cup (tea) of cold water
l teaspoon (tsp) sugar
1 pinch of salt
l spoon (soup) of white unflavored gelatin
How to Prepare Gelatine:
l spoon (soup) of white unflavored gelatin
6 tablespoons (soup) of cold water
½ cup (tea) of cold water
How to Prepare:
Cut the apples into small cubes without shells.
Light the fire with a cup of cold water salt sugar, cooking until well
Allow to cool. Hitting the apples in a blender. Reserve.
Separately, hydrate gelatin with six tablespoons of cold water, let stand for 10 minutes
Then add a half cup of cold water, dissolve in water bath.
In a deep bowl, add the mashed apples, gelatin has dissolved.
Mix well and refrigerate for four hours or until firm.
How to Prepare:
Cut the smoked turkey breast into thin slices.
Place the filling of mashed apple into slices turkey
Arrange on a large platter of lettuce leaves
II - Option
Filling of ham pâté:
l cup (tea) ham pâté
2 cups (tea) of cooked chicken and ground
l cup (tea) or dark raisins
l cup (tea) of prunes in syrup, drained
l cup (tea) of grated onion, discard the juice
l cup (tea) of chopped green olives
2 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped parsley
2 tbsp (tablespoons) cream cheese cheese (optional)
l pinch of grated nutmeg
How to Prepare:
Mix all ingredients
Open the sliced turkey breast, place a level tablespoon of the filling
Write the stuffed rolls.
Arrange the rolls of turkey breast on a platter and round leaves chopped lettuce thinly and cherry tomatoes up.
Smoked Turkey Breast
filling III
l large turkey breast smoked
Icing for Grapes:
l pound of white grapes Italy
Beat 4 egg whites without sterile, or spend the dissolved gelatin
l cup (tea) sugar beaten in a blender
Farofa Fruits and Vegetables:
l cup (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) stalk celery finely chopped
l cup (tea) grated raw carrots in the large drain
l cup (tea) of prunes in syrup, drained
1 cup (tea) of dark seedless raisins
l cup (tea) of grated cheese or cream cheese
2 cups (tea) or crushed crackers
2 cups (tea) of corn flour, or
a cup of tea cassava flour and a cup of cornmeal
4 small green apples, grated rind without the large drain
200 grs. coarsely chopped walnuts or ground
1 cup corn oil or 3 tablespoons (soup) of butter
1 spoon (soup) salt
How to Prepare:
Fry in oil, celery, onions, carrots, apples
After well sautéed, add the chopped prunes, the ground walnuts, seedless raisins grated cheese and flour cookie
If it gets too dry add a little more oil or water.
grapes Glaçadas
Wash the grapes well, dry on paper towel
Skip grapes in clear without knocking, then the sugar, allow to dry
Pasteurize the egg whites.
To serve:
Place a dessert plate
two or three slices of smoked turkey breast
l glaçadas bunch of grapes and in the center a little crumbly
Distribute well the three ingredients in small dish
Serve as input
For beginner or Panettone Bread
For beginner or Panettone Bread
Panettone Bread and Salt - Rectified
900 grs. of flour, sifted
100 grs. if you need extra flour for dusting
300 grs. butter
100 grs. or margarine (100 ml corn oil)
30 grs. of yeast or
1 packet of dry yeast (1 tablespoon)
6 egg yolks + 2 whole eggs
1 cup water or pineapple juice
2 spoons (soup) full of milk powder
1 spoon (soup) salt
1 box of cream
400 grs. of smoked turkey breast or leftover chicken, roast pork, or ham, diced or ground.
1 cup (tea chopped green olives without pits
1 cup chopped black olives without pits
1 cup (tea) of grated parmesan cheese
1 spoon (soup) of oregano, 1 teaspoon dried parsley
Can replace the stuffing for vegetables +, smoked chicken or other meats, or sausage or shredded cod soaked.
Do not forget that the vegetables are cooked and drained and squeezed of leaves.
Step I:
Ingredients Sponge:
350 grs. of flour, sifted
250 ml of warm water
30 grs. fresh yeast or
1 packet of dry yeast
10 grs. or 1 spoon (soup) shallow
1 spoon (soup) of sugar
How to Prepare the Sponge:
Place in bowl dissolved in 250 ml of warm water and add 350 grams yeast. flour already mixed with the sugar and the remaining ingredients. Mix well.
The flour is taken of 900 grams.
Cover the bowl with cling film or a cloth napkin.
Leave for about 30 'minutes or until it becomes a sponge. Book
Put wheat flour spread on the table, make a hole in the center.
