quinta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2013



Flower Pepper


A green pepper with the stem and seedsA red peppers with stems and seedsA yellow peppers with stems and seeds
How to Prepare :
Cut a thick slice at the tip of the first chili with kitchen scissors sterilized ( pass the scissors in the flame of the stove ) .
Hold the chili by the stem raw , thinly cut strips at length, almost to the height of the seeds , leaving a gap of 2 cm between the seeds and the peel .
Perform this procedure with 3 peppers . Book .
Place each pepper overturned into a large mug or stainless washer so that it is flush right in the mug wall, ie , one in each mug .Cover with cold water and bring the refrigerator for 4 hours.Take the refrigerator to dry well with paper towels.Hold the chili by the stem , the strips are turned down, the seeds form the heart of the flower .
If you want you can put one inside the other .
Serves to decorate dishes or salads .
Try placing the flower pepper 3 colors in the center of a large plate of lettuce leaves washed and thinly chopped .

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