Pour in center of the flour eggs, melted butter, sponge, go mixing the ingredients with flour and need to add a little warm water gradually.
The dough is soft and sticky, if you need to put a little flour.
Be careful not to overload flour the dough is stiff.
Tearing the dough on the table by pulling up with a spatula and down 10 'to 20' minutes. or knead the dough well.
Gather the dough, place it in a bowl cover with cling film or a cloth napkin.
Step II:
Let rise until doubled in size.
To Make Bread:
Once grown, stretch the dough on the table and add the filling, roll like jelly roll.
Step III:
Cut the roulade into pieces of two (2) fingers, turn the filling up.
If you prefer to do the whole roulade or make braid.
You can also make very small balls.
Place in greased baking dish with butter or oil, one stuck in another ball, is to grow up, is equal to the bakery.
Before baking brush with beaten egg, yolk that is not dark and raw on the inside. Preheated oven 180 º C.
To Make Panettone:
Place half of the mass in the form of paper panettone, suitable for this purpose.
III - Stage:
Let rise until doubled in volume.
Before baking, brush over with beaten egg.
Bake in 180 ° C preheated oven until blush
To make a perfect loaf is needed in III stages of growth;
I - Stage:
Sponge (yeast is the test) to see if it's working.
II - Stage:
The Mass
III - Stage:
Modeling of breads
Panettone Bread and Salt - Rectified
900 grs. of flour, sifted
100 grs. if you need extra flour for dusting
300 grs. butter
100 grs. or margarine (100 ml corn oil)
30 grs. of yeast or
1 packet of dry yeast (1 tablespoon)
6 egg yolks + 2 whole eggs
1 cup water or pineapple juice
2 spoons (soup) full of milk powder
1 spoon (soup) salt
1 box of cream
400 grs. of smoked turkey breast or leftover chicken, roast pork, or ham, diced or ground.
1 cup (tea chopped green olives without pits
1 cup chopped black olives without pits
1 cup (tea) of grated parmesan cheese
1 spoon (soup) of oregano, 1 teaspoon dried parsley
Can replace the stuffing for vegetables +, smoked chicken or other meats, or sausage or shredded cod soaked.
Do not forget that the vegetables are cooked and drained and squeezed of leaves.
Step I:
Ingredients Sponge:
350 grs. of flour, sifted
250 ml of warm water
30 grs. fresh yeast or
1 packet of dry yeast
10 grs. or 1 spoon (soup) shallow
1 spoon (soup) of sugar
How to Prepare the Sponge:
Place in bowl dissolved in 250 ml of warm water and add 350 grams yeast. flour already mixed with the sugar and the remaining ingredients. Mix well.
The flour is taken of 900 grams.
Cover the bowl with cling film or a cloth napkin.
Leave for about 30 'minutes or until it becomes a sponge. Book
Put wheat flour spread on the table, make a hole in the center.
Pour in center of the flour eggs, melted butter, sponge, go mixing the ingredients with flour and need to add a little warm water gradually.
The dough is soft and sticky, if you need to put a little flour.
Be careful not to overload flour the dough is stiff.
Tearing the dough on the table by pulling up with a spatula and down 10 'to 20' minutes. or knead the dough well.
Gather the dough, place it in a bowl cover with cling film or a cloth napkin.
Step II:
Let rise until doubled in size.
To Make Bread:
Once grown, stretch the dough on the table and add the filling, roll like jelly roll.
Step III:
Cut the roulade into pieces of two (2) fingers, turn the filling up.
If you prefer to do the whole roulade or make braid.
You can also make very small balls.
Place in greased baking dish with butter or oil, one stuck in another ball, is to grow up, is equal to the bakery.
Before baking brush with beaten egg, yolk that is not dark and raw on the inside. Preheated oven 180 º C.
To Make Panettone:
Place half of the mass in the form of paper panettone, suitable for this purpose.
III - Stage:
Let rise until doubled in volume.
Before baking, brush over with beaten egg.
Bake in 180 ° C preheated oven until blush
To make a perfect loaf is needed in III stages of growth;
I - Stage:
Sponge (yeast is the test) to see if it's working.
II - Stage:
The Mass
III - Stage:
Modeling of breads
segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2014
Galinhada de Minas Gerais - Brazil
Galinhada de Minas Gerais - Brazil
1 large chicken or
1 ½ pound of chicken thighs without the skin.
Other Ingredients:
1 cup corn oil or necessary
1 spoon (soup) of salt,
1 spoon (soup) of hot sauce
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 pinch of powdered bay
Takes no tomato
For the rice:
2 cups (tea) of washed rice
4 cups (tea) of boiling water,
2 spoons (soup) of corn oil
2 spoons (soup) of grated onion
How to Prepare:
Wash the chicken, seasoning, allow to stand for 2 hours,
then drain.
Dry with paper towel not to splash the hot oil.
Put the oil in a large saucepan and high, let it heat up well, go adding the chicken pieces beside each other with care.
The oil has to cover the chicken, check frying and turning until it is almost done (the chicken must be cooked almost)
Then remove the chicken pieces and (drop all the oil from the pan).
Reserve pieces of fried chicken.
In the same pan that fried chicken place not wash the rice and onion and salt and if you need to place the two tablespoons of oil, saute a little and then throw boiling water, mix well.
Leave cooking to reduce the water by half.
Remove the pan from the heat and go poking the chicken pieces to the bottom without reassemble.
Return pan to heat until almost dry with low heat.
Turn off the heat, put the pan in the "off" oven, leave resting for 30 'minutes.
"If you have a crockpot galinhada is tastier" and not stick to the bottom of the pan.
Completion is (optional).
Serve on a platter separately:
Broccoli in bouquets, carrot, boiled and passed through butter. 1 glass of palm canned drained and washed in running tap water,
Cut the cabbage into slices and baked to meio.Acrescente verdes.cortada olives, sliced eggs.
And a bountiful salad of watercress or endive picdinha.
1 large chicken or
1 ½ pound of chicken thighs without the skin.
Other Ingredients:
1 cup corn oil or necessary
1 spoon (soup) of salt,
1 spoon (soup) of hot sauce
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 pinch of powdered bay
Takes no tomato
For the rice:
2 cups (tea) of washed rice
4 cups (tea) of boiling water,
2 spoons (soup) of corn oil
2 spoons (soup) of grated onion
How to Prepare:
Wash the chicken, seasoning, allow to stand for 2 hours,
then drain.
Dry with paper towel not to splash the hot oil.
Put the oil in a large saucepan and high, let it heat up well, go adding the chicken pieces beside each other with care.
The oil has to cover the chicken, check frying and turning until it is almost done (the chicken must be cooked almost)
Then remove the chicken pieces and (drop all the oil from the pan).
Reserve pieces of fried chicken.
In the same pan that fried chicken place not wash the rice and onion and salt and if you need to place the two tablespoons of oil, saute a little and then throw boiling water, mix well.
Leave cooking to reduce the water by half.
Remove the pan from the heat and go poking the chicken pieces to the bottom without reassemble.
Return pan to heat until almost dry with low heat.
Turn off the heat, put the pan in the "off" oven, leave resting for 30 'minutes.
"If you have a crockpot galinhada is tastier" and not stick to the bottom of the pan.
Completion is (optional).
Serve on a platter separately:
Broccoli in bouquets, carrot, boiled and passed through butter. 1 glass of palm canned drained and washed in running tap water,
Cut the cabbage into slices and baked to meio.Acrescente verdes.cortada olives, sliced eggs.
And a bountiful salad of watercress or endive picdinha.
Cod in Pumpkin
Cod in Pumpkin
1 pound cod chips soaked for 12 hours
½ pound of cream cheese
1 medium Pumpkin
For the Sauce:
½ pound of tomatoes peeled and seeded, or
1 can of concentrate industrialized sauce - diluted with 3 cans of water
½ cup corn oil
2 cups (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) and drizzling sauce with chopped stem
1 cup (tea) of chives cortadinha in rodelinhas
1 cup (tea) of water
1 leek cut into slices
2 stalks celery, cut into thin slices without leaves
1 spoon (soup) of capers
1 spoon (soup) salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger
½ teaspoon (coffee) crushed bay
½ teaspoon (coffee) ground cinnamon
Other Ingredients:
1 glass of a pound of mushrooms or hearts of palm, artichokes background, pickled asparagus at all. drained and
chopped washed in running water.
Using only an ingredient list above.
How to prepare:
Sauté the cod with a little oil and enough onion capers.
In another pan fry the leek, celery, tomatoes, add the ginger blonde.
Then add the cod could add a little hot water, leave on heat until a thick sauce, add the cinnamon, parsley and chives mix well.
Once done add the mushrooms chopped in half, or picked and chopped ingredients.
When ready to use the sauce boil with 3 cans of water, until reduced by half.
Pumpkin 1 medium sized
How to Prepare the squash:
Cut the pumpkin lid, remove all the seeds, rinse inside and out, then dry with a napkin or paper towel.
Grease with oil outside the shell of pumpkin with lid. Lead to weak oven 120 ° C for about an hour, wrapped in aluminum foil.
Checking Occasionally cooking, thus prevents the squash overcook and dim.
Let cool.
Remove the squash from the oven, line the inside with curd.
Pour the already cooked cod with sauce and top with cream cheese on top.
Bake for 20 'minutes
Follow up:
White rice, salad or watercress
Lettuce, tomato, and onion into thin slices.
and grated raw carrot.
Pumpkin can do with other fillings:
Make the sauce the same as before substitute chicken, shrimp, crab, or other boneless fish ..
You can also do with soaked and shredded dried beef, braised with onions and other seasonings.
1 pound cod chips soaked for 12 hours
½ pound of cream cheese
1 medium Pumpkin
For the Sauce:
½ pound of tomatoes peeled and seeded, or
1 can of concentrate industrialized sauce - diluted with 3 cans of water
½ cup corn oil
2 cups (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) and drizzling sauce with chopped stem
1 cup (tea) of chives cortadinha in rodelinhas
1 cup (tea) of water
1 leek cut into slices
2 stalks celery, cut into thin slices without leaves
1 spoon (soup) of capers
1 spoon (soup) salt
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated fresh ginger
½ teaspoon (coffee) crushed bay
½ teaspoon (coffee) ground cinnamon
Other Ingredients:
1 glass of a pound of mushrooms or hearts of palm, artichokes background, pickled asparagus at all. drained and
chopped washed in running water.
Using only an ingredient list above.
How to prepare:
Sauté the cod with a little oil and enough onion capers.
In another pan fry the leek, celery, tomatoes, add the ginger blonde.
Then add the cod could add a little hot water, leave on heat until a thick sauce, add the cinnamon, parsley and chives mix well.
Once done add the mushrooms chopped in half, or picked and chopped ingredients.
When ready to use the sauce boil with 3 cans of water, until reduced by half.
Pumpkin 1 medium sized
How to Prepare the squash:
Cut the pumpkin lid, remove all the seeds, rinse inside and out, then dry with a napkin or paper towel.
Grease with oil outside the shell of pumpkin with lid. Lead to weak oven 120 ° C for about an hour, wrapped in aluminum foil.
Checking Occasionally cooking, thus prevents the squash overcook and dim.
Let cool.
Remove the squash from the oven, line the inside with curd.
Pour the already cooked cod with sauce and top with cream cheese on top.
Bake for 20 'minutes
Follow up:
White rice, salad or watercress
Lettuce, tomato, and onion into thin slices.
and grated raw carrot.
Pumpkin can do with other fillings:
Make the sauce the same as before substitute chicken, shrimp, crab, or other boneless fish ..
You can also do with soaked and shredded dried beef, braised with onions and other seasonings.
V t to the will of B p a i a (state of Brazil)
V t to the will of B p a i a (state of Brazil)
1 pound dogfish in pieces, without skin
4 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil to fry fish
4 tablespoons of palm oil, is like no substitute for oil
Other Ingredients:
400 grs. roasted peanuts, ground without skin, or cashews
400 grs. of roasted cashew nuts and ground, or Brazil nuts
400 grs. from ground smoked prawns,
200 or 400 grams. Raw cod soaked for 12 hours, shredded
If you do not like shrimp put 400 grams. cod
1 pound of grated onion
1 kilo of ripe tomatoes peeled seeded
1 tablespoon (dessert), salt, or
2 tablets of fish broth
1 tablespoons (soup) of grated ginger
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems
1 lady finger pepper, seeded and without ribs, chopped
2 red chillies, seeded and without white ribs
chopped kid
Other Ingredients:
1 liter of coconut milk
½ liter of cow's milk boiled and cold
10 small french bread
How to Prepare:
Moisten the bread in the milk, then beat in the blender is a liquid slurry. Book.
Hitting the tomatoes with half cup water in a blender.
Then strain through a sieve. Book.
Bring a pan to fire with palm oil, when heated add the onion sauté until wilted, add the sieved tomatoes, and chopped peppers, leave the fire for 20'minutos, if you need to add a little water.
Once the tomatoes are cooked add the prawns smoked crushed, shredded already desalted cod, peanuts, ground cashew nuts, stirring constantly.
When everything is well mixed, add the paste of bread, do not stop stirring, leave the fire until a thick paste that is pretty thick.
The point of the vatapd is when you release the bottom of the pan.
How to Prepare the Fish:
Wash thoroughly put the cation, the cation then season with salt and pepper not put lemon that begins the process of cooking, let stand for 10'Minutos.
Dry the fish with paper towels, then move on wheat flour.
Fry the fish in hot oil, lower the heat so that it is cooked through.
Once fried put the fish, remove the fat with a paper towel, or cook the fish sauce to taste.
Mode of Service:
To serve place a portion of the vatapd folder and over the fish.
With rice with coconut milk.
Do not forget to put the cod sauce with plenty of cold water,
Replacing several times during the for 24 hours, in the refrigerator,
covered with a napkin.
heads up:
The Vatapá is a Bahian dish made with ground dried shrimp or smoked, however, can substitute chicken or fish.
Here in São Paulo palm oil is rarely used because it is a very strong oil, be careful if you're not used to it, lower the dose.
1 pound dogfish in pieces, without skin
4 tablespoons (soup) of corn oil to fry fish
4 tablespoons of palm oil, is like no substitute for oil
Other Ingredients:
400 grs. roasted peanuts, ground without skin, or cashews
400 grs. of roasted cashew nuts and ground, or Brazil nuts
400 grs. from ground smoked prawns,
200 or 400 grams. Raw cod soaked for 12 hours, shredded
If you do not like shrimp put 400 grams. cod
1 pound of grated onion
1 kilo of ripe tomatoes peeled seeded
1 tablespoon (dessert), salt, or
2 tablets of fish broth
1 tablespoons (soup) of grated ginger
1 cup (tea) of chopped parsley with stems
1 lady finger pepper, seeded and without ribs, chopped
2 red chillies, seeded and without white ribs
chopped kid
Other Ingredients:
1 liter of coconut milk
½ liter of cow's milk boiled and cold
10 small french bread
How to Prepare:
Moisten the bread in the milk, then beat in the blender is a liquid slurry. Book.
Hitting the tomatoes with half cup water in a blender.
Then strain through a sieve. Book.
Bring a pan to fire with palm oil, when heated add the onion sauté until wilted, add the sieved tomatoes, and chopped peppers, leave the fire for 20'minutos, if you need to add a little water.
Once the tomatoes are cooked add the prawns smoked crushed, shredded already desalted cod, peanuts, ground cashew nuts, stirring constantly.
When everything is well mixed, add the paste of bread, do not stop stirring, leave the fire until a thick paste that is pretty thick.
The point of the vatapd is when you release the bottom of the pan.
How to Prepare the Fish:
Wash thoroughly put the cation, the cation then season with salt and pepper not put lemon that begins the process of cooking, let stand for 10'Minutos.
Dry the fish with paper towels, then move on wheat flour.
Fry the fish in hot oil, lower the heat so that it is cooked through.
Once fried put the fish, remove the fat with a paper towel, or cook the fish sauce to taste.
Mode of Service:
To serve place a portion of the vatapd folder and over the fish.
With rice with coconut milk.
Do not forget to put the cod sauce with plenty of cold water,
Replacing several times during the for 24 hours, in the refrigerator,
covered with a napkin.
heads up:
The Vatapá is a Bahian dish made with ground dried shrimp or smoked, however, can substitute chicken or fish.
Here in São Paulo palm oil is rarely used because it is a very strong oil, be careful if you're not used to it, lower the dose.
Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate Fondue
½ pound semisweet chocolate, grated or chopped fine kid
1 can of cream, with serum
4 tablespoons honey, or
4 tablespoons sugar or sweetener in their own oven and hob cleaner.
4 tablespoons brandy, or cocoa liquor
Other Ingredients:
500 grs. of whole strawberries without leaves washed well, then dry with paper towels.
500 grs. of diced apples washed and well dried
500 grs. Grape Italy
500 grs. of various diced fruits: melon, papaya, pineapple chunks, orange sections without the skins, kiwi, pear, banana etc..
How to Prepare:
Cut the chocolate in a board with a large knife or grate on thick drain.
Melt chocolate in double boiler according to the instructions below.
Place the chopped chocolate in a dry pan well. Book.
Take another pan to heat with cold water when you start to bubble, turn off the heat and place the pan over the chopped chocolate, stir not, leave until the chocolate begins to melt, go mixing stirring with a spoon until the chocolate is all melted, add the cream slowly and mix until it is a homogeneous cream, add the honey and liquor.
Put in fondue Rechaud (crock pot with the spirit lamp) and leave on the table with fire access.
Each person garfinho get a long-handled stick a fruit to your liking go through hot chocolate fondue.
Take the fork to his mouth to eat naturally, repeat the procedure as often as necessary, with the same fork.
The garfinho long cable is suitable for fondue.
You can use chocolate fondue for fruit topping.
½ pound semisweet chocolate, grated or chopped fine kid
1 can of cream, with serum
4 tablespoons honey, or
4 tablespoons sugar or sweetener in their own oven and hob cleaner.
4 tablespoons brandy, or cocoa liquor
Other Ingredients:
500 grs. of whole strawberries without leaves washed well, then dry with paper towels.
500 grs. of diced apples washed and well dried
500 grs. Grape Italy
500 grs. of various diced fruits: melon, papaya, pineapple chunks, orange sections without the skins, kiwi, pear, banana etc..
How to Prepare:
Cut the chocolate in a board with a large knife or grate on thick drain.
Melt chocolate in double boiler according to the instructions below.
Place the chopped chocolate in a dry pan well. Book.
Take another pan to heat with cold water when you start to bubble, turn off the heat and place the pan over the chopped chocolate, stir not, leave until the chocolate begins to melt, go mixing stirring with a spoon until the chocolate is all melted, add the cream slowly and mix until it is a homogeneous cream, add the honey and liquor.
Put in fondue Rechaud (crock pot with the spirit lamp) and leave on the table with fire access.
Each person garfinho get a long-handled stick a fruit to your liking go through hot chocolate fondue.
Take the fork to his mouth to eat naturally, repeat the procedure as often as necessary, with the same fork.
The garfinho long cable is suitable for fondue.
You can use chocolate fondue for fruit topping.
M r and d S c o t t i o
M r and d S c o t t i o
1 whole large mallards three pounds or duck
l level tablespoon of salt
4 garlic cloves if the old tire cored, then poke
l large glass of beer
½ cup dry white wine
l tablespoon (coffee) shallow spicy paprika
2 sprigs of basil
4 to 6 gizzards of chicken cooked and crushed
50 grs. lard, chicken or bacon
4 whole eggs boiled and chopped fine kid
1 spoon (soup) of green onions chopped
1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped basil Kid
1 tablespoon salt, or to taste
½ cup (tea) of chopped parsley
1 cup (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) of crushed crackers or breadcrumbs
1 spoon (soup) of hot sauce
1 tablespoon (coffee) spicy paprika
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 pinch of nutmeg
How to Prepare:
Wash the mallards, leaving the seasoning for 6 hours in the refrigerator.
Put the stuffing, sew the hole with needle and loose, thick line or secure with toothpicks.
Do not put too much stuffing in the oven and mallards that opens.
Put a mallard lined with foil shape with a glass of strained broth on top cover with foil
Bake in preheated oven l60 ° C for forty minutes for each pound of meat.
Take the foil 20 'minutes before taking garganey the oven.
Follow up:
Rice with vegetables, peas, carrots, green beans, red bell pepper chopped
Salad of lettuce, potatoes, cabbage, tomato onions, black olives pitted, peas, and boiled eggs. Coat the dish with lettuce and above the other ingredients.
If you want you can make a salad with carrot, peas, parsley
pods, mint, 1 can of tuna and mayonnaise sauce.
Thin sauce Mayonnaise:
1 large potato chopped cooked
1 medium carrot cooked and chopped
1 cup of coffee oil
1 cup of coffee milk
1 tsp mustard (optional)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tea spoon of salt
Mix all in a blender, if you get hard put more oil and milk, if it is soft, add more potato
1 whole large mallards three pounds or duck
l level tablespoon of salt
4 garlic cloves if the old tire cored, then poke
l large glass of beer
½ cup dry white wine
l tablespoon (coffee) shallow spicy paprika
2 sprigs of basil
4 to 6 gizzards of chicken cooked and crushed
50 grs. lard, chicken or bacon
4 whole eggs boiled and chopped fine kid
1 spoon (soup) of green onions chopped
1 tbsp (tablespoons) chopped basil Kid
1 tablespoon salt, or to taste
½ cup (tea) of chopped parsley
1 cup (tea) of grated onion
1 cup (tea) of crushed crackers or breadcrumbs
1 spoon (soup) of hot sauce
1 tablespoon (coffee) spicy paprika
1 teaspoon (tsp) grated ginger
1 pinch of nutmeg
How to Prepare:
Wash the mallards, leaving the seasoning for 6 hours in the refrigerator.
Put the stuffing, sew the hole with needle and loose, thick line or secure with toothpicks.
Do not put too much stuffing in the oven and mallards that opens.
Put a mallard lined with foil shape with a glass of strained broth on top cover with foil
Bake in preheated oven l60 ° C for forty minutes for each pound of meat.
Take the foil 20 'minutes before taking garganey the oven.
Follow up:
Rice with vegetables, peas, carrots, green beans, red bell pepper chopped
Salad of lettuce, potatoes, cabbage, tomato onions, black olives pitted, peas, and boiled eggs. Coat the dish with lettuce and above the other ingredients.
If you want you can make a salad with carrot, peas, parsley
pods, mint, 1 can of tuna and mayonnaise sauce.
Thin sauce Mayonnaise:
1 large potato chopped cooked
1 medium carrot cooked and chopped
1 cup of coffee oil
1 cup of coffee milk
1 tsp mustard (optional)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tea spoon of salt
Mix all in a blender, if you get hard put more oil and milk, if it is soft, add more potato
Duck Puree apples and candied orange
Duck Puree apples and candied orange
1 large duck old
2 cups of beers
1 cup dry white wine
1 large onion, grated
1 teaspoon (tsp) of the spice of nonna see below
1 bunch of parsley and chives integers
1 bay leaf
1 sprig fresh whole rosemary
1 sprig fresh whole basil
1 sprig of mint entire
Ingredients for the sauce:
2 cups (tea) of pure natural orange juice
1 cup (tea) of honey
½ cup (tea) of brandy or dry white wine
Strips of candied orange:
2 cups (tea) of orange peel cut into thin strips, the size of yarn cotton string.
2 liters of cold water to aferventar the strips of orange peel, put half an hour. Repeat the procedure for three times.
How to Prepare:
Wash the strips, bring to a boil.
Throw out the water and repeat this operation twice more.
Take the strips of orange fire, put through a fine sieve, let cool, rinse several times with cold water, then put in the syrup, cook for thirty minutes.
2 cups caster sugar
1 cup water
6 cloves of India
2 cinnamon sticks
6 slices of ginger
How to Prepare the syrup:
Make the syrup with water and sugar cloves cinnamon, ginger and let thicken, place the strips of orange simmer for thirty minutes or until cooked, if you need to add more hot water.
Once cooked let the syrup to put in a full day (24 hours).
In light the fire again next day boil for fifteen to twenty minutes
Allow to cool, then drain in a sieve
Puree apples:
3 large apples, diced
1 cup (tea) of water
1 spoon (soup) of sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 spoon (soup) of colorless powdered unflavored gelatin or Sacha 12 grs.
½ cup (tea) cold water
1 cup of ground almonds
Method of Preparing the Puree
Cut the apples into small cubes, cook with the water and sugar and salt until soft.
Wet the gelatin with cold water, soak for five minutes, then dissolve in water bath or in the microwave for 30 seconds (not minutes) let cool.
Blend warm gelatin with apples. book
Join the apples in a bowl with the beats already dissolved gelatin. Bring to chill for thirty minutes, or until firm.
How to Prepare the duck:
Clean the duck, get your feet the neck curanchim
Discard the kids on that plate.
After thoroughly washed duck, loosen the skin from the breast and thighs.
Wash the herbs, dry on a paper napkin.
Leave the duck in the sauce to marinate, do not cut the herbs, squeeze and rub well, inside and outside of the bird.
Put the spices under the skin for 6 to 12 hours after taking the refrigerator, washer or a bowl of thick white plastic, covered with a napkin.
Take the duck seasonings, place on a lined baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Be careful not to put aluminum foil too close to the flesh that sticks.
Putting up the sauce with the orange juice, honey and cognac.
Lead to bake weak l50 ° C preheated oven for one hour for each pound of meat, or until roast.
The cooking temperature is low for slowly.
Half an hour before removing from the oven remove the foil, leaving blush, until dark golden brown, not burned.
To serve, place the duck on a platter or stainless washer on top or around the strips of candied orange.
* Serve the mashed apples aside, or in raw whole apples dug *
Sprinkle the toasted and crushed apples put up, put up or splinter duck breast almonds.
Strain the broth from the pan, thicken with a tablespoon of cornstarch (cornflour) or wheat flour, dissolved in a little cold water, bring fire to cook well.
Serve the sauce separately
Follow-up: Mixed Salad
1 cup (tea) chopped celery and lightly aferventado
2 cups (tea) of potatoes, diced and cooked
1 cup chopped ham or smoked pork loin diced. (optional).
1 cup (tea) of large black olives whole.
1 cup (tea) of other vegetables (carrots, pea pods, red peppers), a little of each.
1 large head of lettuce with whole leaves
2 ripe tomatoes cut into petals to decorate.
3 green apples with peel cut into cubes.
If you want you can add diced pineapple, orange sections, skinless, diced mangoes, the amount you pick ..
Spice of Nonna
1 spoon (soup) or spicy paprika pepper
1 spoon (soup) or (tsp) nutmeg
1 spoon (soup) of powdered ginger
1 teaspoon (tsp) or (coffee) ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cloves
1 tablespoon (coffee) crushed bay
How to Prepare:
Mix all ingredients, store in a tightly closed glass with screw cap, where there is no light and moisture, or place in small tightly closed weak.
Earlier, only put a pinch of this spice, until you get used to it.
Gradually increase until it reaches your palate.
Put in pasta sauces, meats, poultry, fish, soups etc..
1 large duck old
2 cups of beers
1 cup dry white wine
1 large onion, grated
1 teaspoon (tsp) of the spice of nonna see below
1 bunch of parsley and chives integers
1 bay leaf
1 sprig fresh whole rosemary
1 sprig fresh whole basil
1 sprig of mint entire
Ingredients for the sauce:
2 cups (tea) of pure natural orange juice
1 cup (tea) of honey
½ cup (tea) of brandy or dry white wine
Strips of candied orange:
2 cups (tea) of orange peel cut into thin strips, the size of yarn cotton string.
2 liters of cold water to aferventar the strips of orange peel, put half an hour. Repeat the procedure for three times.
How to Prepare:
Wash the strips, bring to a boil.
Throw out the water and repeat this operation twice more.
Take the strips of orange fire, put through a fine sieve, let cool, rinse several times with cold water, then put in the syrup, cook for thirty minutes.
2 cups caster sugar
1 cup water
6 cloves of India
2 cinnamon sticks
6 slices of ginger
How to Prepare the syrup:
Make the syrup with water and sugar cloves cinnamon, ginger and let thicken, place the strips of orange simmer for thirty minutes or until cooked, if you need to add more hot water.
Once cooked let the syrup to put in a full day (24 hours).
In light the fire again next day boil for fifteen to twenty minutes
Allow to cool, then drain in a sieve
Puree apples:
3 large apples, diced
1 cup (tea) of water
1 spoon (soup) of sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 spoon (soup) of colorless powdered unflavored gelatin or Sacha 12 grs.
½ cup (tea) cold water
1 cup of ground almonds
Method of Preparing the Puree
Cut the apples into small cubes, cook with the water and sugar and salt until soft.
Wet the gelatin with cold water, soak for five minutes, then dissolve in water bath or in the microwave for 30 seconds (not minutes) let cool.
Blend warm gelatin with apples. book
Join the apples in a bowl with the beats already dissolved gelatin. Bring to chill for thirty minutes, or until firm.
How to Prepare the duck:
Clean the duck, get your feet the neck curanchim
Discard the kids on that plate.
After thoroughly washed duck, loosen the skin from the breast and thighs.
Wash the herbs, dry on a paper napkin.
Leave the duck in the sauce to marinate, do not cut the herbs, squeeze and rub well, inside and outside of the bird.
Put the spices under the skin for 6 to 12 hours after taking the refrigerator, washer or a bowl of thick white plastic, covered with a napkin.
Take the duck seasonings, place on a lined baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Be careful not to put aluminum foil too close to the flesh that sticks.
Putting up the sauce with the orange juice, honey and cognac.
Lead to bake weak l50 ° C preheated oven for one hour for each pound of meat, or until roast.
The cooking temperature is low for slowly.
Half an hour before removing from the oven remove the foil, leaving blush, until dark golden brown, not burned.
To serve, place the duck on a platter or stainless washer on top or around the strips of candied orange.
* Serve the mashed apples aside, or in raw whole apples dug *
Sprinkle the toasted and crushed apples put up, put up or splinter duck breast almonds.
Strain the broth from the pan, thicken with a tablespoon of cornstarch (cornflour) or wheat flour, dissolved in a little cold water, bring fire to cook well.
Serve the sauce separately
Follow-up: Mixed Salad
1 cup (tea) chopped celery and lightly aferventado
2 cups (tea) of potatoes, diced and cooked
1 cup chopped ham or smoked pork loin diced. (optional).
1 cup (tea) of large black olives whole.
1 cup (tea) of other vegetables (carrots, pea pods, red peppers), a little of each.
1 large head of lettuce with whole leaves
2 ripe tomatoes cut into petals to decorate.
3 green apples with peel cut into cubes.
If you want you can add diced pineapple, orange sections, skinless, diced mangoes, the amount you pick ..
Spice of Nonna
1 spoon (soup) or spicy paprika pepper
1 spoon (soup) or (tsp) nutmeg
1 spoon (soup) of powdered ginger
1 teaspoon (tsp) or (coffee) ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon (coffee) ground cloves
1 tablespoon (coffee) crushed bay
How to Prepare:
Mix all ingredients, store in a tightly closed glass with screw cap, where there is no light and moisture, or place in small tightly closed weak.
Earlier, only put a pinch of this spice, until you get used to it.
Gradually increase until it reaches your palate.
Put in pasta sauces, meats, poultry, fish, soups etc..
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